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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bills sponsored by presidential contenders. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

05-S0918 on Apr 27, 2005

Legislation by 2008 Presidential Candidates: for tax credit for gas stations providing 85% ethanol fuel
Source: E-85 Fuel Act (S.918/H.R.3059)
OFFICIAL CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY: A bill to provide for Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) refueling capability at new and existing refueling station facilities to promote energy security and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

SPONSOR'S INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: Sen. OBAMA: We have all heard from folks back home about the high price of gasoline. The bill I am introducing today is designed to do something about fuel prices and our reliance on foreign oil.

Last week, I visited a gasoline station in Springfield, IL, where along with regular gasoline, a new kind of fuel is offered for consumers--a fuel known as E-85. E-85 is a clean, alternative form of fuel consisting of a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Ethanol is made from renewable, Midwestern corn, and it is 40-60 cents cheaper per gallon than standard gasoline. Last week, at this Springfield station, regular gasoline was listed at $2.06 and E-85 was selling for $1.69.

Not every car can run on E-85 fuel--but there are millions of cars that can. They're known as "flexible-fuel vehicles," and the auto industry is turning them out every year. The only problem we have now is that we're in short supply of E-85 stations. While there are more than 180,000 gas stations all over America, there are only about 400 E-85 stations. And although E-85 has many environmental benefits and is a higher performing fuel, the fuel economy of E-85 is slightly lower than that of regular gasoline. An additional incentive is needed to help ensure that the cost of this clean fuel remains competitive with that of regular gasoline.

That is why I'm introducing a bill to provide a tax credit of 50% for building an E-85 fuel station and a tax credit of 35 cents per gallon of E-85 fuel. I think this bill gives us an opportunity to actually get something done about energy independence.

LEGISLATIVE OUTCOME:Referred to Senate Finance Committee; never came to a vote.

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Question 18: Prioritize green energy Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Energy & Oil
  • Headline: Tax credit for gas stations providing 85% ethanol fuel (Score: 1)
  • Headline 2: Sponsored bill for tax credit for providing 85% ethanol gas (Score: 1)

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 05-S0918

Melissa Bean s1oIllinois Democrat (Unseated 2010) 
Russ Carnahan s1oMissouri Democrat 
Julia Carson s2pIndiana Former Dem. (Deceased 2008) 
Jerry Costello s1oIllinois Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Richard Durbin s2iIL Democratic Sr Senator 
Tom Harkin s1oIA Democratic Jr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Ron Kind s1oWI Former Democratic challenger (2012) 
Dan Lipinski s1oIllinois Democrat 
Barack Obama s2pIL Former Democratic Senator (until 2008) 
Major Owens s1oNew York Democrat (until 2007) 
Collin Peterson s1oMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 
Mike Ross s1oArkansas Democratic Governor Challenger 
Ken Salazar s1oCO Former Democratic Senator (entered Cabinet, 2009) 

Republicans participating in 05-S0918

Wayne Allard s1oCO Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
Norm Coleman s1oMN Former Republican Senator; lost court battle, 2009 
Richard Lugar s1oIN Republican Sr Senator 
John Shimkus s1oIllinois Republican 
Jim Talent s2iMissouri Republican 

Independents participating in 05-S0918

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 13
Republicans: 5
Independents: 0

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