Democratic candidates debate in Detroit Michigan, July 30-31, 2019
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Democratic candidates debate in Detroit Michigan, July 30-31, 2019 (number of quotes indicated):
Amy Klobuchar (7) Minnesota Democratic candidate for President; Minnesota Senator
Andrew Yang (8) Democratic candidate for President; CEO
Michael Bennet (6) Colorado Democratic candidate for President; Colorado Senator
Pete Buttigieg (10) Indiana Democratic candidate for President; Mayor of South Bend, IN
Steve Bullock (10) Montana Democratic Montana Governor
Tim Ryan (10) Ohio Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from OH-13
Tulsi Gabbard (9) Hawaii Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2
OR click on an issue category below for a subset.
First Night Podium Positions (highest polling candidates in center)
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan
Author Marianne Williamson
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke
Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper
Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock
Second Night Podium Positions (highest polling candidates in center)
Former Vice President Joe Biden
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker
Former HUD Secretary Juli�n Castro
New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet
California Sen. Kamala Harris
Businessman Andrew Yang
Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Abortion Joe Biden: Fact-Check: opposes Hyde Amendment, after decades of support.
Joe Biden: Unequivocal support for abortion rights; Congress must act.
Kamala Harris: Repeal Hyde Amendment; unacceptable that Biden voted for it.
Budget & Economy Andrew Yang: Redefine GDP to account for health & wellbeing.
Julian Castro: Economy isn't working even as Trump takes credit.
Elizabeth Warren: Democrats win when they fight for what's right.
Civil Rights Kirsten Gillibrand: They said repealing DADT was impossible, so I did it.
Beto O`Rourke: Legacy of slavery is alive and well: we need reparations.
Beto O`Rourke: We don't just tolerate our differences, we embrace them.
Elizabeth Warren: White supremacist racism is domestic terrorism.
Marianne Williamson: Reparations is a debt that is owed, not financial assistance.
Pete Buttigieg: Systemic racism has touched every part of American life.
Corporations Bernie Sanders: Corporate America doesn't give one damn about workers.
Bernie Sanders: Billionaires & corporations have to pay fair share of taxes.
Elizabeth Warren: Big, structural change against rigged system.
John Delaney: Investors should pay as much tax as workers.
Marianne Williamson: Rise up against the false God of corporate economics.
Crime Andrew Yang: Makes more sense to pay people to keep out of jail.
Bill de Blasio: Blames the feds for letting bad cops stay on police force.
Jay Inslee: Mass incarceration comes from school-to-prison pipeline.
Joe Biden: In 1990s we released 38,000 inmates, changed police rules.
Julian Castro: End qualified immunity to hold police officers accountable.
Julian Castro: Remove from the streets police officers who kill civilians.
Kamala Harris: FactCheck: Denied DNA evidence in 1980s; backtracked in 2018.
Kamala Harris: I chose the unpopular thing to NOT seek the death penalty.
Kirsten Gillibrand: I understand that whiteness protects white kids.
Drugs Cory Booker: Don't lock people up for drugs & poverty; lift them up.
Jay Inslee: I pardoned thousands of people with drug crimes.
Joe Biden: People arrested for drugs should go to rehab, not prison.
Education Julian Castro: Inner cities need help; invest in education.
Kamala Harris: FactCheck: Did not desegregate LA and SF school districts.
Amy Klobuchar: Let graduates refinance loans at a better rate.
Beto O`Rourke: Free 2-year college, and debt-free 4-year college.
Elizabeth Warren: Universal tuition-free college plus more for HBCUs.
Marianne Williamson: Getting rid of college debt will stimulate economy.
Pete Buttigieg: Public-service loan forgiveness program.
Energy & Oil Andrew Yang: Energy & Oil.
Cory Booker: Climate change is the lens through which we view every issue.
Jay Inslee: Climate change must be top priority; no middle ground.
Jay Inslee: We've got to do stop using coal in ten years.
Joe Biden: Either we run world trade or China will.
Joe Biden: Rejoin and raise standards of Paris Climate Accord.
Joe Biden: 500,000 charging stations so we're all-electric by 2030.
Kamala Harris: Rejoin Paris Accord on Day One; carbon neutral by 2030.
Tulsi Gabbard: Off Fossil Fuel Act: plan to deal with climate change.
Bernie Sanders: Need to be fervent if we care about our children.
Elizabeth Warren: Climate is the existential crisis for the world.
John Delaney: Keep climate change separate from other issues.
Pete Buttigieg: We have 12 years until climate catastrophe.
Steve Bullock: Climate change vs. jobs: that's a false choice.
Tim Ryan: We have to invent our way out of this.
Tim Ryan: Regenerative agriculture sequesters carbon in soil.
Environment Bill de Blasio: Get rid of all lead in housing & schools, once and for all.
Jay Inslee: Middle ground solutions aren't going to save our air & water.
Julian Castro: I dealt with lead in water in Flint as HUD Secretary.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Why not have clean air and clean water for all Americans?
Beto O`Rourke: Bring everyone into process with conservation easements.
Marianne Williamson: Flint is just tip of the iceberg of environmental injustice.
Families & Children Joe Biden: As single father, I get it; target childcare tax break.
Kirsten Gillibrand: I raised kids while in Congress, working outside the home.
Michael Bennet: Kids belong in classrooms not cages.
Free Trade Joe Biden: Labor should be involved in renegotiating NAFTA/USMCA.
Kamala Harris: Trump's tariffs are a trade tax on workers and farmers.
Tulsi Gabbard: TPP gave away our sovereignty to international panel.
Tulsi Gabbard: Don't keep Trump tariffs on China.
Beto O`Rourke: Need allies in war, including trade wars.
Elizabeth Warren: NAFTA 2.0 is about Big Pharma extending exclusive profits.
Elizabeth Warren: Trade policy written by corporations to help corporations.
Elizabeth Warren: Having workers in trade negotiations is not extreme.
John Delaney: Obama was right on supporting Trans-Pacific Partnership.
John Hickenlooper: No trade war in history ever had a winner.
Steve Bullock: Blunt instrument of tariffs hurt farmers.
Tim Ryan: China steals intellectual property; out compete 'em.
Tim Ryan: China steals intellectual property & steals steel jobs.
Government Reform Cory Booker: Must lead the fight against voter suppression.
Elizabeth Warren: Why run for president to say what we can't do?
Marianne Williamson: For constitutional amendment for public funding of campaigns.
Pete Buttigieg: We need structural reform; we can reform our democracy.
Gun Control Amy Klobuchar: We passed universal background checks and NRA blocked it.
Amy Klobuchar: Gun violence is about politicians folding to the NRA.
Bernie Sanders: For background checks, and closing loopholes.
Beto O`Rourke: Money buys influence, access, and outcomes.
John Hickenlooper: Fundamental nonsense of government: Washington can't act.
Pete Buttigieg: What we're doing on gun violence isn't working.
Steve Bullock: Must address dark money to take on NRA.
Health Care Bill de Blasio: It's a myth that people like employer-based insurance.
Bill de Blasio: Private insurance hasn't worked for many; let voters decide.
Cory Booker: We spend multiple times what other countries do on health.
Joe Biden: Straightforward approach on healthcare, not ten year plans.
Joe Biden: Public option under ObamaCare covers vast majority for $750B.
Joe Biden: Limit co-pays to $1,000; keep your own insurance.
Joe Biden: Future of healthcare is biopharma; control those prices.
Joe Biden: Biden plan has public option; thinking otherwise is malarkey.
Joe Biden: I have only plan limiting insurance companies.
Julian Castro: Strengthen Medicare and then expand to anyone who wants it.
Kamala Harris: Medicare-for-All with 10-year transition and private option.
Kamala Harris: Cover everyone; don't leave out 10 million Americans.
Kamala Harris: Separate employment from healthcare, but not illegal.
Kamala Harris: For-profit insurers jack up co-pays and deductibles.
Kamala Harris: Huge profits for insurance; pharma on backs of families.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Money going to corporate profits, not health care.
Michael Bennet: Don't make employer-based health insurance illegal.
Michael Bennet: Against higher taxes & banning employer-based insurance.
Tulsi Gabbard: We don't have a healthcare system; it's a sick-care system.
Bernie Sanders: Get rid of all for-profit health insurance companies.
Bernie Sanders: Comprehensive care including dental, hearing aids, & eyecare.
Bernie Sanders: Took diabetics to Canada for insulin at 1/10th price.
Bernie Sanders: This is not radical; virtually every other country does it.
Bernie Sanders: Job-based insurance forces people to change providers.
Bernie Sanders: Healthcare as a human right includes immigrants.
Beto O`Rourke: Public option vs. Medicare for all a false choice.
Elizabeth Warren: For-profit insurance is not working for Americans.
Elizabeth Warren: No God-given right to suck billions in healthcare profit.
Elizabeth Warren: Costs will go up for billionaires, down for middle class.
Elizabeth Warren: Complicated forms gives insurance companies chance to say no.
Elizabeth Warren: We've tried private insurance; it sucks out billions.
John Delaney: Medicare-for-All creates a two-tier market for healthcare.
John Delaney: Don't be party of subtraction; don't take healthcare away.
John Delaney: Math is wrong on Medicare for All.
John Delaney: BetterCare: I understand the medical business.
John Hickenlooper: Public option ok; evolution, not revolution.
Marianne Williamson: We need to talk about causes, not just symptoms.
Pete Buttigieg: Pay more in taxes but less in healthcare premium.
Pete Buttigieg: My mother-in-law's life was saved by the ACA.
Steve Bullock: Medicare-for-All is wish-list economics.
Steve Bullock: We pay more for prescription drugs than anyplace in world.
Steve Bullock: Medicare-for-All is wish-list economics.
Tim Ryan: Unions fought for healthcare; let them keep their plans.
Tim Ryan: Medicare for 50-year-olds, and allow buy-in.
Tim Ryan: Focus on working class people who take showers after work.
Homeland Security Andrew Yang: I signed a pledge to end the Forever Wars.
Michael Bennet: $5T spent in Mideast could've fixed all our infrastructure.
Tulsi Gabbard: I will work to end this new Cold War.
Beto O`Rourke: We addressed suicide epidemic in El Paso VA & nationally.
Elizabeth Warren: No-first-use nuclear policy makes world safer.
Steve Bullock: Keep first use of nuclear weapons on the table.
Immigration Andrew Yang: Immigrants are being scapegoated; blame the machines.
Bill de Blasio: 11 million immigrants are here now and part of America.
Cory Booker: Decriminalize border crossings and treat people humanely.
Cory Booker: We should not pit some immigrants against others.
Jay Inslee: I'm proud to be first governor to accept Syrian refugees.
Joe Biden: We are strong & great BECAUSE of diversity, not despite it.
Joe Biden: We are strong & great BECAUSE of diversity, not despite it.
Joe Biden: Problem is Trump, not criminalizing illegal border crossings.
Joe Biden: We've been able to cherry pick the best of every culture.
Joe Biden: Seeking asylum isn't an illegal border crossing; assist them.
Julian Castro: Must decriminalize border crossing to stop family separation.
Kamala Harris: Kids whose parents crossed border are treated like criminals.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Treat people humanely at border; decriminalize to do so.
Michael Bennet: Don't decriminalize border; it's Trump's nativist hostility.
Tulsi Gabbard: Don't treat immigrants as second-class, but no free college.
Tulsi Gabbard: Secure borders AND humane immigration policies.
Amy Klobuchar: Immigrants don't diminish America; they ARE America.
Bernie Sanders: Xenophobia demonizes immigrants; refugees aren't criminals.
Beto O`Rourke: People who come here must follow our laws.
Elizabeth Warren: Fix the crisis at the border; don't just stir it up.
Elizabeth Warren: Laws matter; don't lock up people who come seeking asylum.
Elizabeth Warren: We need border security but must live by our values.
Pete Buttigieg: Crossing the border illegally should still be illegal.
Steve Bullock: Healthcare for immigrant means more border crossers.
Steve Bullock: Playing into Trumps hands, don't decriminalize.
Tim Ryan: Don't decriminalize people just walking into the US.
Jobs Andrew Yang: Empower women entrepreneurs with my $1000 per month plan.
Jay Inslee: Pay increases for teachers, nurses, and female-majority jobs.
Kamala Harris: Time for action: enforce equal pay for equal work.
Bernie Sanders: Ain't nobody in Congress more pro-worker than I am.
Elizabeth Warren: New jobs part of fighting climate change; it's all connected.
Pete Buttigieg: Let gig workers unionize.
Pete Buttigieg: Raise minimum wage, like Scripture tells us.
Tim Ryan: Create national Chief Manufacturing Officer.
Tim Ryan: Middle-class need 2 or 3 jobs just to get by.
Principles & Values Bill de Blasio: Restructure society: tax the hell out of the wealthy.
Bill de Blasio: Restructure society: tax the hell out of the wealthy.
Bill de Blasio: Impeach Trump, but Dems should talk about working people.
Cory Booker: Trump divides America; we need to heal and move forward.
Cory Booker: Understand our common purpose to address our common pain.
Cory Booker: Trump is acting as an authoritarian against the Constitution.
Julian Castro: Make America better than it's ever been.
Julian Castro: Help me build the future as one nation with one destiny.
Julian Castro: Trump should be impeached for obstruction of justice.
Julian Castro: Mueller Report is clear that Trump deserves impeachment.
Kamala Harris: Fight for the best of who we are.
Kamala Harris: Trump should be prosecuted for obstruction of justice.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Trump has torn apart fabric of this country.
Michael Bennet: Moral obligation to beat Trump, but don't impeach.
Tulsi Gabbard: Bring spirit of patriotism to the White House.
Amy Klobuchar: I'm the street-fighter from the Iron Range.
Bernie Sanders: Americans want "extreme" Democratic-Socialist solutions.
Beto O`Rourke: America discovers its greatness at moments of greatest need.
John Delaney: Platform of real solutions, not impossible promises.
John Delaney: We win on reality instead of fairy-tale economics.
John Hickenlooper: Favoring socialism is a disaster at the ballot box.
John Hickenlooper: I share progressive values, but I'm more pragmatic.
Social Security John Delaney: We didn't make private pensions illegal for Social Security.
Tax Reform Bill de Blasio: Tax the hell out of the wealthy.
John Delaney: Raise capital gains rate, but no unconstitutional taxes.
Technology Andrew Yang: Automation of our jobs the central challenge we face.
Andrew Yang: Technology.
Joe Biden: In battle for America's soul we choose science over fiction.
Amy Klobuchar: We need infrastructure plan; fix the damn roads.
War & Peace Bill de Blasio: Stop the march to war in Iran.
Cory Booker: No military action by Tweet; out of Afghanistan later.
Jay Inslee: We need a president to stand up against drums of war.
Tulsi Gabbard: No arbitrary deadline, but out of Afghanistan in one year.
Bernie Sanders: More terrorists after spending trillions on War on Terror.
Beto O`Rourke: Withdraw from Afghanistan within four years.
Beto O`Rourke: End U.S. wars in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, and Syria.
Elizabeth Warren: Negotiate for nuclear non-proliferation, including Iran.
John Hickenlooper: Don't turn our backs on Afghanistan by withdrawing US troops.
Steve Bullock: We need nuclear deterrence against North Korea and others.
Welfare & Poverty Kirsten Gillibrand: We used to care about the least among us.
Amy Klobuchar: Economic opportunity must be for everyone.
Bernie Sanders: Focus big time on rebuilding distressed communities.
Elizabeth Warren: Wealth tax of two cents, to fund education and childcare.
John Hickenlooper: Make the case that we can deliver an urban agenda.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Democratic candidate for President; Minnesota Senator
Andrew Yang Democratic candidate for President; CEO