A long-time champion of single-payer health care, Jamie says, "In a modern democracy, good health care is not only a basic right of citizenship, it is a precondition for effective citizenship." Jamie wants to see the health care system "organized
rationally around the health needs of the people and promoting excellent nutrition and preventive care." He says that "the Affordable Care Act, with its ban on denying coverage to people with a preexisting condition and its policy of continuing
to cover young people in their 20s, is a big improvement over the old system and should be defended against continuing right-wing attacks."
But Jamie knows we can do even better. He will work for a more cost-efficient system that reduces serious
health inequities in the country, upholds women's reproductive freedom, and promotes healthy nutrition and diet, exercise, and preventive health care for all Americans.
Voted YES on establishing an ObamaCare healthcare exchange
HB 443 Establishes State Health Insurance Exchanges Bill Passed House (94-44-3); passed Senate (35-11-1); Sen. Raskin voted YEA.
Establishes a health benefit exchange to meet all functions required by the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act
Defines "exchange" to include the following parts:
The "individual exchange"; and
The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchange).
Defines "individual exchange" as the division of the exchange that serves the
individual health insurance market
Requires carriers approved by the exchange to offer qualified health care plans for qualified individuals and employers
Specifies that when a carrier sets a community rate for a health benefit plan the rate must
be based on a rating methodology based on the experience of all risks covered by the health benefit plan and may only use the following factors to adjust the community rate: Age; Geography; and "Health Status".
Raskin opposes the PVS survey question on ObamaCare
The Project Vote Smart Voter Guide inferred how candidates would respond to the question, 'Health Care: Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?'
Project Vote Smart notes, "in response to the increasing unwillingness of candidates to answer issue questions, Project Vote Smart has researched Congressional candidates' public records to determine candidates' likely responses on certain key issues. These issue positions, from the year 2016, are provided [for candidates who] refused to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2016 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests. Historically, candidates have failed to complete our test due to the advice they receive from their parties and advisors and out of fear of negative attack ads."
Source: Political Courage Test 16PVS_Q5 on Nov 8, 2016