The website is an independent project and is not supported by or affiliated with any organization (academic, religious, or otherwise).
What�s an adherent?
The most common definition used in broad compilations of statistical data is somebody who claims to belong to or worship in a religion. This is the self-identification method of determining who is an adherent of what religion, and it is the method used in most national surveys and polls.
Such factors as religious service attendance, belief, practice, familiarity with doctrine, belief in certain creeds, etc., may be important to sociologists, religious leaders, and others. But these are measures of religiosity and are usually not used academically to define a person�s membership in a particular religion. It is important to recognize there are various levels of adherence, or membership within religious traditions or religious bodies. There�s no single definition, and sources of adherent statistics do not always make it clear what definition they are using.
Source: web site 00-ADH11 on Nov 7, 2000
Member of Arab-American Caucus.
Baldacci is a member of the Arab-American Caucus:
Rep. Nick Joe Rahall II, West Virginia Democrat, Rahall has been a tireless champion of Arab American issues since arriving in D.C. in �76. He has long been a leader in the causes of Palestinian rights and efforts to lift or modify the US travel ban on Lebanon. On domestic issues, Rahall has been a watchdog for the civil liberties of Arab Americans and others, bringing public attention to threats on those rights in cases from the Gulf War behavior of the FBI to current anti-terrorism legislation. [Rahall is] the dean of the Arab American caucus in Congress.
Rep. Pat Danner of Missouri, second-term Democratic member of Congress. After a decade of being a fiscal watchdog in the Missouri State Senate, Danner has used her experience to focus attention and devise strategies for cutting the budget deficit and waste in federal government. She was recognized by Citizens Against Government Waste in �94 for her efforts.
[Retired 2001]
Rep. John E. Baldacci of Maine: Of Lebanese and Italian ancestry, Baldacci is the cousin of retired US Senator George Mitchell. His family runs the well-known Bangor eatery, Momma Baldacci�s.
Rep. Ray LaHood of Illinois� 18th District is the grandson of an immigrant from Lebanon and the son of a restaurant manager. He has provided leadership on US-Lebanon issues before the Congress while participating actively in the Arab American caucus.
Rep. Chris John: First elected to office at age 24, John defeated the incumbent three years later to gain the seat his late father held in the state�s House of Representatives. John and his brothers are owners-operators of John N. John Truckline, Inc., a family-run business since 1925.
The son of the former New Hampshire governor, Republican John E. Sununu has benefited from widespread name recognition in his state. He campaigned on a strongly conservative small government platform.
Source: Arab-American Online Community Center web site 01-AAC0 on Jan 1, 2001