National cross-state standard for concealed carry.
Teague signed H.R.197&S.845
Establishes a national standard for the carrying of concealed firearms (other than a machinegun or destructive device) by non-residents. Authorizes a person who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state and who is not prohibited from carrying a firearm under federal law to carry a concealed firearm in another state:
Notwithstanding any law of any State, a person who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing a firearm and is carrying a valid license to carry a concealed firearm may carry in another State a concealed firearm.
If such other State issues licenses to carry concealed firearms, the person may carry a concealed firearm in the State under the same restrictions which apply in that State.
If such other State does not issue licenses to carry concealed firearms, the person may not carry a concealed firearm in a police station, in a courthouse, at a meeting of a governing body, in a school, at an athletic event, in an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages, or inside an airport, except to the extent expressly permitted by State law.
Source: National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act 09-HR197 on Jan 6, 2009
Teach kids Eddie Eagle GunSafe's lifesaving message.
Teague signed H.RES.1365
RESOLUTION Commending the National Rifle Association for developing the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and teaching 23,000,000 children its lifesaving message.
Whereas the National Rifle Association created the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program to teach the fundamentals of firearm safety to children in an effective way;
Whereas through activity books, posters, and other educational materials, children are reminded of a simple safety message, 'If you see a gun: STOP! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult';
Whereas the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program has been used by more than 26,000 public or private schools, law enforcement agencies, and civic organizations, and has reached 23,000,000 children since 1988;
Whereas the annual number of firearm accidents has declined more than 80 percent since the inception of the program; and
Whereas the legislatures of 23 States have passed resolutions recommending the use of the Eddie Eagle Program;
Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
commends the National Rifle Association for developing the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program and teaching 23,000,000 children its lifesaving message;
supports the goals and objectives of the National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle gun safety program;
encourages educators across the United States to incorporate gun education programs in elementary school curricula to help decrease the incidence of accidental gun-related deaths among children; and
encourages civic and community organizations concerned about the safety and well-being of children across the United States to support funding for the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program at the local level.
Source: Resolution Commending the National Rifle Association 10-HRs1365 on May 18, 2010
Dangerousness, not mental incompetence, limits gun rights.
Teague signed Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the conditions under which certain persons may be treated as adjudicated mentally incompetent for certain purposes [including 2nd Amendment rights].
Prohibits, in any case arising out of the administration of laws and benefits by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, considering any person who is mentally incapacitated, deemed mentally incompetent, or experiencing an extended loss of consciousness from being considered adjudicated as a mental defective for purposes of the right to receive or transport firearms without the order or finding of a judge, magistrate, or other judicial authority of competent jurisdiction that such person is a danger to himself or herself or others.