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Governor, Mayors and Pundits:
Jeff Burningham on Principles & Values
Republican candidate for governor:
Click here for Jeff Burningham on other issues.
Spencer Cox on Principles & Values
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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OR click here for Spencer Cox on other issues.
- We are friends; we must always be friends. (Jan 2021)
- Coronavirus: Debunk rumors; don't share untrue stories. (Mar 2020)
Gary Herbert on Principles & Values
Republican Governor:
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OR click here for Gary Herbert on other issues.
- Governing through executive order is undemocratic. (Jan 2016)
- Fund "In God We Trust" License Plates. (Mar 2013)
Greg Hughes on Principles & Values
Utah Republican Governor:
Click here for Greg Hughes on other issues.
Jon Huntsman on Principles & Values
Republican UT Governor:
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OR click here for Jon Huntsman on other issues.
- No Labels--stop fighting, start fixing. (Jan 2013)
- We need a unifying leader, not vilifying different groups. (Jan 2012)
- If you love your country, you serve her. (Aug 2011)
- Reach beyond traditional political boundaries for solutions. (Jan 2009)
Aimee Winder Newton on Principles & Values
Utah Democratic Governor:
Click here for Aimee Winder Newton on other issues.
Chris Peterson on Principles & Values
Democratic Governor Challenger:
Click here for Chris Peterson on other issues.
Mike Weinholtz on Principles & Values
Democratic candidate for Governor:
Click here for Mike Weinholtz on other issues.
UT 2022: 2022 UT Senate race
Craig Bowden on Principles & Values
Libertarian candidate for Utah U. S. Senate:
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OR click here for Craig Bowden on other issues.
- Work for all Utahns, regardless of religious beliefs. (Feb 2018)
Misty Snow on Principles & Values
Democratic candidate for Senate:
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OR click here for Misty Snow on other issues.
- Spiritually, I value love and compassion for all people. (Nov 2016)
- I describe myself as a libertarian-leaning progressive. (Nov 2016)
- Endorsed by Our Revolution national progressive group. (Nov 2016)
- Strogly opposes government based on Judeo-Christian values. (Nov 2016)
- Opposes seeing religious liberty at risk. (Nov 2016)
Jonathan Swinton on Principles & Values
Democratic Senate challenger:
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Jenny Wilson on Principles & Values
Democratic candidate for Utah U.S. Senator:
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Rob Bishop on Principles & Values
Republican Representative (UT-1):
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- Recognize Christianity's importance to western civilization. (Dec 2007)
- Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
- Designate first weekend in May as Ten Commandments Weekend. (Apr 2011)
- Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
John Curtis on Principles & Values
Republican (District 3):
Click here for John Curtis on other issues.
Mia Love on Principles & Values
Republican House Member (District 4):
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OR click here for Mia Love on other issues.
- Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah. (Apr 2012)
- Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Aug 2012)
- Young Gun contender in national Republican "Drive to 245". (Oct 2014)
- Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Ben McAdams on Principles & Values
Democrat (District 4):
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OR click here for Ben McAdams on other issues.
- If Congress can't pass budget, they shouldn't get paid. (May 2020)
- Member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers caucus. (Feb 2020)
Chris Stewart on Principles & Values
Republican (District 2):
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OR click here for Chris Stewart on other issues.
- Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
- Impeachment attempts to undo the 2016 election. (Dec 2019)
Former candidates & officeholders:
Rocky Anderson on Principles & Values
Justice Party challenger for President:
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OR click here for Rocky Anderson on other issues.
- Economic justice, social justice, & environmental justice. (Oct 2012)
- US should keep building and adapting for the future. (Feb 2012)
Vaughn Cook on Principles & Values
Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
Click here for Vaughn Cook on other issues.
Jonathan Johnson on Principles & Values
Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
Click here for Jonathan Johnson on other issues.
Orrin Hatch on Principles & Values
Republican Sr Senator (UT):
Click here for 17 full quotes
OR click here for Orrin Hatch on other issues.
- 2012 will be my last election, after 6 terms. (Oct 2012)
- I work with both Republicans and Democrats, out of necessity. (Oct 2012)
- 36 years of seniority means I can finally enact change. (Oct 2012)
- I'm running to help Mitt Romney and to be Committee Chairman. (Oct 2012)
- AdWatch: Touts leadership and experience. (May 2012)
- Debates are a time-worn campaign tactic for free press. (May 2012)
- 1976: What do you call 2-term incumbents? Call him home!. (Apr 2012)
- Voted with Republican Party 87.1% of 319 votes. (Sep 2007)
- Withdraws, citing too-late entry & anti-Mormon bias. (Jan 2000)
- President should set a moral example. (Dec 1999)
- 23 years of experience fighting for you. (Dec 1999)
- $36 donations from skinny-cats, not $1000 from fat-cats. (Oct 1999)
- Legislative record of bipartisan accomplishment. (Sep 1999)
- Voted NO on confirming of Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court. (Aug 2009)
- Voted YES on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
- Voted YES on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
- Religious affiliation: Latter-day Saint. (Nov 2000)
Mitt Romney on Principles & Values
Republican Challenger for UT Senator:
Click here for 127 full quotes
OR click here for Mitt Romney on other issues.
- I'd like to see a different version of the Republican Party. (Dec 2020)
- Bring Utah's values and Utah's lessons to Washington. (Feb 2018)
- GOP faces a choice for future of Party and America. (Mar 2016)
- Documentary movie "Mitt" about post-2012 recovery. (Feb 2014)
- OpEd: "R" seemed to stand for "Rich", not "Reformer". (Nov 2013)
- I know how to work across the aisle; did it in Massachusetts. (Oct 2012)
- All my foreign investments are managed by a blind trust. (Oct 2012)
- 47% don't pay taxes; but my campaign is about the 100%. (Sep 2012)
- OpEd: Majority are fiscal conservatives and social liberals. (Aug 2012)
- I am "severely conservative": fight for conservative values. (Feb 2012)
- OpEd: Turnaround specialist when nation needs one. (Jan 2012)
- 1994: donated milk for years to Shelter for Homeless Vets. (Jan 2012)
- Business entrepreneurialism is leadership experience. (Jan 2012)
- Dismisses former Mormon polygamy as awful and abhorrent. (Jan 2012)
- OpEd: Faith informs his political and social positions. (Jan 2012)
- Paid college students 10% of dollars fundraised for him. (Nov 2011)
- Bipartisanship worked in MA; we looked beyond elections. (Nov 2011)
- Me & Tea Party are both for small government & low spending. (Sep 2011)
- Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. (Nov 2010)
- Hard times made us the people we are today. (Mar 2010)
- America is freedom and freedom must be strong. (Mar 2010)
- The "Party of No" is ok when it comes to spending. (Feb 2010)
- OpEd: 1994 press portrayed Romney as uncaring robber baron. (Nov 2009)
- Opportunity is what lets hope become reality. (Sep 2008)
- Liberals replace opportunity with dependency on government. (Sep 2008)
- Favor justices like Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas. (Jan 2008)
- People look to governors, not senators, for a leader. (Jan 2008)
- Im proud of my experience as a leader. (Jan 2008)
- Abraham Lincoln was not a military expert. (Jan 2008)
- Freedom requires religion in society, not in individuals. (Dec 2007)
- Ok to appoint atheists or agnostics--no litmus test of faith. (Dec 2007)
- Draw upon the strengths of the conservative principles. (Dec 2007)
- Strong families, a strong economy and a strong military. (Aug 2007)
- Doesnt dislike anything about America. (May 2007)
- Address issues so America can remain a superpower. (Dec 2006)
- Success in DC: Tell truth, find right fit, never give up. (Aug 2004)
- Experience to lead to prosperity after fiscal mismanagement. (Mar 2002)
- Aspiring to greatness is its own reward. (Jun 2001)
- Values family, faith, education, sport, & healing. (Jun 2001)
- Kids cared more about what sports I played than my church. (Aug 2012)
- Wife Ann, from Protestant family, converted to Mormon. (Jan 2012)
- 1966-68: Served as Mormon missionary in France. (Jan 2012)
- Serve no one religion; serve only the people. (Jan 2012)
- FactCheck: Constitution ok on voters questioning religion. (Jan 2012)
- Parents-in-law not allowed to attend Mitt's Mormon marriage. (Jan 2012)
- Led charge for building Boston Mormon Temple. (Jan 2012)
- Fully ordained in Melchizedek Priesthood (Mormon pastor). (Jan 2012)
- As LDS Bishop, decided who was "temple-worthy". (Jan 2012)
- 1994: Kennedy attacked Mormonism; bishops defended Romney. (Nov 2011)
- We shouldn't choose leaders by their religion. (Oct 2011)
- Endorsed by Bob Jones, despite calling Mormonism a cult. (Dec 2007)
- Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. (Dec 2007)
- I believe Jesus is savior of mankind & Son of God. (Dec 2007)
- Ignoring religion in policy is at odds with our founders. (Dec 2007)
- No church authorities will exert influence on my decisions. (Dec 2007)
- Will serve no one religion, but will not distance himself. (Dec 2007)
- We share a common creed despite differences in theology. (Dec 2007)
- Bible is the word of God; I dont disagree with Bible. (Nov 2007)
- Reid(D) vs. Hatch(R) show that LDS doesnt control opinions. (Aug 2007)
- Stresses commonality of Mormonism to mainstream Christianity. (Aug 2007)
- Evangelicals know Mormons are fiscal & social conservatives. (Aug 2007)
- Americans want person of faith as president, whatever brand. (Aug 2007)
- Mormons for president included Udall (1976) & Hatch (2000). (Aug 2007)
- 1984: As Mormon bishop, led recovery after church fire. (Aug 2007)
- Mormons believe in God, the Bible, & Jesus Christ as savior. (Jun 2007)
- Roman Catholic bishops can do whatever the heck they want. (May 2007)
- Every person of any faith has deeply-held values. (May 2007)
- Romney is the 5th Mormon to run for President. (Mar 2007)
- George Romney never questioned on Mormonism during 1968 race. (Mar 2007)
- Constitution is explicit: no religious test for presidency. (Mar 2007)
- Faces questions on Mormonism like Kennedy did on Catholicism. (Apr 2006)
- We lost the election, but we haven't lost our way. (Mar 2013)
- Obama promised to heal planet; I promise to help your family. (Aug 2012)
- Americans deserved "hope and change" but didn't get it. (Aug 2012)
- Obama Presidency is last gasp of liberalism's great failure. (Feb 2012)
- Obama's record: debt, decline, and disappointment. (Jan 2012)
- Obama's policies have made the recession deeper. (Jan 2012)
- 2010: Obama passes citizenship test; no more Birthers. (Nov 2011)
- Obama takes political inspiration from socialist Europe. (Sep 2011)
- Obama Misery Index: record unemployment & bankruptcies. (Feb 2011)
- President should proudly defend US, not apologize for her. (Mar 2010)
Past Elections
- OpEd: 1994 race gave Kennedy the scare of his political life. (Nov 2011)
- 2008: Cast himself as a doer, not just a dreamer. (Aug 2009)
- Reagan would endorse my candidacy. (Jan 2008)
- Changing views: Ive learned from experience & made mistakes. (Jan 2008)
- Proud of his accomplishments in fighting the Liberal Lion. (Oct 2007)
- 1967: Father was presidency frontrunner until brainwashed. (Aug 2007)
- Bush & Cheney have made mistakes, but have kept us safe. (Aug 2007)
- AdWatch: Stood up for conservatism in most liberal state. (Jun 2007)
- FactCheck: VT would disagree that MA is most liberal state. (Jun 2007)
- #8 on Human Events list of Top Ten RINOs. (Dec 2005)
- Ran against Kennedy in 1993 to offer a different vision. (Aug 2004)
- Ran for MA governor to help people. (Aug 2004)
- Drafted to run for MA governor; incumbent was unelectable. (Aug 2004)
Personal History
- I was born in middle of the century in middle of the country. (Aug 2012)
- Met wife Ann at high school dance; now 5 sons & 18 grandkids. (Aug 2012)
- Path to conservatism came from family, faith, & life's work. (Feb 2012)
- As college athlete, learned to pace himself. (Jan 2012)
- Near-fatal accident at age 21; in coma for 3 days. (Jan 2012)
- At age 24, two kids while grad student at Harvard. (Jan 2012)
- Wife Ann effectively treats her chronic Multiple Sclerosis. (Jan 2012)
- One of four children; two brothers got divorced. (Jan 2012)
- OpEd: Never accepts "no"; but doesn't read people well. (Nov 2011)
- Wife Ann's father was mayor of Bloomfield Hills MI. (Nov 2011)
- 2008: Caught eating KFC chicken with a knife & fork. (May 2010)
- Father George Romney born & raised until age 5 in Mexico. (Aug 2007)
- Valedictorian at Brigham Young University. (Aug 2007)
- Wife Ann in remission from Multiple Sclerosis. (Aug 2007)
- 1983: Carried dog in kennel on car roof, against MA law. (Aug 2007)
- Has over-developed community service gene. (Aug 2004)
- Pronounced dead at age 20 from car accident in Paris. (Aug 2004)
- Dad inspired him to public service. (Mar 2002)
Salt Lake Olympic Committee
- My job was to ask Congress for earmarks for Olympics. (Feb 2012)
- Took on 2000 Olympics because it was a big mess. (Jan 2012)
- 2002 Winter Olympics often identified as "The Mormon Games". (Jan 2012)
- OpEd: SLOC's real need was fundraising and media relations. (Nov 2011)
- Shut out Boy Scouts from Olympics due to age requirements. (Feb 2008)
- 2002: Offered Olympic job as turnaround king. (Aug 2007)
- Salvaged Olympic games from financial and scandal disaster. (Mar 2007)
- Olympic slogan Light the Fire Within:its more than sports. (Aug 2004)
- SLOCs guiding principles: teamwork, pride, integrity, fun. (Aug 2004)
- Did not consider political value of Olympics. (Aug 2004)
- Worked for Olympics with no salary and no expense account. (Aug 2004)
- $100M in SLOC donations criticized as special deals for rich. (Aug 2004)
- $99M in deferred payments from State of Utah paid for SLOC. (Aug 2004)
- World Trade Center flag shown at Olympic opening ceremony. (Aug 2004)
- Ran Olympics in spirit of volunteerism. (Mar 2002)
Jason Chaffetz on Principles & Values
2012 Senate Challenger; Republicam House member (UT-3):
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OR click here for Jason Chaffetz on other issues.
- 2008: Beat 12-year incumbent with grassroots volunteers. (Jul 2011)
- 2005: Campaign manager for Jon Huntsman for Governor. (Jul 2011)
- Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Sep 2010)
- Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
- Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Jim Matheson on Principles & Values
Democratic Representative (UT-2):
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OR click here for Jim Matheson on other issues.
- Member of Democratic Leadership Council. (Nov 2000)
- New Democrat: "Third Way" instead of left-right debate. (Nov 2000)
- Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2007)
- National Dems' "Front line incumbent retention" target. (Oct 2014)
Mike Leavitt-Gov on Principles & Values
Former Republican Governor (1993-2003); Sec. HHS and EPA:
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Olene Walker on Principles & Values
Former Republican Governor (2003-2004):
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Merrill Cook on Principles & Values
2010 Republican challenger (lost primary):
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- Religious affiliation: Latter-day Saint. (Nov 2000)
Merrill Cook on Principles & Values
Former Republican (until 2001) (District 2):
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- Religious affiliation: Latter-day Saint. (Nov 2000)
Paul Van Dam on Principles & Values
2004 former Democratic challenger:
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- FOR fiscal responsibility; FOR energy independence. (May 2004)
Enid Waldholtz on Principles & Values
Republican Former (1994-) (District 2):
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- Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Pete Ashdown on Principles & Values
Democratic challenger:
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- Dems should be bold and different, not Republican light. (Apr 2012)
Robert Bennett on Principles & Values
Republican Jr Senator (UT):
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- Voted with Republican Party 88.2% of 322 votes. (Sep 2007)
- Voted NO on confirming of Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court. (Aug 2009)
- Voted YES on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
- Voted YES on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
- Religious affiliation: Latter-day Saint. (Nov 2000)
- Member of the Republican Leadership Council. (Jan 2001)
- Fund the 50 States Commemorative Coin Program. (Dec 1997)
Jason Chaffetz on Principles & Values
2012 Senate Challenger; Republicam House member (UT-3):
Click here for 5 full quotes
OR click here for Jason Chaffetz on other issues.
- 2008: Beat 12-year incumbent with grassroots volunteers. (Jul 2011)
- 2005: Campaign manager for Jon Huntsman for Governor. (Jul 2011)
- Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Sep 2010)
- Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
- Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Sam Granato on Principles & Values
2010 Democratic challenger:
Click here for 4 full quotes
OR click here for Sam Granato on other issues.
- Utahns choice is mainstream candidate vs. extreme candidate. (Sep 2010)
- Practicing Mormon & successful small-business owner. (Aug 2010)
- Few issues? "I do things, instead of say things". (Aug 2010)
- Let Lee talk issues; his extreme positions will scare voters. (Aug 2010)
James Hansen on Principles & Values
Republican (District 1):
Click here for 2 full quotes
OR click here for James Hansen on other issues.
- Religious affiliation: Latter-day Saint. (Nov 2000)
- Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Scott Howell on Principles & Values
2000 Democratic Challenger for Senate (UT):
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OR click here for Scott Howell on other issues.
- Reach out the hand of fellowship in compromise to GOP. (Oct 2012)
- Electing the same people get the same results. (Oct 2012)
- I learned bipartisanship as minority party in state Senate. (Oct 2012)
- 10 years in State Senate; 8 years as Minority leader. (Apr 2012)
- Married for 34 years; 4 sons; 3 grandchildren. (Apr 2012)
Dan Liljenquist on Principles & Values
Republican Primary Challenger (2012):
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OR click here for Dan Liljenquist on other issues.
- Holds "debate" against opponent's video clips. (Jun 2012)
- AdWatch: Challenges Hatch to TV debate before GOP primary. (May 2012)
- GOP primary should include 8 debates, not just two. (May 2012)
Chris Cannon on Principles & Values
Republican Representative (UT-3):
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Mike Lee on Principles & Values
Republican Jr Senator:
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OR click here for Mike Lee on other issues.
- Government not a noble aspiration; just coercive force. (Feb 2021)
- Give me 17 months and I will achieve bipartisanship. (Jun 2013)
- With Tea Party backing, beat incumbent in GOP Senate primary. (Feb 2012)
- Article I Society: message of constitutional limitations. (Jul 2011)
- Tea Party underdog against reliable Republican incumbent. (Aug 2010)
- Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2010)
Blake Moore on Principles & Values
Republican (District 1):
Click here for Blake Moore on other issues.
Burgess Owens on Principles & Values
Republican (District 4):
Click here for Burgess Owens on other issues.