Stop Obama's war on coal; stop picking winners & losers
On energy, Domina advocated for abolishing federal subsidies for fossil fuels and redirecting them to renewable energy. He supported the EPA's proposed new regulations to crack down on coal-fired power plants. "Science is real, and the impact that fossil
fuels are having on our environment are real," he said.
Sasse decried the Obama administration's "war on industries like coal": "The Obama administration doesn't have an all of the above strategy--they have a Solyndra Strategy," Sasse said, referring
to a California solar company that went bankrupt despite $529 million in government subsidies.
Domina represents Nebraska landowners fighting the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline that would cross the state; Sasse supports the pipeline and the
development of more North American oil and natural gas. Sasse also supports renewable energy, ethanol, clean nuclear power and wind energy "but not an administration that tries to pick winners and losers."
Shale oil revolution could create energy independence
Sasse makes a point concerning the need to create jobs in America that will also lead to America's freedom from dependency on foreign oil. "The shale oil revolution that we sit on the front cusp of could create genuine energy independence for
North America. It could reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
It could create, with different estimates, about 3 million jobs, and be done in an environmentally safe way, but we aren't even having discussions about how to do it in an environmentally safe way because the EPA on their own just gets to try to shut off
access to certain parts of shale. I think those are the kinds of discussions that the people of Nebraska want to have," Sasse said.