Supports common sense gun safety measures and safeguards
[WFK]: Would you consider steps to regulate gun traffic, such as expanded background checks, and closure of the gun show loophole?
[Kelly]: I support common sense gun safety measures to keep our children and communities safe. I voted to ban
guns on campuses, as well as in hospitals and adult care homes. I voted to prohibit anyone convicted of domestic violence from possessing a gun. I also supported safeguards like universal background checks and banning bump stocks and assault weapons.
Prohibit schools & localities from enacting gun restrictions
Legislative Summary: HB 2502: The bill amends the Weapons Free School Act to prohibit school districts from adopting policies preventing organizations from conducting activities on school property solely because the activities involve the
possession and use of air guns.
Analysis by The Wichita Eagle: HB 2502 bundles most of the Legislature's gun-related legislation for the session. The bill says public employers, such as cities and counties, cannot forbid employees from
carrying concealed weapons while on duty. Public employers should not have the power to endanger their employees by restricting them from carrying a firearm for protection, Sen. Forrest Knox, R-Altoona, said during the Senate debate.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 32-6-2 on May/1/16; State Sen. Laura Kelly voted YES; Passed House 92-28-5 on May/1/16; Signed by Governor Sam Brownback on May/11/16
Legislative Summary: SB 45: The bill adds language allowing the concealed carry of a firearm without a concealed carry license issued by the State, as long as that individual is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under either
federal or state law. analysis 2/6/15: The Kansas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, part of Everytown for Gun Safety, condemned the passage of
S.B. 45, legislation that would effectively dismantle the state's concealed carry licensing system. Kansas would become one of only five states to allow people to carry hidden, loaded guns in public places without any training or license required.
Legislative Outcome: Passed House 85-39-1 on Mar/25/15; Passed Senate 31-8-1 on Mar/25/15; State Sen. Laura Kelly co-sponsored and voted YES; Signed by Governor Sam Brownback on Apr/2/15.