Legislative Summary: HB76: Exemption for a person, who may lawfully possess a firearm, from certain criminal provisions related to the carrying of an unloaded concealed firearm.
Analysis of support by Deseret News: Rep.
Curt Oda said the bill simply allows those who can legally carry a gun to put a jacket on over their firearm, "It's not gun control, it's jacket control." Oda said the bill had overwhelming support from pro-gun organizations.
Analysis of veto
message by Deseret News: Herbert vetoed the controversial "constitutional carry" bill. Herbert said his veto decision was supported by much of the law enforcement community. While he was passionate about Second Amendment rights, Utah needs gun
policy that "sends a message that we have a quality of life that is sophisticated, and that we're not the wild and woolly West."
Legislative Outcome: Passed House 51-18-6 on 3/1/13; Passed Senate 22-7-0 on 3/13/13 ; Vetoed on 3/22/13
The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. I strongly support that right, not just in word, but in action.
During the 2010 legislative session, my support of the 2nd Amendment, as well as the 10th, was put to the test by
Senate Bill 11. This bill protects not only the right to keep and bear arms, but the right of states to regulate commerce within their own borders. Despite pressure from anti-gun groups, I signed the bill.
Source: 2010 gubernatorial campaign website, garyherbert.com
, Jan 1, 2010