I'd like to talk about the second bill that should be passed and that's a bill to fix our broken unemployment system. Previous administrations and legislators have known this system was outdated and couldn't handle an economic crisis like the one
this pandemic presented, and they never took the time to fix it. I will be calling a special session of the Legislature to take up a plan to modernize our unemployment system and help ensure nothing like this happens to the people of Wisconsin again.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to Wisconsin legislature
, Jan 12, 2021
End gerrymandering, stop legislature from destroying records
This year, we're also going to fix another problem: our gerrymandered maps. My biennial budget is going to make sure that the Legislature draws our maps in the light of day, in the public eye, and with public input by requiring public meetings for the
map-drawing process. And that's why we're also going to prevent the Legislature from destroying records from the map-drawing process because the people of our state deserve to know how these maps are drawn and by whom.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to Wisconsin legislature
, Jan 12, 2021
Create a nonpartisan redistricting commission
When more than 80 percent of our state supports medical marijuana, 80 percent support universal background checks and extreme risk protection orders, and 70 percent support expanding Medicaid, and elected officials can ignore those numbers without
consequence, folks, something's wrong. I will be signing an executive order to create a nonpartisan redistricting commission who will draw The People's Maps. When presented to the Legislature next year, I hope they will receive bipartisan support.
Source: 2020 Wisconsin State of the State address
, Jan 22, 2020
Overturn Citizens United: limit political donations
Q: Support Citizens United decision, allowing unlimited political donations from corporations & unions? Views on Wisconsin campaign finance rules?
Tony Evers (D): Overturn Citizens United. Reverse Walker-supported law that limited political corruption investigations, doubled campaign contribution limits, & eased cooperation between candidates & outside groups.
Scott Walker (R): No public statement on Citizens United. To avoid "political witch hunts," he & allies pushed through a law to limit some corruption investigations.
See defense & criticism of his approach to campaign finance limits and these investigations.