Lead by example: eliminate governor's chef & cut salaries
Public officials must never forget that we serve the public. Not the other way around. That's why, in a time of shared sacrifice, I felt it important to lead by example. We eliminated the chefs from the Governor's residence and cut salaries there by
And I kept my promise to get rid of the ultimate symbol of waste and excess. We sold the state's luxury jet.
We cut waste across state government. We cut cell phones. We got rid of non-essential state cars. In the
Governor's office, we slashed our budget and reverted over half a million dollars back into the state's savings account. Cabinet secretary salaries were cut by 10% and we dramatically reduced the number of political appointees.
And together--the Governor and the Legislature--we hammered out a budget compromise that reduced spending while protecting priorities and balanced the state budget.
Close revolving door: no lobbying for 2 years after office
Corruption tilts the playing field against honest people and shakes public confidence in their government. That's why I signed an executive order that prohibits state government from doing business with companies involved in corruption. It's why all of
my appointees must disclose their financial interests online and it's why my appointees are barred from lobbying state government for 2 years after serving in my administration. Public service should be about serving the public--not setting up a future
There are a few other common-sense measures we can enact to help restore public confidence. When a public official is convicted of corruption, they should be forced from office immediately--not 10 or 14 days later--but immediately. When a
politician violates the public trust, they should lose their public pension and be barred from doing business with the state. And when the state goes after a public official for corruption, taxpayers should not have to pay to defend that person in court.
Moratorium on state car purchases; sell the state luxury jet
To protect priorities, we must do away with the waste and excess that has defined the past and whose absence will improve our future. And I began by reducing the governor's budget. I cut overall salaries within my cabinet by 10%. I will reduce the number
of political appointees in state government by at least 20%. I have invited New Mexicans to share their ideas for cutting waste by emailing me. Many of those who emailed suggested cutting unnecessary state vehicles. I agree. And I ordered a one-year
moratorium on all new state car purchases, except for law enforcement.
We must all do our part. At a time when New Mexicans are struggling to make ends meet their Governor should not be leading a life of privilege. That's why I cut costs at the
Governor's residence by 55%--permanently eliminating the positions of two personal chefs. The first gentleman will just have to help out with the cooking. And we will get rid of that ultimate symbol of waste & excess, we will sell the state's luxury jet.
Corruption is a crime, not an ethical dilemma. Those guilty of corruption are criminals and they should be treated as such.
We must institute criminal penalties for public officials who know about, but fail to report, pay-to-play activity. Public
officials don't have the luxury of turning a blind eye.
When public officials are found guilty of corruption they should be immediately removed from office, receive mandatory prison time and be forced to surrender their pension.
We must formally
adopt legislation that prohibits the State Investment Council, or any state agency, from paying finder's fees to those who help direct state investments. "Finder's fees" can easily become nothing more than kickbacks--pay-to-play with the pensions of our
teachers & police officers. It must be banned and we must get their money back.
And it is time to establish a Public Corruption Unit in the Department of Public Safety. They will investigate & bring to justice those who violate the public's trust.