Justice Party challenger for President; former mayor of Salt Lake City
Lilly Ledbetter was a great beginning; now enforce it
Q: What about pay equity for women?
OBAMA: The first bill I signed was something called the Lilly Ledbetter bill.
ANDERSON: Inequity in the workplace is just part of a larger picture of inequity systemically in this country that impacts women in so
many ways. Lilly Ledbetter was a great beginning, but you don't just leave everybody to their own devices, say, "OK, you've got the tools now to go out and sue if you're not being paid equally for equal work."
We need good enforcement by those in government charged with enforcement. And with these two corporate candidates, we'll never be able to trust in that, any more than we've seen good enforcement against those
who committed massive fraud on Wall Street. The Obama administration hasn't prosecuted one person on Wall Street for that financial fraud.
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Require companies to hire more women & minorities"?
A: Support
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Feb 10, 2012
Same-sex domestic partnership benefits
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Same-sex domestic partnership benefits"?
A: Strongly Support
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Feb 10, 2012
Extend city health benefits to unmarried same-sex partners
Salt Lake City employees with domestic partners can start to sign up for the city's health benefits programs--even though it's unclear if the city legally can offer health insurance to those gay and heterosexual partners.
They must enroll their
domestic partners and their children by Nov. 30. Mayor Rocky Anderson signed an executive order in September which provides domestic-partner benefits to city-government employees including those who are part of same-sex relationships.
Source: The Salt Lake Tribune, pp. C-3, "Same-sex benefits"
, Nov 2, 2005
Equal rights for gays and lesbians
Recognition of the equal rights of gays and lesbians, and decent treatment of everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, is indeed one of the crucial civil rights issues of our time.
Although personal prejudices are difficult to overcome, we can--and should--achieve an approach in our public dealings that promotes fundamental morality--love, respect and compassion for all of our brothers and sisters.
And, in our public and personal lives, we can endeavor to comply with what is perhaps the greatest of all moral injunctions: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Or, as Rabbi Hillel (first century BCE) implored: 'What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow creature. That is the whole Law; the rest is commentary.'
Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry legally
Q: When you think about the rights of same-sex couples, which of the following is closest to your personal opinion?
Anderson chose "Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry legally, with all the same rights as traditional marriages" rather than:
Same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry or form any kind of civil union
Same-sex couples should be allowed to form civil unions
Anderson adds, "I unequivocally support marriage equality, since my congressional race in 1996.
My support for marriage equality was the core of my opponent's campaign against me. I was named by the Human Rights campaign as one of the top straight GLBT advocates in the country."