OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Alvin Greene: Pro-choice; but no federal subsidies.
Alvin Greene: Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Brad Hutto: Empower women to make reproductive health decisions.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Pro-choice.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Protect reproductive rights.
Henry McMaster: Human life begins at conception.
James Emerson Smith: Limit abortion to first trimester, or incest/rape situations.
Joyce Dickerson: Women should have the right to family planning.
Tommy Pope: 100% pro-life, period.
Henry McMaster: Confident that Fetal Heartbeat bill is constitutional.
Budget & Economy
Brad Hutto: It's time for Congress to spend less and cut waste.
Fred Thompson: Consider stimulus package targeted to low-income people.
Henry McMaster: Fight the "stimulus" law.
Henry McMaster: $1.26 billion for roads, bridges, highways, interstates.
Jaime Harrison: Push for aggressive infrastructure investment.
Jim DeMint: $13T in debt shows both parties are out of control.
Joe Biden: Under 2009 Recovery Act, we had one place to call.
John McCain: To avoid recession, stop out-of-control spending.
Mark Sanford: Tipping point as civilization if we don't get spending right.
Mike Huckabee: Fuel prices & subprime mortgages possibly cause recession.
Mitt Romney: To avoid recession, deal with housing crisis & gas prices.
Nikki Haley: It's time for truth in budgeting; & government spending cap.
Ralph Norman: Deal with $19 trillion debt by Balanced Budget Amendment.
Ron Paul: Lower interest rates CAUSED housing bubble & can't solve it.
Ron Paul: The longer the Fed delays recession, the worse the recession.
Thomas Ravenel: Government over-reacted to Great Recession: enough is enough.
Henry McMaster: Save money instead of spending it to prepare for the future.
Henry McMaster: Complete infrastructure projects: roads, bridges, highways.
Civil Rights
Alvin Greene: End affirmative action programs.
Alvin Greene: Marriage for one-man-one-woman; no gays in military.
Brad Hutto: Liberty to share love and life is an inherent right.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Supports ERA & reparations for Jim Crow/slavery.
James Emerson Smith: Proponent of women receiving equal pay and opportunities.
Joe Biden: Made commitment to have women on Senate Judiciary Committee.
Joyce Dickerson: All South Carolinians should honor MLK Day.
Mark Sanford: No civil unions; define one-man-one-woman marriage.
Mark Sanford: Affirmative action in state contracts, but not colleges.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Break up monopolies, enact new antitrust laws.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Issue isn't capitalism, but monopoly capitalism.
James Emerson Smith: Offer new businesses tax incentives to build in rural areas.
Mike Bloomberg: End forced arbitration, like I do in my companies.
Thomas Ravenel: Crony capitalism is not true free market capitalism.
Alvin Greene: Supports capital punishment.
Brad Hutto: Supports capital punishment.
Henry McMaster: Prosecuted sex predators, prostitution, and fraud.
James Emerson Smith: Supports death penalty; ending parole; and more prisons.
Joe Biden: 1994 Crime bill had community policing and crime went down.
Mark Sanford: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Mike Bloomberg: Makeup of police department should reflect city population.
Nikki Haley: Restore funding for Law Enforcement DNA lab.
Tom Steyer: I've worked to end private prisons in my state.
Henry McMaster: Keep career criminals behind bars & carry out executions.
Alvin Greene: No mandatory drug sentences.
Henry McMaster: Operation Jackpot: keep drugs off the streets.
James Emerson Smith: Support the fight against drug addiction with resources.
Joe Biden: Drugs don't cause mental health issues; it's the reverse.
Mike Bloomberg: Decriminalize possession, but wait on pot & kids.
Thomas Ravenel: Mexican border problems come from failed War on Drugs.
Brad Hutto: Keep state leaders focused like a laser beam on our schools.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Lower college costs, support student loan forgiveness.
Henry McMaster: Early education is the beginning of economic health.
Henry McMaster: Parents must know what their children are learning.
Jaime Harrison: Invest in public schools; end student loan crisis.
James Emerson Smith: Put money and effort into making public schools work for all.
Jim DeMint: Devolve education to states without abolishing Department.
Joe Biden: Your zip code shouldn't matter in access to a good education.
Joyce Dickerson: Invest in quality public education.
Krystle Matthews: Ensure a free, quality, public education from preschool on.
Mark Sanford: Endorses teacher-led prayer & displaying Ten Commandments.
Mike Bloomberg: Charter schools worked in NYC, but not everywhere.
Nikki Haley: Make a real investment in our charter schools.
Pete Buttigieg: Teachers shouldn't have to pay their own classroom expenses.
Henry McMaster: Parents may choose public, private, or for-profit pre-K.
Energy & Oil
Alvin Greene: National & international regulations for climate change.
Alvin Greene: Domestic oil exploration, nuclear power, & alternatives.
Brad Hutto: Invest in alternative forms of energy like solar, wind & gas.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Aggressively address global warming.
Henry McMaster: Fight to keep Yucca Mountain open.
Jaime Harrison: Reduce dependency on fossil fuels; oppose offshore drilling.
James Emerson Smith: Keep expanding in renewable energy; stay on cutting edge.
Thomas Ravenel: Don't divert resources for folly of global warming.
Joe Cunningham: AdWatch: Ban offshore drilling for oil and gas.
Henry McMaster: South Carolina moving with auto industry towards electric.
Brad Hutto: We must do more to protect our natural resources.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Dredge the port of Charleston, with federal funding.
Henry McMaster: Protect marsh islands from illegal encroachment.
James Emerson Smith: All efforts should be made towards environmental protection.
Nikki Haley: Charleston is now US's top tourism spot; sell South Carolina.
Families & Children
Elizabeth Warren: I experienced pregnancy discrimination; let's fix it.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Families are the real economic engines.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Support paid family leave.
Henry McMaster: Define traditional marriage and strong families.
Jaime Harrison: Champion paid family & sick leave & child care tax credits.
Mike Bloomberg: Create good alternatives for kids so they avoid guns & crime.
Mike Bloomberg: NYC teachers don't experience pregnancy discrimination.
Foreign Policy
Jaime Harrison: Re-engage with allies; pursue diplomatic solutions.
Joe Biden: Meet with North Korea and China together.
Mike Bloomberg: Only solution is to split up Israel and Palestine.
Free Trade
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Build higher bridges for new generation of container ships.
Thomas Ravenel: Tariffs & other protectionist policies cost Americans jobs.
Government Reform
Alvin Greene: Keep campaign donation limits; no voluntary spending limits.
Amy Klobuchar: Push for voting rights for African-Americans.
Brad Hutto: Limit corporate and PAC campaign contributions.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Will return 10% of congressional salary to the government.
Henry McMaster: Served on state Commission on Ethics Reform.
Henry McMaster: Register all lobbyists; speed up FOIA.
Henry McMaster: Full disclosure of campaign funding & fines for violators.
Henry McMaster: Create an Election Integrity and Compliance Audit Program.
Jim DeMint: Earmarks are how lobbyists grease the skids.
Joe Biden: Put a black woman on the Supreme Court.
John McCain: I'm "the sheriff", not Miss Congeniality, about pork bills.
Krystle Matthews: Restore confidence in voting system with national standard.
Mark Sanford: Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending.
Mark Sanford: I was against earmarks before being anti-earmark was cool.
Nikki Haley: We capped lawsuit damages; next tort reform is loser-pays.
Nikki Haley: Register all lobbyists; speed up FOIA.
Nikki Haley: Full disclosure of campaign funding & fines for violators.
Pete Buttigieg: 21st century voting rights: core of Frederick Douglass plan.
Ralph Norman: Term limits to end the rein of career politicians.
Tom Steyer: Russian election interference is cyberwarfare.
Gun Control
Brad Hutto: Supports only current gun laws.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Pass common sense gun reform.
Henry McMaster: Government continues to intrude on gun owners' rights.
James Emerson Smith: Strict new regulations on gun sales, use and ownership.
Thomas Ravenel: Second Amendment is the only gun law needed.
Health Care
Amy Klobuchar: Medicare-for-All costs $60T & kicks off 149M from insurance.
Bernie Sanders: Medicare-for-All will save Americans $450B per year.
Bernie Sanders: Debt forgiveness for doctors & nurses in under-served areas.
Bernie Sanders: International cooperation on coronavirus, and full funding.
Brad Hutto: Fix ObamaCare, but don't put insurance companies in charge.
Henry McMaster: Challenge constitutionality of ObamaCare.
Henry McMaster: Review State's behavioral health funding and delivery system.
Jaime Harrison: Improve access to health care for poor, rural communities.
Jaime Harrison: Opposes work requirements for Medicaid recipients.
James Emerson Smith: Expand Medicaid immediately to give needed healthcare.
Joe Biden: Work with China, in China, on coronavirus.
Joe Biden: Coronavirus: Deal with health crisis before economic crisis.
Joyce Dickerson: Support ObamaCare to expand quality affordable care.
Krystle Matthews: Universal health care must be a right not a privilege!
Mark Sanford: Transfer more Medicaid recipients into managed care programs.
Mike Bloomberg: NYC life expectancy grew 3 years during my 12 years as mayor.
Nikki Haley: Medicaid is a broken system; federal mandates cause problems.
Nikki Haley: No government-run health exchanges; transparency instead.
Ralph Norman: Repeal and replace ObamaCare with free-market-based plan.
Thomas Ravenel: We can't afford any more socialized medicine.
Henry McMaster: Increase mental and behavioral health services.
Homeland Security
Catherine Templeton: SC builds soldiers & embraces our heroes.
Elizabeth Warren: We need a strong military AND a strong State Department.
Henry McMaster: Stop the financing of international terrorism.
Henry McMaster: Eliminate all state income taxes on veteran retirement pay.
Jaime Harrison: Improve quality of care for veterans, including job programs.
James Emerson Smith: Honors veterans by creating job opportunities for them.
Joe Biden: Coronavirus: Use Defense Production Act for needs.
Joyce Dickerson: Take action against neglect of our veterans.
Mike Bloomberg: We've stopped making weapons for the last war; good job.
Nikki Haley: We are a patriotic people; we love those in uniform.
Alvin Greene: Pathway to citizenship, with official English.
Amy Klobuchar: Let foreign medical students stay as rural doctors.
Henry McMaster: Deployed National Guard to defend border & protect state.
Joyce Dickerson: Supports comprehensive immigration reform.
Lee Bright: Make permanent the E-Verify program.
Ralph Norman: Build the wall to protect our sovereignty.
Thomas Ravenel: Finding bad guys among 11M illegals is needles in a haystack.
Tommy Pope: Build the border wall, and cut off sanctuary cities.
Amy Klobuchar: Union protection of mine workers.
Brad Hutto: Raise the minimum wage to $10.10.
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch: Proud to live in a right-to-work state; keep NLRB away.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Workers are the creators of wealth.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Raise minimum wage; support union organizing.
Jaime Harrison: Fight for jobs with living wage, expand childcare tax credit.
Joe Biden: Universal paid sick leave' $15 minimum wage; support unions.
John McCain: Straight talk: some jobs aren't coming back.
Joyce Dickerson: Raise the minimum wage.
Krystle Matthews: Minimum wage should rise in value equal to cost of living.
Mitt Romney: MA had 3rd worst job growth; I turned around declining rates.
Nikki Haley: Pledge that every citizen who wants a job, has a job.
Nikki Haley: We pushed back & NLRB dropped its frivolous Boeing lawsuit.
Nikki Haley: ReadySC: work force training; vocational & technical college.
Nikki Haley: I love that we are one of the least unionized states.
Nikki Haley: No unemployment benefits for workers on strike.
Principles & Values
Elizabeth Warren: My motto is Mathew 25, about the "least of these".
Henry McMaster: Stand up for Freedom of Religion.
Henry McMaster: Defend the Rule of Law, preserve our State's sovereignty.
Jaime Harrison: Good citizens make good communities.
Jim DeMint: I'd prefer conservative principles than a Senate majority.
Joe Biden: Coronavirus: Trump should do his job, not personalize it.
Joe Biden: Leadership: reassure, rely on experts, management.
Mark Sanford: Now engaged to woman from 2009 extramarital affair.
Mark Sanford: Voted to impeach Clinton for affair, but should be forgiven.
Mike Bloomberg: If elected will put company into blind trust and sell it.
Nikki Haley: State workers all say "It's a Great Day in South Carolina".
Ralph Norman: Empower those who believe in the virtues of faith in God.
Sharron Angle: Don't let Sharia law take hold anywhere in our United States.
Ted Cruz: FactCheck: Yes, Cruz speaks Spanish & understands Univision.
Social Security
Alvin Greene: Privatize elements of Social Security.
Brad Hutto: Opposes any attempt to harm Medicare and Social Security.
Jaime Harrison: Protect & expand Social Security and Medicare.
Joyce Dickerson: Make sure seniors receive the benefits they have earned.
Nikki Haley: Public service retirees: no COLA; no spiking; no double-dip.
Ralph Norman: Raise retirement age; lower benefits for top 10% of earners.
Thomas Ravenel: Opt out of Medicare without forfeiting Social Security.
Tax Reform
Brad Hutto: Maintain current tax levels, except gas tax to improve roads.
Fred Thompson: Tax cuts raise revenues; so much for the experts.
Henry McMaster: Our work will not be done unless I sign an income tax cut.
James Emerson Smith: Eliminate inheritance tax, property tax, and vehicle tax.
Joyce Dickerson: Fight for America's declining middle class.
Nikki Haley: Flatten individual income tax from six brackets to three.
Ralph Norman: Cut taxes and eliminate regulations that kill job-creation.
Ron Paul: Spending money doesn't stimulate economy; reduced taxes do.
Rudy Giuliani: Cutting anti-competitive taxes raises more revenue.
Thomas Ravenel: Cut wage taxes, death taxes, & corporate taxes.
Henry McMaster: We passed the largest income tax cut in state history.
Henry McMaster: $2000 income tax credit for police & other first responders.
Nikki Haley: Deepen the port of Charleston; return to greatness.
War & Peace
Brad Hutto: United States should not be the policeman for the world.
Elizabeth Warren: No military intervention in Syria because no military answer.
Elizabeth Warren: We need to not cut-and-run on our allies.
Mike Bloomberg: Keep troops in places abroad where terrorists congregate.
Pete Buttigieg: I stand with the people of Idlib against Syrian dictator.
Ralph Norman: Take the fight to ISIS on their turf.
Tommy Pope: End hands-off policy and destroy ISIS.
Welfare & Poverty
Amy Klobuchar: One size doesn't fit all, for rural poverty.
Elizabeth Warren: My housing plan deals with the after-effects of red-lining.
Jaime Harrison: Strong social safety net, increase earned income tax credit.
Joe Biden: I fought red-lining and now I fight race-based home pricing.
Mark Sanford: Redirect welfare funding to faith-based organizations.
Mike Bloomberg: Put more bank branches in minority neighborhoods.
Mike Bloomberg: I fought against red-lining in communities.
Thomas Ravenel: No welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.