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State of Kentucky Archives: on Budget & Economy

Charles Booker: Supports Universal Basic Income; poverty is immoral

Ending generational poverty will require bold solutions that lift up and provide stability for all working families; that's why I support a Universal Basic Income. Kentuckians deserve the freedom to make financial decisions in their lives, the resources in their communities that will foster local business and ownership, and a government that does not sell them out for big corporate interests. Poverty is outdated, immoral, and expensive. It is time that we end it.
Source: on 2022 Kentucky Senate race Mar 16, 2021

Andy Beshear: Better Kentucky Budget: no tax increase, no budget cuts

Kentucky's "Rainy Day Fund" is at its highest level ever. And we are going to provide an extra $100 million to further solidify and protect it. I'm pleased to report that with a better budget forecast than was initially anticipated, we have over $600 million in one-time money available to invest in our future. This budget--my Better Kentucky Budget--doesn't rely on any increase in taxes; there are no spending cuts; and it doesn't rely on the passage of any new revenue measures.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 7, 2021

Amy McGrath: Against rolling back Dodd-Frank banking regulations

Q: Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

Amy McGrath: Tighten. Criticized attempts to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations. Noted payday lenders are "preying on anyone who is low-income."

Mitch McConnell: Loosen. Opposed creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations, which he called "heavy-handed."

Source: CampusElect on 2020 Kentucky Senate race Oct 10, 2020

Mitch McConnell: Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations

Q: Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?

Mitch McConnell: Loosen. Opposed creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations, which he called "heavy-handed."

Amy McGrath: Tighten. Criticized attempts to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations. Noted payday lenders are "preying on anyone who is low-income."

Source: CampusElect on 2020 Kentucky Senate race Oct 10, 2020

Mitch McConnell: Opposes infrastructure spending in COVID-19 relief bill

McConnell panned the idea of using a coronavirus stimulus bill to fund major infrastructure investment in a conference call with Republican senators. Trump has been floating the idea -- and McConnell is moving early to crush it and encouraging Republican senators to buck the president's freewheeling spending ideas. McConnell said he won't support infrastructure in a COVID-19 bill. "We need to keep the White House in the box," he told senators.
Source: Axios e-zine on 2020 Kentucky Senate race Apr 28, 2020

Wesley Morgan: Supports balanced budget amendment

Congress must be forced to cut spending. I support a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget without raising taxes.
Source: 2020 Kentucky Senate website Feb 6, 2020

Wesley Morgan: Supports permanent ban on earmarks, opposes bailouts

Congressional earmarks are a gateway drug to higher spending. I support a permanent ban on earmarks to break Washington's addiction to pork. Bailouts force taxpayers to reward failure and punish success. I oppose bailouts and believe corporations should be forced to compete.
Source: 2020 Kentucky Senate website Feb 6, 2020

Andy Beshear: Fully supports legalized sports betting

A commitment to the future also requires that we create new revenue to meet the growing needs of our state. Right now we are watching more than $500 million dollars in gaming revenue go across the border to states like Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. It's time to stop that flow. To use that money for our needs. Representative Adam Koenig has filed a sports betting bill. I fully support it, and we should pass it.
Source: 2020 Kentucky State of the State address Jan 14, 2020

Adam Edelen: Kentucky Kick Start: make Main Streets bustling again

Kentucky's history and heritage was built on the main streets of our cities and small towns. Unfortunately, for decades we've watched too many Kentucky main streets go from bustling centers of commerce, arts and civic life to empty spaces and boarded-up storefronts. We are going to rebuild Kentucky, and we need to start by rebuilding our main streets--one block at a time.

A "Kick Start" to Growth and Revitalization: The Edelen-Holland Team are ready to help lead a renaissance in delivering economic and cultural vitality to our main streets.

One of the greatest barriers to channeling investment into Kentucky communities is matching national capital with local opportunity. The Kentucky Kick Start will create a simple, searchable and scalable platform for local communities to showcase investment opportunities, as well as community needs, to investors no matter whether they are a company looking for room to grow or an individual seeking the right environment to open a new business.

Source: 2019 Kentucky governor campaign website Dec 31, 2018

James Comer: Federal fiscal restraint to tackle $19 trillion debt

The national debt is now over $19 trillion. By comparison, the total debt when Obama took office was $7.5 trillion. This type of spending is unacceptable. We must get the spending in Washington under control so that we do not saddle our children and grandchildren with unmanageable mountains of debt. This is why I support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

When I was Agriculture Commissioner, my department was one of the first to return money back to the taxpayer. I will bring this same fiscal restraint to Washington. We need to turn our economy around by spending less and taxing less in Washington. That way, we can give private sector businesses the stability and certainty they need to create good-paying jobs for hardworking Kentuckians.

Source: 2016 Kentucky House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

C. Wesley Morgan: Balance the budget, by reducing benefits and tapping savings

Q: For balancing Kentucky's budget, do you support tapping into Kentucky's "rainy day" fund?

A: Yes.

Q: Decreasing funding for public universities?

A: Yes.

Q: Reducing state employee salaries or pensions?

A: Yes, in moderation.

Q: Instituting mandatory furloughs or layoffs for state employees?

A: Yes.

Q: Reducing benefits for Medicaid recipients?

A: Yes. We have to get our financial house in order and government must learn to live within its means the same way a family does.

Source: Kentucky State Legislative 2016 Political Courage Test Nov 1, 2016

Jim Gray: Think globally when talking about job creation

Jim's top priority is to grow the economy and make sure it works for all of us, especially hardworking families in Kentucky who play by the rules. Our economy has changed, and our policies need to change with it. We need to focus on growth, help small businesses thrive, revitalize manufacturing, empower startups to take off, promote innovation, invest in infrastructure and strengthen our workforce.

Jim will work to create new opportunities and careers across the Commonwealth. He's done this work throughout his career, in business and as Mayor. That work highlights the importance of advanced manufacturing to Kentucky's economy and establishes goals that are critical to providing jobs for Kentucky workers. We have to think globally when talking about job creation in our state and driving exports, training workers, and attracting foreign investment are three critical components to rebuilding our state's unique economy.

Source: 2016 Kentucky Senate campaign website, Aug 8, 2016

Matt Bevin: Must rely on cutting spending to improve financial outlook

Taking immediate action to stabilize Kentucky's future is no longer an option--it is a necessity.

There is no magic wand or money tree in Frankfort to fix Kentucky's financial woes and improve the Commonwealth's credit rating. This budget must rely on either tax increases or spending cuts to get Kentucky's fiscal house in order. Because Kentuckians cannot afford any tax increases, this budget proposal cuts spending and allocates Kentucky's scarce taxpayer dollars more prudently than in years past.

Source: 2016 State of the State speech to Kentucky legislature Jan 26, 2016

Matt Bevin: AdWatch: Supporting a debt-limit increase is too liberal

Matt Bevin blasts McConnell for supporting a debt-limit increase and launching "false attack ads" in a new ad. It's the candidate's first significant statewide broadcast buy, and will also air statewide on cable, according to his campaign.

The ad features Bevin speaking direct-to-camera, declaring "after caving yet again to President Obama on the debt ceiling, all that Mitch McConnell can do is run false attack ads."

A narrator goes on to declare that "thirty years is enough," and calls McConnell "too liberal" and "too long."

McConnell has attacked Bevin in radio ads, knocking him for what the campaign sees as a "pattern of deceptions" from Bevin. McConnell's vote to raise the debt limit drew heavy criticism from conservatives and was seen as a risky vote for him. But the senator retains a solid lead over Bevin, and is heavily favored in the primary.

Source: AdWatch by The Hill weblog on 2014 Kentucky Senate race Mar 31, 2014

Matt Bevin: No budget deal; let the sequester cuts take place

Matt Bevin called on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose the budget compromise negotiated by Republican Rep. Paul Ryan and Democratic Sen. Patty Murray. The budget deal would keep government running for two years, would increase spending from $967 billion to $1.012 trillion but would pay down the deficit by an additional $20 billion.

McConnell hasn't expressed an opinion specifically about the Ryan-Murray compromise but he has urged other Republicans to stand their ground on the budget and allow another round of sequester-related budget cuts to go into effect in January.

Bevin said he doesn't believe the plan's promised deficit reduction will ever happen: "Mitch McConnell is dodging a major issue. This deal is bad for America because it raises spending in the short-term for long-term cuts that everyone knows will never happen. McConnell should lead Republicans in demanding a deal that, at a bare minimum, sticks to the existing savings of the sequester."

Source: Joseph Gerth in Courier-Journal on 2014 Kentucky Senate race Dec 13, 2013

Mitch McConnell: Proud of role in high-profile deal to end federal shutdown

Alison Grimes' campaign has waged a news-release campaign against McConnell since the partial government shutdown began, accusing him daily of being responsible for the shutdown and labeling him "Senator Gridlock."

McConnell said that his high-profile part in the deal that ended the shutdown and extended the debt ceiling had taken the air out of Grimes' message. "It steps on the whole narrative of her campaign, and so she's desperately trying to criticize something I was praised for by Harry Reid, among others," McConnell said.

The Grimes campaign fired back by noting a number of past remarks McConnell has made proudly proclaiming himself a "guardian of gridlock." A Grimes spokesperson said, "It is an embarrassment that McConnell waited until the 11th hour to stop the manufactured crisis that he and members of Congress created. It is not heroic for McConnell to do his job and reopen the government. Kentuckians now have to pay for McConnell's Washington dysfunction."

Source: Lexington Herald Leader on 2014 Kentucky Senate debate Oct 17, 2013

Mitch McConnell: Supports sequester cuts: 2.4% out of $3.6 trillion budget

Q: Are these budget cuts a done deal?

McCONNELL: The question is: Are we going to keep the commitment we made to the American people a year and a half ago, a bipartisan agreement signed by the president, that we would reduce spending without raising taxes by this amount of money in this fiscal year? This modest reduction of 2.4% in spending over the next six months is a little more than the average American experienced just two months ago, when the payroll tax holiday expired.

Q: You call this a modest cut, but it will cost about 750,000 jobs.

McCONNELL: By any objective standard, cutting 2.4% out of $3.6 trillion is certainly something we can do.

Q: Over a short period of time?

McCONNELL: The sequester was actually the president's idea. He knows that we were not going to raise taxes to achieve this spending reduction this year. The American people need to know that we have a spending addiction in Washington. We've added $6 trillion to the national debt in just four years.

Source: CNN SOTU 2013 interview on 2014 Kentucky Senate race Mar 3, 2013

Jack Reed: Address the sequester & debt ceiling without any new taxes

Q: You think that the budget deal you negotiated is imperfect, and you want to fix it?

McCONNELL: These last-minute deals are no way to run the government. These three issues are coming up: the sequester, the debt ceiling, and the continuing resolution to operate the government. Look, the biggest problem confronting the country is not taxes. It's spending. We don't have this problem because we tax too little; we have it because we spend too much.

Q: The president has said he's willing to engage in more discussions over the sequester and the government shutdown, but that would also include new revenues.

McCONNELL: The tax issue is finished, over, completed. Now the question is, what are we going to do about the biggest problem confronting our country and our future? And that's our spending addiction. It's time to confront it.

Q: You will not accept any new revenues in any new deal?

McCONNELL: Yeah, absolutely. The tax issue is behind us.

Source: ABC This Week 2013 on 2014 Kentucky Senate race Jan 6, 2013

Jack Conway: Against TARP bailouts due to lack of accountability

PAUL: Do you support the president's agenda or do you not support it?

CONWAY: I support some of President Obama's agenda. The stimulus, 1/3 of it went to tax cuts. 1/3 of it went to keeping the jobs of police and firefighters. And 1/3 supposedly went to shovel-ready projects where the administration hasn't done that great a job. Actually, I wouldn't have voted for the bailouts. There weren't enough accountability in them. We had people getting bonuses after getting the bailouts. And on health care, look, we've got 654,000 Kentuckians getting health care for the first time as a result of this bill. What I'm not for, is the $2,000 deductible and taking our health care system back to a pre-World War II system, which is what Rand Paul's on the record as having said. So I'd like to fix health care. He wants to repeal it. And I think that's a stark difference.

Source: Fox News Sunday, 2010 Kentucky Senate debate Oct 3, 2010

Rand Paul: Bank bailout was bad policy & helped no banks in KY

CONWAY: Chris, I'm proposing a hometown tax credit, a 20% tax credit, for the cost of creating a new job. I think it's important that Americans see that our government is not just growing but that we're providing the incentives for the private sector to grow us out of the recession. I also think that we need to get the small and community banks lending once again, because the government bailed out a bunch of big banks on Wall Street, and these regulators have come down awfully hard on the small communit banks.

PAUL: But here's the problem. You say you want new lending from small banks, but you support the banking regulation bill. The problem was with government banks--Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac--bad policy at the Federal Reserve caused the recession, caused the credit crunch. But yet Jack supports--President Obama supports--the new banking regulations, which every bank in Kentucky will tell you it wasn't our problem. No banks failed in Kentucky. But it's much harder to get a loan in Kentucky now.

Source: Fox News Sunday, 2010 Kentucky Senate debate Oct 3, 2010

Steve Beshear: Cut government spending due to the revenue shortfall

Because of the economic slowdown, the cooling of the housing market, oil prices and a gap between what we spend and what we earn, we are facing an unprecedented budgetary shortfall. While this is a situation I inherited, it is my job to fix it. It is not a time for whining or woe is us--it is a time for leadership, bold action and temporary cost cutting. We have two options: raise taxes, or cut spending. If the Commonwealth of Kentucky were a family, and we realized we were spending more than we could afford, wed have no choice but to tighten our belts. Even though state government is not a family, its about time we began acting more like one. After all, it is the peoples money, and we need to be as efficient as possible when it comes to taxpayer dollars. Raising taxes is and will continue to be a last resort as long as Im Governor. So, that leaves cutting government spending. We can wring more efficiency out of state government and I intend to do just that.
Source: Kentucky 2008 State of the State Address Jan 14, 2008

Steve Beshear: Some budget priorities wont go away despite budget crisis

In the short-term, this budget crisis will unfortunately reduce our ability to make major new investments in some important priorities. However, the need to lower prescription drug costs for our senior citizens will not go away! The need to increase college aid and job training will not go away! The need to send colleges and universities better prepared students will not go away! The need to invest in new 21st century jobs will not go away. I remain fully committed to those priorities.
Source: Kentucky 2008 State of the State Address Jan 14, 2008

Steve Beshear: Revenue situation becomes a golden opportunity for change

Ironically, the revenue situation I inherited becomes a golden opportunity to change the way we do business in Kentucky. It is an opportunity to make every state agency leaner, more efficient and more responsive. It is an opportunity to begin preparing Kentucky to compete in the new economy. It is a way to focus on economic development that will create a stronger economy with jobs of the future rather than those of the past.
Source: Kentucky 2008 State of the State Address Jan 14, 2008

  • The above quotations are from Commonwealth of Kentucky Politicians: Archives.
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2020 Presidential contenders on Budget & Economy:
  Democrats running for President:
Sen.Michael Bennet (D-CO)
V.P.Joe Biden (D-DE)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-NYC)
Gov.Steve Bullock (D-MT)
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN)
Sen.Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Secy.Julian Castro (D-TX)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
Rep.John Delaney (D-MD)
Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Gov.Deval Patrick (D-MA)
Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
CEO Tom Steyer (D-CA)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
CEO Andrew Yang (D-NY)

2020 Third Party Candidates:
Rep.Justin Amash (L-MI)
CEO Don Blankenship (C-WV)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
Howie Hawkins (G-NY)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Howard Schultz(I-WA)
Gov.Jesse Ventura (I-MN)
Republicans running for President:
Sen.Ted Cruz(R-TX)
Gov.Larry Hogan (R-MD)
Gov.John Kasich(R-OH)
V.P.Mike Pence(R-IN)
Gov.Mark Sanford (R-SC)
Pres.Donald Trump(R-NY)
Rep.Joe Walsh (R-IL)
Gov.Bill Weld(R-MA & L-NY)

2020 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
Sen.Stacey Abrams (D-GA)
Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC)
Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Sen.Mike Gravel (D-AK)
Sen.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
Gov.John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Gov.Jay Inslee (D-WA)
Mayor Wayne Messam (D-FL)
Rep.Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Rep.Beto O`Rourke (D-TX)
Rep.Tim Ryan (D-CA)
Adm.Joe Sestak (D-PA)
Rep.Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
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