Brad Little:
Remove wolves from Endangered Species list.
Little supports the following principles regarding the environment.
Support the removal of wolves from the Federal Endangered Species list.
Promote increased use of alternative fuel technology.
Source: 2004 Idaho Congressional National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 2004
Brad Little:
Replenish more water into aquifers than we remove
Water is Idaho's lifeblood, and we've made great strides in protecting it. Under the leadership of the Water Resource Board, we have doubled our goal of refilling and replenishing our critically important Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer,
adding more water this year than was removed. While this is an impressive accomplishment, this must be an ongoing effort. Regardless of the water year, we must focus on expanding the water infrastructure across our state.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to Idaho legislature
Jan 7, 2019
Brad Little:
Wildfires are about land management, not climate change
Activists are trying to rebrand wildfires as "climate fires"--a divisive, defeatist term that does not accurately capture the West's fire problem and dismisses the opportunity to do something about it. Through collaborative initiatives such as the Good
Neighbor Authority and Shared Stewardship, Idaho is focused on a solution--active land management. Idaho is actively mapping out the future of our forests, and your grandkids and mine will directly benefit from our actions today.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature
Jan 11, 2021
Butch Otter:
To EPA: Delist wolves and restore state management
We know what happens when that government-first mindset takes hold. We wind up in court to stop the federal government from breaking its promises on delisting and restoring State management of wolves that are killing our big game and livestock.
We wind up fighting to stop the EPA from imposing unreasonable restrictions on the people of the Silver Valley. Folks, we've got to turn this discussion back to personal responsibility. We've got to turn it back to our communities.
Source: Idaho 2011 State of the State and Budget Address
Jan 10, 2011
Butch Otter:
Endangered Species Act creates federal-state conflict
We need look no further than the Endangered Species Act to see the essential conflict between federal and state priorities--especially when it comes to our natural resources. Even putting aside wolves and grizzly bears, there's no doubt that the threat
of federal edicts on sagegrouse, slickspot peppergrass, woodland caribou and other species have a profound impact not only on public policy here in Idaho but also on how our farmers, ranchers and others can pursue their livelihoods.
We are working proactively to avoid worst-case scenarios and to assert our rights as a state.
However, this past year we reaped the whirlwind sown by federal neglect and mismanagement of our public lands. Wildfire suppression costs alone
approached a quarter-billion dollars--not counting huge impacts on the environment, public health, property, and the unrealized benefits of healthy, actively managed forests and rangeland.
Source: Idaho 2013 State of the State Address
Jan 7, 2013
Dirk Kempthorne:
Supports salmon recovery without breaching Snake River dams
Despite the years of conflict over salmon recovery, we produced the Four Governors� Agreement. With our neighbors from Washington, Oregon and Montana we have provided a roadmap for salmon recovery. It represented consensus. It respected states� water
rights and property rights. It did not call for breaching the lower Snake River dams. It has empowered the states to set their own priorities for salmon recovery, instead of reacting to federal dictates.
Source: 2001 State of the State address to the Idaho legislature
Jan 8, 2001
Dirk Kempthorne:
States� rights: no grizzly bears; no roadless forests
Its time to move command and control away from Washington, D.C. and get the decision-making down to where it should be - on the ground and in the hands of the land managers - our national forest supervisors and our state foresters.
Can you believe the Clinton Administration proposal to re-introduce flesh-eating grizzly bears into the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness? Folks, this could be the first land management action in history to result in sure death and injury of citizens.
We will challenge this blatant confrontation to our state sovereignty in federal court.
And just last week, in its waning days, the Clinton Administration announced its intent to implement its roadless plan,
ignoring the Idaho Land Board. We will go to court once again to prevent this misguided and flawed federal policy from taking effect.
Source: 2001 State of the State address to the Idaho legislature
Jan 8, 2001
Jerry Sturgill:
Protect public lands by keeping federal control
Before going into business, Sturgill worked as a raft guide on some of Idaho's most famous waters. He says it taught him about leadership, and instilled in him a love for wilderness. Sturgill, a former board member with the Idaho Conservation League,
is a forceful opponent of efforts to transfer federal lands to the states. "We need to protect public lands," he said. "There is absolutely no way we should transfer them to state control."
Such a transfer would end with selling those lands to private interests, he said.
Instead Sturgill would focus on trying develop agreements between the feds and local interests as Rep. Mike Simpson did with the Boulder-White Clouds area.
Idaho and the rest of America have a rich supply of natural resources. I support legislation that protects our environment for future generations, while maintaining private property rights and keeping in mind the needs of local communities and industry.
There must be a balance between conservation and use. Through a common sense & collaborative approach we can find workable solutions to the challenging issues involving our environment & natural resources.
As governor I worked with a collaborative
group of land users to design a plan for managing Idaho's roadless public lands. The resulting policy provided higher levels of protection for some lands that truly deserved it and allowed multiple use of other lands where it fit. That collaborative
effort enjoys widespread support.
Public land management does not work when Congress passes a top-down mandate. Instead, land users in each state should be allowed to come together and craft their own plans of management like Idaho's Roadless Rule.
Source: on 2020 Idaho Senate race
Apr 3, 2008
Michael Crapo:
Conservation and progress do not need to be at odds
We in Idaho are proud of our natural resources and land. I continue to support legislation that protects our environment for future generations, while respecting the rights of property owners and balancing the needs of the community.
Conservation and progress do not need to be at odds.
President Roosevelt had it exactly right--we must be careful with what we do with our environment as it will last far beyond our lifespans and become part of what we leave for our children and future generations.
Through a common sense approach of collaboration and cooperation, we can achieve workable solutions to some of the most challenging issues involving our land, environment and natural resources. [Source: ]
Source: profile for 2016 Idaho Senate race
Jan 11, 2011
Michael Crapo:
Improve ESA with innovative collaborative species management
For years now, landowners, environmentalists and agencies responsible for implementation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) have been working to improve the Act [but] the stalemate goes on. In the meantime, the survival of one species after another,
and one farm after another is called into question.
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas) and I introduced the bipartisan Collaboration for the Recovery of the Endangered Species Act (CRESA) in December. CRESA codifies the innovative collaborative
species management occurring nationwide, giving these success stories the foundation of law. Current regulatory climate limits creativity and discourages landowners. Landowners must have a meaningful role in determining how to conserve threatened
and endangered species. An effective way to encourage landowner participation is to offer reasonable conservation methods that bring tangible benefits to species and the communities involved. [Source: Candidate Website]
Source: profile for 2016 Idaho Senate race
Oct 2, 2004
Nancy Harris:
Enjoy clean air & clean water of our mountains & streams
We want our kids to have the opportunities to do meaningful work that pays well and does not pollute our environment.
We want to enjoy the places we live--the clean air and the clean water of our mountains and streams.
Nels Mitchell:
Committed to protecting our unique outdoor heritage
Idaho is an outdoor state. Most of us like to hunt, fish and take our kids hiking and camping. I am committed to protecting our unique heritage so that future generations of Idahoans can have the same
access to recreational opportunities that you and I enjoy today. I will strongly oppose any effort to sell off our public lands.
Paulette Jordan:
Wants to keep federal lands and sites safe from sell offs
Jordan said that she also feels a strong personal connection to one of the biggest political issues in Western state politics: the conservation of federal lands and national monument sites that the Trump administration is determined to sell off. "We
have this president who decides to open up monument sites for oil and gas extractions to basically ravage the land for the benefit of the corporations," she said. "That is not only unlawful but goes back to being a detriment to the people."
Source: Idaho Business Review on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial race
Apr 27, 2018
Tommy Ahlquist:
Let farmers manage land, not government scientists
Tommy will always fight to keep government out of our agricultural industry. Tommy will listen to our local farmers and ranchers because they know best how to manage their lands.
Tommy will fight the Washington bureaucrats who want to control our water, or regulate things like dust, and who must be stopped dead in their tracks.
Source: 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial website
Aug 8, 2017
The above quotations are from State of Idaho Politicians: Archives.
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