Andria Tupola:
Focus on spending efficiency, instead of raising taxes
Q: For balancing Hawaii's budget, do you support reducing state employee salaries AND/OR pensions?
A: No..
Q: Instituting mandatory furloughs AND/OR layoffs for state employees?
A: No..
Q: Reducing benefits for Medicaid recipients?
A: No..
Q: An income tax increase on any tax bracket?
A: No. While inadequate funding certainly is an issue in some areas, increased taxes isn't the best solution.
We should focus on spending efficiency first because there is enough money within the budget to take care of the state's needs. Efficiency goes hand in hand with government accountability..
Q: Do you support state government spending as
a means of promoting economic growth?
A: No..
Q: Do you support expanding access to unemployment benefits?
A: No.
Source: Hawaii Gubernatorial Election 2018 Political Courage Test
Nov 1, 2018
Andria Tupola:
Save government money with efficiency; cut waste
The first thing any state or city agency should cut is waste. Look through the budget, set priorities, decide what we need versus what we want, and study it using an annual snapshot and then take a longitudinal look at trends. Read through the
auditors' reports and see if the suggestions on fiscal accountability or departmental efficiency were applied. Potential new revenue can be found in many broken city facilities that need to be repaired & then turned over to the community for public use.
Source: Honolulu Civil Beat on 2022 Hawaii gubernatorial race
Jul 3, 2020
Benjamin Cayetano:
More funding for tourism infrastructure
Tourism had a record year last year, and this year might be even better. One reason is our three-year old, state-of-the-art, $300 million Hawaii Convention Center. Another is the $60 million we give the Hawaii Tourism Authority to market Hawaii each
This year, we will focus on expanding our cruise line industry. Cruise lines are a very important part of Hawaii�s tourist industry. Therefore, we will submit a request for funding to improve docking and pier facilities.
Source: 2001 State of the State address to Hawaii Legislature
Jan 22, 2001
Bob McDermott:
Wasteful, undisciplined fiscal policy perpetuates dependence
Perhaps the cruelest tax of all is the insidious attack of inflation precipitated by an ill-advised monetary easing policy with no end in sight amplified by a wasteful and undisciplined fiscal policy.
These poorly thought out fiscal policies discourage work and perpetuate government dependence.
Source: 2022 Hawaii Senate campaign website
Mar 17, 2022
Brian Schatz:
Got earmark to fix highway threatened by climate change
Consider the Honoapiilani Highway in West Maui, which is threatened by sea level rise. Schatz helped secure a $23 million earmark that will be used to help realign the highway before it falls into the ocean. "We're going to have to
deal with climate change and it's not just about dealing with the root cause," Schatz said. "This was the first big project that wasn't just a pie in the sky sort of academic exercise, but our first real climate adaptation."
Source: Honolulu Civil Beat on 2022 Hawaii Senate race
Jul 27, 2022
Cam Cavasso:
Government spending sucks oxygen out of the economy
America is the greatest example of free enterprise resulting in wealth creation and individual economic benefit in the history of the world. But today government spending is sucking the oxygen out of the economy. Until it is brought under control and
dramatically reduced, the standard of living Americans have come to enjoy as a way of life will continue to diminish. No variety of "prosperity" has ever been built on debt. Until Americans discipline themselves and their government off this addiction
and "live within our means", we will continue to struggle economically, ultimately losing our personal and national freedoms. I support an immediate cut in the payroll tax for all businesses accompanied by cuts in spending in government entitlement
programs including slowing down the rates of growth in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. I also support a balanced budget amendment to the federal constitution.
Source: 2014 Hawaii Senate campaign website,
Dec 1, 2013
Cam Cavasso:
Balance the budget; don't pass it on to children
Question topic: Free enterprise and the right to private property turn mankind's natural self interest into the fairest and most productive economic system there is, and are the key to national prosperity.
Cavasso: Strongly Agree.
Question topic: Briefly list political or legislative issues of most concern to you.
Cavasso: Balance the Budget.
We must control our spending and pass to our future generations the foundations of a strong and prosperous community and government with out debt.
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Hawaii Senate race
Sep 30, 2014
Charles Djou:
Runaway federal spending threatens our economy & job growth
The working families and small businesses in our islands are struggling in this difficult economy. I have witnessed the effects of this struggle throughout our district. The top concerns that constituents share with me are the runaway federal spending
and the growing national debt which together threaten our economy and hinder job growth. We cannot spend and borrow our way out of this economic downturn. It simply won't work.
The federal government is spending too much money on programs that do too little for the American people. Washington's intervention in our economy has spiraled out of control.
With our debt soaring past $14 trillion, we must plan where we're going and how much it will cost us to get there. We need bipartisan support to bring spending under control.
Source: 2014 Hawaii gubernatorial campaign website,
Dec 20, 2013
David Ige:
We are spending more than we take in; fix the imbalance
Building our [home community] begins with sound and long-term financing. It means working both the income and spending sides of the ledger. I recently submitted a preliminary budget that maintains state programs at current spending levels based on two
sobering realities:
First, we have fully committed our current funds to existing programs and services, and
Second, we are spending more than we take in.
While we work to correct that imbalance, we need to focus our available resources
on strategic investments that grow our economy and strengthen our social safety net. In other words, we need to use the funds we have more efficiently and leverage it whenever possible.
Federal officials tell me there is significant money--
about $940 million--available to the state for the right projects, proposed for the right reasons and at the right time. We also need to do a better job of collecting taxes already on the books.
Source: State of the State address to 2015 Hawaii Legislature
Jan 26, 2015
David Ige:
Spending on infrastructure helps economic recovery
During an economic downturn, public works projects not only build critical infrastructure, they also provide a shot in the arm to businesses, labor and the economy. For the last two years, Hawai'i's construction industry has led the state's economic
recovery, thanks in large part to our investment in public infrastructure. Those investments help stabilize the local construction industry and, with a record bond sale of $1.88 billion, this trend will continue.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Hawaii legislature
Jan 24, 2022
Duke Aiona:
State should be smarter; current resources are sufficient
I believe the State has sufficient resources to fund all critical government functions and services and substantially all of the desired ones. Being smarter with how we use our existing resources should take priority over proposals to increase
taxes on working families. For example, additional revenues do not guarantee education will improve. Dedicated teachers, supportive principals and the encouragement of new and innovative teaching methods are important factors, as well as sufficient fundi
Source: Hawaii Gubernatorial Election 2010 Political Courage Test
Nov 1, 2010
Duke Aiona:
Attract investment by opening a spaceport in Hawai'i
Aiona wants to see the state invest in spaceports on either Kauai or the Big Island. The state would put up the funds to acquire an FAA license and provide some financial support for the infrastructure to open the spaceport as well as possibly land for
the port. Under Aiona's plan, a private developer would share some of the costs for building the spaceport and would then operate it on the state's behalf. The state would get a cut of the revenues generated by the new spaceport.
Source: Honolulu Civil Beat on 2022 Hawaii Gubernatorial race
Aug 11, 2022
Eddie Pirkowski:
Free enterprise is the key to national prosperity
Question topic: Free enterprise and the right to private property turn mankind's natural self interest into the fairest and most productive economic system there is, and are the key to national prosperity.
Pirkowski: Strongly Agree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Hawaii Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Josh Green:
State-subsidized loan program for first-time home buyers
Create a "Path to Home Ownership" for first-time home buyers and essential workers with a new state-subsidized loan program, including financial education and assistance to help navigate the home buying process.
Use vacant state lands to build affordable homes and rentals with federal, state, and private partnerships.
Source: 2022 Hawaii Governor campaign website
Aug 17, 2022
Josh Green:
Housing must be considered a human right
Housing must be considered a human right. That is how my administration will approach affordable housing and homelessness. We will work to end unsheltered homelessness by building 12 kauhale statewide and regional ohana zones for anyone who has been
condemned to living on the street. These solutions, supported by health care professionals, social workers and community partners, will demonstrate to the world that the spirit of aloha is the way forward on housing.
[Note: "Kauhale" means "village." "Ohana" refers to extended family.]
The art of governing is showing up to work ready to take on the challenges of the day. As I've traveled the state and talked with everyday people,
they share remarkably similar hopes--a Hawaii that's affordable, where housing is attainable and wages are sufficient to cover the cost of living. T
Source: Honolulu Civil Beat on 2022 Hawaii Gubernatorial race
Jun 17, 2022
Kai Kahele:
Promote agribusiness through community driven policies
Our governor and state can promote agribusiness--our state's third largest industry-- through community driven policies that foster a healthy economic environment for these small businesses to thrive. We need agriculture policies that address the
cost of doing business, returns on investment, and economies of scale. Achieving food sovereignty and diversifying our economy are both possible--but our hardworking agribusinesses need a helpful state government to fulfill these goals.
Source: 2022 Hawaii Gubernatorial campaign website
May 12, 2022
Kirk Caldwell:
As largest landowner, state is key to building new housing
The cost to purchase or rent a home in our state has grown beyond the ability of too many local people. We must encourage more rentals, which I began as mayor, but that's just a part of the solution. We need to build more homes--single family,
townhomes, and condos--in areas where our working families live and need them. And as the largest landowner on every island, the state holds a critical key to make this happen.
Source: 2022 Hawaii Gubernatorial campaign website
Feb 11, 2022
Ron Curtis:
Balanced budget achievable: stop waste and reduce spending
Government is responsible to balance the budget by eliminating waste and reducing spending before raising taxes.
Before any law or regulation is enacted, the economic impact should be calculated fairly and disclosed publicly. Government should not burden future generations with excessive debt.
Source: 2018 Hawaii Senate campaign website
Aug 8, 2018
The above quotations are from State of Hawaii Politicians: Archives.
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