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State of Delaware Archives: on Civil Rights

Alex Pires: Women are treated disproportionately poorly

One audience member noted the political preoccupation with abortion and contraception, and if they thought human rights or religious rights were more important. "We have 100 Senators; 17 of them are women," Pires said. "I think women are treated disproportionately poor." The government should focus on human rights; religion is a personal matter, he said.
Source: Cape Gazette on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

Alex Pires: Gay people are equal

Carper said it is up to the states' legislatures to decide who can get married in their state. Pires criticized Carper for speaking in "double-talk" while answering "I support gay marriage. Gay people are equal."
Source: Newark Post on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

Chris Coons: Targeted by Stonewall as pro-LGBT candidate

Notice from Stonewall ElectEquality program:

Stonewall is an organization dedicated to electing pro-LGBT candidates to office. Our 10 focused federal candidates will be the beneficiaries of a coordinated online and offline campaign, including our placing a full-time organizer to organize LGBT volunteers and turnout for Chris Coons. With your help, we can increase constituent knowledge about Chris Coons support for LGBT equality and our desire to help him out in the fall.

Source: Stonewall press release on Delaware Liberal (DL blog) Jun 17, 2010

Chuck Boyce: Staunch supporter of equality including sexual orientation

I have and always will be a staunch supporter of equality regardless of one's race, gender, age, sexual orientation or country of origin. Our country is founded on the 'preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness' for all Americans. I will always stand firmly against hate and bigotry because plain and simple it's wrong and that's not what we as a country stand for.

I hope to push for the advancement of civil rights in order to ensure full equality for all Americans. This will help heal the wounds that many communities across our country have felt marginalized by. Our country must fight for all people to better race relations, human rights and ensure freedom of religion for people of faith.

Source: 2018 Delaware Senatorial campaign website Feb 22, 2018

Chuck Boyce: Civil rights movement continues to progress for the better

[Citing a Twitter posting]: "The time is always right to do what is right."--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

@ChuckBoyce Twitter response: Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day in which we honor the life of an amazing man who gave a voice to the civil rights movement. It is because of people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that our country has continued to progress for the better with #MLKDay2018

Source: Twitter posting on 2018 Delaware Senate race Jan 15, 2018

Colin Bonini: Opposed same-sex marriage for Delaware

The Washington Blade has learned seven of the 12 Delaware state senators who had previously not stated their position on the state's same-sex marriage bill plan to vote against it next week. Aides for state Sen. Colin Bonini (R-Dover) [and six others] said the lawmakers will vote against House Bill 75 when the state Senate considers the measure on May 7. Eleven of Delaware's 21 senators need to vote for HB 75 in order for it to pass.

Equality Delaware's President reiterated to the Blade she remains optimistic HB 75 will pass. "I am confident we will have the votes to pass marriage equality in Delaware," she said.

Neighboring Maryland is among the nine states and D.C. that currently allow same-sex marriage. The Delaware Senate vote on HB 75 is scheduled to take place five days after Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee signed his state's same-sex marriage bill into law. Gov. Jack Markell has said he will sign HB 75 into law if lawmakers approve it.

Source: Washington Blade on 2016 Delaware Gubernatorial debate May 3, 2013

Gene Truono: Constitution's inferred rights cover LGBT rights

Truono's website says that if elected he "will fight for equality and justice," but it doesn't specifically mention LGBT rights. "Mr. Truono believes that the LGBT community is currently protected under the enumerated rights of the Constitution," Truono's campaign manager said. "He believes the safeguards under the Constitution protect all individuals. Therefore Mr. Truono would not become a cosponsor of the Equality Act as currently written and pending in the U.S. Senate."
Source: Washington Blade on 2018 Delaware Senate race Mar 5, 2018

Jack Markell: Supported same-sex marriage for Delaware

The Washington Blade has learned seven of the 12 Delaware state senators who had previously not stated their position on the state's same-sex marriage bill plan to vote against it next week. Aides for state Sen. Colin Bonini (R-Dover) [and six others] said the lawmakers will vote against House Bill 75 when the state Senate considers the measure on May 7. Eleven of Delaware's 21 senators need to vote for HB 75 in order for it to pass.

Equality Delaware's President reiterated to the Blade she remains optimistic HB 75 will pass. "I am confident we will have the votes to pass marriage equality in Delaware," she said.

Neighboring Maryland is among the nine states and D.C. that currently allow same-sex marriage. The Delaware Senate vote on HB 75 is scheduled to take place five days after Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee signed his state's same-sex marriage bill into law. Gov. Jack Markell has said he will sign HB 75 into law if lawmakers approve it.

Source: Washington Blade on 2016 Delaware Gubernatorial debate May 3, 2013

James DeMartino: Identity politics is detrimental to our domestic security

Q: Is racism a threat to domestic security in the United States? Why or why not?

A: Yes, racism is a threat to domestic security. Identity politics is detrimental to our domestic and national security. The old adage applies today, "divide and conquer." The threat to our nation is from within our population. We must unite as Americans and fight for freedom and justice for all as established by our Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution.

Q: What areas of legislation do you propose to author or sponsor if elected?

A: Restore Law and Order. We must enforce our laws to protect our citizen's lives and property, a main function of government. I will support our police and their funding requirements. Our constitutional rights must be protected and anarchy in the streets must be prevented.

Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2020 Delaware Senate race Nov 3, 2020

Jessica Scarane: Reparations for slavery & genocide of indigenous peoples

Racial Justice:
Source: 2020 Delaware Senate campaign website Nov 30, 2019

Jessica Scarane: Pass laws that protects girls' & women's rights

Scarane is board president of Girls Inc. of Delaware. The nonprofit group works to help girls develop into strong, smart and bold women. "In that role, one of the key elements is also being an advocate for girls at a state level when it comes to passing laws that protect their rights," Scarane said.
Source: WHYY PBS on 2020 Delaware Senate race Nov 18, 2019

John Carney: Increase diversity in state employment

As part of our focus on improving workplace conditions for state employees, I directed Secretary Johnson to analyze our state's current sexual harassment policy and training, and to recommend ways to improve it. At the same time, we'll be working to improve diversity and inclusion in every state agency, particularly in hiring and promotion practices. Our first step was to hire the state's first Chief Diversity Officer.
Source: 2018 Delaware State of the State address Jan 18, 2018

Kevin Wade: Marriage is fundamental building block for any community

Pires said, "I support gay marriage. Gay people are equal."

Wade called the issue a "fringe issue," but continued, "I will state for the record, I know that marriage is between man and a woman and is the fundamental building block for any community and any nation."

Source: Newark Post on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

Lauren Witzke: Appreciates rally security from Proud Boys

On Wednesday, a day after Mr. Trump's Proud Boys remarks during the first presidential debate, Ms. Witzke took to Twitter. "The Proud Boys showed up to one of my rallies to provide free security for me when #BLM and ANTIFA were protesting my candidacy," she wrote, "I am grateful to them for volunteering their time to keep myself and my supporters safe!"
Source: New York Times on 2020 Delaware Senate race Oct 2, 2020

Lisa Blunt Rochester: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act for gender pay equity

Equal Pay for Equal Work: "I will stand up to the politicians in Washington who oppose efforts to guarantee equal pay for equal work. This is about fairness and it is about strengthening our families" --Lisa Blunt Rochester

Women in Delaware make on average 81% of the wages earned by their male counterparts and that rate is even less for Latino and African American women. In Congress, Lisa will be a champion for Equal Pay by:

Source: 2016 Delaware House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Tom Carper: Let state legislatures decide who can get married

Carper said it is up to the states' legislatures to decide who can get married in their state. Pires criticized Carper for speaking in "double-talk" while answering "I support gay marriage. Gay people are equal."
Source: Newark Post on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

Tom Carper: Repeal DOMA; it's unconstitutional

Carper said he agrees with recent courts' ruling that the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1996 giving states the grounds to bar same-sex couples from getting married, is unconstitutional. "Would I vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act? I would. And when you've got four of five courts saying something is unconstitutional, I think we should fix it," Carper said.
Source: Newark Post on 2012 Delaware Senate debate Oct 19, 2012

  • The above quotations are from State of Delaware Politicians: Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Civil Rights.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Civil Rights:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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