State of Alaska Archives: on Abortion
Al Gross:
Will defend right to choose & reproductive healthcare
I'll defend a woman's right to choose and fight attacks on safe,
affordable reproductive healthcare.
Source: 2020 Alaska Senate campaign website
Nov 20, 2019
Bill Walker:
Pro-life but Lt. Gov. running mate was pro-choice
Although his popularity was ebbing in 2014, Parnell looked like a reasonable bet to win a three-way race with Walker and Democrat Byron Mallot, the former mayor of Juneau. But the contest was upended in September when Mallot dropped his bid for
governor and greed to become Walker's running mate on a "unity ticket," something the independent had been urging in order to have a better chance at dislodging Parnell. This was not the first time Mallot had backed an Independent--In 2010 years
he strayed from the party line and signed on to co-chair Lisa Murkowski's independent Senate bid. The Alaska Democratic state central committee, eager to oust Parnell, endorsed Mallot's switch and an Anchorage judge subsequently upheld his pairing with
Walker. The fusion ticket did not agree on everything--Walker was pro-life and Mallot was pro-choice--but the two vowed to work together on the major issues confronting the state.
Source: Almanac of American Politics on 2018 Alaska Governor race
Oct 5, 2015
Billy Toien:
Personally opposed, but respects state's privacy clause
Libertarian candidate Billy Toien said he is anti-abortion "by sentiment" but opposes the idea of changing the
Alaska Constitution's privacy clause by amendment or convention, "because there is no telling how far something will go, no matter how it's labeled on the front."
Source: Anchorage Daily News on 2022 Alaska Gubernatorial race
Dec 22, 2021
Billy Toien:
Don't amend Alaska constitution, could go too far
Libertarian candidate Billy Toien said he is anti-abortion "by sentiment" but opposes the idea of changing the Alaska Constitution's privacy clause
by amendment or convention, "because there is no telling how far something will go, no matter how it's labeled on the front."
Source: Anchorage Daily News on 2022 Alaska Gubernatorial race
Dec 22, 2021
Cean Stevens:
Completely pro-life; no government financing
Q: When should abortion be allowed, and when should government pay for it? A: Personally, I am completely pro life. I don't believe that the government shouldn't finance any activity which funds abortion.
Q: Do you anticipate pushing any
legislation, policies or budget proposals that would change the status quo in Alaska?
A: As a Libertarian, I believe we should provide more educational choices other than abortion. I would legislate to fund this type of education.
Source: Alaska Dispatch News on 2016 Alaska Senate race
Oct 29, 2014
Charlie Huggins:
Supports mandatory ultrasounds
The "Extreme Team" of right-wing Republicans in the state senate, starring Cathy Giessel (R), Fred Dyson (R), John Coghill (R), Charlie Huggins (R) (and their token DINO Donny Olson "D") have sponsored a forced ultrasound bill in the Alaska legislature.
This bill mandates that the physician perform an ultrasound regardless of its medical necessity prior to performing an abortion, even though Alaska Supreme Court has stated laws may not place unnecessary burdens on a woman's right to an abortion.
Source: Huffington Post on 2018 Alaska gubernatorial race
May 21, 2012
Charlie Huggins:
Supports bill to bar abortion providers from teaching sex ed
The Alaska Senate pushed forward a controversial bill to bar "abortion services providers" from teaching sex education in schools, and require parental permission before children could be taught any sex education. The bill doesn't mention
Planned Parenthood by name, but that organization is a favorite target of social conservatives.Senate Rules Committee chairman Charlie Huggins held a hearing and passed Senate Bill 89 on to the Senate floor.
The action on the bill drew immediate objections from Planned Parenthood and allies of the organization, which teaches sex ed to more than 2,000 children in Alaska. The group also pointed to a legal memo sent to Huggins by a legislative attorney,
who said SB 89 could violate constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of association and expression, and would likely face a court challenge. In an interview, Huggins said that there are legal objections to "almost every bill."
Source: Anchorage Daily News on SB89 Alaska Voting Records
Feb 25, 2016
Christopher Kurka:
Former Executive Director of Alaska anti-abortion group
As the former Executive Director of Alaska's only statewide organization dedicated to the end of abortion, I have vetted candidates, pled with politicians, and written legislation in an effort to bring about the end of the greatest atrocity of our
history.I will work tirelessly to: - Support and sign pro-life legislation that will save innocent human lives
- End state funded abortion
Source: 2022 Alaska Gubernatorial campaign website
Feb 23, 2022
Christopher Kurka:
Guarantee equal protection for children in the womb
The Alito decision destroys the concept that abortion is found in the right to privacy. The Alaska Supreme Court's opinions on the topic are null and void (not the that they should have been followed to begin with). On day one of a Kurka administration
I will end the abortion payments to Planned Parenthood. I will continue to push the legislature to pass the Life at Conception/Pre-born Child Equality Act, guaranteeing the equal protection under the law for children in the womb.
Source: Anchorage Daily News on 2022 Alaska Gubernatorial race
Aug 5, 2022
Dan Sullivan:
Exception for abortion to protect life of mother
At a GOP debate Monday, Messrs. Treadwell, Sullivan and Miller each labeled themselves as pro-life candidates--although with varying exceptions.
Sullivan would keep abortion legal in the case of rape, incest and to protect the mother's life. Treadwell would allow the procedure to protect the mother's life. And Miller said he would allow no exceptions.
"I don't think we ought to be talking about exceptions, we ought to be talking about life," Miller said at the debate, held in an evangelical church in
Eagle River. "Why are we going to punish the sons and daughters for the father's sins? That's what we do for the rape and incest exception."
Source: Wall Street Journal on 2014 Alaska Senate debate
Aug 5, 2014
Dan Sullivan:
Ban abortion after 20 weeks
Q: Keep abortion legal or ban?Dan Sullivan: Highly restrict. "Life begins at conception and we must fight to protect the lives of the unborn." Ban abortions after 20 weeks. Voted to defund Planned Parenthood in 2015. Has continued to support
defunding Planned Parenthood.
Al Gross: Legal. "I'll defend a woman's right to choose, and fight attacks on safe, affordable reproductive health care." Planned Parenthood endorsed.
Source: CampusElect on 2020 Alaska Senate race
Oct 10, 2020
Joe Miller:
No federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
Q: Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? A: No.
Source: Alaska Congressional Election 2010 Political Courage Test
Sep 9, 2010
Joe Miller:
Don't talk about exceptions; talk about life
At a GOP debate Monday, Messrs. Treadwell, Sullivan and Miller each labeled themselves as pro-life candidates--although with varying exceptions.
Sullivan would keep abortion legal in the case of rape, incest and to protect the mother's life. Treadwell would allow the procedure to protect the mother's life. And Miller said he would allow no exceptions.
"I don't think we ought to be talking about exceptions, we ought to be talking about life," Miller said at the debate, held in an evangelical church in Eagle River. "Why are we going to punish the sons and daughters for the father's sins? That's what
we do for the rape and incest exception."
Miller's supporters distributed news clippings that in 2012 Treadwell blocked a measure that would have allowed a statewide referendum to outlaw abortion.
Source: Wall Street Journal on 2014 Alaska Senate debate
Aug 5, 2014
Joe Miller:
Abortion causes a culture of death
Question topic: Human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at every stage until natural death.Miller: Strongly Agree
Question topic: Should abortion be allowed under extenuating circumstances? If so, what circumstances?
Miller: I am 100% prolife. Every life is sacred. We should safe every life we can.
Question topic: Briefly list political or legislative issues of most concern to you.
Miller: Abortion (about 57 million have been killed.
This culture of death has a comprehensive impact, society-wide).
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Alaska Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Joe Miller:
Planned Parenthood: end trade in murdered baby parts
Most of us have heard about the explosive revelations of the backroom butchery of Planned Parenthood. These undercover videos show--in gruesome detail--how Planned Parenthood has actively marketed baby parts to corporations like StemExpress who pay top
dollar, depending on how complete the aborted body is and the "freshness" of the pre-born infant's organs.America now sits in the unenviable position of not only being fully informed of the slaughter of innocents within its borders--closing in on
60,000,000 dead as I write this article--but also now being fully informed of the grotesque, multi-billion dollar industry that has grown up around the buying and selling of babies' corpses and body parts.
Abortion and the trade of fetal parts is
morally repugnant and must be stopped. And the multi-billion dollar industry that has grown up around it must be exposed and banned. The future of our nation, our state, and our children--born and unborn--depend on it.
Source: 2016 Alaska Senate campaign website
Aug 17, 2015
Joe Miller:
Roe v. Wade is judicial activism at its worst
Q: Under what circumstances should abortion be allowed?Miller: I believe that every life deserves the protection of the government. Roe v. Wade is an example of judicial activism at its worst, running contrary to the
Constitution's clear mandate to protect life. Rare instances may occur where we cannot save both the life of the mother and the child. In such cases, we should save the life we can.
Source: 2016 AFA Action iVoterGuide on 2016 Alaska Senate race
Nov 8, 2016
Kelly Tshibaka:
An unapologetically pro-life Alaska conservative
I will fight to preserve our Second Amendment right to bear arms and, as an unapologetically pro-life
Alaska conservative, I will be a voice for the unborn. And I'm for America first, always.
Source: The Anchorage Daily News on 2022 Alaska Senate race
Mar 30, 2021
Les Gara:
Safe Haven bill: allow surrendering newborns without penalty
Gov.Palin signed House Bill 29 into law. The "Safe Haven for Infants Act" allows a parent to safely surrender a newborn child without the threat of prosecution, as long as there is no evidence the infant has been physically injured.Without penalty, a
parent may leave the infant in the physical custody of a peace officer, physician or hospital employee, or a volunteer or employee of a fire station or emergency medical service. "All children deserve to begin their lives in a loving, protective family,"
Gov. Palin said. "When that fails, it is our job as a state to make sure that children are protected."
The Commissioner of Health and Social Services said, "Unfortunately, abandonment of infants has occurred in Alaska. It is our hope that the passage
of the 'Safe Haven' act has ended that forever."
Legislative Outcome:Passed House 35-0-5 on May/7/07; State Rep. Les Gara voted YES; Passed Senate 15-0-5 on Jan/19/08; signed by Gov. Palin on 2/11/08.
Source: Gov. P.R.08-020, `Safe Haven` Alaska Voting Records for HB29
May 7, 2007
Lisa Murkowski:
Don't cut off all federal funds to Planned Parenthood
The Senate took another procedural vote on a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, this one linked to a stop-gap measure to fund the government. Murkowski was one of eight Republicans to vote against advancing the bill. She sided with Democrats who say
cutting Planned Parenthood funds would limit access to healthcare and contraception.Murkowski said, "I have made very, very clear to anyone who is within range of listening that I do not support shutting down the government. Period." The senator says
she doesn't believe federal funds should be cut off to all of Planned Parenthood. "Those facilities in Alaska that provide for the STD testing, some of the other services, will not have those resources. And that is very troubling," she said. "The women
of Alaska, and I think women around the country, need to make sure that they don't have a disruption of service."
Planned Parenthood has been under fire after videos secretly recorded by anti-abortion activists surfaced.
Source: KTOO Public Media on 2016 Alaska Senate race
Sep 24, 2015
Lisa Murkowski:
Don't ban all late-term abortions; exceptions needed
Murkowski explained why she missed a vote on another abortion bill, that one to ban abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy. The senator says she was in Texas, raising money for her re-election. "I had made, months and months ago, made arrangements to
do a fundraising swing, and had put in place these plans at the early part of the summer," she said. Murkowski says when she made her plans, she predicted the
Senate would not have any votes that day, and that turned out to be the wrong call. "I do regret not being here for the vote because that's your responsibility," she said.The abortion ban also failed to get enough votes to pass. She disappointed anti-
Source: KTOO Public Media on 2016 Alaska Senate race
Sep 24, 2015
Lisa Murkowski:
Joined Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood
Senate Republicans, aided by Vice President Mike Pence and an ailing Georgia colleague who gingerly made his way to the Capitol with the aid of a wheelchair and a walker, voted Thursday to undo an Obama administration rule preventing states from
blocking funding for family planning clinics that also provide abortions.Democrats all voted against the bill, as did two Republican senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Ms. Collins and Ms. Murkowski have long opposed
attacks on funding Planned Parenthood, which they argue provides services for women in areas with scarce health care options.
Senator Johnny Isakson, Republican of Georgia, who returned after two back surgeries, was cleared by his doctors to travel
for one day only to help pass the measure, but it took Pence's final vote to break the 50-50 tie. The measure will now head to Trump's desk, a onetime supporter of Planned Parenthood who adopted an anti-abortion rights position during the campaign.
Source: N.Y.Times on 2018 Alaska Gubernatorial race
Mar 30, 2017
Mark Begich:
Mayor's Charity Ball donated $25K to Planned Parenthood
Mayor Mark Begich of Anchorage donated $25,000 to Planned Parenthood of Alaska following an annual city fundraising event. Money raised by the 2003 Mayor's Charity Ball was divided among four charities. This year, those randomly selected were the
Anchorage Concert Chorus, the Imaginarium, the Covenant House of Alaska, and Planned Parenthood of America, the nation's largest abortion business. Each received one quarter of the more than $100,000 raised.
Begich included Planned
Parenthood when he remarked that the fundraiser would benefit "four very worthy charities," despite the fact that Planned Parenthood already receives grants from the state and federal governments.
In previous years, pro-life organizations had benefited from the annual ball, such as the Pregnancy Support Services crisis pregnancy in 1998 and both Catholic and Lutheran Social Services.
Source: Paul Nowak,, "Alaska Mayor Donates"
Dec 15, 2003
Mark Begich:
No new regulations on women's access to medical care
The Parnell/Treadwell Administration is trying to restrict Alaska women's access to medical care. New regulations are set to make it harder for women and their doctors to make medical decisions.
These new regulations are an unprecedented intrusion into a women's medical privacy.I stand with the women of Alaska. The state legislative counsel has already said the proposed regulations may be unconstitutional.
This is just another attempt to circumvent women's rights and we can't let it stand. Medical decisions should be left between patients, their families, and their doctors--not politicians in Juneau or Washington, D.C.
The women of
Alaska should not be forced to make decisions about their health based on government regulations. And I need you to let Alaska's state administration know you stand with us: Add your voice to mine right now.
Source: Letter from Sen. Begich: 2014 Alaska Senate debate
Sep 7, 2013
Mary Peltola:
Protect women's reproductive health in federal law
Women should have the right to make decisions about their own health and their own bodies. The repeal of Roe v. Wade will disproportionately impact people of color and low-income women that already have barriers to healthcare.
I'm pro-choice, and as your Representative I will work to enshrine protections for women's reproductive health in federal law.
Source: 2022 Alaska House campaign website
Sep 1, 2022
Mead Treadwell:
Exception for abortion for rape, incest & maternal health
At a GOP debate, Messrs. Treadwell, Sullivan and Miller each labeled themselves as pro-life candidates--although with varying exceptions. Sullivan would keep abortion legal in the case of rape, incest and to protect the mother's life. Treadwell would
allow the procedure to protect the mother's life. And Miller said he would allow no exceptions.Miller's supporters distributed news clippings about Mr. Treadwell that could be infuriating to a socially conservative audience:
That in 2012 he agreed to allow transgendered people to "correct the gender marker" on their Alaska driver's license and that he blocked a measure that would have allowed a statewide referendum to outlaw abortion. During the debate,
Treadwell said the initiative would have been unconstitutional and acted on advice of the state's lawyers.
But Miller used the episode to attack Treadwell. "You know, we heard that argument before, 'I was just following orders,'" Miller said.
Source: Wall Street Journal on 2014 Alaska Senate debate
Aug 5, 2014
Mike Chenault:
Says he's pro life defending a sidelined anti-abortion bill
Anti-abortion advocates say that House Speaker Mike Chenault, R-Nikiski, has sidelined one of their priority bills in the Alaska Legislature by referring it to a committee chaired by an opponent of the legislation,
Rep. Paul Seaton, R-Homer. "The bill went to a committee because it has jurisdiction, and that's about all I'm going to say," Chenault said. He added, as he walked away: "I am pro-life, by the way."
Source: Anchorage Daily News on 2018 Alaska Gubernatorial race
Sep 28, 2016
Mike Dunleavy:
Sponsors bill to bar abortion providers from teaching sex ed
The Alaska Senate pushed forward a controversial bill to bar "abortion services providers" from teaching sex education in schools, and require parental permission before children could be taught any sex education. The bill doesn't mention Planned
Parenthood by name, but that organization is a favorite target of social conservatives.The Senate Bill 89 is sponsored by Mike Dunleavy. Since last spring, Dunleavy's bill has sat dormant in the Senate Rules Committee.
But chairman Charlie Huggins held a hearing and passed the bill on to the Senate floor. "We either have schools that are for education or we have schools for indoctrination," Dunleavy said. "Parents don't think we should be sending our kids on
the bus to be intercepted by groups who have an agenda." The action on the bill drew immediate objections from Planned Parenthood and allies of the organization, which teaches sex ed to more than 2,000 children in Alaska.
Source: Anchorage Daily News on SB89 Alaska Voting Records
Feb 25, 2016
Mike Dunleavy:
Let Alaskans vote whether or not abortion is protected right
[On abortion rights]: "I like many Alaskans, am pro life," Dunleavy said in a news release. "I also recognize that many Alaskans are pro choice. I will therefore be introducing a resolution for a proposed constitutional amendment to the
Legislature in the next session to answer the question whether abortion shall, or not be a constitutionally protected right."
Source: The Center Square on 2022 Alaska Gubernatorial race
Jun 25, 2022
Mike Gravel:
Agreed with NARAL on 16 pro-choice votes; absent on other 7
Voting Record:- 1980: Of the three choice-related votes taken in 1980, Sen. Gravel was absent from all three.
- 1979: Of the eight choice-related votes taken in 1979, Sen. Gravel voted pro-choice on seven and was absent from one.
- 1978:
Of the three choice-related votes taken in 1978, Sen. Gravel voted pro-choice on all three.
- 1977: Of the nine choice-related votes taken in 1977, Sen. Gravel voted pro-choice on six and was absent from three.
Source: NARALAlaska voting record,
Jan 1, 2008
Sarah Palin:
Choose life, even if her own daughter were raped
The candidates were pressed on their stances on abortion and were even asked what they would do if their own daughters were raped and became pregnant. Palin said she would support abortion only if the mother's life was in danger. When it came to her
daughter, she said, "I would choose life."
Knowles, responding to the scenario involving his daughter, said he would counsel her and talk to her, but it would be her decision. "I would love her and support her no matter what decision she made," he said
Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: AP coverage of public TV debate
Nov 3, 2006
Sarah Palin:
Adoption is best plan for permanency for foster care kids
- WHEREAS, there is nothing more important to Alaska than the safe growth, development, and nurturance of Alaska's children. It is our children who will determine the direction of Alaska in future years.
- WHEREAS, Alaska has 847 children living in
out-of-home care who cannot return to their birth parents and need the security, encouragement, safety, and cultural continuity that a permanent family can provide.
- WHEREAS, adoption is the plan for permanency for these children. In 2006, 226 children
from foster care achieved finalized adoption with families in Alaska.
- WHEREAS, children waiting for adoptive parents and adoptive families require and deserve community and agency support.
- NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sarah Palin, Governor of the State of
Alaska, do hereby proclaim November 2007 as: Adoption Awareness Month in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to become involved in community and state efforts to provide all our children with secure, nurturing, permanent families.
Source: Alaska Governor's Office: Proclamation, "Adoption"
Oct 22, 2007
Sarah Palin:
Safe Haven bill: allow surrendering newborns without penalty
Governor Palin Signs Safe Haven' Bill Into Law: Bill allows parents to surrender newborns without prosecutionPalin signed House Bill 29 into law today. The "Safe Haven for Infants Act" passed the State House in May and passed the Senate on Jan. 19.
The bill allows a parent to safely surrender a newborn child without the threat of prosecution, as long as there is no evidence the infant has been physically injured.
Without penalty, a parent may leave the infant in the physical custody of a peace
officer, physician or hospital employee, or a volunteer or employee of a fire station or emergency medical service. "All children deserve to begin their lives in a loving, protective family," Governor Palin said. "When that fails, it is our job as a
state to make sure that children are protected."
The Commissioner of Health and Social Services said, "Unfortunately, abandonment of infants has occurred in Alaska. It is our hope that the passage of the Safe Haven' act has ended that forever."
Source: Gov. P.R.08-020, `Safe Haven` Alaska Voting Records for HB29
Feb 11, 2008
Tony Knowles:
Support woman's decision in cases of rape
The candidates were pressed on their stances on abortion and were even asked what they would do if their own daughters were raped and became pregnant. Palin said she would support abortion only if the mother's life was in danger. When it came to her
daughter, she said, "I would choose life."
Knowles, responding to the scenario involving his daughter, said he would counsel her and talk to her, but it would be her decision. "I would love her and support her no matter what decision she made," he said
Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: AP coverage of public TV debate
Nov 3, 2006
Pat Chesbro:
Fight for women's medical care including abortion
Women's rights to make their own decisions and conduct their lives have been overruled, and they are losing their control over their own reproductive health.
Our young women need assurance that that right will be theirs too. I'll stand up and fight for the rights of women to get the medical care they need, including abortion.
Source: 2022 Alaska Senate campaign website
Oct 7, 2022
Mike Dunleavy:
Most pro-life state, make it OK again to have kids
It's no secret to anyone that I'm a pro-life Governor, and my administration is ready to work with all of you over the next four years to achieve my goal to make Alaska the most pro-life state in the entire country. To that end, together we can
enact policies like the Healthy Families Initiative for our people that are pro-children, pro-mothers, pro-fathers, pro-families. This may sound strange to some, but we have to make it OK again to have a family. We have to make it OK again to have kids.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Alaska legislature
Jan 23, 2023
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023