Protecting Democracy - I support overturning Citizens United.
Overturn Citizens United.
Automatic voter registration.
Secure Vote by Mail.
Outlaw gerrymandering.
Make Election Day a National Holiday.
Source: 2020 Tennessee Senate campaign website
Aug 26, 2020
Bill Hagerty:
Constitutionalist judges who won't legislate from the bench
President Donald Trump is nominating constitutionalist judges to the federal bench and Supreme Court, and the Republican Senate majority is confirming those judicial nominees who will not legislate from the bench.
But extreme Democrats are now talking about packing the court. That's not what the Founders intended. In the Senate, Bill will support President Trump's judicial nominees who respect the Constitution and the rule of law.
Source: 2020 Tennessee Senate campaign website
Dec 24, 2019
Bill Hagerty:
Protect Constitution; support Congressional term limits
Bill will work to protect our founders' vision for our country. He will vote to confirm President Trump's judicial nominees who will respect the Constitution and the rule of law. He will protect religious freedom. He will stand up to
Washington liberals' attacks on our Constitution, our freedoms and their never-ending attempts to impeach President Trump. He supports term limits to help hold Congress accountable.
Source: 2020 Tennessee Senate campaign website
Dec 24, 2019
James Mackler:
Doesn't accept corporate PAC contributions
Change starts with me, and that's why my campaign doesn't accept corporate PAC contributions. I'll work with employers and corporations that employ Tennesseans to help strengthen our economy, not fund my campaigns.
My campaign is, and will continue to be, fueled by individuals wanting to fix a system that's been rigged against us.
When elected, I'll be a senator for all Tennesseans--not only people that vote for me.
That's what we ought to expect. When the influence of corporate special interests turns that simple mission into an aspirational goal, it's time for new people to step forward.
Across Tennessee, people ask how one person can change a broken system. It's a tall task, and I find the answer in my faith. It's an uphill battle, and we need everyone wanting change on our team to make it happen.
Source: The Tennessean OpEd on 2020 Tennessee Senate race
Mar 16, 2019
Karl Dean:
Nonpartisan redistricting; no voter ID
Q: Support nonpartisan redistricting to address charges of partisan gerrymandering?
Karl Dean (D): Yes.
Bill Lee (R): Unknown.
Q: Voting Rights: Support stricter voting rules such as voter ID requirements or reduced registration times,
even if they prevent some people from voting?
Karl Dean (D): No. Will look at options to make voting more accessible & increase participation.
Bill Lee (R): Unknown.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Tennessee Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
Bill Lee:
Term limits would bring in new leaders with new ideas
Our government was intended to be run by "we the people," not career politicians.I believe our Founders intended to build a system that reflects the will of the citizenry, refreshed by new ideas, new approaches and new people in government. These
Founders left a government where they were ruled by an elite class. Today we've seen a new elite class of career politicians rise up and grow disconnected from the people they represent. I'll support term limits to make room for new leaders and ideas.
Marsha Blackburn:
Require presidential candidates to show birth certificates
Birther bill: In 2009, Blackburn sponsored legislation requiring presidential candidates to show their birth certificates.
The bill was in response to so-called Birther conspiracy theories that falsely alleged that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
Asked why she supported such a bill, Blackburn's spokesperson said that Blackburn did not doubt that Obama was an American citizen.
The spokesperson inaccurately suggested that Obama had not provided any documents to prove he was a natural-born citizen.
Source: on 2018 Tennessee Senate race
Jul 2, 2018
Joe Carr:
Reduce crossover voting in Tennessee primary elections
A bill aimed at reducing crossover voting in Tennessee primary elections failed by voice vote in the state House Local Government Committee today. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Joe Carr, would have required each voter in a primary election to check a box
agreeing that the party election "I am voting in most closely represents my values and beliefs." Tennessee has long held open primaries.
Carr is running in the August GOP primary against Sen. Lamar Alexander. But Carr has maintained all along his bill
has nothing to do with that. The bill was opposed by the Tennessee Republican Party Chairman among others. In the end, fellow Republicans on the GOP-controlled Local Government Committee refused to go along with Carr's bill.
In response to questions
posed earlier by Rep. Vince Dean, Carr said those refusing to sign the declaration would not be allowed to vote in that primary. Dean questioned whether the bill would really accomplish anything, noting "they could still be honest, so this wouldn't help.
Source: Chattanooga Times Free Press on 2014 Tennessee Senate race
Mar 11, 2014
Bill Haslam:
We reduced wait times for licenses from 38 minutes to 18
Two years ago, I stood up here and said that we would be working hard to speed up the process to receive a license, and we're making progress.
At the Fayette County center, wait times went from an average of 38 minutes in 2011, to 30 minutes in 2012, and only 18 minutes in the month of December. Thanks to [that] team for giving our customers -- Tennessee's taxpayers--great service.
In Tennessee, we are different. We have a lot to brag about, but this isn't the time to coast along or to be satisfied.
This is a time to take advantage of our strengths and face our challenges head on, and I look forward to the executive and legislative branches working together on the issues that matter to Tennesseans.
Source: 2013 State of the State speech to Tennessee legislature
Jan 28, 2013
Bill Haslam:
Increase campaign contribution limits but disallow lobbyists
Excerpts from SB 1915 legislative records:
Contribution limits shall be adjusted to reflect the percentage of change in the average consumer price index.
Each such adjustment shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $100.
Every 2 years thereafter, contribution limits shall be further adjusted
Candidates shall be permitted to conduct fundraising events and only under the following conditions: fundraising events shall not be held on state property
No contributions nor in-kind contributions from lobbyists, lobbying companies, or political campaign committees controlled by lobbyists.
Status:Bill passed Senate, 19-11-1; passed House 65-20-0; signed by Governor, June 1, 2011.
Source: Tennessee legislature voting records: SB 1915
Jun 1, 2011
Bill Haslam:
Require photo ID in order to vote
Excerpts from SB 16 legislative records:
The voter shall present to the precinct registrar one form of identification that bears the name and photograph of the voter
Valid forms of ID: Tennessee driver's license; US passport; state or federal ID with photograph; valid military ID card.
If a voter is unable to present evidence of identification, the voter shall be entitled to vote a provisional ballot.
People who religiously object to photo ID may vote after signing an affidavit.
Status:Bill passed Senate, 21-11-0; passed House 57-35-2; signed by Governor, May 30, 2011.
Source: Tennessee legislature voting records: SB 16
May 30, 2011
Joe Carr:
Increase campaign contribution limits but disallow lobbyists
Excerpts from SB 1915 legislative records:
Contribution limits shall be adjusted to reflect the percentage of change in the average consumer price index.
Each such adjustment shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $100.
Every 2 years thereafter, contribution limits shall be further adjusted
Candidates shall be permitted to conduct fundraising events and only under the following conditions: fundraising events shall not be held on state property
No contributions nor in-kind contributions from lobbyists, lobbying companies, or political campaign committees controlled by lobbyists.
Status:Bill passed Senate, 19-11-1; passed House 65-20-0; signed by Governor, June 1, 2011. (Rep. Joe Carr voted YEA).
Source: Tennessee legislature voting records: SB 1915
May 21, 2011
Joe Carr:
Require photo ID in order to vote
Excerpts from SB 16 legislative records:
The voter shall present to the precinct registrar one form of identification that bears the name and photograph of the voter
Valid forms of ID: Tennessee driver's license; US passport; state or federal ID with photograph; valid military ID card.
If a voter is unable to present evidence of identification, the voter shall be entitled to vote a provisional ballot.
People who religiously object to photo ID may vote after signing an affidavit.
Status:Bill passed Senate, 21-11-0; passed House 57-35-2; signed by Governor, May 30, 2011. (Rep. Joe Carr voted YEA).
Lamar Alexander:
The Era of the 1,000-Page Bill Is Over
Senator Lamar Alexander made the following remarks on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday: "It's time for Congress to admit that we don't do comprehensive well. It's time for us to admit that the era of the 1,000-page bill is over."
"I think it's
obvious that we in Congress have been biting off more than we can chew on immigration, health care, and other issues. We've been producing 1,000-page bills which most members of Congress haven't even read, in which voters have no confidence, and out of
which will come unintended consequences and results that are bad for our country. It inevitably adds to the national debt, at a time when we're adding $9 trillion to the debt in just ten years and everyone is worried about how we're going to pay that
back. And at a time, fairly or unfairly, where the American people are seeing a new administration propose, it seems like, a new Washington takeover every other day--the banks, insurance companies, student loans, and now health care."
Source: The Chattanoogan on 2014 Tennessee Senate race
Sep 15, 2009
Diane Black:
Require paper ballot trail on voting machines
Gov. Bredesen signed four bills into law Thursday including The Tennessee Voter Confidence Act (HB1256/SB1363). [Diane Black co-sponsored the bill].
The Tennessee Voter Confidence Act requires each county to use precinct voting machines that produce
a paper ballot trail. The bill requires that every voting system purchased after January 1, 2009 be systems that produce an optical scan voter-verified paper ballot.
Source: Gov. Press release on Tennessee voting record HB1256/SB1363
Jun 6, 2008
Phil Bredesen:
Require paper ballot trail on voting machines
Governor Phil Bredesen signed four bills into law Thursday including The Tennessee Voter Confidence Act (HB 1256/SB 1363).
The Tennessee Voter Confidence Act requires each county to use precinct voting machines that produce a paper ballot trail.
The bill requires that every voting system purchased after January 1, 2009 be systems that produce an optical scan voter-verified paper ballot.
Source: Press release on Tennessee voting record HB 1256/SB 1363
Jun 6, 2008
Tim Burchett:
Require paper ballot trail on voting machines
Gov. Bredesen signed four bills into law Thursday including The Tennessee Voter Confidence Act (HB1256/SB1363). [Tim Burchett co-sponsored the bill].
The Tennessee Voter Confidence Act requires each county to use precinct voting machines that produce
a paper ballot trail. The bill requires that every voting system purchased after January 1, 2009 be systems that produce an optical scan voter-verified paper ballot.
Source: Gov. Press release on Tennessee voting record HB1256/SB1363
Jun 6, 2008
The above quotations are from State of Tennessee Politicians: Archives.
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