State of Nebraska Archives: on Government Reform
Jim Pillen:
Stand up to radicals using fake meat to attack Nebraska
The assault on modern agriculture has never been more evident than it is now. You can be sure I will fight against overreach by the federal government, like Joe Biden's 30x30 land grab and the Waters of the U.S. rule, and I will stand up to radicals
who want to use fake meat to put Nebraska agriculture out of business. In Nebraska, we feed the world-we don't need government throwing up unnecessary regulation and red tape to stunt our innovation.
Source: 2022 Nebraska Gubernatorial campaign website
May 12, 2022
Jim Pillen:
I strongly support the Voter ID ballot initiative
Secure Our Elections. We need to take appropriate steps to restore confidence in our elections. Nebraskans have to show photo ID to open a bank account, board an airplane, or check into a hotel--
it's a part of everyday life. Our election system needs the same commonsense protection to ensure the security of our elections. That's why I strongly support the Voter ID ballot initiative.
Source: 2022 Nebraska website "The Pillen Playbook"
May 12, 2022
Chuck Herbster:
America is broke, and the answer is term limits
He said Washington politicians don't control their spending. "Washington is not going to fix itself." Raising the debt ceiling only puts the nation deeper in debt,
he said. "America is broke, and the answer is term limits: two terms for the Senate and three or four terms for the House."
Source: Kearney Hub on 2022 Nebraska Gubernatorial race
Nov 2, 2021
Carol Blood:
Counties are footing the bill for state's unfunded mandates
Legislative attempts to remedy existing unfunded mandates are repeatedly shut down or languished in committee year after year. Yet the state takes no responsibility when it comes to the role it plays in property taxes being so high across Nebraska.
If we are unwilling to address unfunded mandates or curb the state's use of them moving forward, we face leaving cities, counties, and school districts with even less funds available to address the costs we force them to incur.
Source: 2021 Nebraska Governor campaign website
Oct 19, 2021
Chuck Herbster:
Conservatives have to push against federal overreach
Herbster said a governor's responsibility was two-fold. First and foremost, a governor is supposed to lead the people of their state, he said. "But secondly, we're at a point in
America where governors are going to have to be conservative individuals with a strong backbone. And they're going to have to push against federal government overreach."
Source: ScottsbluffStar-Herald on 2022 Nebraska Gubernatorial race
Apr 28, 2021
Chuck Herbster:
Supports Trump's claim of 2020 election irregularities
Hours before a political mob stormed the U.S. Capitol, Herbster was in the crowd as Trump rallied supporters near the White House to keep fighting to overturn the election results. Herbster condemned the violence.
He said he agrees with Trump that Congress should listen to the millions of Americans who have questions about election integrity. "It should be our duty to explore those election irregularities, no matter how big or small," Herbster said.
Source: Omaha World-Herald on 2022 Nebraska Gubernatorial race
Jan 6, 2021
Ben Sasse:
Push back against overly strict, dumb regulations
Sasse reintroduced the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act. "Agriculture drives Nebraska, and nobody works harder to ensure the safety and well-being of livestock than the Nebraskans who hustle day in and day out," said Sasse. "Overly
strict regulations are hurting our ranchers and our haulers. My legislation pushes back against those dumb regulations and works to promote safe transportation. This is good, reasonable, common-sense, bipartisan legislation--and it should pass."
Source: Senate press release on 2020 Nebraska Senate campaign
May 1, 2019
Bob Krist:
State government needs overhaul to properly serve
We are committed to making our State Government more efficient and hardworking for all Nebraskans. And we must do so without harming the most fragile members of our society. We must look
internally for efficiencies and better use of personnel, reduce waste, and identify and stop fraud and abuse. We must commit ourselves to fixing and rebuilding those state agencies who are not effectively responding to the needs of our citizens.
Source: 2018 Nebraska Gubernatorial website
Dec 12, 2017
Peter Ricketts:
Government agencies should be user focused
Other agencies have been innovating as well to make government more customer-focused. The Department of Labor launched a first-in-the-nation reemployment program to help our state's job seekers connect more quickly with good-paying jobs.
Individuals receiving benefits now participate in the program, which includes job coaching and creating a resume that is searchable by potential employers. This helps give our job seekers a leg up.
Source: 2016 State of the State speech to Nebraska legislature
Jan 14, 2016
Shane Osborn:
Photo ID for voting
Question topic: People should be able to vote without photo identification.
Osborn: Disagree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Nebraska Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Ben Sasse:
Reduce level of influence of lobbyists with both parties
Both said they would break with their own party in some areas. Domina said he disagrees with Democratic President Barack Obama in several areas, but "this campaign needs to be about solutions."
Sasse said he doesn't like the level of influence that lobbyists hold in Washington with both parties. "Many Republicans are complicit in that," he said. The candidates will face off in the Nov. 4 general election
Source: Omaha World-Herald on 2014 Nebraska Senate debate
Jun 2, 2014
Shane Osborn:
Cut 60 redundant federal agencies and save $60B
Osborn said the recent debate on Capitol Hill, over extending the federal debt ceiling serves a reminder that common sense fiscal policy needs to return to Washington. He says Congress shouldn't spend money it doesn't have."There's over
60 redundant agencies that have already been identified by the government accountability office, there's over $60 billion in savings right there.
There's obviously entities that are too large, and then we have to have good serious debate on what the government serious debate about what the
government should be doing in our lives and they shouldn't," said Osborn.
Source: KTIV News 4 Siouxland on 2014 Nebraska Senate race
Feb 15, 2014
Ben Sasse:
AdWatch: Campaign film "The Outsider", after years in DC
Senate candidate Ben Sasse has created a film that will tout his outsider status. Sasse contends the problem in Washington is "influence peddlers" who don't know what Americans really need. So coming down the pike soon is "The Outsider" film (Not to be
confused with the 1983 film, "The Outsiders"). Sasse says, "It's unlike any political advertisement you've ever seen."Sasse's campaign website explains: "It's time to cure the ineffectiveness and dysfunction of both parties in Washington, and leave
the lobbyists and influence peddlers back east. Congress has forgotten conservative values, like how to live within a budget. They need a reminder. That's the point of our first film: we must choose the strongest, most conservative Nebraska voice to
send to Washington this November."
Sasse may be an outsider, when compared to lawmakers who have served years in D.C. But he's worked in Washington as well, working as an Assistant Secretary of HHS & as a chief of staff in the Justice Department.
Source: Sioux City Journal AdWatch on 2014 Nebraska Senate race
Jan 4, 2014
Ben Sasse:
Permanent bureaucracy should not write big legislation
Sasse has ideas concerning how government should treat its people. "I think we have to do massive regulatory reform. When you read the Constitution there are only three branches of government, a legislative, executive, and a judicial--and the
legislative branch is supposed to pass the laws and the executive branch, execute them. The executive branch doesn't get to create these permanent bureaucracies that write big pieces of legislation that we didn't ever discuss as a people," Sasse said.
In his tour of western Nebraska he came to realize that people really care about the work ethic. "The most commonly talked about subject isn't really a political issue, it's the work ethic.
People realize that the greatness of America is about our identity as a people prior to government," Sasse said.
Source: Western Nebraska Observer on 2014 Nebraska Senate race
Dec 5, 2013
Ben Sasse:
Optimistic about America but pessimistic about Washington
While Sasse is optimistic about America, he said he is pessimistic about what is happening in Washington D.C. "I believe in America, I believe in freedom and I believe we can solve our problems," he said.President Obama, Sasse said, looks at the
country's problems through lenses that tell him the only way for a fix is through government. He acknowledged that Americans need the federal government for such services as the military, to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic and to
create the framework for liberty. "But we in our communities are responsible to build our future," he said.
He believes the saddest moment in recent politics is when President Obama gave his "You didn't build that" speech. "You don't go to
places like Beatrice and say you didn't build that," he said. Nebraskans have built schools, farms and more in their communities, and not because of a federal mandate, he said.
Source: Imperial Republican: 2014 Nebraska Senate town hall meeting
Nov 20, 2013
Deb Fischer:
Accused of coordinating anti-Bruning TV ad with super-PAC
A super-PAC controlled by Chicago Cubs co-owner Joe Ricketts pumped $200,000 into ads backing Fischer in the weekend before the primary. Because the ad used the same footage as one of Fischer's spots, Bruning's campaign said the ads ran afoul of campaign
laws barring super-PACs from coordinating with campaigns. "This is a last-minute effort to distort the facts," said Bruning's campaign manager. "The truth is, Deb Fischer cannot defend her record of tax increases and more spending in the Legislature."
Source: The Hill coverage of 2012 Nebraska Senate ad review
May 15, 2012
Deb Fischer:
Against earmarks and would oppose them
Flynn said he didn't like government earmarks, saying, "It's not my duty if elected to bring home the bacon." Each of the other three candidates also said they were against earmarks and would oppose them.
In response to Bruning's statement that he does not support earmarks, Stenberg said, "I'm surprised to hear that because he asked Senator Ben Nelson to get him one a few years ago."
Source: West Point News on 2012 Nebraska Senate debates
Apr 19, 2012
Pat Flynn:
No earmarks: it's not my duty to bring home the bacon
Flynn brought up [the small town of West Point] in answering a question about his feelings about government earmarks. He said he didn't like them, saying, "It's not my duty if elected to bring home the bacon." He said he liked West Point's approach to
doing things on its own, noting that the community decided against letting government getting involved in building a community center so raised the money themselves. Each of the other 3 candidates also said they were against earmarks & would oppose them.
Source: West Point News on 2012 Nebraska Senate debate
Apr 19, 2012
Pat Flynn:
Don't renew legislative earmarks
All four candidates rejected renewal of legislative earmarks to help fund state or local projects. But Stenberg said Bruning once attempted to acquire an earmark from Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson. Fischer challenged
Bruning for accepting campaign contributions from industries that benefit from his actions as attorney general. Bruning said his record as attorney general shows he has fought consistently against "the grab for power" by the federal government.
Source: Lincoln Journal Star on 2012 Nebraska Senate Debates
Apr 16, 2012
Don Stenberg:
Don't renew legislative earmarks; and attack past ones
All four candidates rejected renewal of legislative earmarks to help fund state or local projects. But Stenberg said Bruning once attempted to acquire an earmark from Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson. Fischer challenged
Bruning for accepting campaign contributions from industries that benefit from his actions as attorney general. Bruning said his record as attorney general shows he has fought consistently against "the grab for power" by the federal government.
Source: Lincoln Journal Star on 2012 Nebraska Senate Debates
Apr 15, 2012
Jon Bruning:
Don't renew legislative earmarks, but past ones ok
All four candidates rejected renewal of legislative earmarks to help fund state or local projects. But Stenberg said Bruning once attempted to acquire an earmark from Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson. Fischer challenged
Bruning for accepting campaign contributions from industries that benefit from his actions as attorney general. Bruning said his record as attorney general shows he has fought consistently against "the grab for power" by the federal government.
Source: Lincoln Journal Star on 2012 Nebraska Senate Debates
Apr 14, 2012
Jon Bruning:
Political contributions ok from out-of-state coal companies
The candidates were asked to identify a characteristic they admired about their opponent. The only thing that Stenberg could identify as admirable about Bruning was that he was a "great political fundraiser."Bruning has significantly outraised his
rivals. He ended the last fundraising quarter with about $1.5 million in his campaign coffers, while Stenberg had about $200,000.
Later in the debate, Fischer took her shot at Bruning, questioning whether Bruning should have accepted
$100,000 in campaign contributions from out-of-state coal companies. She questioned whether the donations were appropriate, especially since Bruning had joined a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency on the behalf of coal companies. "Yes
or no? Will you stop taking contributions from industries that could benefit from your position as chief law enforcement officer of Nebraska?" asked Fischer.
Bruning declined to directly answer.
Source: Omaha World-Herald on 2012 Nebraska Senate debate
Apr 12, 2012
Deb Fischer:
No campaign contributions from industry tied to your office
Fischer challenged Bruning for accepting campaign contributions from industries that benefit from his actions as attorney general.At one point, Stenberg asked Bruning if he would support the
Republican nominee in a general election battle with former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey if Bruning is not that nominee. "Of course," the attorney general replied.
Source: Lincoln Journal Star on 2012 Nebraska Senate debates
Apr 11, 2012
Dave Heineman:
Disallow using government resources for politics
This legislation would provide that limited use of public resources by public officials or employees for private financial gain or campaigning is not a violation of law. Additionally, the bill permits the use of a government resource, including a
vehicle, for personal use if it is bargained for in an employment contract. I believe very strongly that government resources should not be used for political purposes. LB 626 has the potential to erode the integrity of the public positions we hold.
Source: 2009 Nebraska Gubernatorial press release
May 26, 2009
Scott Kleeb:
Johanns wastefully spent $20M studying crawdads in Australia
Kleeb blamed the nations budget deficit and economic woes on the Bush administration, which once included Johanns. One example, Kleeb said, of wasteful spending under Johanns was $20 million spent on travel by USDA employees. That expense included a
trip to Australia to study crawdads.Johanns said if Kleeb were serious about changing the leadership, he should campaign against Washington veterans like U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. I doubt hell do that, Johanns said.
Source: 2008 Nebraska Senate debate reported in Omaha World-Herald
Sep 16, 2008
Steven Larrick:
Public funding of elections creates fair political system
Larrick supports the following principles regarding Campaign Finance & Government Reform Issues:- Prohibit Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions to candidates for federal office.
- Prohibit ads containing candidates name that are paid
for by third parties from airing 60 days before a primary and 30 days before a general federal election.
- Support instant run-off voting (IRV).
- Larrick adds, We need public funding of elections to create a more fair political system.
Source: Nebraska Congressional Election 2008 Political Courage Test
Jun 25, 2008
Don Stenberg:
Judges should not impose liberal social policies on families
Judges should be law enforcers, not law makers. I will work to confirm Judges who will not attack our basic American values or impose liberal social policies on our families.
Source: 2006 Senate campaign website,
Jan 18, 2006
Jon Bruning:
No campaign donation limits; but full disclosure
Q: Do you support limiting PAC contributions to state legislative candidates?A: No.
Q: Individual donations?
A: No.
Q: Corporate?
A: No.
Q: Political Parties?
A: No.
Q: Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of
campaign finance information?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you support imposing spending limits on state level political campaigns??
A: No.
Q: Do you support partial funding from state taxes for political campaigns??
A: No.
Source: Nebraska State 2000 National Political Awareness Test
Nov 1, 2000
Page last updated: May 30, 2022