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State of West Virginia secondary Archives: on Technology

Ben Salango: Upgrade and fix roads and bridges throughout WV

Ben Salango will upgrade roads and bridges across West Virginia. Ben understands that we need a long-term plan to fix our roads in every corner of our state and that patchwork projects won't get it done. He will make sure district managers fully implement the Highway Operations Core Maintenance plans and complete the necessary follow up work. He will also raise pay for DOH workers.
Source: 2020 West Virginia gubernatorial website Oct 9, 2020

Bill Cole: Federal investment in West Virginia roads & infrastructure

[West Virginia should make a] big request for Washington: more money for highway construction and bridge maintenance. Senate President Bill Cole, candidate for governor said, `We have other roads and critical infrastructure needs. That if, I think, Congress gets moving and has a six-year plan, fully funded, and gets behind some investment in our infrastructure, I think that would be huge.` Right now West Virginia ranks 43rd among all states, in terms of federal spending per resident.
Source: WOWK-TV 13 on West Virginia gubernatorial race Oct 30, 2015

Bill Cole: Recommends action--not more studies--on transportation

We must repair existing roads and develop key transportation networks to critical markets so that we can better take advantage of our state's prime location. The state has studied our transportation needs enough. Bill Cole will act by curbing waste, fraud and abuse in the Department of Transportation. In the Cole Administration, priority one will be on repairing and refurbishing our state's infrastructure--not managing and studying it.
Source: 2016 West Virginia governor campaign website May 2, 2016

Bob Wise: Make e-government service available 24/7

Our citizens need 24-hour, seven day a week service from government. Companies like - which are creating new jobs in West Virginia - have shown that people can and will make transactions around the clock. If we can buy books and CDs at 10 p.m., why cant we buy hunting and fishing licenses, reserve a cabin in a state park, renew a license plate, apply for a business permit, or check the status of a tax return?

I have directed my Office of Technology to launch an e-government initiative. We will identify - from the consumers perspective - the government services that can most easily be carried out on line. If youre a customer of a state agency, write to me - or send me an email - and tell me how we can serve you better. West Virginians expect and need better service from government. They deserve it. And they will get it from this Administration.

Source: 2001 State of the State Address to West Virginia Legislature Feb 14, 2001

Jim Justice: Bid all road jobs, with 5% construction severance

I want to bid every one of these road jobs, specifically [those that are] labor intensive. And you know what I want to do from that? I want it to be our training ground. I want it to be our apprenticeship program. I want it to be something that will absolutely put our displaced miners that find a job here, or our young people that learn how to do something here. That's an opportunity.

Now, let me tell you what else I want to do. For all the successful bidders, I want to charge them a 5 percent construction severance, whatever tax that may be, whatever you want to call it, to the successful bidder only. And my bet is, people, like me in business, will sharpen your pencils like crazy and it won't cost us 5 percent. It may cost us one. And then you know what I want to do? I want to pool that money. That money right there is $2.4 billion. If I could let every job tomorrow, it would amount to $120 million of a 5 percent pool that I would have.

Source: 2017 West Virginia State of the State address Feb 8, 2017

Jim Justice: Do everything we can to blanket state with broadband

We made some really, really bold steps for broadband, did we not? West Virginia is deficit on broadband beyond belief. We need to do any and everything we can to blanket our state with broadband. It will make us better and better and better, and the opportunities just abound everywhere. It is the next highway construction project. We absolutely have fed dollars now pouring in, and we have real progress in broadband, but we got to do more. That's just all there is to it.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to West Virginia legislature Feb 10, 2021

Joe Manchin III: Supports infrastructure investment

Q: Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?

Joe Manchin (D): Yes. Supports infrastructure investment.

Patrick Morrisey (R): Yes. Supports infrastructure investment.

Source: 2018 CampusElect Issue Guide on West Virginia Senate race Oct 9, 2018

Joe Manchin III: Overturn FCC repeal of net neutrality

Q: Net Neutrality: Require internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

Joe Manchin (D): Yes. Voted to overturn FCC repeal of net neutrality.

Patrick Morrisey (R): Took no stand after Democratic legislators requested he support net neutrality.

Source: 2018 CampusElect Issue Guide on West Virginia Senate race Oct 9, 2018

Michael Folk: Opposes "bridge to nowhere" projects, even for job creation

Q: Do you support providing financial incentives to the private sector for the purpose of job creation?

A: No. I do not support picking winners and losers in either industry or personal situations... it corrupts the market.

Q: Do you support increased spending on infrastructure projects for the purpose of job creation?

A: No. Infrastructure spending solely to create jobs leads to "bridge to nowhere" type projects... I believe infrastructure spending should be warranted based on need and first we must maintain current infrastructure, i.e. roads and bridges!

Source: West Virginia State 2012 Political Courage Test Nov 1, 2012

Natalie Tennant: Find funding to keep our infrastructure strong

Q: What will you do for providing for adequate maintenance of our existing roads and bridges?

A: We have to address infrastructure--roads, sewer, even broadband, when I talk about infrastructure. The roads are so very important. Money has to be targeted to fixing our roads. And this is where we can work hand-in-hand with development and an economic boom that we might have through Marcellus shale. When we talk about building up our communities, the roads are so important. And every time I come to Raleigh County, no matter where I'm talking in or to whom I'm talking, folks are always mentioning the roads. So I know it's a concern here. And I get that when I go back up home in Marion County, so we will find funding to address keeping our infrastructure strong and addressing the problems we have with our bridges as well. In some cases, it could be a crisis situation for some of our bridges. So we will dedicate funds that will make sure our infrastructure is improved.

Source: The Register-Herald: West Virginia gubernatorial profiles Apr 25, 2011

Patrick Morrisey: Improving infrastructure a must

Morrisey believes West Virginia must continue to invest in its infrastructure to meet the needs of its citizens and businesses. For West Virginia to reach its potential, it must improve its roads, bridges, dams, and high-speed internet capacity. As U.S. Senator, he will promote the state and encourage new private sector companies to locate here.
Source: 2018 West Virginia Senatorial website Oct 1, 2017

Patrick Morrisey: Supports infrastructure investment

Q: Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?

Joe Manchin (D): Yes. Supports infrastructure investment.

Patrick Morrisey (R): Yes. Supports infrastructure investment.

Source: 2018 CampusElect Issue Guide on West Virginia Senate race Oct 9, 2018

Paula Jean Swearengin: Invest $4.6 trillion in infrastructure

We will fund the national and state agencies that oversee our major roads, bridges, dams and more for the projects they have been begging to start for decades. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that $4.6 trillion is needed to get America's infrastructure back up to par. Much of this is straightforward "shovel ready" work that can be started right away. The rest requires planning across the private and public sector.
Source: 2018 West Virginia Senate campaign website Jul 17, 2017

Paula Jean Swearengin: Federal government must help states expand broadband

The COVID-19 crisis has shown us how critical access to internet is. To operate in the 21st century we need access to modern telecommunications. Our state doesn't have enough revenue to make these changes our own. As a U.S. Senator, I'll fight for funding for our state to expand broadband to grow small business and bring modern communications to West Virginian families.
Source: The Herald-Dispatch on 2020 West Virginia Senate race Apr 4, 2020

Ron Stollings: Invest in infrastructure and site development

Stollings was first elected to the state Senate in 2006. He said his campaign will also focus on health care, expanding the economy and education. Stollings has been a proponent of redeveloping formerly mined property. "We need to invest in infrastructure and site development," he said. "We continue to lose generations because there aren't as many jobs as there should be. We have to focus on jobs."

Stollings called Gov. Jim Justice "a likable fella" but said he should spend more time at the state capitol. Stollings said he would if elected governor. "I would be here, to be in that mansion, to be able to build relationships and to learn from people," Stollings said. "I could see us having fireside chats from people that are experts in their field so we could use their knowledge to help fix things here in West Virginia."

Source: W.V. MetroNews on 2020 West Virginia Gubernatorial race Sep 23, 2019

Woody Thrasher: More Internet infrastructure, to keep young people in W.V.

Thrasher said he feels West Virginia desperately needs to turn a corner. "I do not believe we are going in the right direction now," he stressed. Thrasher said the key is to create opportunities for young people that will incentivize them to stay in the state.

"One key element would be to empower the communities which have declined," he said. "In order to do that, you have to have infrastructure. One particular item is the lack of broadband [high-speed internet]. If you do not have cell service, and you do not have broadband, no one wants to move there."

He said West Virginia received grant monies for internet and the money was given to Frontier Communications, which "installed copper wire instead of fiber and installed an antiquated system." He said as a businessperson he knows how to run a business efficiently and said the government needs to be run much more efficiently.

Source: on 2020 West Virginia Governor debate Aug 27, 2019

Woody Thrasher: Broadband is a must; recruit tech companies

Q: What do you think should be done to diversify the state's economy?

Thrasher: Broadband is a must. We also need to look at each region's unique strengths and work with what we already have started, along with paying attention to trends. When I saw how many IT grads West Virginia exports, I got to work as Commerce Secretary recruiting tech companies.

Source: Williamson Daily News on 2020 West Virginia governor race Mar 24, 2020

Woody Thrasher: Only build highways that generate new economic activity

Thrasher added, "We need to invest in things that are not going to be simply an expense but an investment. An example is the Roads to Prosperity program. Great. We'll build some great highways, but the Governor is spending $300 million in McDowell County on a four-lane coal field expressway which has no beginning and no end but lowest average daily traffic. It will be an expense that will not generate any new activity. McDowell County and our southern coal fields need some help from the state, but we need to be strategic with what we do. You look over here where those infrastructure dollars could get a real return."
Source: Martinsburg Journal-News on 2020 West Virginia governor race Mar 9, 2020

  • The above quotations are from State of West Virginia Politicians: secondary Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Technology:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
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Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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