State of South Dakota secondary Archives: on Abortion
Billie Sutton:
Strong conservative history on abortion
Sutton's first major abortion vote may have had the most negative impact on South Dakota women. In 2011, Sutton supported House Bill 1217, which imposed South Dakota's egregious 72-hour waiting period and forced "counseling" sessions
for women seeing abortions. In 2016, Sutton supported Senate Bill 72, a 20-week abortion ban based on dubious science about "fetal pain."To his credit, Sutton this year resisted Republicans' effort to toughen that "fetal pain" ban.
Source: Dakota Free Press on 2018 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Aug 10, 2017
Billie Sutton:
Moderate with pro-gun and pro-life stances
In the weeks since Billie Sutton came closer to the governor's office than any Democrat in decades, Sutton wrote in one post-election pitch that he wasn't just building a campaign but a movement--one that will "keep going and keep fighting for our
shared priorities." Sutton told The Associated Press this week, "Even when you lose a race like this, that fire doesn't die out," Sutton said.
Sutton cast himself as a moderate, with pro-gun and anti-abortion stances that made him palatable to many
Republican voters, to push Kristi Noem hard to the finish.
His unusual life story--a former rodeo cowboy who turned to politics after a paralyzing injury--brought him added attention, and he lost to Gov.-elect Noem by 3.4 percentage points in
November. After months of campaigning, Sutton returned to work full-time at a bank in Burke. He said he's enjoying spending time with his family and watching the National Finals Rodeo.
Source: A.P. / Rapid City Journal on 2022 South Dakota Governor race
Dec 14, 2018
Billie Sutton:
Require counseling at anti-abortion crisis center
Legislative Summary:Senate Bill 110: establish pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers [including] mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
Analysis by Dakota News Now:"Planned Parenthood has failed
in their obligation to provide accurate information and counseling to these women," said a sponsor of SB110. The law requires women to decide whether or not they would like counseling from the nonprofit before having an abortion.
Argument against, in Deseret News:Planned Parenthood MN/ND/SD, which operates South Dakota's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, disagrees. "The stated mission of a crisis pregnancy center is to dissuade a woman from seeking abortion care,"
[an activist] said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 27-8-0 on Feb/6/18; State Sen. Sutton voted YES; Passed House 56-9-0 on Feb/26/18; Signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard on Mar/7/18
Source: Deseret News & A.P. on South Dakota voting record SB 110
Feb 6, 2018
Billie Sutton:
Require counseling at anti-abortion crisis center
Legislative Summary:Senate Bill 110: establish pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers [including] mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
Analysis by Dakota News Now:"Planned Parenthood has failed
in their obligation to provide accurate information and counseling to these women," said a sponsor of SB110. The law requires women to decide whether or not they would like counseling from the nonprofit before having an abortion.
Argument against, in Deseret News:Planned Parenthood MN/ND/SD, which operates South Dakota's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, disagrees. "The stated mission of a crisis pregnancy center is to dissuade a woman from seeking abortion care,"
[an activist] said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 27-8-0 on Feb/6/18; State Sen. Sutton voted YES; Passed House 56-9-0 on Feb/26/18; Signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard on Mar/7/18
Source: Deseret News & A.P. on South Dakota voting record SB 110
Feb 6, 2018
Daniel Ahlers:
Oppose requiring counseling at anti-abortion crisis center
Legislative Summary: Senate Bill 110: establish pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers [including] mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
Analysis by Dakota News Now: "Planned Parenthood has failed
in their obligation to provide accurate information and counseling to these women," said a sponsor of SB110. The law requires women to decide whether or not they would like counseling from the nonprofit before having an abortion.
Argument against, in Deseret News: Planned Parenthood MN/ND/SD, which operates South Dakota's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, disagrees. "The stated mission of a crisis pregnancy center is to dissuade a woman from seeking abortion care,"
[an activist] said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 27-8-0 on Feb/6/18; Passed House 56-9-0 on Feb/26/18; State Rep. Daniel Ahlers voted NO; Signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard on Mar/7/18
Source: Deseret News & A.P. on South Dakota voting record SB 110
Feb 26, 2018
Dennis Daugaard:
Require counseling at anti-abortion crisis center
Legislative Summary: Senate Bill 110: establish pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers [including] mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
Analysis by Dakota News Now: "Planned Parenthood has failed
in their obligation to provide accurate information and counseling to these women," said a sponsor of SB110. The law requires women to decide whether or not they would like counseling from the nonprofit before having an abortion.
Argument against, in Deseret News: Planned Parenthood MN/ND/SD, which operates South Dakota's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, disagrees. "The stated mission of a crisis pregnancy center is to dissuade a woman from seeking abortion care,"
[an activist] said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 27-8-0 on Feb/6/18; Passed House 56-9-0 on Feb/26/18; Signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard on Mar/7/18
Source: Deseret News & A.P. on South Dakota voting record SB 110
May 7, 2018
Gordon Howie:
Man does not have the right to destroy innocent life.
Question topic: Human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at every stage until natural death.
Howie: Strongly Agree
Question topic: Should abortion be allowed under extenuating circumstances? If so, what circumstances?
Howie: No. The life of an innocent child is always taken in an abortion.
Question topic: Briefly list political or legislative issues of most concern to you.
Howie: Protection of the unborn.
Life is created by God. Man or government does not have the right to destroy innocent life.
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Dakota Senate race
Sep 30, 2014
Jamie R. Smith:
I think abortion should be rare but legal
When asked about a possible citizen-led initiative campaign to codify a right to an abortion, Smith said the issue is on many people's radar. "Every time I speak it's a question that gets asked about my stance on this,"
Smith said. "I think abortion should be rare but legal and in doing so people seem to understand where I'm at and where my stance is. I think I fall in line with the majority of South Dakotans."
Source: KELO on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Jun 16, 2022
Jamie R. Smith:
Oppose requiring counseling at anti-abortion crisis center
Legislative Summary:�Senate Bill 110: establish pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers [including] mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
Analysis by Dakota News Now:�"Planned
Parenthood has failed in their obligation to provide accurate information and counseling to these women," said a sponsor of SB110. The law requires women to decide whether or not they would like counseling from the nonprofit before having an abortion.
Argument against, in Deseret News:�Planned Parenthood MN/ND/SD, which operates South Dakota's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, disagrees. "The stated mission of a crisis pregnancy center is to dissuade a woman from seeking
abortion care," [an activist] said.
Legislative Outcome:�Passed Senate 27-8-0 on Feb/6/18; Passed House 56-9-0 on Feb/26/18; State Rep. Jamie Smith voted NO; Signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard on Mar/7/18
Source: Deseret News & A.P. on South Dakota voting record SB 110
Feb 26, 2018
Jay Williams:
Passing laws that restrict abortions won't stop abortions
Republicans use labels like "pro-life" to mislead the American public with the idea that passing restrictive laws will prevent abortions and make people safer. Jay believes that Democrats do the hard work of investing in education and health services
that will actually reduce the number of abortions. Passing laws that restrict abortions won't stop abortions, it will just move them into the shadows. That doesn't make anyone safer, and it doesn't respect women's autonomy.
Source: 2016 South Dakota Senate campaign web
Apr 1, 2016
Joel Dykstra:
Voted to classify abortion as a Class 4 felony
Dykstra voted for HB 1293 (Passed 45-25): An act to refer to a vote of the people a bill to regulate the performance of certain abortions, to reinstate the prohibition against certain acts causing
the termination of the life of an unborn human being, and to prescribe a penalty therefor. Classifies abortion as a Class 4 Felony.
Source: South Dakota state legislative voting records
Feb 14, 2007
Kristi Noem:
Ban abortion of preborn diagnosed with Down syndrome
I look forward to the day when the Supreme Court recognizes that all preborn children inherently possess this right to life, too. Until that time comes,
I am asking the South Dakota legislature to pass a law that bans the abortion of a preborn child, just because that child is diagnosed with Down syndrome.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
Jan 12, 2021
Kristi Noem:
No mother should be pressured into ending a child's life
No mother should ever be pressured to have an abortion due to outdated stereotypes about what and who is "normal" or the potential of a life with Down syndrome. For that matter, no mother should ever be pressured into ending a child's life.
Instead, our country and the world should acknowledge the inherent worth and dignity of every human person, born and unborn, regardless of preexisting conditions like Down syndrome.
The South Dakota governor's office includes an unborn person advocate, a post created by Gov. Noem, whose job is to fearlessly fight to protect both expectant mothers and unborn babies.
South Dakotans have also stopped late-term abortions more than halfway through pregnancy, when science shows unborn children can feel pain.
Source: on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Mar 29, 2021
Kristi Noem:
As soon as Roe is overturned, ready to protect every unborn
Government's most fundamental role is to defend the lives and safety of the people. That includes the rights and the lives of unborn children. I look forward to the day when all unborn lives are protected. The Supreme Court has a historic opportunity to
make that a reality. As soon as Roe v. Wade is overturned, our state laws are ready to protect every unborn South Dakota child. But until then, we can take steps to protect South Dakota children, today.
Every human life is unique in a truly beautiful
way from the moment that they are conceived. It isn't long before they have their own unique heartbeat, too. Science tells us that an unborn child's heartbeat starts 6 weeks after conception. And any abortion after that point stops that heartbeat--
stops that life--stops that gift from God. Today, I am asking all of you to protect the heartbeats of these unborn children. I am bringing legislation to ban all abortions once a heartbeat can be detected.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
Jan 11, 2022
Larry Pressler:
Supports abortion law allowing first trimester terminations
Pressler's views on social issues would limit his appeal to many conservatives. He supports South Dakota's abortion law, which allows women to terminate pregnancies in the first trimester.
He voted for the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, but he now supports gay marriage.
Source: on 2014 South Dakota Senate race
Nov 14, 2013
Marty Jackley:
AdWatch: Protect the unborn
[TV ad entitled "Running"; aired March 20, for 45 days] I'm Marty Jackley. [video on screen: Marty walking outdoors with a man in a baseball cap].
[Marty speaking to camera]: I ran track at Mines [photo: track team photo; subtitle: "1990 SDSMT Hall of
Fame team"], then ran a business [photo: uniform emblazoned with "School of Mines and Technology, Track and Field"] before running for Attorney General to fight crime, drugs, and predators.
Now I'm running for governor. As a proven conservative I will:
strengthen education
create more opportunities
and higher wages for our kids
defend the Second Amendment [Subtitle: Defend 2nd Amendment
protect the right to life [Subtitle: Protect the unborn]
Cut spending
And run a tight
ship in Pierre
[Son enters video from back of room]: "Just don't run anywhere in those shorts, dad."
[Marty holds up gold running shorts]: "What's wrong with these?" [Looks at camera and shrugs] Subtitle: Marty Jackley for governor.
Source: OnTheIssues AdWatch on 2018 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Mar 20, 2018
Nancy Turbak Berry:
Voted against requiring sonograms at abortion facilities
Senator Turbak Berry voted NO on SB 88, Offering Sonograms to Women Considering Abortion, The bill passed the Senate 22 - 12.
Synopsis: Vote to pass a bill that requires abortion facilities to offer a pregnant woman the opportunity to view a sonogram before performing an abortion.
Source: South Dakota state legislative voting records
Jan 29, 2008
Nancy Turbak Berry:
No state interference with birth control or contraception
Senator Turbak Berry voted YES on SB 164, Right to Obtain Contraception. The Bill Failed the Senate 12 - 22. Synopsis: Vote to pass a bill that prevents the state government from interfering with an individual's ability to obtain birth control or
contraception. Also requires the government to protect citizens' rights in acquiring birth control or contraception. Prohibits the regulation of birth control under codified law dealing with abortion.
Source: South Dakota state legislative voting records
Feb 6, 2008
Nancy Turbak Berry:
Repeal ban on conducting embryonic stem cell research
Senator Turbak Berry voted YES on SB 195, Stem Cell Research Amendments. The Bill Failed the Senate, 14 - 20. Synopsis: Vote to pass a bill that repeals the ban on conducting research using cells or tissues that were known to be obtained by the
destruction of human embryos, and limits human embryonic stem cell research to the use of stem cell lines that were derived prior to August 9, 2001 and are listed on the National Institutes of Health's human embryonic stem cell registry.
Source: South Dakota state legislative voting records
Feb 23, 2009
Steven Haugaard:
Right to life exists from conception to natural death
[The Declaration of Independence says]: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness." Our founding documents and our heritage are constant reminders that we owe a duty of respect to our fellow man. That 'right to life' exists from conception to the moment of natural death.
Source: 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial website
Feb 22, 2022
Steven Haugaard:
Require counseling at anti-abortion crisis center
Legislative Summary: Senate Bill 110: establish pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers [including] mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
Analysis by Dakota News Now: "Planned Parenthood has failed
in their obligation to provide accurate information and counseling to these women," said a sponsor of SB110. The law requires women to decide whether or not they would like counseling from the nonprofit before having an abortion.
Argument against, in Deseret News: Planned Parenthood MN/ND/SD, which operates South Dakota's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, disagrees. "The stated mission of a crisis pregnancy center is to dissuade a woman from seeking abortion care,"
[an activist] said.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 27-8-0 on Feb/6/18; Steven Haugaard voted YES; Passed House 56-9-0 on Feb/26/18; Signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard on Mar/7/18
Source: Deseret News & A.P. on South Dakota voting record SB 110
Feb 6, 2018
Steven Haugaard:
Introduced amendment that life begins at conception
Haugaard introduced House Joint Resolution 5003 to amend Article VI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota to read:
"Section 30. Human being-- Definition. The term, human being, means each member of the species homo sapiens, at all stages
of life, including the moment of fertilization or cloning, or other moment at which a member of the species comes into being."
"The legislation that I've introduced will make it clear in state law that human beings come into existence at conception."
Source: Press release on South Dakota voting records: HJR 5003
Jul 19, 2021
Jamie R. Smith:
Uphold state abortion ban: no exceptions for rape or incest
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem indicated during her reelection campaign's lone debate with her Democratic challenger, state lawmaker Jamie Smith, that if reelected she will uphold the state's abortion ban that provides no exceptions for rape or incest.
The Republican governor explained her position simply as "pro-life," while pledging to push for expanded parental leave in the state and alleviate the toll of inflation on people's budgets.
Smith called Noem's stance extreme and said it was endangering women's lives and causing concern among physicians for its lack of clarity on when an abortion is allowed--only to save the life of a pregnant
woman. "It's clear to me that South Dakotans overwhelmingly support a woman's right to an abortion," Smith said. "We talk about freedom all the time, except the freedom to make this choice."
Source: US News and World Report on 2022 South Dakota Governor race
Oct 1, 2022
Kristi Noem:
Focus on doctors breaking the law; ban telemedicine abortion
GOV. GRETCHEN WHITMER (D-MI): With the current legislature that I have, there is no common ground, which is the sad thing. They've already introduced legislation to criminalize and throw nurses and doctors in jail.
I think we'll continue to have those debates on how we can support these mothers and what it means to really make sure that we're not prosecuting mothers ever in a situation like this when it comes to abortion, that it will always be focused
towards those doctors who knowingly break the law to perform abortions in our state. I brought a bill that would ban telemedicine abortions, which means a doctor of the Internet or
over the phone could prescribe an abortion for an individual, because these are very dangerous medical procedures.
Source: CBS Face the Nation on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Jul 26, 2022
Kristi Noem:
Supreme Court gave authority back to the states to decide
GOV. KRISTI NOEM (R-SD): I anticipate there will be more debate and discussion. What was interesting about the Supreme Court decision is that it gave the authority back to the states to make these decisions. So, now that this decision has been made, it
will be up to each of the states and the state legislatures and the people there to talk to their elected representatives about what their laws look like closer to home.
Look, what she's really saying is that when this decision is made, it should be made by the government. That the government should move in and the government should determine whether or not a pregnancy is forced to continue or whether or not a
pregnancy can be terminated. We have never left individual rights to the states. The whole idea is that women are not second-class citizens. And the government is not the one that will decide about the continuation of a pregnancy.
Source: ABC This Week on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Jun 26, 2022
Kristi Noem:
South Dakotans overwhelmingly support right to choose
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem indicated during her reelection campaign's lone debate with her Democratic challenger, state lawmaker Jamie Smith, that if reelected she will uphold the state's abortion ban that provides no exceptions for rape or incest.
The Republican governor explained her position simply as "pro-life," while pledging to push for expanded parental leave in the state and alleviate the toll of inflation on people's budgets.
Smith called Noem's stance extreme and said it was endangering women's lives and causing concern among physicians for its lack of clarity on when an abortion is allowed--only to save the life of a pregnant
woman. "It's clear to me that South Dakotans overwhelmingly support a woman's right to an abortion," Smith said. "We talk about freedom all the time, except the freedom to make this choice."
Source: US News and World Report on 2022 South Dakota Governor race
Oct 1, 2022
The above quotations are from State of South Dakota Politicians: secondary Archives.
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