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State of New Hampshire secondary Archives: on Health Care

Andru Volinsky: We need to create statewide health care infrastructure

My view of health care is informed by my years as a board member at the Manchester Community Health Center, where I learned about the importance of primary and preventive care and how to deliver good care to people from diverse backgrounds with very different resources. Health care is a basic human right. We need to create a statewide health care infrastructure. We also need to stop treating women's reproductive care as a political issue. It's a constitutional right.
Source: Concord Monitor on 2020 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Dec 8, 2019

Andy Martin: ObamaCare blew up in Democrats' faces

I am nobody special in my book, but I have had access to really world class health care. The Democrats tried to go it alone, and ObamaCare blew up in their faces. Republicans need to sit down with Democrats and work together to preserve what is great about our system and enhance access where it is needed, while protecting the doctor/patient relationship. Not an easy assignment, but an essential one.
Source: on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 1, 2018

Bernie Sanders: Other countries cover everyone; why can't we?

Q: Secretary Clinton, you said of Senator Sanders that "It's very hard to see how any of his proposals could ever be achievable."

CLINTON: Senator Sanders and I share big progressive goals. I've been fighting for universal healthcare for many years, and we're now on the path to achieving it. I don't want us to start over again. I want to build on the progress we've made; got from 90 percent coverage to 100 percent coverage. I don't want to rip away the security that people finally have; 18 million people now have healthcare; pre-existing conditions are no longer a barrier.

SANDERS: Let's deal with the comments that Secretary Clinton made. Every major country has managed to provide healthcare to all people and they are spending significantly less per capita than we are. I do not accept that the US can't do that. I do not accept that the US can't stand up to the rip-offs of the pharmaceutical industry which charge us the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bernie Sanders: Health care for 29 million more uninsured

CLINTON: The Republicans want to repeal the Affordable Care Act, I want to improve it. Senator Sanders wants us to start all over again. This was a major achievement of President Obama. It is helping people right now. I am not going to have us plunge back into a contentious national debate that has very little chance of succeeding. Let's make the Affordable Care Act work for everybody.

SANDERS: I am on the Health Education Labor Committee. That committee wrote the Affordable Care Act. The idea I would dismantle health care while we're waiting to pass a Medicare-for-all is not accurate. The Affordable Care Act has clearly, as Secretary Clinton said, done a lot of good things, but, what it has not done is dealt with the fact we have 29 million people today who have zero health insurance, we have even more who are underinsured with large deductibles and co-payments and prescription drug prices are off the wall. So I do believe that in the future, we should have health care for all.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bill O`Brien: ACA like Fugitive Slave Act: destructive of liberty

Former New Hampshire House Speaker O'Brien once compared the ACA to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act in 2013, arguing it was equally destructive to individual liberty. More recently, he has pointed to spiking premiums for those on the individual markets--the pools set up under the ACA for those without access to employer-provided insurance.
Source: The Concord Monitor on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Feb 20, 2020

Bill Weld: More consumer choice instead of single-payer

Instead of arguing endlessly and fruitlessly about whether the Affordable Care Act should be repealed there are various commonsense health care issues that could be addressed immediately, across party lines. Consumers should be permitted to establish personal health care savings accounts, and to choose their health care provider. They should be free to purchase pharmaceutical drugs across state lines and also in other countries. Their choice, not the government's.
Source: Speech in New Hampshire by 2020 presidential hopefuls Feb 15, 2019

Bob Smith: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility

Question topic: It is the government's responsibility to be sure everyone has health care and a livable income.

Smith: Strongly Disagree

Question topic: The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) should be repealed by Congress.

Smith: Strongly Agree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 2, 2014

Carol Shea-Porter: Negotiate prices for prescription drugs with manufacturers

Shea-Porter said she continues to be frustrated by gridlock on Capitol Hill. "We need to work with each other," Shea-Porter said.

She cited a stalemate on prescription drugs as a "classic example" of Washington gridlock. She has long supported allowing the federal government to negotiate prices for prescription drugs with manufacturers. "But we weren't able to get that done, and now, the cost of drugs is skyrocketing," she said.

"It is really about reconnecting with the people," she said. "The people of the district do know me and know I've been an advocate. So I don't have to re-introduce myself, but what I do need to do and will do is work as hard as I can and take nothing for granted."

Source: WMUR on 2016 New Hampshire Senate race Sep 23, 2015

Chris Sununu: Voted against funding Planned Parenthood state contracts

Sununu said he will not change his position against funding two Planned Parenthood state contracts. Sununu cast the deciding vote against two contracts for women's health services in August, amidst a controversy surrounding the posting of a secret video recording of Planned Parenthood officials allegedly discussing the illegal sale of fetal tissue. When voting against the $639,000 in funding, he suggested he was looking to "just take a pause," to gather more information.
Source: Portsmouth-Herald on 2016 New Hampshire governor race Jan 29, 2016

Chris Sununu: Push for a true accounting of our Medicaid program

Heath Care continues to be an area of critical need in our state--across the entire country, frankly. And where we have failed in the past, I am pushing for a true accounting of our Medicaid program, so we can reconcile estimated Medicaid payments to actual costs. And as we go forward, be sure that we won't wait two years to check in on them again.

This budget requires the Commissioner of Health and Human Services to make quarterly reports, not just to me, but to Legislative leadership about where we actually stand on our true costs so we can become a more nimble government that is responsive not just reactive. As governor, I won't make people wait until after an election to discover we may have a shortfall. We have to be transparent. We have to be honest with the people and honest with ourselves.

Source: 2017 New Hampshire State of the State address Feb 9, 2017

Chris Sununu: State must invest in mental healthcare system

We have tasked Health and Human Services with developing a comprehensive 10 year plan for the mental health system. We provided funding to establish 60 new beds for community based transitional housing and created a fourth rapid response mobile crisis unit to divert hospitalizations for mental health issues. It is unacceptable for citizens in mental health crises to be waiting for treatment for weeks on end.
Source: 2018 New Hampshire State of the State address Feb 15, 2018

Chris Sununu: Medicaid compromise has worked for 50,000 citizens

Another key component of growing our workforce is New Hampshire's work requirement for able bodied individuals, who are part of our Medicaid Expansion program. These provisions of Medicaid help lift people out of poverty by empowering them with the dignity of work and self-reliability. I know that leaders of both parties stand united and committed to the compromise reached last year helping to ensure healthcare for 50,000 of our citizens.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to New Hampshire legislature Jan 3, 2019

Chris Sununu: Import Canadian prescription drugs

A proposal to import prescription drugs from Canada to New Hampshire attracted bipartisan support winning praise from both the Democrat sponsoring the bill and the Republican he wants to replace. Sen. Dan Feltes told the Senate Commerce Committee that New Hampshire residents are too often choosing between their health and their financial security. Immediately following Feltes, Gov. Chris Sununu, praised not just Feltes' bill but others before the committee.
Source: Washington Times on 2020 New Hampshire Governor race Jan 21, 2020

Chris Sununu: Our 10-Year Mental-Health Plan continues to be fully funded

When I became Governor, I often said the mental-health crisis was New Hampshire's unspoken crisis. It had been neglected for years. But we changed that. This budget continues levels of funding for our mental-health programs, because, frankly, we all know that too much is at stake to let up. Our 10-Year Mental-Health Plan continues to be fully funded, with funding for additional designated receiving facility beds to solve the ER boarding crisis, to more local Mobile Crisis Teams, and more.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address: New Hampshire legislature Feb 11, 2021

Chris Sununu: We stopped the federal vaccine mandates, for personal choice

New Hampshire has consistently ranked among the safest states in the country for COVID -- now having one of the lowest hospitalization rates in America--and we did it without sacrificing the freedoms we hold dear.But we also didn't go to extremes and tell small businesses who they could hire or fire.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Hampshire legislature Feb 17, 2022

Colin Van Ostern: Medicaid Expansion brought coverage to 44,000 N.H. citizens

On the state Executive Council, Colin cast the deciding vote to bring health care coverage to nearly 44,000 New Hampshire citizens -- including addiction treatment services to thousands --by implementing the bipartisan New Hampshire Health Protection Plan (sometimes called Medicaid Expansion).
Source: 2016 New Hampshire gubernatorial website Jul 20, 2016

Colin Van Ostern: Worked to expand Medicaid

[Delivering his victory speech]: "Together, we will take this next step forward for New Hampshire by bringing and keeping more young people, young families, new businesses and start-ups in our state," Van Ostern said in prepared remarks. "We'll build an economy that works for everyone."

"I want to congratulate Colin Van Ostern on a great victory tonight," said the New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair. "Colin has a record of accomplishment and the vision to keep New Hampshire moving forward. His work to restore funding for Planned Parenthood, to expand Medicaid, to invest in renewable energy projects and to deliver debt-free college make him an exceptional and strong candidate."

Source: Union-Leader on 2016 New Hampshire Gubernatorial debate Sep 13, 2016

Corky Messner: Reduce regulations, provide waivers for Medicare, Medicaid

Continue to reduce regulations and provide waivers in Medicare and Medicaid, to help our seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Source: 2020 New Hampshire Senate website Jun 3, 2020

Corky Messner: COVID: Supports wearing a mask, against mandatory mask order

You know, it's interesting about masks. In my reading about the H1N1 pandemic in 2010, I found part of a paper that was talking about masks, and it was the same debate that's going on now. And so, yes, I support wearing a mask. No, I don't support a mandatory mask order.
Source: National Public Radio on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 9, 2020

Corky Messner: We need tort reform, allow market forces to work

We need tort reform in health care. Frivolous lawsuits add a tremendous amount of money to our health care system, and that will help bring down the costs, if we have tort reform. I think the thing we ought to keep in place is allowing people, children to stay on their health insurance until the age of 26. I think that's a good thing. But it's very important to get the cost of health care down, that we allow more market forces to work here, including transparency.
Source: National Public Radio on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 9, 2020

Dan Feltes: Protect people with pre-existing conditions

[In the state Senate], we worked across the aisle to expand access to health care for our families, increase support for opioid and mental health treatment providers, protect people with pre-existing conditions, set some of the toughest drinking water standards in the nation, invest in our public schools with the greatest education funding in state history, finally fund full-day kindergarten like any other grade, and advanced clean energy and community solar opportunities,

But, we face some major challenges, right now. Costs are rising for working families. We have the highest health care costs in the nation, we have the third highest electric rates in the nation, prescription drug costs are skyrocketing, families struggle to find behavioral health treatment for their loved ones, family businesses are struggling to find workers and workers are struggling to find affordable housing, and property taxes are going up while taxes for big corporations are going down.

Source: Portsmouth Herald on New Hampshire legislative voting record Oct 26, 2019

Dan Feltes: Import Canadian prescription drugs

A proposal to import prescription drugs from Canada to New Hampshire attracted bipartisan support winning praise from both the Democrat sponsoring the bill and the Republican he wants to replace. Feltes told the Senate Commerce Committee that New Hampshire residents are too often choosing between their health and their financial security. Immediately following Feltes, Gov. Chris Sununu, praised not just Feltes' bill but others before the committee.
Source: Washington Times on 2020 New Hampshire Governor race Jan 21, 2020

Dan Feltes: Medicaid expansion & protect pre-existing conditions

Feltes has worked for Medicaid expansion and to protect people with pre-existing conditions and he was the sponsor of a bill for family and medical leave that Sununu vetoed over objections to its funding mechanism. Feltes said he wants to help working families. "We have some of the highest health care costs in the nation," Feltes said. "We have the second-worst opioid epidemic, the second-worst treatment capacity. We need to deal with those issues."
Source: Laconia Daily Sun on 2020 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Feb 27, 2020

Don Bolduc: Go from disease management to health management

I think if we if we stop allowing pharmaceuticals to control our political system that's going to go a long way. We need to go from disease management to health management, and we need to reward good health all the way through. And if we do that, a pill for every ill, and we manage your health, we're going to have a much healthier society and we're going to have much lower cost.
Source: NHPR The Exchange on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 9, 2020

Don Bolduc: ObamaCare is going to collapse under its own weight

On policy, Bolduc predicted that "ObamaCare is going to collapse under its own weight."

And he argued that "we need to get new people" in Congress "to support the president on his initiative to improve health care for all Americans."

Source: Portsmouth Herald on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jun 24, 2019

Don Bolduc: Replace ACA with free market principle

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, many Republicans have campaigned on the message of "repeal and replace." Unfortunately, we have failed to create a common-sense plan to replace the ACA. Why should the free market principle be absent in health care? It shouldn't. If providers want to attract business, that should be done by offering a better product and an affordable cost structure.
Source: 2020 New Hampshire Senate campaign website Feb 10, 2020

Don Bolduc: COVID: Against mask mandate; they collect bacteria

Q: Would you be in favor of a mask wearing mandate?

Bolduc: A mask mandate? No, I would not. I am unapologetically of the opinion that the masks cause more problems than they solve.

Q: How so?

Bolduc: I believe that they collect bacteria. I believe that that they get dirty. I believe that people use the same mask over and over and over again. And they don't change it. They don't change it out. We've had a huge littering problem with masks and rubber gloves, and that's creating a problem.

Source: NHPR The Exchange on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 9, 2020

Don Bolduc: Keep some of ObamaCare but get the government out of it

The Affordable Care Act has some things in it that we need to keep. First of all, prenatal to postnatal care, pre-existing injuries, are hugely important. If you're going to change health care, you need to change the whole idea and paradigm. We owe people a health care system that's not going to bankrupt them. I think that problem is because the government controls too much of it and we need to get the government out of it, deregulate it, privatize it, make it more competitive.
Source: NHPR The Exchange on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 9, 2020

Don Bolduc: We need to put an emphasis on dental care & oral health

The other thing that we're not making premium in our health care is dental care, gum disease, oral health. It is so important. It reduces heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart attack, stroke. And we need to put an emphasis on that. Among our veterans dental care is is a huge problem, right? And in our society.
Source: NHPR The Exchange on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 9, 2020

Don Bolduc: COVID: Claims Bill Gates wans microchips in vaccine

In a You Tube video, Bolduc made reference to a supposed plan to implant some sort of tracking microchips into people. "The only bracelets anyone is going to put on me are handcuffs, because I'm fighting for my individual rights, my constitutional rights. And the only chip that's going in me is a Dorito," Bolduc said. When asked about the microchip statement, Bolduc said Bill Gates, retired founder of MicroSoft, wants to implant people with tracking microchips.
Source: Manchester Ink Link on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jun 17, 2020

Hillary Clinton: Go from 90% coverage under ObamaCare to 100% coverage

Q: Secretary Clinton, you said of Senator Sanders that "It's very hard to see how any of his proposals could ever be achievable."

CLINTON: Senator Sanders and I share big progressive goals. I've been fighting for universal healthcare for many years, and we're now on the path to achieving it. I don't want us to start over again. I want to build on the progress we've made; got from 90 percent coverage to 100 percent coverage. I don't want to rip away the security that people finally have; 18 million people now have healthcare; pre-existing conditions are no longer a barrier.

SANDERS: Let's deal with the comments that Secretary Clinton made. Every major country has managed to provide healthcare to all people and they are spending significantly less per capita than we are. I do not accept that the US can't do that. I do not accept that the US can't stand up to the rip-offs of the pharmaceutical industry which charge us the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Jeanne Shaheen: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen is among 11 Democrats targeted by the Republican National Committee for their support of ObamaCare. The RNC is using robocalls and posting on Facebook to urge people to call their representatives and ask "why they supported President Obama's lie that people could keep their healthcare plans under ObamaCare."

The targets besides Shaheen are Reps. Gary Peters (MI) and Bruce Braley (IA), Sens. Mark Warner (VA), Mark Begich (AK), Dick Durbin (IL), Kay Hagan (NC), Mary Landrieu (LA), Jeff Merkley (OR), Mark Pryor (AR), and Mark Udall (CO). The robocall script reads:

"President Obama and the Democrats said you could keep your healthcare plan under ObamaCare. Now we know [SENATOR] actually VOTED to make it more difficult. Call [SENATOR] at (XXX)-XXX-XXX & ask why [he/she] lied."

The robocalls are a response to Democrats launching the "GOP Shutdown Watch" campaign, highlighting Republican senate candidates who supported the partial federal government shutdown.

Source: MI Daily Tribune PacWatch: 2014 New Hampshire Senate debate Nov 5, 2013

Jeanne Shaheen: No apologies for helping people get affordable insurance

[At a N.H. GOP gathering] Brown tried to focus on Sen. Shaheen and linked her to what he said were fundamental problems with President Obama's health care plan. "Up until it blew up, she was still one of the No. 1 supporters," he said.

"She makes no apologies for trying to help people get affordable health insurance," Shaheen's husband said. And she has called for the White House to extend the enrollment period, saying citizens should not be penalized for the government's botched sign-up process.

Mr. Shaheen also noted that Brown might face questions about health care himself. As a state senator in 2006, he supported Gov. Mitt Romney's health care overhaul in Massachusetts, which was the model for the Obama plan. Brown later argued that the two plans were very different, but enough similarities exist that New Hampshire's conservative voters could question whether he shares their values.

Source: New York Times on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Dec 11, 2013

Jeanne Shaheen: AdWatch: Falsely promised all people could keep insurance

A new Americans for Prosperity 30-second television spot targeting Sen. Jeanne Shaheen for voting for the Affordable Care Act begins airing on WMUR-TV on Jan. 2. The ad buy is around $200,000, and offers similar themes and quotes from news stories that an ad from Ending Spending raised last month.

The narration in the ad points to Shaheen saying, from the Senate floor, that people would be able to keep their insurance if the law was approved, a statement that was deemed the "Lie of the Year" by The narration also quotes from new stories noting that many N.H. residents will have to drive long distances for care due to the only out-of-group insurance carrier in the state, Anthem, eliminating coverage from half the hospitals in the state.

Shaheen's campaign launched a fundraising effort, asking supporters to help her "respond right away" to the ad buy: "The Tea Party billionaires spent over $8 million attacking N.H. in 2012 and could spend even more this time."

Source: Concord Patch AdWatch on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Jan 1, 2014

Jeanne Shaheen: Ebola: No fear-mongering; maybe a travel ban

The latest efforts to contain and prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in the United States also became a hot topic as Brown said he wants a travel ban to West Africa, while Shaheen said reiterated an earlier comment that she would consider one if it would make a difference. She accused her rival of fear mongering on the Ebola virus, border security and the threat of terrorism posed by ISIS.
Source: NECN-sponsored 2014 New Hampshire Senate debate Oct 21, 2014

Karen Testerman: ObamaCare is unaffordable and unworkable

Karen Testerman expressed great disappointment in the president's illegal, partisan, deceptive delay in the enforcement of ObamaCare until after the 2014 elections to protect representatives like Jeanne Shaheen.

"We have already seen that the consequences of this law are dreadful, and Pres. Obama is delaying the damage of ObamaCare until after the 2014 elections."

"The president wants people to vote before they are blindsided by the price of ObamaCare plans, the lack of choice of doctors and hospitals, and the higher deductibles and co-pays-- before they fully realize the unaffordability and unworkability of ObamaCare.

Source: Press release on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 22, 2013

Karen Testerman: Vaccine mandate unconstitutional; violates Geneva Convention

[On HIPAA]: "Forcing somebody to decide between starving or potentially dying from the side effects of the COVID vaccine is not only illegal, unconstitutional and a violation of the HIPPA (sic) law, it is also banned by the Geneva Convention (forced medical experiments against unwilling human beings)," she wrote in her statement. "I will take immediate executive action to protect our citizenry against any CEO or business who would act in such an evil, un-American manner."
Source: WMUR on 2022 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Jul 29, 2021

Maggie Hassan: Broaden enforcement of law against surprise medical bills

The new law limiting surprise medical bills doesn't apply to all kinds of health care providers.

Sen. Maggie Hassan is pushing the Biden administration to apply the new law against surprise medical bills to more kinds of health care providers. "Patients shouldn't need to question every doctor and nurse who treats them, nor should they have to parse through regulatory language to determine if a specific facility is covered by this law," Hassan wrote in a letter.

Source: Union-Leader on 2022 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 22, 2022

Molly Kelly: Backed Medicaid expansion; opposes efforts to limit access

I believe health care is a right for every person. That's why I voted for Medicaid expansion that now covers 50K people in NH. I oppose efforts that make accessing care more difficult, such as the work requirement. Efforts in Washington to remove critical rights and protections made possible by the ACA pose a threat to the health and well-being of Granite Staters. No one should face bankruptcy due to a medical emergency or be denied health insurance because they have a pre-existing condition.
Source: 2018 New Hampshire Governor campaign website Oct 9, 2018

Ray Metcalfe: Supports universal health care

Source: 2016 New Hampshire gubernatorial website Nov 1, 2008

Rick Santorum: Give Medicare same options and opt-out as Congress

Q: Rep. Paul Ryan had a plan where he'd like to move seniors off Medicare, give them a voucher or premium support, and then they would take care of their health care from there. You said seniors should be affected right now, 55 plus, have them affected right now?

SANTORUM: I hear this all the time: "We should have the same kind of health care the members of Congress have." Well, that's pretty much what Paul Ryan's plan is. The members of Congress have a premium support model. So does every other federal employee. The federal government has a whole bunch of different options available. If you want a more expensive plan, you pay more of a co-insurance. If you want a less expensive plan, you don't. But fundamental difference between Barack Obama's: it's whether you believe people can be free to make choices or whether you have to make decisions for them. And I believe seniors, just like every other American, should be free to make the choices in their healthcare plan that's best for them.

Source: Meet the Press 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 8, 2012

Rick Santorum: Promote Health Savings Accounts as market-based solution

Q: When you voted for a new prescription drug benefit that did not have a funding mechanism, were you advancing socialism?

SANTORUM: Well, I've said repeatedly that we should have had a funding mechanism. In that bill, we had health savings accounts, something I'd been fighting for, for 15 years. We also had Medicare Advantage to transform the entire Medicare system into Medicare Advantage is basically a premium support type model.

Q: Were you advancing socialism, though?

SANTORUM: Medical health savings accounts is an anti-socialistic idea to try to build a bottom-up, consumer-based economy in health care. The same way with Medicare Advantage. And we also structured the Medicare Part D benefit to be a premium support model as a way of trying to transition Medicare. So there were a lot of good things in that bill. There was one really bad thing. We didn't pay for it, we should have paid for it and that was a mistake.

Source: Meet the Press 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 8, 2012

Scott Brown: Supported RomneyCare in 2006; it's different than ObamaCare

[At a N.H. GOP gathering] Brown tried to focus on Sen. Shaheen and linked her to what he said were fundamental problems with President Obama's health care plan. "What's really at issue is that she really needs to start explaining to people why she was the deciding vote to pass ObamaCare," he said.

"Up until it blew up, she was still one of the No. 1 supporters," he said.

"She makes no apologies for trying to help people get affordable health insurance," Shaheen's husband said. Mr. Shaheen also noted that Mr. Brown might face questions about health care himself. As a state senator in 2006, he supported Gov. Mitt Romney's health care overhaul in Massachusetts, which was the model for the Obama plan. Mr. Brown later argued that the two plans were very different, but enough similarities exist that New Hampshire's conservative voters could question whether he shares their values.

Source: New York Times on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Dec 11, 2013

Scott Brown: ObamaCare's mandate means higher costs and fewer jobs

Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown released a new ad highlighting his ties to New Hampshire. His ad attacks Shaheen on ObamaCare's employer mandate.

Brown's ad actually targets ObamaCare, but he spends the first quarter of the new radio ad outlining his connections to the state. "I was born at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard," he said. "My mom was a waitress at Hampton Beach. My dad, an airman at Pease. I've been a homeowner and taxpayer in Rye for over 20 years. I care about New Hampshire."

He's also made opposition to ObamaCare a central line of attack, and the new ad targets the mandate that businesses of a certain size must provide health care for their employees or pay a penalty. The ad declares the mandate "means higher costs and fewer jobs."

Source: The Hill e-zine on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race May 28, 2014

Scott Brown: Ebola: travel ban to West Africa

The latest efforts to contain and prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in the United States also became a hot topic as Brown said he wants a travel ban to West Africa, while Shaheen said reiterated an earlier comment that she would consider one if it would make a difference. She accused her rival of fear mongering on the Ebola virus, border security and the threat of terrorism posed by ISIS.
Source: NECN-sponsored 2014 New Hampshire Senate debate Oct 21, 2014

Tom Sherman: Helped expand health coverage to more than 50,000 people

As the New Hampshire State Senate's only doctor, Senator Sherman has been a leader for public health in Concord. Dr. Sherman has a long history of reaching across the aisle to get things done. Working with members of both parties, he's helped expand health coverage to more than 50,000 Granite Staters, lowered prescription drug costs, instituted the toughest clean water standards in the country, and increased the number of beds available for people in a mental health crisis.
Source: 2022 New Hampshire Governor campaign web Mar 28, 2022

  • The above quotations are from State of New Hampshire Politicians: secondary Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Health Care:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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