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State of New Hampshire secondary Archives: on Tax Reform

Bernie Sanders: End loophole that allows zero taxes via Cayman Islands

There is a loophole such that these multi-billion dollar profitable corporations are putting billions of dollars into the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and other tax havens. In a given year, do you know how much they're paying in taxes to the US government in a given year? Zero. What I have said with regard to Boeing and GE and other multinationals that pay zero taxes, you know what we're going to do? We're going to end that loophole. They are going to pay their fair share of taxes.
Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bill Weld: Cut capital gains tax; look at flat tax on income

Federal taxes need serious adjustment downward. I favor repealing the federal death tax, for example, and cutting the capital gains tax rate to 10%. These taxes are not major revenue raisers, and they both have the perverse effect of penalizing people for a lifetime of hard work. Eliminating them will increase our aggregate national wealth, which should always be a key priority of the United States government.

But we also need to restructure our entire tax system. We don't need to choose between Robin Hood-style confiscatory taxation and deficit-creating tax cuts for the super-rich. We should instead take a good long look at some other models, such as a 19% flat tax on income, and the famous "post card" tax return. I have read extensively on the subject, and I believe the savings from the dramatic simplification of the Internal Revenue Code and the whole process of taxation would be enormous.

Source: Speech in New Hampshire by 2020 presidential hopefuls Feb 15, 2019

Chris Sununu: Pledge to veto state sales tax and income tax

In his candidacy announcement, Sununu said he would veto a state sales tax or income tax, and took aim at Democratic incumbent Gov. Maggie Hassan. Just taking the pledge to veto broad-based taxes is not enough, he said. "When Maggie Hassan says it's 'good enough,' that's not good enough for New Hampshire," Sununu said. "For too long, Democrats have allowed New Hampshire to lose what made it special. What gave it an advantage over other states. We should never be lagging behind Massachusetts."
Source: Union-Leader on 2016 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Sep 7, 2015

Chris Sununu: No sales tax; no income tax; not on my watch

I implore this legislature to learn from the mistakes of the past. The last thing we should be doing is raising taxes or pushing a budget that does not live within our means. And it should go without saying. There will be no sales or income tax of any kind on my watch.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to New Hampshire legislature Jan 3, 2019

Chris Sununu: Managed to mitigate worst of pandemic without raising taxes

Because of good management, which frankly New Hampshire set the gold standard, our budget shortfall to end the biennium is now projected to be less than $50 million. Unlike other States across the Country, which are now raising taxes on businesses, taxing out-of-state workers, or enacting these draconian budget cuts that we hear about just to cover those massive deficits, here, in New Hampshire, we managed to mitigate the worst financial impacts of the pandemic without raising taxes.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address: New Hampshire legislature Feb 11, 2021

Chris Sununu: If your town isn't lowering taxes, go out and make it happen

So instead of downshifting costs, we downshifted cash, giving cities and towns extra flexibility--a win for our citizens. Because of these investments, many towns are using this increased financial opportunity to lower local property taxes. I'm here to tell you--if your town isn't lowering taxes for some reason, town meeting day is in less than a month, so go out, make your voice heard, and work with your local town officials to help make it happen. Now's the time to do it.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Hampshire legislature Feb 17, 2022

Chris Sununu: Tax cuts work, so let's do it again!

Last year I prioritized cutting taxes and attracting businesses. Thanks to this legislature, we cut taxes, and then cut more taxes - New Hampshire has one of the lowest tax burdens in the country, putting more money back into the pockets of families and small businesses--all while continuing robust services under a fair and balanced budget. The result is businesses pouring into N.H, growing sustainably, and creating the biggest budget surplus in the state's history. TAX CUTS WORK, SO LET'S DO IT AGAIN!
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Hampshire legislature Feb 17, 2022

Chuck Morse: I'll take New Hampshire record of lower taxes to Washington

[On income taxes and corporate taxes]: "Our track record in New Hampshire of lowering taxes and getting out of businesses is a blueprint that we should take to Washington and that's what I intend to do and obviously I've proved that it works here in the state," Morse said, pointing to his years of experience as a key architect of the state budgets.
Source: Concord Monitor on 2022 New Hampshire Senate race Jan 28, 2022

Corky Messner: Reduce taxes on small business; accelerated depreciation

Source: 2020 New Hampshire Senate website Jun 3, 2020

Dan Feltes: Property tax relief for working families

He said "working families" are being left out and left behind with the highest health care costs in the country. He cited examples of this such as prescription drug costs, rising electric rates and skyrocketing property taxes. "Right now, we have a governor who doesn't get what ordinary folks are going through--property taxes on everyday folks are going up, while taxes on large corporations are going down," Feltes said in a statement announcing his candidacy. "That's not fair. And we're going to change that."

Feltes now looks ahead at continuing to focus on key issues, such as property tax relief for working families rather than tax breaks that predominantly benefit corporations. He said while taxes for big corporations have gone down, Granite Staters have seen their property taxes go up. "That's just not fair," Feltes said.

Source: Nashua Telegraph on 2020 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Sep 4, 2019

Dan Feltes: Provide tax relief for working families, not corporations

On taxes: "It's critical that we work together to move New Hampshire forward for working families, especially when costs are rising on everything, and we have a governor who doesn't get what working families are going through," Feltes said. "He is concerned about big tax breaks for corporations while everyone's property taxes are skyrocketing." Feltes was referring to Sununu's veto of the state budget primarily because of his support for new cuts in business taxes.
Source: WMUR Manchester TV-9 on 2020 New Hampshire Governor race Sep 3, 2019

Jon Huntsman: Rip out $1.1T in loopholes from the corrupt tax code

Q: Where is the money going to come from for infrastructure investment?

HUNTSMAN: We've got to earn our way forward. There's no question about it. Governors learn how to pay the bills. In order to pay the bills, you've got to expand your economic base. And that's a problem we have in the US right now. We read about the jobs that have ticked upward in this country and we're all very happy about that. We're providing people more in the way of real opportunity. But think of where this country would be, if during the first two years of Barack Obama you had had a different president. I would have ripped open the tax code and I would have done what Simpson-Bowles recommended. I would have cleaned out all of the loopholes and the deductions that weigh down this country to the tune of $1.1 trillion. We've got a corrupt tax code. So you've got to say, how are we going to pay for it? We've got to stimulate some confidence in the creative class in this country. Right now they're sitting on their hands.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Karen Testerman: Supports flat tax & abolishing the IRS

Yes, I want Karen Testerman for U.S. Senate:
Source: 2014 New Hampshire Senate draft website, Nov 30, 2013

Maggie Hassan: Wealthy should pay their fair share

Q: On Taxes: Increase taxes on corporations and/or high-income individuals to pay for public services?

Ayotte: No. Signed Americans for Tax Reform Pledge to oppose "any and all" tax increases to raise revenue.

Hassan: Yes. Close tax loopholes and ask wealthiest businesses and individuals to "pay their fair share."

Source: CampusElect Voter Guide to 2016 New Hampshire Senate race Oct 9, 2016

Mark Connolly: N.H. needs more revenue, but not via a broad-based tax

Connolly focuses much of his platform on the state economy, pledging to boost growth and create new jobs. Connolly acknowledged New Hampshire needs more revenue, but said he is against a broad-based tax.

He doesn't favor casino gambling, a perennial State House issue that some lawmakers and Hassan have promoted as a way to raise state revenue. "The market is saturated," he said. "Maybe 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, but now it doesn't make sense."

Source: Concord Monitor on 2016 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Nov 6, 2015

Ray Metcalfe: Tax cuts for the rich threw surplus into the toilet

Q: Why are you running? What are your goals in office?

A: Eight years ago when George Bush stole the election, this nation had a huge revenue surplus on the horizon. A surplus that could have fixed Social Security and Medicare, paid off the national debt, and provided health care to every American. A beautiful future was before us but George Bush threw it all in the toilet with tax cuts for his rich friends and a misguided war that's draining our treasury and exhausting our military. We now have a government that listens to our phone calls, reads our emails, and monitors our bank accounts. These are things that need to change.

Source: 2016 New Hampshire gubernatorial website Nov 1, 2008

Rick Santorum: Simplify tax code: just 5 deductions; everything else goes

HUNTSMAN: I would have done what Simpson-Bowles recommended. I would have cleaned out all of the loopholes and the deductions that weigh down this country to the tune of $1.1 trillion.

Q: [to Santorum]: How would you raise the kind of revenues called for in the Simpson-Bowles Commission?

SANTORUM: Our plan puts together a package that focuses on simplifying the tax code and I agree with Gov. Huntsman on that. Five deductions: Health care, housing, pensions, children and charities. Everything else goes. We focus on the pillars that have broad consensus of this country in the important sectors of our economy, including our children. The other side is the corporate side. Cut it in half, to 17.5%. But I do something different than anybody else. I'm very worried about a sector of our economy that has been under fire. I come from southwestern Pennsylvania, the heart of the steel country, the heart of manufacturing. And it's been devastated because we are uncompetitive.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Steve Marchand: No sales tax; no income tax; reduce property tax

Q: What about sales tax and income tax? Are you still against them?

Marchand: That is correct.

Q: Gov. Sununu prioritizes new businesses; do you?

Marchand: The policies Gov. Sununu has pursued to grow the economy, largely run 180 degrees from what the data tell us we should be doing if we actually want to create jobs and see economic growth. For example, Sununu and the Republican legislature want to cut the Business Profits Tax. Most new businesses lose money at the beginning. When we cut the Business Profits Tax, we downshift costs from the state level to the town level. If [instead] you focus on cutting the Business Enterprise Tax and local property taxes, you will be directly and positively impacting the segment of economy where 80% of net new job growth comes to fruition. The data tells me that focusing on the Business Enterprise Tax and on reducing local property taxes is the winning formula for tax reform that will lead to job creation and economic growth.

Source: N.H. Journal on 2018 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Apr 24, 2017

Tom Sherman: Never voted for any income tax or sales tax; would veto

Dr. Sherman has never supported or voted for an income tax or sales tax and would veto one if it reached his desk. We need to build a thriving economy that works for all Granite Staters. Right now, far too many people are struggling to make ends meet with the high cost of child care, housing, and property taxes.
Source: 2022 New Hampshire Governor campaign web Mar 28, 2022

  • The above quotations are from State of New Hampshire Politicians: secondary Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Tax Reform.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Tax Reform:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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