OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Claire McCaskill: Support embryonic stem cell research but not cloning.
Claire McCaskill: Support a ban on partial-birth abortion.
Jim Talent: Oppose embryonic stem cell research that involves cloning.
Jim Talent: Favor exemptions in abortion law but not stem cell research.
Lucas Kunce: Fully committed to reproductive freedom for all.
Mark McClosky: 100% Pro-Life, end radical late-term abortion laws.
Matt Blunt: Abortions only for incest, rape, or maternal life.
Sarah Steelman: Opposes embryonic stem cell research.
Tim Shepard: Allow citizens to make choices over their own bodies.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Pols get out of the damn way on personal medical decisions.
Budget & Economy
Claire McCaskill: $300 billion in Iraq is a lot of money.
Jim Talent: The $300 billion spent on Iraq is 1 percent of the GDP.
Mark McClosky: Balance the budget in 5 years by cutting 1% across the board.
Civil Rights
Lucas Kunce: Pass Equality Act; ban conversion therapy.
Lucas Kunce: Must address systemic racism across our state and country.
Matt Blunt: No affirmative action in state contracts nor colleges.
Matt Blunt: No same-sex marriage; no gay discrimination laws.
Mike Gibbons: No affirmative action for state contracts nor state colleges.
Tim Shepard: Is LGBTQ and married to love of his life.
Tim Shepard: Make schools & jobs safe and accommodating for minorities.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Protect marriage equality because love is love.
Lucas Kunce: Break up Big Ag; bar foreign ownership of Missouri farmland.
Tim Shepard: Break up companies that are "too big to fail".
Mark McClosky: Reduce the crime wave spreading across our state and country.
Matt Blunt: Supports the death penalty.
Matt Blunt: More prisons; less parole.
Mike Gibbons: No parole for repeat offenders; supports death penalty.
Sarah Steelman: Supports the death penalty for certain crimes.
Tim Shepard: We must end the school to prison pipeline.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Support robust funding for law enforcement, first responders.
Lucas Kunce: Legalize cannabis nationwide; end the Opioid Epidemic.
Matt Blunt: Strength penalties for drugs, especially meth.
Tim Shepard: Legalizing marijuana lets us focus on more serious issues.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Prioritize funding to make opioid treatment more accessible.
Lucas Kunce: Relief from student loans; invest in Pre-K, K-12, HBCUs.
Mark McClosky: Critical race theory is one of America's biggest threats.
Matt Blunt: Endorse teacher-led voluntary prayer in public schools.
Matt Blunt: Supports private investment in public schools.
Mike Gibbons: Supports school prayer and abstinence education.
Mike Gibbons: Supports teacher testing and graduation testing.
Tim Shepard: We need major investment to increase education specialists.
Tim Shepard: Increase support, opportunities for vocational training.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Supports two years of universal preschool.
Energy & Oil
Tim Shepard: Incentivize development and growth of green economy.
Trudy Busch Valentine: We need to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Mike Gibbons: State funds for industrial cleanup & waste tire collection.
Families & Children
Lucas Kunce: Will push for paid family, medical and sick leave.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Paid sick leave is good for the economy.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Restore and expand Child Tax Credit; make it permanent.
Free Trade
Lucas Kunce: Trade pacts for family farms, not global commodity traders.
Tim Shepard: Protectionism limits economic opportunities at home.
Government Reform
Mark McClosky: Let states require proof of citizenship to register to vote.
Matt Blunt: Limit campaign donations, but no public funding.
Tim Shepard: In order to restore democracy, we all must be represented.
Tim Shepard: We need to fix our campaign finance system.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Voting should be as easy and accessible as possible.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Overturn Citizens United; require donor disclosure.
Gun Control
Mark McClosky: Invoked 2nd Amendment to defend themselves against "mob".
Matt Blunt: Repeal restrictions on purchase & possession of firearms.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Supports background checks, red flag laws.
Health Care
Lucas Kunce: Health care is a human right, we need universal system.
Sarah Steelman: Pledge that every Missourian will have quality health care.
Tim Shepard: We should guarantee healthcare for every American.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Reduce costs so every family can have access to quality care.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Increase in-home and community services for seniors.
Homeland Security
Claire McCaskill: Support surveillance with civil rights protection.
Kit Bond: Oppose the 9/11 commission since Congress was doing the work.
Lucas Kunce: Expand services to veterans including mental health.
Sarah Steelman: Federal government should be tracking every movement.
Sarah Steelman: Created terror-free fund: divest from state sponsors abroad.
Lucas Kunce: Pro-union, raise minimum wage to $15/hour.
Tim Shepard: Accountability for sexism, sexual harassment in workplace.
Tim Shepard: Make minimum wage, a living wage.
Tim Shepard: Support stronger union and labor regulations.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Guarantee equal pay for equal work.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Support PRO Act: advocate for right of workers to unionize.
Principles & Values
Claire McCaskill: Hastert should resign his speakership for a cover-up.
Jean Carnahan: Set sail instead of choosing a safe harbor.
Jim Talent: Hastert should resign his speakership if found responsible.
Mark McClosky: Fight cancel culture and preserve our American values.
Mark McClosky: Traditional values make the USA the greatest nation on earth.
Tim Shepard: Work from the bottom up, instead of top-down.
Tim Shepard: We will continue to fight the virus and we will pray.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Trudy's faith and Jesuit education instilled her core values.
Social Security
Lucas Kunce: Strengthen Social Security, fight back against privatization.
Trudy Busch Valentine: Won't support cutting benefits, raising retirement age.
Tax Reform
Tim Shepard: Those at the top need to pay their fair share.
Trudy Busch Valentine: End corporate tax cuts that unfairly benefitted wealthy CEOs.
Mark McClosky: Break up big tech for censoring of conservative Americans.
War & Peace
Claire McCaskill: Need to change course in Iraq.
Claire McCaskill: Redeploy our troops in Iraq to Afghanistan to find bin Laden.
Jim Talent: Oppose an artificial timetable for withdrawing from Iraq.
Jim Talent: Need to season the Iraqi army before leaving Iraq.
Jim Talent: Our troops must stay in Iraq until the job is done.
Jim Talent: Would still have invaded Iraq knowing there were no weapons.
Kit Bond: The terrorists would get WMD without the Iraq war.
Mark McClosky: Will fight against China from day 1 in the US Senate.
Welfare & Poverty
Trudy Busch Valentine: Invest in programs for affordable housing.