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Senate Votes on 13-SV103
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Bill Sponsorships by Presidential Contenders:
Rep. Bob Barr
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. Mike Gravel
Sen. John McCain
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Sen. Barack Obama
Rep. Ron Paul
Gov. Mark Sanford

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Vote number 13-SV103 banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets
on Apr 17, 2013 regarding bill S.Amdt. 714 to S. 649 Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act
Results: Failed 46-54

Congressional Summary:
  • The term 'large capacity ammunition feeding device' means a magazine or similar device that has an overall capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition
  • It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, or possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device.
  • Shall not apply to the possession of any large capacity ammunition feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed before 2013.
  • Shall not apply to qualified or retired law enforcement officers.

Proponent's Argument for voting Yes: Sen. BLUMENTHAL: This amendment would ban high-capacity magazines which are used to kill more people more quickly and, in fact, have been used in more than half the mass shootings since 1982. I ask my colleagues to listen to law enforcement, their police, prosecutors who are outgunned by criminals who use these high-capacity magazines. I ask that my colleagues also listen to the families of those killed by people who used a high-capacity magazine.

Opponent's Argument for voting No: Sen. GRASSLEY. I oppose the amendment. In 2004, which is the last time we had the large-capacity magazine ban, a Department of Justice study found no evidence banning such magazines has led to a reduction in gun violence. The study also concluded it is not clear how often the outcomes of the gun attack depend on the ability of offenders to fire more than 10 shots without reloading. Secondly, there is no evidence banning these magazines has reduced the deaths from gun crimes. In fact, when the previous ban was in effect, a higher percentage of gun crime victims were killed or wounded than before it was adopted. Additionally, tens of millions of these magazines have been lawfully owned in this country for decades. They are in common use, not unusually dangerous, and used by law-abiding citizens in self-defense, as in the case of law enforcement.

Categorized under Gun Control

Voting NO counts for 2 points on VoteMatch question 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership;
Voting YES counts for -2 points on VoteMatch question 10.

Democrats voting on 13-SV103

Tammy Baldwin YESWI Democratic Challenger
Max Baucus NOMT Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Mark Begich NOAK Democratic Jr Senator
Michael Bennet YESCO Democratic Jr Senator
Richard Blumenthal YESCT Democratic Sr Senator
Barbara Boxer YESCA Democratic Jr Senator
Sherrod Brown YESOH Democratic Sr Senator
Maria Cantwell YESWA Democratic Jr Senator
Benjamin Cardin YESMD Democratic Jr Senator, previously Representative
Tom Carper YESDE Democratic Sr Senator
Bob Casey YESPA Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer
Chris Coons YESDE Democratic Jr Senator
Mo Cowan YESMA Democratic Appointee
Joe Donnelly NOIN Democratic Challenger
Richard Durbin YESIL Democratic Sr Senator
Dianne Feinstein YESCA Democratic Sr Senator
Al Franken YESMN Democrat/DFL Jr Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand YESNY Democratic Jr Senator
Kay Hagan NONC Democratic Jr Senator
Tom Harkin YESIA Democratic Jr Senator (retiring 2014)
Martin Heinrich YESNM Democratic Challenger
Heidi Heitkamp NOND Democratic Challenger
Mazie Hirono YESHI Democratic Challenger
Tim Johnson YESSD Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Tim Kaine YESVA Democratic Challenger
Amy Klobuchar YESMN Democrat/DFL Sr Senator
Mary Landrieu NOLA Democratic Sr Senator
Frank Lautenberg YESNJ Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Patrick Leahy YESVT Democratic Sr Senator
Carl Levin YESMI Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Joe Manchin III NOWV Democratic Senator
Claire McCaskill YESMO Democratic Sr Senator; previously state Auditor
Robert Menendez YESNJ Democratic Jr Senator; previously Representative
Jeff Merkley YESOR Democratic Jr Senator
Barbara Mikulski YESMD Democratic Sr Senator
Chris Murphy YESCT Democratic Challenger
Patty Murray YESWA Democratic Sr Senator
Bill Nelson YESFL Democratic Sr Senator
Mark Pryor NOAR Democratic Sr Senator
Jack Reed YESRI Democratic Sr Senator
Harry Reid YESNV Democratic Sr Senator
John Rockefeller YESWV Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Brian Schatz YESHI Democratic Jr Senator Appointee
Charles Schumer YESNY Democratic Sr Senator
Jeanne Shaheen YESNH Democratic Sr Senator
Debbie Stabenow YESMI Democratic Jr Senator
Jon Tester NOMT Democratic Jr Senator
Mark Udall YESCO Democratic Sr Senator; previously Representative
Tom Udall YESNM Democratic Sr Senator; previously Representative
Mark Warner NOVA Democratic Sr Senator; previously Governor
Elizabeth Warren YESMA Democratic Challenger
Sheldon Whitehouse YESRI Democratic Jr Senator, previously attorney general
Ron Wyden YESOR Democratic Sr Senator

Republicans voting on 13-SV103

Lamar Alexander NOTN Republican Sr Senator
Kelly Ayotte NONH Republican Jr Senator
John Barrasso NOWY Republican Jr Senator
Roy Blunt NOMO Republican Jr Senator
John Boozman NOAR Republican Jr Senator
Richard Burr NONC Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative
Saxby Chambliss NOGA Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Daniel Coats NOIN Republican Jr Senator
Tom Coburn NOOK Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Thad Cochran NOMS Republican Sr Senator
Susan Collins NOME Republican Sr Senator
Bob Corker NOTN Republican Jr Senator
John Cornyn NOTX Republican Sr Senator
Michael Crapo NOID Republican Sr Senator
Ted Cruz NOTX Republican Challenger
Michael Enzi NOWY Republican Sr Senator
Deb Fischer NONE Republican Senate Challenger
Jeff Flake NOAZ Republican Challenger
Lindsey Graham NOSC Republican Sr Senator
Chuck Grassley NOIA Republican Sr Senator
Orrin Hatch NOUT Republican Sr Senator
Dean Heller NONV Republican Jr Senator
John Hoeven NOND Republican Sr Senator
James Inhofe NOOK Republican Sr Senator
Johnny Isakson NOGA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Mike Johanns NONE Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2014)
Ron Johnson NOWI Republican Sr Senator
Mark Kirk YESIL Republican Jr Senator
Mike Lee NOUT Republican Jr Senator
John McCain NOAZ Republican Sr Senator
Mitch McConnell NOKY Republican Sr Senator
Jerry Moran NOKS Republican Jr Senator
Lisa Murkowski NOAK Republican Sr Senator
Rand Paul NOKY Republican Jr Senator
Rob Portman NOOH Republican Jr Senator
Jim Risch NOID Republican Jr Senator; previously Governor
Pat Roberts NOKS Republican Sr Senator
Marco Rubio NOFL Republican Jr Senator
Tim Scott NOSC Republican Senator-Appointee
Jeff Sessions NOAL Republican Sr Senator
Richard Shelby NOAL Republican Jr Senator
John Thune NOSD Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Pat Toomey NOPA Republican Jr Senator
David Vitter NOLA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Roger Wicker NOMS Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative

Independents voting on 13-SV103

Angus King YESME Independent Senate Challenger
Bernie Sanders YESVT Independent Jr Senator, previously Representative

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