Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
CampusElect.org 2020 Campus Election Engagement Project
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
David Perdue: Backed ban on most abortions after six weeks.
Doug Collins: Co-sponsored bill giving legal protections to unborn.
Eric Holcomb: Banned abortion after 13 weeks with exceptions.
Jon Ossoff: Will only confirm judges pledged to uphold Roe v. Wade.
Kelly Loeffler: Co-sponsored four bills to protect the unborn.
Raphael Warnock: A decision between a woman and her doctor.
Woody Myers: Fully support a woman's right to choose.
Dan Sullivan: Ban abortion after 20 weeks.
Doug Jones: Voted against bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks.
John Hickenlooper: Planned Parenthood supports reproductive health.
Joni Ernst: Opposes all federal funding of Planned Parenthood.
Mark Kelly: Against making it harder for women to access health care.
Theresa Greenfield: Opposes shutting down Planned Parenthood.
Tommy Tuberville: Only exception for life of mother, not rape or incest.
Corky Messner: Ban abortion after 20 weeks; no government funding.
Democratic Party: Oppose defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Howie Hawkins: Health insurance must cover contraception, abortion.
Republican Party: Defund Planned Parenthood.
Budget & Economy
David Perdue: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a "rogue agency".
Jon Ossoff: More regulation of banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall Act.
Amy McGrath: Against rolling back Dodd-Frank banking regulations.
Mark Kelly: COVID: supports federal aid to states and cities.
Martha McSally: COVID: opposes federal aid to states and cities.
Mitch McConnell: Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations.
Civil Rights
Dan Forest: Opposed repeal of transgender "bathroom bill".
David Perdue: Supreme Court overstepped in legalizing same-sex marriage.
Doug Collins: Against Equality Act (discrimination by sexual orientation).
Jon Ossoff: Supports LGBTQ rights & Equality Act.
Kelly Loeffler: Allow discrimination against LGBTQ for religious reasons.
Nicole Galloway: All marriages deserve to be respected.
Raphael Warnock: Protect LGBTQ+ from housing, financial, job discrimination.
Al Gross: Served his patients regardless of orientation or gender.
Amy McGrath: No discrimination over sexual orientation.
Cory Gardner: Against same-sex marriage but now law of the land.
Dan Sullivan: Would allow LGBTQ discrimination for religious reasons.
Mark Kelly: Wrong that LGBTQ people can be married and get fired for it.
Mitch McConnell: Against gay marriage but now law of the land.
Roger Marshall: Supported ban on transgender people serving in the military.
Sara Gideon: Support LGBTQ+ people everywhere.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports Equality Act.
Tommy Tuberville: Opposes laws against discrimination over sexual orientation.
Cal Cunningham: Will stand with the LGBTQI community against discrimination.
Corky Messner: Horrific that students learn about transgender.
Daniel Gade: Don't force churches to accommodate transgender people.
Jo Jorgensen: Add gender identity to anti-discrimination laws.
Greg Gianforte: Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank bank regulations.
Mike Cooney: Opposes rolling back financial regulations.
Roy Cooper: Pushed to pass first U.S. anti-predatory lending law.
Dan Sullivan: Weaken Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Jason Lewis: Voted to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank.
Joni Ernst: Prevent financial consumers from joining class action suits.
Martha McSally: Weaken Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Steve Bullock: Hold big banks accountable for abusive practices.
Cal Cunningham: Early backer of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Daniel Gade: Markets free of government interference are growth engines.
Thom Tillis: Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank banking regulations.
Democratic Party: Restore Consumer Financial Protection Bureau provisions.
Jo Jorgensen: Government over-regulates private businesses.
Republican Party: Loosen financial regulation, roll back Dodd-Frank Act.
Chris Sununu: Banned choke holds, require police misconduct reporting.
Dan Feltes: Ban choke holds, improve training on bias and de-escalation.
David Perdue: Need police reform, but vast majority of cops are honorable.
Doug Collins: Opposes defunding or "wholesale condemnation" of police.
Eric Holcomb: For oversight of police & body cameras.
Jon Ossoff: Establish national standards for use of force by police.
Kelly Loeffler: Co-sponsored "Back the Blue" resolutions, opposes defunding.
Mike Parson: Time to stand up and support law enforcement.
Nicole Galloway: Ban choke holds and no-knock warrants.
Raphael Warnock: Police accountability and bias training, against defunding.
Roy Cooper: Created task force on racial equity in criminal justice.
Woody Myers: Ban choke holds; need community-based training for police.
Barbara Bollier: Supports the Justice in Policing Act.
Doug Jones: Remove systemic racism in society and law enforcement.
Mark Kelly: Address racial justice issues threatening Black lives.
Martha McSally: Incentivize not to use chokeholds, but against banning them.
Steve Bullock: Block police from receiving some military equipment.
Steve Daines: Don't cut police budgets, but more accountability.
Tina Smith: Supports comprehensive police-reform legislation.
Tommy Tuberville: Police: "Gotta get 'em more money".
Ben Ray Lujan: Voted for George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020.
Corky Messner: We need law and order; get bad cops out of the system.
Daniel Gade: For police oversight, criminal justice reform.
Jeanne Shaheen: Ban choke holds; address police reform.
Mark Warner: Co-sponsored Justice in Policing Act.
Democratic Party: More police oversight; stop military surplus acquisition.
Democratic Party: New protections for domestic violence/sexual assault victims.
Howie Hawkins: Increased public oversight of police.
Jo Jorgensen: End no-knock raids, qualified immunity, militarized police.
Republican Party: Fund suicide prevention, mental health services for police.
Dan Feltes: Voted for legalized marijuana.
David Perdue: Supports medical marijuana, not recreational use.
Doug Collins: Marijuana: let states legalize, against federal legalization.
Jon Ossoff: Past time to legalize, regulate, and tax cannabis.
Kelly Loeffler: Marijuana: concerned about negative effects of legalization.
Mike Cooney: Let voters decide if legalization is right for the state.
Mike Parson: Against marijuana legalization, OK with medical use.
Nicole Galloway: Supports legalization, expunging criminal records.
Raphael Warnock: Marijuana: wants to decriminalize.
Barbara Bollier: Supports decriminalization of marijuana.
Doug Jones: Take marijuana off federal controlled substances list.
Gary Peters: When marijuana legalized, should be regulated and taxed.
Jason Lewis: Allow states to decide on marijuana legalization.
John James: Respect will of voters & legalize recreational marijuana.
Roger Marshall: Willing to consider medical use but not convinced.
Sara Gideon: Voted to regulate marijuana legalization in Maine.
Tommy Tuberville: If we ever put marijuana on our streets legally, it's over.
Ben Ray Lujan: Co-sponsored federal decriminalization of marijuana bill.
Cal Cunningham: Let states regulate and tax cannabis.
Jaime Harrison: Legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana like alcohol, tobacco.
Lindsey Graham: For medical legalization; opposes recreational legalization.
Jo Jorgensen: Legalize marijuana; end war on drugs.
Dan Feltes: Urge employers to pay off part of employees' student debt.
David Perdue: Supports school choice including private schools.
David Perdue: Free tuition is what Soviets, Nazis, Cubans, Venezuelans did.
Doug Collins: Voted for DC voucher program for private schools.
Doug Collins: Co-sponsored education bill eliminating loan forgiveness.
Jon Ossoff: Supports debt forgiveness; tuition free state schools.
Kelly Loeffler: Funding for low-income students for public, private schools.
Mike Cooney: Freeze college tuition; reduce student debt.
Mike Parson: Cut education budget after COVID revenue shortfalls.
Mike Parson: Declared "Missouri School Choice Week".
Nicole Galloway: Pay teachers what they deserve; expand pre-K.
Nicole Galloway: Strengthen the state's commitment to public schools.
Raphael Warnock: Fully fund Pell Grants, strengthen loan forgiveness.
Barbara Bollier: Private schools have no requirements for accountability.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Supported federal grants to rural charter schools.
Cory Gardner: Filed brief for tax dollars for private religious schools.
Cory Gardner: Let employers donate tax free to employees' student loans.
Doug Jones: Loan forgiveness in targets jobs and locations.
John Hickenlooper: Opposes vouchers for private or religious schools.
John Hickenlooper: Expanded student loan repayment and forgiveness programs.
Joni Ernst: Co-sponsored act for tax credits for private school tuition.
Joni Ernst: Voted against limiting debt relief for defrauded students.
Mark Kelly: More financial aid, lower interest rates on student loans.
Roger Marshall: Supported public service loan forgiveness program.
Susan Collins: Allow employers to help pay employee student debt.
Tommy Tuberville: Opposes free public college and student loan forgiveness.
Cal Cunningham: Phase out school vouchers to pay for private school.
Daniel Gade: Full school choice proponent.
Daniel Gade: Student loan forgiveness is immoral transfer of risk.
Mark Warner: Limit student loan payments based on income.
Thom Tillis: Supports vouchers for students to attend private schools.
Jo Jorgensen: Opposes federally funded free college tuition.
Energy & Oil
Dan Feltes: Transition off fossil fuels by 50% by 2030, fully by 2050.
Dan Forest: Climate change is the religion of the left.
David Perdue: Support withdrawal from Paris Agreement.
Doug Collins: Co-sponsored bills to end EPA renewable fuel program.
Eric Holcomb: Delayed coal plant closures; ended credits for solar/wind.
Jon Ossoff: Climate change is a major threat, invest in clean energy.
Raphael Warnock: Climate change is here, way past time to get serious.
Barbara Bollier: Opposed repealing state renewable energy standard.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Voted to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
Cory Gardner: Pushed for clean-tech investments.
Dan Sullivan: Climate change is both threat and benefit to Alaska.
Dan Sullivan: Against any ban on hydrocarbon production.
Doug Jones: Climate change is a scientific reality.
John Hickenlooper: Calls for 100% renewable energy by 2050.
Joni Ernst: Voted to repeal 2015 Clean Power Plan.
Mike Espy: Must get serious about tackling climate change.
Mitch McConnell: Supported withdrawal from Paris climate agreement.
Roger Marshall: Voted for a resolution opposing a carbon tax.
Theresa Greenfield: Climate change is getting worse; urgent action needed.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports expanded renewable fuel market.
Tommy Tuberville: Only God changes climate; it's just a change of weather.
Cal Cunningham: 100% renewable energy by 2050; rejoin Paris Agreement.
Corky Messner: Climate changes just part of earth's life cycle.
Daniel Gade: Energy production mix: renewables, nuclear, fossil fuels.
Jaime Harrison: Offshore oil spill would destroy jobs, harm environment.
Democratic Party: Support Paris Climate Agreement.
Jo Jorgensen: No subsidies for energy, withdraw Paris Climate Accords.
Republican Party: Repeal pollution limits on coal mining companies.
Dan Feltes: Would join lawsuits taking on our polluters.
David Perdue: Roll back stifling Obama-era regulations.
David Zuckerman: Supports government regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions.
Doug Collins: Co-sponsored Stopping EPA Overreach Act.
Jon Ossoff: Reverse Trump rollbacks of environmental standards.
Mike Cooney: Stronger requirements to protect critical wildlife areas.
Raphael Warnock: Environmental justice is on the ballot.
Woody Myers: Set standards for clean energy, reducing greenhouse gases.
Cory Gardner: Voted to repeal EPA rules regulating methane emissions.
John Hickenlooper: Adopted low-emission vehicle standards, methane standards.
Joni Ernst: Supported rollback of Clean Water Act.
Mark Kelly: Weakening standards have been unequivocal disaster.
Martha McSally: Led fight to rein in overreaching EPA regulations.
Theresa Greenfield: Strengthen laws under attack from corporate interests.
Cal Cunningham: Supported state Clean Smokestacks Act.
Corky Messner: Against overreach of environmental regulations.
Daniel Gade: A huge fan of deregulation as much as possible.
MJ Hegar: Fight for children's future: clean air and water.
Families & Children
Joni Ernst: COVID: opposed paid sick leave.
Foreign Policy
David Perdue: Voted against blocking arm sales to Saudi Arabia.
Jon Ossoff: Supports blocking arm sales to Saudi Arabia.
Cory Gardner: Voted against blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
John Hickenlooper: Supports cutting off military support to Saudi Arabia.
Joni Ernst: Voted against blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Free Trade
Phil Scott: Opposed tariffs on Canadian products.
Government Reform
Chris Sununu: Vetoed advocacy groups having to report receipts.
Chris Sununu: Vetoed automatic registration, no-excuse absentee voting.
David Perdue: Idea of voter suppression is a lie out of the pit of hell.
David Zuckerman: Supports limits on campaign financing.
Doug Collins: Opposed voting rights bill as unconstitutional.
Jon Ossoff: End Citizens United; get dark money out of politics.
Jon Ossoff: We need a new Voting Rights Act.
Kelly Loeffler: Raise penalties for voter fraud, ballot harvesting.
Mike Parson: Opposed subjecting lawmakers to open-records law.
Mike Parson: Voted for photo ID and proof of citizenship to vote.
Nicole Galloway: Notary requirement for mail ballot is voter suppression.
Phil Scott: Vote-by-mail bill became law without his signature.
Raphael Warnock: Restore oversight provisions of Voting Rights Act.
Roy Cooper: Voter ID is a solution for no problem.
Woody Myers: Wants statewide vote-by-mail.
Barbara Bollier: Make it easier to vote including same-day registration.
Cory Gardner: Require Senate candidates to e-file campaign finance reports.
Cory Gardner: Overturn Colorado being in National Popular Vote Compact.
Dan Sullivan: Supported Citizens United decision.
John Hickenlooper: Reinstate Voting Rights Act provisions struck down by Court.
Joni Ernst: Against bill requiring more disclosure of political funders.
Mark Kelly: Refuses corporate PAC money, taken lobbyist money.
Martha McSally: Voted against showing funding of campaign ads.
Steve Daines: Supports Citizen United as free speech issue.
Tina Smith: Restore voting rights to ex-felons.
Jaime Harrison: Overturn Citizens United, end decade of Dark Money.
John Cornyn: Supports Citizens United.
John Cornyn: COVID: Against mail-in voting.
Jo Jorgensen: No photo ID for voting unless easy to get.
Gun Control
Dan Feltes: Supports background checks, waiting period, red flag laws.
David Perdue: Ample guns laws on the books; supports background checks.
Doug Collins: Allow concealed firearm carry across state lines.
Jon Ossoff: Supports background checks, assault weapon ban.
Kelly Loeffler: Sponsored bill barring national firearm database.
Raphael Warnock: Answer to gun violence isn't masses of people carrying guns.
Woody Myers: For background checks, ban semi-automatic weapons.
Al Gross: Opposes assault weapons ban.
Cory Gardner: Opposed background checks gun show and online sales.
Doug Jones: Ban bump stocks; waiting period for semi-automatic weapons.
Martha McSally: Ban bump stocks; against closing gun show loophole.
Tommy Tuberville: They are not taking my guns.
Republican Party: Ease rules on interstate concealed gun carry.
Health Care
David Perdue: Repeal fining poor because they can't afford ObamaCare.
David Perdue: COVID: We've done everything we could.
Doug Collins: Voted more than 50 times to repeal the ACA.
Doug Collins: COVID: Trump saved lives, getting our economy back.
Jon Ossoff: Improve ACA, not repeal it.
Jon Ossoff: COVID: Trump's response "gross incompetence".
Kelly Loeffler: End ACA: Medicare for All is an attack on liberty.
Kelly Loeffler: COVID: Trump took threat seriously from the beginning.
Mike Parson: Against Medicaid expansion as massive tax increase.
Raphael Warnock: Protect, improve, build upon the Affordable Care Act.
Raphael Warnock: COVID: We need leadership that believes in science.
Woody Myers: Make it easier to enroll in Medicaid, Obamacare.
Cory Gardner: COVID: government containing, stabilizing supply-chain.
Dan Sullivan: Supported repeal of ACA, individual mandate.
John Hickenlooper: COVID: Need capacity test or vaccinate every American.
Tommy Tuberville: ObamaCare a failure; supports Health Savings Accounts.
Tommy Tuberville: COVID: against lockdowns; we don't believe in socialism.
Dan Feltes: Protect DREAMers, opposed funding border wall.
David Perdue: Citizenship for DACA tied to cutting immigration.
Doug Collins: Co-sponsored Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act.
Eric Holcomb: Allowed DACA recipients to get state professional licenses.
Jon Ossoff: DREAMers are Americans and here to stay.
Kelly Loeffler: Co-sponsored Asylum Abuse Reduction Act.
Nicole Galloway: For Supreme Court decision protecting DACA.
Raphael Warnock: Jesus was an "undocumented immigrant".
Woody Myers: Against substandard medical care for immigrants.
Al Gross: Protecting DACA recipients a priority.
Amy McGrath: Give DREAMers a chance to become full citizens.
Barbara Bollier: Immigrants play a critical role in Kansas' economy.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: No to DACA, breaking immigration laws has consequences.
Cory Gardner: Voted against protecting DREAMers from deportation.
Dan Sullivan: For DACA citizenship with wall funding & immigration cuts.
Gary Peters: DACA has provided relief to thousands of young people.
John Hickenlooper: Border wall "ineffective" and a waste of billions.
Joni Ernst: Path for DACA participants, against overall amnesty.
Mike Espy: DACA recipients should be allowed to stay in US.
Mitch McConnell: Some protections for DACA but restrict immigration.
Roger Marshall: Opposed path to citizenship for DACA participants.
Sara Gideon: Urged support for DREAM Act.
Steve Daines: DACA unconstitutional, against resident status for DREAMers.
Susan Collins: Co-sponsored bill for path to citizenship for DREAMers.
Theresa Greenfield: Wants plan that tough on workplace enforcement.
Tommy Tuberville: Don't provide for those whose simple presence breaks the law.
Corky Messner: For border wall to stop flow of illegal immigrants & drugs.
Daniel Gade: Would limit humanitarian asylum.
Jaime Harrison: Congress should enact DACA into law with DREAM Act.
Mark Warner: Co-sponsored path to citizenship for "DREAMers".
MJ Hegar: Don't waste billions on ineffective border wall.
Jo Jorgensen: Citizenship for undocumented children only if born in US.
Republican Party: Legal status for DACA in exchange for tighter laws.
Chris Sununu: A supporter of right to work, supported proposed bills.
Chris Sununu: Vetoed minimum wage bill.
Dan Feltes: Voted to kill right to work bill in NH Senate.
Dan Feltes: Raise minimum wage to $15 over time.
Dan Forest: 2012: minimum wage laws unfair intrusion into labor market.
David Perdue: Co-sponsored National Right-to-Work Act.
David Perdue: Raising minimum wage kills jobs.
David Zuckerman: Right to work laws harm union and non-union workers.
Doug Collins: Co-sponsored National Right-to-Work Act.
Doug Collins: Voted against raising the minimum wage to $15.
Eric Holcomb: Mandated teachers be informed of non-union options.
Eric Holcomb: When minimum wage is raised, cost is passed to consumers.
Greg Gianforte: Voted against bills strengthening unions.
Jon Ossoff: Minimum wage should be livable wage.
Kelly Loeffler: Co-sponsored National Right-to-Work Act.
Mike Cooney: Opposed limiting Montana public sector unions.
Mike Cooney: Adjust minimum wage based on cost of living and inflation.
Mike Parson: Backs right to work laws.
Mike Parson: Does not support raising minimum wage "at this time".
Nicole Galloway: Every worker deserves a living wage.
Phil Scott: Supported right-to-work, vetoed family medical leave.
Phil Scott: Vetoed bill that raised minimum wage.
Raphael Warnock: Supports pay equity with honest wages, fair overtime.
Raphael Warnock: $7.25 an hour "is not a living wage".
Roy Cooper: $15 "admirable goal" for minimum wage.
Woody Myers: Would repeal the state's right-to-work law.
Woody Myers: Would support increasing state's minimum wage.
Amy McGrath: Pro-union, supports gradual rise of minimum wage to $15/hour.
Barbara Bollier: Raise minimum wage to a living wage.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Leave wage policies to state and local leaders.
Cory Gardner: Co-sponsored the National Right to Work Act.
Cory Gardner: People will lose their jobs from minimum-wage increase.
Dan Sullivan: Opposes federal minimum wages; opposed increase to $15/hour.
Jason Lewis: Supports local right-to-work laws, not national law.
Jason Lewis: Minimum-wage hikes cost jobs among least-skilled people.
John Hickenlooper: Reverse ruling government workers needn't pay union dues.
Joni Ernst: Co-sponsored National Right to Work Act.
Mitch McConnell: Supports right to work laws; against minimum wage hike.
Roger Marshall: Co-sponsored 2019-2020 National Right-to-Work Act.
Roger Marshall: Raising minimum wage has proven record of killing jobs.
Sara Gideon: Co-sponsored bill to give unions access to public employees.
Steve Daines: 2014: States rather than Congress should set minimum wage.
Theresa Greenfield: COVID: Expand benefits for laid-off workers.
Tina Smith: Sponsored bill against states passing right-to-work laws.
Tommy Tuberville: Government shouldn't ensure a livable income.
Cal Cunningham: For workplace protections, supports NC's right to work laws.
Corky Messner: There should be no federal minimum wage; leave to states.
Daniel Gade: Against forced unionization.
Jaime Harrison: Current job protections the hard work of unions.
Jeanne Shaheen: Supported Raise the Wage Act to improve economy.
John Cornyn: Co-sponsored National Right-to-Work Act.
John Cornyn: 2014: raising minimum wage would be a job killer.
Mark Ronchetti: Supports right to work laws.
MJ Hegar: Raise wages instead of tax cuts for companies exporting jobs.
Thom Tillis: Co-sponsored National Right to Work Act.
Democratic Party: Prohibit wage discrimination on basis of sex.
Jo Jorgensen: Eliminate all wage standards.
Republican Party: Wage discrimination bill is regulatory overreach.
Social Security
Howie Hawkins: Supports doubling Social Security benefits.
Tax Reform
David Perdue: Trump tax cuts having a positive impact across the country.
Jon Ossoff: We borrow trillions to cut taxes for the wealthy.
Mike Cooney: 2017 tax cuts favored multi-millionaires.
Mike Parson: Cut taxes in 2018 on top of significant 2014 tax cuts.
Nicole Galloway: Years of tax cuts lead to big cuts in services.
Al Gross: Voted for Trump tax cuts.
Cory Gardner: Voted for President Trump's 2017 tax cut.
John Hickenlooper: Don't pass on $1.5 trillion new debt to future generations.
Mitch McConnell: 2017 tax bill helped middle class & small businesses.
Ben Ray Lujan: Voted against 2017 tax cuts as fiscally irresponsible.
Jaime Harrison: Repeal 2017 tax cuts which were for the wealthy.
Mark Ronchetti: Against government raising taxes & reaching into our lives.
Thom Tillis: 2017 tax cuts were "historic tax reform".
Jo Jorgensen: Lower or eliminate businesses taxes; end Federal income tax.
War & Peace
David Perdue: Opposed requiring Congressional approval of attack on Iran.
Al Gross: Opposed withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal.
Dan Sullivan: Supported withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal.
Dan Sullivan: Voted against blocking arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
Mark Kelly: Supported killing Iranian general without Congressional OK.
Martha McSally: Voted against blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Sara Gideon: Congress must provide oversight over military action.
Cal Cunningham: Congress must reassert role over military operations.
Daniel Gade: Support requiring congressional approval of military actions.
Democratic Party: Congress approval for Iran action; end support for Saudis.
Jo Jorgensen: Opposed withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal.
Jo Jorgensen: No military aid to Saudi Arabia for war in Yemen.
Republican Party: Oppose need for Congress OK on Iran, ending Saudi support.
The above quotations are from CampusElect.org 2020 Campus Election Engagement Project.
Voter Guides for Presidential, House, Senate and Gubernatorial candidates:
(below are individual candidate responses; to the right are "surveys" with inferred answers):
- American Family Association iVoterGuides:
- Science Debate Voter Guides:
- CampusElect.org Voter Guides:
- AARP voter guides:
- Vote-USA.org voter guides:
- Miscellaneous voter guides:
- Collections of Voter Guides: