Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
2019 Governor's State of the State speeches

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from 2019 Governor's State of the State speeches (number of quotes indicated):
- ACLU (1)
- Andrew Cuomo (12) New York Democratic Governor
- Asa Hutchinson (7) Arkansas Republican Governor
- Bill Lee (11) Tennessee Republican candidate for governor of Tennessee
- Brad Little (11) Idaho Republican
- Brian Kemp (9) Georgia Republican candidate for Governor
- Charlie Baker (10) Massachusetts Republican Governor
- Chris Sununu (6) New Hampshire Republican challenger for Governor
- David Ige (3) Hawaii Democratic Governor
- Doug Burgum (8) North Dakota Republican candidate for Governor
- Doug Ducey (7) Arizona Republican Governor
- Eric Holcomb (5) Indiana Republican candidate for Governor
- Gary Herbert (4) Utah Republican Governor
- Gavin Newsom (4) California Democratic Challenger
- Gina Raimondo (4) Rhode Island Democratic Governor
- Greg Abbott (5) Texas Republican Governor
- Henry McMaster (3) South Carolina Republican
- J.B. Pritzker (9) Illinois Democratic candidate for Illinois Governor
- Janet Mills (8) Maine Democratic candidate for Maine Governor
- Jared Polis (6) Colorado Democratic candidate for Colorado Governor
- Jay Inslee (6) Washington Democratic Washington Governor
- Jim Justice (10) West Virginia Democratic nominee for governor
- John Carney (7) Delaware Democratic candidate for Governor
- Kate Brown (3) Oregon Democratic Governor
- Kay Ivey (4) Alabama Republican Alabama Governor
- Kevin Stitt (7) Oklahoma Republican candidate for governor of Oklahoma
- Kim Reynolds (3) Iowa Republican
- Larry Hogan (3) Maryland Republican Maryland Governor
- Laura Kelly (4) Kansas Democratic candidate for governor of Kansas
- Mark Gordon (12) Wyoming Republican candidate for governor of Wyoming
- Matt Bevin (5) Kentucky Republican Governor
- Michelle Lujan-Grisham (8) New Mexico Democrat
- Mike DeWine (2) Ohio Republican candidate for Governor
- Mike Dunleavy (5) Alaska Republican candidate for governor of Alaska
- Mike Parson (4) Missouri Republican candidate for governor of Missouri
- Ned Lamont (2) Connecticut Democratic Candidate for governor
- Peter Ricketts (3) Nebraska Republican Governor
- Phil Bryant (5) Mississippi Republican Governor
- Phil Murphy (8) New Jersey Democratic 2017 Gubernatorial nominee
- Phil Scott (4) Vermont Republican challenger for Governor
- Pope Francis (1) Leader of the Catholic Church
- Ralph Northam (9) Virginia Democratic 2017 Gubernatorial candidate
- Ron DeSantis (10) Florida Republican candidate for governor
- Roy Cooper (7) North Carolina Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Steve Bullock (4) Montana Democratic Governor
- Steve Sisolak (9) Nevada Democratic candidate for Nevada Governor
- Tom Wolf (8) Pennsylvania Democratic Governor
- Tony Evers (4) Wisconsin Democratic candidate for governor of Wisconsin
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Ron DeSantis: Reject loosening law on late term abortions.
Matt Bevin: Latest abortion laws are straight-up infanticide.
Andrew Cuomo: Protect reproductive rights with constitutional amendment.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Repeal outdated criminal abortion laws.
Peter Ricketts: Nebraska is pro-life; my budget is pro-life.
Budget & Economy
Bill Lee: Better to save for emergencies than spend now.
J.B. Pritzker: Time for honest budgeting instead of game-playing.
Mike Dunleavy: Our government spending far exceeds our revenue.
Brian Kemp: Georgians First Commission: more diverse economy.
Laura Kelly: Address financial crisis without new taxes.
Jim Justice: Balanced $217M budget deficit with no new taxes.
Mark Gordon: Define Rainy Day Account for "steady as she goes".
Ned Lamont: No more funny math in budget; balanced for future.
Brad Little: Look for too much spending on autopilot.
Civil Rights
Roy Cooper: Workplace discrimination "bathroom bill" is unacceptable.
Steve Sisolak: Make voting a fundamental right: automatic registration.
Ralph Northam: Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
Doug Burgum: Fly flags of ND tribal nations at Governor's Office.
J.B. Pritzker: State can foster & encourage business in poorer areas.
Tom Wolf: State/private collaboration on economy.
Steve Bullock: Cut red tape and cut business equipment tax.
Tony Evers: Cap corporate credit to pay for tax relief.
Phil Murphy: Incentive programs for business need reform.
Jared Polis: Remove deductions exploited by corporations at our expense.
Bill Lee: Electronic monitoring for low-risk offenders.
Bill Lee: Volunteer to mentor degree-seeking inmates.
Janet Mills: Expand personnel to fight crime in courtrooms and computers.
Greg Abbott: Crack down on human trafficking.
Tom Wolf: Make it easier for ex-cons to get jobs.
Kevin Stitt: Make it easier for ex-cons to go to work.
Mike Dunleavy: Declare war on criminals.
Brian Kemp: Address the growing threat of gang activity.
Brian Kemp: Give non-violent offenders a second chance at life.
John Carney: Help ex-offenders back into community.
Steve Sisolak: Help inmates ready to go straight.
ACLU: Eliminating cash bail perpetuates racist system.
Andrew Cuomo: Eliminate cash bail.
Andrew Cuomo: Focus on enforcement: $45M for anti-gang operations.
Asa Hutchinson: Give criminals a second chance.
Asa Hutchinson: Increased funding for law enforcement.
Eric Holcomb: Train prisoners to reduce recidivism.
Kim Reynolds: Restore ex-felon voting rights.
Mark Gordon: More funding for local police and sheriff's offices.
Brad Little: Expand community re-entry centers for former offenders.
Charlie Baker: Account for criminal history in dangerousness hearing.
Bill Lee: Fight Medicaid fraudulent distribution of opioid medications.
Bill Lee: Drug traffickers should fear Tennessee.
Mike DeWine: Focus on children of drug abusers; and help parents.
J.B. Pritzker: Legal marijuana will raise revenue & create jobs.
Kevin Stitt: Help non-violent offenders: identify roots of addiction.
Mike Dunleavy: More enforcement but also more drug treatment.
Brian Kemp: Deport drug cartel kingpins.
Steve Sisolak: Marijuana industry to be critical part of economy.
Andrew Cuomo: Let's create cannabis industry.
Phil Murphy: Legalize adult-use marijuana; undo past convictions.
Jim Justice: Jim's Dream: job training program for drug addicts.
Jim Justice: Jim's Dream: $10M for equipment at vo-tech training centers.
Jim Justice: Adamantly opposed to recreational marijuana, but medical ok.
Ralph Northam: Think innovatively about treating pain, to avoid opioids.
Ralph Northam: Make marijuana possession a civil penalty only.
Brad Little: Five-year plan to face the scourge of opioid addiction.
Charlie Baker: Four pillars: prevention, education, treatment and recovery.
Chris Sununu: Recovery Friendly Workplaces: help in fighting drugs.
Doug Burgum: Remove shame and stigma from the disease of addiction.
Bill Lee: Fund school choice; competition via charters and ESAs.
Bill Lee: Schools must focus on acquiring job skills.
Bill Lee: Teach civics, with unapologetic American exceptionalism.
Kay Ivey: Invest in Pre-K: now more than 1000 classes.
Ron DeSantis: Invest in higher ed; focus on job skills.
Ron DeSantis: Prioritize attracting and retaining great teachers.
Ron DeSantis: Expand Tax Credit Scholarships for school choice.
Roy Cooper: $8 billion in building or renovating schools.
Roy Cooper: Increased teacher pay before tax cuts for the 1%.
J.B. Pritzker: Universal preschool is educational priority.
Janet Mills: Expand pre-school; pay teachers a living wage.
Janet Mills: Invest $126M in public schools, and $18M for child services.
Greg Abbott: Increase teacher pay, with best earning six figures.
Greg Abbott: Focus on mental health for safer schools.
Tom Wolf: Increase pay for teachers; increase early childcare.
Tom Wolf: Ease student debt if grads stay in Pennsylvania.
Kevin Stitt: Invest in recruiting & keeping teachers.
Kevin Stitt: Prepare students for jobs with career tech.
Steve Bullock: Freeze college tuition; college credit for veterans.
Steve Bullock: 1-2-Free: High school dual enrollment to college.
Gary Herbert: Invest $1B in schools & $30M in counseling.
Gary Herbert: Teach students the value of capitalism instead of socialism.
Larry Hogan: Record high funding for public schools: opportunity for all.
Phil Scott: $1M more for VSAC non-traditional pathways for jobs.
Henry McMaster: ReadySC: triple funding for technical training.
Henry McMaster: Full-time police officer to combat threats to schools.
David Ige: Universal pre-K crucial to education reform.
Tony Evers: $600M to restore special needs funding.
Brian Kemp: Invest in those who educate: keep teacher pay competitive.
Brian Kemp: $69 million in one-time funding for school security grants.
John Carney: Prioritize public education & supporting teachers.
John Carney: Support 700 teachers at high-needs schools.
Laura Kelly: Funding schools top budget priority, this year & every year.
Steve Sisolak: Raise teacher's pay; cover cost of supplies.
Andrew Cuomo: $27B state funding for poor schools via new Equity Formula.
Asa Hutchinson: Invest in tech education & early education.
Eric Holcomb: Early start on career paths in opportunity industries.
Eric Holcomb: $140M to increase teacher pay.
Gina Raimondo: Replace freeze with major investment repairing schools.
Jay Inslee: Apprenticeships & college aid leads to jobs.
Kim Reynolds: Additional $93M to invest in our students.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Raise school salaries; pay for supplies; universal pre-K.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Target aid for Native American & bilingual students.
Phil Bryant: Teachers deserve first pay raise since 2014.
Phil Murphy: Invest in pre-K & free community college.
Doug Ducey: Choice and competition brings about innovation.
Kate Brown: Close opportunity gap and invest in rural education.
Jared Polis: Started two public charter schools for at-risk youth.
Jim Justice: 5% teacher's pay raise, as part of education reform.
Mark Gordon: Wyoming Works: tech education to enable nimble workforce.
Ralph Northam: Pay raise for teachers, to retain the best and brightest.
Ralph Northam: More tuition assistance; protect consumers on student loans.
Brad Little: Invest in public school teacher salary increases.
Gavin Newsom: College without crushing debt for every young person.
Charlie Baker: Update Foundation Formula for urban vs. suburban districts.
Charlie Baker: Added 4,000 seats to vocational and technical schools.
Chris Sununu: NH Career Academies: Opportunities for high school students.
Doug Burgum: Invest in K-12 for our No. 1 resource--our young people.
Energy & Oil
Roy Cooper: Reducing greenhouse gas means green jobs.
Janet Mills: Maine to fight climate change and become green.
Janet Mills: Combat climate change: offshore wind & electric incentives.
Matt Bevin: Stand up for coal; we have hundreds of years of supply.
Gary Herbert: State can set example on green energy.
Larry Hogan: Clean energy; green jobs.
Phil Scott: $1.5M in rebates for 50,000 electric cars by 2025.
John Carney: If Washington won't act on climate change, we will.
Steve Sisolak: Renewable energy makes business sense.
Andrew Cuomo: Green New Deal: help communities closing old power plants.
Jay Inslee: Clean energy means jobs.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Pro-active on climate change: 50% renewable by 2030.
Phil Murphy: Wind farm smarter than drilling for oil.
Jared Polis: Climate change threatens decreased snowpack for ski industry.
Mark Gordon: Coal for decades to come, so let's improve usage.
Mark Gordon: Make Wyoming a leader in advancing carbon sequestration.
Doug Burgum: Lignite (brown coal) is transforming power plant emissions.
Ron DeSantis: Must be bold in tackling Florida's water problems.
Matt Bevin: Opposes federal regulations like waterway protection.
Phil Scott: Ease regulations: flexibility for forestry & farms.
David Ige: Strong guidelines for environmental protection.
Andrew Cuomo: $2.5 billion in clean water infrastructure.
Gina Raimondo: 66% increase in green jobs--good for business.
Jay Inslee: Imperative to save the Southern Resident orcas.
Doug Ducey: 19-year drought: protect Lake Mead and Colorado River.
Jim Justice: Invest $14M in tourism and revenue comes flying right back.
Jim Justice: $60M upgrade to state parks.
Mark Gordon: Research controlling invasive species at state colleges & UW.
Brad Little: Replenish more water into aquifers than we remove.
Gavin Newsom: The water we drink & the air we breathe hang in the balance.
Chris Sununu: Be smart about environmental policy: look at economics.
Doug Burgum: Innovation--not regulation--solves oil & gas challenges.
Families & Children
Tom Wolf: Early action leads to good jobs.
Mike Dunleavy: Women & children face highest sexual assault rate in nation.
Laura Kelly: Must fix broken foster care system.
Steve Sisolak: Adequately fund women's health care services.
Andrew Cuomo: Pass the Child Victims Act against abuse of minors.
Asa Hutchinson: Reformed child welfare system with faith-based partners.
Eric Holcomb: Levels of Care program: Reduce infant mortality.
Gina Raimondo: Passed paid sick leave; improved child care.
Jay Inslee: Expand early education with 'birth to 3' preschool program.
Phil Bryant: Pro-active on needs of foster children.
Pope Francis: Church cannot remain indifferent to abuse of minors.
Jared Polis: Establish statewide paid family and medical leave program.
Charlie Baker: Reduced caseloads and licensed almost all social workers.
Chris Sununu: Focus on kids in foster care, instead of paperwork.
Foreign Policy
Ron DeSantis: Oppose socialist president of Venezuela; support opposition.
Ron DeSantis: Pro-Israel; take action against boycott.
Free Trade
Phil Bryant: Mississippi is part of global market, from Tel Aviv to Tokyo.
Doug Ducey: USMCA: new trade deal with Mexico means jobs in Arizona.
Jim Justice: Supports tariffs that lead to good deals when dust settles.
Mark Gordon: Level the playing field for oil, gas, and mineral exports.
Mark Gordon: Establish trade offices in Taiwan, Japan, and across Asia.
Government Reform
Tom Wolf: Streamline government; reduce number of state employees.
Kevin Stitt: Reclaim executive powers: more accountable than agencies.
Kevin Stitt: Set aside more of the budget surplus.
Larry Hogan: nonpartisan redistricting reform to end gerrymandering.
Mike Parson: Restructure state government, and save $120M tax dollars.
Andrew Cuomo: Make it easy to vote, instead of voter disenfranchisement.
Asa Hutchinson: Cut outdated regulations and cut government employees.
Jay Inslee: Access to Democracy package: no barriers to suppress voting.
Phil Murphy: Easier voter registration; online voting & early voting.
Doug Ducey: For every new law, repeal three old ones.
Doug Ducey: No legislative immunity: laws apply to lawmakers.
Ralph Northam: Finally allow no-excuse absentee voting.
Brad Little: Revoke two regulations for every new regulation implemented.
Gun Control
J.B. Pritzker: Enforce & enact commonsense gun laws.
Phil Bryant: Protect schools from violence with active shooter drills.
Steve Sisolak: Common-sense gun laws save lives.
Jay Inslee: Acted for common-sense gun-safety where Congress won't.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Prioritize common-sense reforms.
Doug Ducey: Safe Arizona Schools Plan: more cops; more background checks.
Mark Gordon: Disarm students immediately when they bring guns to school.
Ralph Northam: More deaths due to guns than car accidents: so let's act.
Health Care
Bill Lee: Community/faith-based care, not big government.
Bill Lee: Expand funding for mental health treatment.
Ron DeSantis: Against Medicare-for-all; keep private insurance.
Roy Cooper: Accept Federal dollars to expand Medicaid.
J.B. Pritzker: Expand health care but can't do it all at once.
Janet Mills: Medicaid expansion helps everyone.
Janet Mills: Expanding MaineCare helps needy & helps hospitals.
Matt Bevin: Work/school requirements for Medicaid.
Kevin Stitt: Governor should have more control on Medicaid.
Steve Bullock: Medicaid expansion good for business & jobs.
Tony Evers: Healthy Communities Initiative: increase access via Medicaid.
Tony Evers: Exit Obamacare lawsuit; keep pre-existing coverage.
Brian Kemp: Rural counties deserve a patient-centered healthcare system.
Brian Kemp: Don't expand the broken Medicaid system.
John Carney: Need to address high cost of health care.
Laura Kelly: KanCare-based Medicaid expansion to save rural hospitals.
Mike Parson: Expand rural access & mental health needs.
Steve Sisolak: Expand coverage for those who need it.
Andrew Cuomo: Protect ObamaCare coverage of preexisting conditions.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Focus on care, not paperwork.
Phil Murphy: Protected ObamaCare; enacted sick leave.
Kate Brown: Ensure health care for all: expand Oregon Health Plan.
Mark Gordon: Craft a state-led course on healthcare.
Brad Little: Honor the will of the people & implement Medicaid expansion.
Chris Sununu: Medicaid compromise has worked for 50,000 citizens.
Homeland Security
Jim Justice: More programs for National Guard and veterans.
Mark Gordon: Establish Wyoming's first Veterans Skilled Nursing facility.
Ralph Northam: Tuition assistance for National Guard, plus Tech Talent.
Charlie Baker: $200 million rebuild of the Soldier's Home in Chelsea.
Doug Burgum: State income tax exemption on military retirement pay.
Ron DeSantis: No sanctuary cities in Florida.
Gavin Newsom: There is no border crisis; the wall is just xenophobia.
Andrew Cuomo: Sued federal government on their family separation policy.
Mike DeWine: State can create job opportunities for disabled.
Roy Cooper: NC Job Ready: state helps train students, handle expenses.
J.B. Pritzker: Increase number of minority businesses for state contracts.
Matt Bevin: Right-to-work instead of prevailing wage.
Tom Wolf: State to be pro-active in connecting employers to workers.
John Carney: Investment in new jobs means drop in unemployment.
Mike Parson: Fast Track: scholarships for technical training.
Steve Sisolak: Raise minimum wage from $7.25.
Gina Raimondo: Training for changing job market.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Raise minimum wage from $7.50 to $12.
Peter Ricketts: Developing Youth Talent: connect 7,000 Nebraskans.
Phil Bryant: Apprenticeship program boosts economy.
Phil Murphy: Raise minimum wage to $15.
Doug Ducey: Universal recognition for out-of-state occupational licenses.
Ned Lamont: Better training and support for workers: STEM and vo-tech.
Charlie Baker: Public private partnerships: Over 200,000 jobs created.
Local Issues
Charlie Baker: 50 miles of new gas pipe to fix Lawrence gas explosion.
Principles & Values
Bill Lee: Faith-based & community initiatives better than government.
Phil Murphy: Quality of life more important than tax breaks.
Social Security
Jim Justice: Totally exempt on your Social Security from State income tax.
Tax Reform
Kay Ivey: Cut taxes; reduce government.
Kay Ivey: Increased fuel tax strictly for infrastructure.
Ron DeSantis: Must remain a low-tax state with no income tax.
J.B. Pritzker: Fair income tax to shift burden to the wealthy.
Greg Abbott: Rein in property taxes; they punish families.
Tom Wolf: No new taxes: not one dollar; not one penny.
Gary Herbert: Broaden tax base & cut rates by 64%.
Phil Scott: Increase estate tax exemption from $2.75M to $5.75M.
Henry McMaster: Lower taxes helps us compete: $2.2B tax cut.
Mike Dunleavy: No change in taxes without a vote of the People.
Andrew Cuomo: Good management leads to lower taxes.
Asa Hutchinson: 2-4-5.9 plan: flatten & simplify rates, to spur growth.
Eric Holcomb: Exempt military pensions from state tax.
Peter Ricketts: Ease burden of property taxes; plus 3% local cap.
Jared Polis: Reduces taxes for the hardworking, instead of special breaks.
Brad Little: Inform taxpayers to increase state income tax withholdings.
Chris Sununu: No sales tax; no income tax; not on my watch.
Kay Ivey: Help black students pursue STEM careers.
Roy Cooper: Public/private team up for rural internet access.
Gavin Newsom: Scale back high-speed rail: Merced to Bakersfield only.
Janet Mills: $2M for broadband; $5M for rural development.
Brian Kemp: Hi-speed internet for Great Recession in rural Georgia.
John Carney: Invest $3 billion in transportation infrastructure.
Mike Parson: Invest $350M in bridges, and $5M internet access.
Asa Hutchinson: Focus on technology education & Innovation Council.
Kim Reynolds: Access to high speed internet is crucial: dedicate $140M.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Lift cap on rebates for film production.
Jared Polis: Upgrade antiquated roads & limited public transit options.
Mark Gordon: Improve broadband internet for rural tele-health & more.
Ralph Northam: Ensure universal broadband access.
Brad Little: Adequate broadband infrastructure for both rural & urban.
Brad Little: Cybersecurity Task Force: modernize government data.
Charlie Baker: Over $8 billion on infrastructure for the T.
Doug Burgum: $1.5B for roads, water projects, & airport infrastructure.
War & Peace
Greg Abbott: Help veterans get benefits they've earned.
Welfare & Poverty
J.B. Pritzker: Low minimum wage is sentence to poverty.
David Ige: Lease state land for affordable housing.
Kate Brown: Invest $400M in affordable, accessible housing.
Brad Little: First-Time Home Buyer Account: tax break for young families.
Charlie Baker: Make housing policy with transportation policy in mind.
Doug Burgum: World poverty is down; world health is up; ND will benefit.
The above quotations are from 2019 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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- 2004 State of the Union speech, plus responses by Sen Tom Daschle (D, SD) & Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA)
- 2004 Governors' State of the State speeches
- 2001 Governors' State of the State speeches
- Other early 2000s Governors' State of the State speeches
- Other late 1990s Governors' State of the State speeches
- Historical State of the Union addresses:
- Bush
- Reagan
- Carter
- Ford
- Eisenhower
- Truman