OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy
Todd Young: $19 trillion of debt is greatest threat to nation's future.
Jeff Merkley: Strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Ted Strickland: Turnaround Ohio: invest in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Civil Rights
Kate Brown: Family Fairness Act to protect LGBT rights.
Mark Herring: Roll back institutionalizing discrimination in our laws.
Mark Herring: Roll back efforts to take away voting rights.
Lisa Murkowski: Improve conditions in Alaska Native villages.
Lamar Alexander: Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act: heal ugly scars of the past.
Michael Crapo: Punish convicts to the highest extent of the law.
Mark Kirk: Deportation to fight rising street gang population.
Mark Kirk: Provide after-school basketball to reduce youth violence.
Lindsey Graham: Capital punishment for child rapists.
Robert Menendez: Address roots of gangs via education & empowerment.
Charles Schumer: Fight crime & drugs, but give kids a second chance.
Mark Kirk: Crack down on drug cartels trafficking of illegal weapons.
Dennis Rehberg: Fund advertisements intended to reduce methamphetamine use.
Lamar Alexander: Combat Meth Act: fund law enforcement crack down.
Samuel Graves: Fund advertisements intended to reduce methamphetamine use.
Shelley Moore Capito: Fund advertisements intended to reduce methamphetamine use.
Steve King: Fund advertisements intended to reduce methamphetamine use.
Charles Schumer: Recognized as Guardian of a Drug-Free America.
Todd Young: Market alternatives to federal stranglehold on college loans.
Kathy Szeliga: One-size-fits-all approach is failing our children.
Mark Herring: Double Loudoun County's share of state education funding.
Mark Herring: Protect Virginia's Tuition Assistance Grant Program.
Michael Crapo: Preserve state and local decision-making authority.
Lisa Murkowski: College Access Challenge Grants for at-risk students.
Jerry Moran: Make it easier for lower income Kansans to attend college.
John Thune: Teachers & parents know best how to spend education funds.
Energy & Oil
Maggie Hassan: Reduce energy costs for families and businesses.
Jeff Merkley: Climate change is real, and it's bad for our economy.
Michael Enzi: Bring Abandoned Mine Lands funding back to the state.
Jeff Merkley: Sustainable harvests on public lands.
Michael Crapo: Conservation and progress do not need to be at odds.
Jack Reed: Beaches, parks and waterways are important to our economy.
Jack Reed: $50M for brownfield redevelopment in low-income areas.
Johnny Isakson: Protect environment while providing for economic opportunity.
Michael Crapo: Improve ESA with innovative collaborative species management.
Families & Children
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Ban the sale of junk food in schools.
Kate Brown: Child advocate with Juvenile Rights Project.
Todd Young: House Adoption Caucus: raise awareness of foster parenting.
Maggie Hassan: Joshua's Law:easier to prosecute domestic violence attackers.
John Cornyn: Respect the traditional institution of marriage.
Mark Herring: Strengthen penalties for acts of domestic violence.
Michael Crapo: Strong families are bedrock of healthy society.
Chuck Grassley: Foster adoptions and permanent homes for kids.
Foreign Policy
Todd Young: Rely all instruments of power, not just military might.
Katie McGinty: Defeat terrorist threats while upholding America's values.
Conner Eldridge: Advocate for an aggressive, unapologetic foreign policy.
Free Trade
Chuck Grassley: Free trade is the only way developing economies will grow.
Richard Burr: Oppose preferential trade for China & others that bend rules.
Roy Blunt: Supports presidential Trade Promotion Authority.
Bill Frist: Increase trade by designating Tri-Cities as port of entry.
Lamar Alexander: Increase trade by designating Tri-Cities as port of entry.
Government Reform
James Lankford: Extend indefinitely pledge against earmarks.
Pat Toomey: Curb pork-barrel earmarks by law.
Gun Control
Todd Young: National reciprocity for conceal-carry.
Richard Burr: Hunter and sportsman; teach heritage & respect for firearms.
Homeland Security
Deborah Ross: Maintain a strong military & care for veterans.
John Cornyn: Strengthen security at ports and chemical facilities.
Jeff Merkley: Invest in working with our allies, not power of military.
Lisa Murkowski: Ensure military has resources needed to accomplish missions.
Jerry Moran: Increase security in our airports and harbors.
Roger Wicker: Robust defense spending for our national security.
Ron Johnson: Grateful to the 1 million who have died defending the US.
John Cornyn: First step is securing our porous border with Mexico.
Michael Crapo: Strongest border enforcement realistically possible.
Roy Blunt: Clear delineation of a border, and enforcement.
Mike Braun: Cut regulations and red tape and businesses will create jobs.
Maggie Hassan: Restore and improve the state's minimum wage.
John Cornyn: Create jobs by reforming tax code & easing regulations.
Principles & Values
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Twelfth-generation New Mexican.
Gina Raimondo: Granddaughter of Italian immigrants; lifelong Rhode Islander.
Kristi Noem: Leader of 4-H and Farm Service Agency.
Social Security
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Dedicated her life to fighting for seniors.
Kathy Szeliga: Adapt the way Social Security is currently managed.
John Cornyn: Biggest driver of national debt is entitlement spending.
Jeff Merkley: Fight efforts to privatize; honor promises to seniors.
Michael Crapo: Examine a wide array of proposals to strengthen system.
Richard Burr: Protect retiree benefits & protect Trust Fund.
Ed Markey: Oppose Bush's Social Security benefit cut.
Tax Reform
Todd Young: Simplify tax code to reward Americans for working hard.
Roy Blunt: Roll back the top tax rates and capital gains.
John Cornyn: Curb abusive patent litigation that stifles innovation.
Lisa Murkowski: Alaska is perfect for developing cold weather technology.
Jerry Moran: $383 million per year to help build highways and bridges.
Charles Schumer: Protect kids from online sexual predators.
War & Peace
Deborah Ross: Committed to defeating ISIS, with our international partners.
Lisa Murkowski: Surge of US troops worked in both Iraq & Afghanistan.
Ed Markey: No coherent strategy for exiting from Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
John Cornyn: Hand-up for citizens, not merely a hand-out.