Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of Gubernatorial campaign websites, 2001-2009
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bob McDonnell: Pro-life; anti-partial-birth; pro-parental-notification.
Chris Christie: Pro-life; the life of every human being is precious.
Bill Ritter: Personally opposes abortion but fund emergency contraception.
Jennifer Granholm: Vetoed ban on partial birth abortion.
Jim Doyle: Stem cell research holds promise for debilitating diseases.
John Lynch: Access to emergency contraception without a prescription.
Mike Rounds: Abortion is wrong; reconsider Roe v. Wade.
Sarah Palin: Pro-life.
Christy Mihos: Supports womans right to choose, with minor notification.
Chris Gabrieli: Massachusetts needs to invest in stem cell research.
Haley Barbour: Protect the rights of the unborn.
Tim Kaine: Promote abstinence; ban partial-birth abortion.
Tim Kaine: I have a faith-based opposition to abortion.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Supports current family planning programs.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Opposes partial birth abortion.
Arianna Huffington: Strongly pro-choice; womans right to choose.
Dave Freudenthal: Protect a womans right to choose.
Mike Rounds: Protect life under all circumstances; no embryo research.
Dick Posthumus: Protect life; abortion only to save mothers life.
Linda Lingle: Oppose partial-birth abortion; support parental notification.
Tim Shallenburger: Protect life, both born and unborn.
Roger Moe: No new restrictions: defend the right to choose.
Shannon O'Brien: History of protecting womens right to choose.
Budget & Economy
Jon Corzine: My 1st priority--& 2nd & 3rd--is to get thru economic crisis.
Kathleen Sebelius: Uncovered $159 million in wasteful government spending.
Mark Sanford: Limit spending increases to population growth plus inflation.
Christy Mihos: No casinos in Massachusetts, except at racetrakcs.
Christy Mihos: Proposition 1: tax reform and local school aid.
Tim Kaine: Fiscal discipline kept AAA bond rating.
Tim Kaine: Progress economically via stable finances.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Reduce billions in waste, fraud, and abuse.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Impose constitutional limit on spending and balanced budget.
Civil Rights
Bob McDonnell: Authored amendment protecting traditional marriage.
Chris Christie: Marriage exclusively between one man and one woman.
Jennifer Granholm: Support Latino-owned businesses via Buy Michigan First.
Jennifer Granholm: Supports civil unions & domestic partner benefits.
Mike Rounds: Marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Sarah Palin: Marriage only between one man and one woman.
Ted Kulongoski: Expand opportunities for minority and women small business.
Ted Kulongoski: No sexual orientation discrimination; OK to civil union.
Jodi Rell: Only governor to sign civil unions without a court order.
Christy Mihos: Supports marriage for same-sex couples, but OK on ballot.
Chris Gabrieli: Supports same-sex marriage; opposes constitutional amendment.
Grace Ross: End racial discrimination.
Grace Ross: Supports marriage equality.
Tom Reilly: Investigated clergy sexual abuse in Boston Archdiocese.
Arianna Huffington: Supports same-sex unions with full rights.
Arianna Huffington: Supports affirmative action wholeheartedly.
Arianna Huffington: Prop. 54 is a racist gag order.
Shannon O'Brien: Protect civil rights of gays; allow civil unions.
Bob McDonnell: Small businesses are the backbone of Virginia's economy.
Chris Christie: Bring back "Trenton makes, the world takes".
Chris Daggett: New Jersey is simply not competitive.
Jay Nixon: Require accountability for $500M in business tax credits.
Joe Manchin III: Cut corporate income tax & business franchise tax.
Chris Gabrieli: Invest in innovative industries like biotech & renewables.
Bob McDonnell: Make Virginia gang-free; with tougher penalties & prevention.
Chris Christie: Stand against child pornography and human trafficking.
Creigh Deeds: Tougher criminal penalties; more police training & tools.
Jack Markell: Give crime victims the right to receive restitution.
Joe Manchin III: More sexual predator laws; more State police pay.
Bill Ritter: New tough-on-crime sentencing policies.
Jennifer Granholm: Mandatory minimum sentences for sex offenders.
John Lynch: Increase sentences for offenders agasint seniors & kids.
Linda Lingle: Implemented 3-strikes law for habitual violent felons.
Phil Bredesen: Supports the death penalty.
Sarah Palin: If legislature passed death penalty law, I would sign it.
Sonny Perdue: Criminals should literally pay for their crimes.
Tim Pawlenty: More prisons; tougher penalties for sex offenders.
Christy Mihos: Favors the death penalty in Massachusetts.
Tom Reilly: Established Community Based Justice crime prevention program.
Tim Kaine: Supports Project Exiles longer mandatory sentences.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Death penalty is a necessary and effective deterrent.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Keep Three Strikes law.
Arianna Huffington: Roll back $1B prison guard pay raise: books, not bars.
Arianna Huffington: Moratorium on capital punishment based on racial disparity.
Phil Bredesen: Supports fair and accurate executions.
Dick Posthumus: MI Exile: Mandatory minimums for felons possessing guns.
Linda Lingle: End death penalty; DNA proves innocence.
Shannon O'Brien: DNA fingerprint all felons.
Bob McDonnell: Mandatory minimum sentences for career drug dealers.
Creigh Deeds: Make combating methamphetamines a top priority.
Bill Ritter: Fight meth & dealers; treat drug abusers.
Brad Henry: National model in the war in methamphetamine.
Jennifer Granholm: Tougher penalties for drug dealers; more tools against meth.
Jerry Brady: Cannot just throw people in jail for drugs; more treatment.
John Lynch: 30 years for manufacturers of meth.
Kathleen Sebelius: Vigilant in war against dangerous methamphetamine.
Mike Rounds: Never send the message that marijuana is OK.
Phil Bredesen: Proliferation of meth is one of the most serious threats.
Sonny Perdue: Combat the methamphetamine crisis.
Ted Kulongoski: Make Oregon one of the toughest places to produce Meth.
Tim Pawlenty: Tougher penalties for meth offenders.
Christy Mihos: Permit over-the-counter sale of needles.
Haley Barbour: Wrong time to cut drug enforcement spending.
Tim Kaine: Anti-drug and anti-gang units in State Police.
Linda Lingle: Addicts get treatment; dealers & repeat users get jail.
Chris Christie: Public education system is failing; increase accountability.
Chris Daggett: Whatever works best--public, private, religious, charter.
Creigh Deeds: Require that teacher salaries be above the national average.
Bev Perdue: Raise teacher salaries; increase technology in schools.
Jack Markell: Evaluate whether charter schools are becoming segregated.
Jay Nixon: Re-invest in our public school system.
Joe Manchin III: Increased teacher pay.
Bill Ritter: Invest more in our education system, and demand more.
Brad Henry: Build the best possible public schools & universities.
Donald Carcieri: Double funding for schools in intervention status.
Ed Rendell: Resources to public schools to invest in proven initiatives.
Eliot Spitzer: Public schools are struggling.
Jennifer Granholm: Raise K-12 funding from $6,875 per pupil to $7,075.
Jerry Brady: Support sustainable funding for public schools.
Jerry Brady: Parents in concert with schools develop kids moral compass.
Jerry Brady: Supports school prayer.
Kathleen Sebelius: Protect and strengthen public schools after years of neglect.
Mark Sanford: Supports merit pay for teachers.
Martin O`Malley: Give students, teachers & parents resources they need.
Mike Beebe: Plan for ensuring teacher quality.
Mike Rounds: Provide a quality education for our children.
Phil Bredesen: Raise teacher pay;expand pre-K.
Ted Kulongoski: Unified pre-K through 20 system.
Tim Pawlenty: Require Pledge of Allegiance in public schools.
Christy Mihos: Favors chartre schools at the current cap.
Christy Mihos: No fees for school buses or school sports.
Chris Gabrieli: Started the 2020 Foundation to innovate in schools.
Chris Gabrieli: Local solutions & state cooperation to keep kids in school.
Chris Gabrieli: Extend the school day.
Chris Gabrieli: More state funding and tax breaks for college costs.
Grace Ross: Free education.
Christy Mihos: More state funding for schools, to relieve local funding.
Tom Reilly: Education the only path to real opportunity.
Tim Kaine: Make education policy by first-hand visits to schools.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Measure student progress and school progress.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Supports public school choice and community control.
Doug Racine: Improve Act 60 funding system by removing sharing pool.
Jim Douglas: Public school choice for poor & middle class.
Mike Rounds: Internet sales tax to raise education funding.
Mike Fisher: Opportunity scholarships: poor kids to private schools.
Bill Richardson: No vouchers: they abandon public schools.
Dick Posthumus: Annual testing to measure student progress.
Peter Cianchette: Fund classrooms separate from school administration.
Peter Cianchette: Expand school choices & public school funding.
Linda Lingle: No vouchers; more funding, more charters.
Tim Shallenburger: Merit pay for teachers based on teacher testing.
Tim Shallenburger: Increase classroom funding by increasing efficiency.
Roger Moe: More funding, then accountability.
Roger Moe: Vouchers drain resources from public schools.
Tim Pawlenty: Student standards & teacher standards.
Joe Neal: Increase funding with gaming tax.
Stormy Dean: Fund Education First: higher priority for state funding.
Stormy Dean: Reform funding formula to reduce property taxes.
Bill Curry: Increase education funding.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Raise teacher salaries by $4,000.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Double classroom funding for supplies.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: $2.7M for 1,000 new teacher signing bonuses.
Sonny Perdue: Streamline school bureaucracy; empower parents.
Brad Henry: Increase resources for public schools.
Kevin Mannix: Increase funding without raising taxes.
Energy & Oil
Bob McDonnell: Cultivate green energy and renewables.
Chris Christie: Incentivize energy manufacturing & wind turbines.
Bob McDonnell: All-of-the-above approach: coal, oil, nuclear, & renewables.
Chris Christie: Make NJ a magnet for renewable energy manufacturer.
Chris Daggett: Slow the release of chemicals that increase global warming.
Creigh Deeds: Focus on energy independence and reducing carbon emission.
Bev Perdue: Incentives for alternative energy and efficiency.
Jack Markell: Fossil fuels contribute to harmful greenhouse gases.
Jay Nixon: Develop ethanol, wind, solar, & cellulosic-based biofuels.
Bill Ritter: Blend our fossil-fuel supplies with renewable energy.
Donald Carcieri: $39M saved via energy-efficient measures in state buildings.
Jennifer Granholm: 21st Century alternative/ renewable Energy Plan.
Jerry Brady: Harness wind, geothermal and bio-waste.
Martin O`Malley: Maryland needs a long-term vision to make energy affordable.
Mike Rounds: Incentives for more wind and coal-fired power.
Sarah Palin: Stranded Gas Development Act no longer applies.
Sarah Palin: Get ANWR open.
Ted Kulongoski: Energy Star to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Tim Pawlenty: Encourage development of locally owned wind energy sources.
Jodi Rell: 20% alternative fuels by 2020.
Dave Freudenthal: Link development of wind power with electrical transmission.
Christy Mihos: Favors renewable energy but opposes offshore wind farms.
Chris Gabrieli: Supports Cape Wind plus other renewable energy projects.
Grace Ross: Decrease global warming.
Kerry Healey: Suspend the gas tax.
Tim Kaine: All Virginians are affected by rising gas prices.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Renegotiate energy contracts to make electricity affordable.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Opposed to offshore oil drilling.
Arianna Huffington: Stress fuel efficiency; invest in clean & renewable energy.
Roger Moe: Incentives for alternative fuel programs.
John Sanchez: Oil & gas drilling in Otero Mesa.
Bob McDonnell: Establish "Green Jobs Zone"; protect the Chesapeake Bay.
Chris Daggett: Strong environment and strong economy goes hand in hand.
Joe Manchin III: Pushed for new mine safety regulations.
Mark Sanford: Market-based incentive for private land conservation.
Christy Mihos: Eliminate Mass Pike tolls; no MBTA fare increases.
Christy Mihos: Extend Blue Line, Silver Line, and Attleboro Line.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Improve our economy without impairing our environment.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Override federal exemption of new air pollution sources.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Promote watershed management to clean up bays and rivers.
Free Trade
Chris Daggett: Worry about losing jobs to China & India but also to NY & NC.
Kathleen Sebelius: Create new markets for Kansas products at home and overseas.
Government Reform
Chris Christie: Use the line item veto; put everything online.
Chris Christie: Cut wasteful spending; empower fiscal watchdogs.
Chris Daggett: Simplify burdensome regulatory structure & byzantine rules.
Jon Corzine: Only NJ governor in 60 years to reduce size of government.
Bill Richardson: Instituted all-paper ballots for all N.M. elections.
Mark Sanford: Bring horse-and-buggy government into the 21st century.
Jodi Rell: Ban on campaign cash from special interests.
Christy Mihos: Supports public financing of elections.
Grace Ross: Voting rights for people, not monied interests.
Christy Mihos: Set aside 40% of tax revenues for local aid.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Curb frivolous lawsuits.
Jim Douglas: Cost Control Council to audit state government spending.
Kevin Mannix: Fix budget with government structure change not tax hike.
Sonny Perdue: End partisan redistricting.
Gun Control
Bob McDonnell: Fundamental individual right to bear arms.
Jerry Brady: Opposes limiting Idahoans right to bear arms.
Mike Rounds: Pro 2nd Amendment Rights.
Sarah Palin: Supports Constitutional right to bear arms.
Tim Pawlenty: Statewide background checks to carry firearms.
Jodi Rell: Tough new gun laws, plus special gun courts.
Christy Mihos: Firm believer in Second Amendment rights.
Haley Barbour: Protect the rights of gun owners.
Tim Kaine: Strongly supports the Second Amendment.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Strong supporter of the second amendment.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Support Brady Bill; assault weapon ban; safety locks.
Phil Bredesen: Against new restrictions; for gun safety education.
Kathleen Sebelius: No new restrictions: supports second amendment.
Linda Lingle: No new restrictions on the right to bear arms.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Hunter education instead of any new restrictions.
Shannon O'Brien: Increase gun safety regulations but maintain hunters rights.
Shannon O'Brien: Increase penalties for felon handgun possession.
Brad Henry: Protect gun ownership.
Health Care
Creigh Deeds: Make health care accessible & affordable for all Virginians.
Bev Perdue: Led efforts to expand childrens health coverage.
Jack Markell: Ensure that every Delawarean owns health insurance.
Jay Nixon: Every Missourian should have access to quality health care.
Bill Ritter: Basic health care accessible to all Coloradans.
Brad Henry: Make quality health care more accessible and affordable.
Donald Carcieri: Use untapped tobacco monies; help Medicare beneficiaries.
Ed Rendell: Cover 315,000 senior prescriptions via PACE program.
Eliot Spitzer: Focus on affordability in NY health care system.
Jennifer Granholm: Affordable health care universally accessible to everyone.
Jerry Brady: Health care is national problem & needs national solution.
John Lynch: Expand childrens health insurance program.
Kathleen Sebelius: I-Save-Rx: low-cost prescriptions from Canada and Europe.
Kathleen Sebelius: Insure all Kansas children from birth to age five.
Martin O`Malley: Health care should be a right--not a privilege.
Mike Beebe: 12-point plan for Affordability, Accessibility, Quality.
Phil Bredesen: Cover Tennessee: provide affordable, portable insurance.
Sarah Palin: Flexibility in government regulations to allow competition.
Jodi Rell: $1M for outreach to make sure every child is covered.
Dave Freudenthal: Prevention emphasis could help curb health costs.
Chris Gabrieli: New healthcare legislation is a good first step.
Grace Ross: Create universal health care.
Kerry Healey: Reform medical malpractice to cut insurance rates.
Tom Reilly: Worked to protect coverage during HMO bankruptcy.
Tim Kaine: One out of 7 Virginians lack health insurance.
Doug Racine: Expand coverage through flexible Medicare/Medicaid funding.
Eli Bebout: Seek WYs fair share of federal Medicare funds.
Jim Douglas: Lower Rx drug costs with buying consortium.
Phil Bredesen: Reform TennCare with more regulation of MCOs.
Mike Fisher: Expand Rx drug plan coverage with slots at racetracks.
Peter Cianchette: More info & customized insurance plans to reduce cost.
Peter Cianchette: Single-payer health care is a cruel hoax.
Roger Moe: Lower Rx costs via expanded MN programs.
Tim Pawlenty: Expand coverage: purchasing pools &Medical Savings Accounts.
Bill Curry: Expand health coverage; reduce costs by cooperative purchase.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Lower Rx drug costs: 40% AR discount.
Brad Henry: Patients before profits : hold HMOs accountable.
Homeland Security
Bev Perdue: Keep the federal government from closing our military bases.
Joe Manchin III: Higher National Guard pay & tuition waivers.
John Lynch: Fight closing the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
Kathleen Sebelius: Benefits for state employees called to National Guard duty.
Martin O`Malley: More equipment and training for first responders.
Sarah Palin: Promote from within, in Alaskas National Guard.
Tim Pawlenty: Over $2M for National Guard and numerous military programs.
Tim Kaine: Focus on counter-terrorism and bioterrorism preparedness.
Tim Kaine: Maintain the military presence in Virginia.
Bill Richardson: Declared state of emergency on Mexican border.
Bill Richardson: Path to legalization if illegals pay taxes & learn English.
Bill Ritter: No welfare benefits or drivers license for illegals.
Mike Beebe: Significantly increase border security.
Phil Bredesen: Develop sensible, uniform national policies for immigration.
Sonny Perdue: No welfare or other services for illegals.
Christy Mihos: No taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Increase federal reimbursement for border enforcement.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Address undocumented immigrants living underground.
Arianna Huffington: Supports immigrant rights.
Bob McDonnell: Strongly opposes federal Card Check legislation.
Chris Christie: Garden State Growth Zones to attract new private investment.
Bob McDonnell: Strong support for Virginia's Right to Work law.
Chris Christie: NJ Partnership for Action: attract quality-paying jobs.
Jon Corzine: Created 26,000 jobs in transportation, construction & energy.
Jay Nixon: Protect the jobs of today, while creating jobs of tomorrow.
Christy Mihos: Index the minimum wage for inflation.
Chris Gabrieli: Experienced in creating 100,000 jobs as a businessman.
Grace Ross: Support living wages & guaranteed income for all.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Immediately reform workers compensation system.
Arianna Huffington: Supports right to organize and local living wage.
Dave Freudenthal: Drought relief from water storage.
Doug Racine: Increase funding for worker re-training.
Eli Bebout: Support farm prices with producer cooperatives.
Kevin Mannix: Support small businesses to spur job growth.
Tim Pawlenty: Spur job growth by investing in Minnesota.
Local Issues
Linda Lingle: No gambling: its a mythical economic cure.
Stormy Dean: Expand gambling: keep the money in-state.
Principles & Values
Chris Christie: Children attend parochial school.
Jon Corzine: Came to Trenton to put NJ's fiscal house in order.
Bruce Lunsford: Capitol on the Corner: direct local access to governor.
Bruce Lunsford: One Kentucky Plan: Leave No Region Behind.
Grace Ross: Corporate parties offer only empty promises & band-aids.
Grace Ross: Life-long activist working with diverse, low-income leaders.
Tom Reilly: Born and raised in Springfield.
Tom Reilly: Worked for CIA and Ford Motors.
Tom Reilly: Served as prosecutor and Middlesex District Attorney.
Tom Reilly: A leader on issues that matter to the people.
Tom Reilly: Married for 40 years; three kids; six grandkids.
Tim Kaine: Parents taught him the importance of family and faith.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: California government is failing the people.
Social Security
Jack Markell: Golden Years Guarantee: live at home; financial security.
Joe Manchin III: $14M for senior services, most money ever.
Mike Beebe: No diverting social security dollars into private accounts.
Sarah Palin: Fund the Seniors Longevity Bonus Program.
Chris Gabrieli: Invest state pension reserve in stock & bond portfolio.
Tax Reform
Chris Christie: We can and we must lower taxes.
Bob McDonnell: Kill the Death Tax; eliminate fraud & duplication.
Chris Christie: NJ has highest state tax burden & it's getting worse.
Chris Daggett: NJ bears the most punishing tax burden in the nation.
Jon Corzine: Live-Where-You-Work via property tax relief.
Bev Perdue: Led charge for creation of state earned income tax credit.
Joe Manchin III: Created a low-income family tax credit.
Brad Henry: Implemented two largest tax cuts in state history.
Dave Heineman: I will continue to lower taxes.
Eliot Spitzer: $1.5 billion in immediate property tax relief.
Jim Douglas: Reduced property tax rate by 7 cents.
John Lynch: Opposes income tax and sales tax.
Kathleen Sebelius: Balanced four state budgets without tax increases.
Linda Lingle: Pushed for substantial and permanent tax relief.
Mike Rounds: Opposed to Personal Income Tax.
Phil Bredesen: Balance state needs--without an income tax.
Sonny Perdue: State should only spend tax money for what it truly needs.
Tim Pawlenty: Supports Single Sales Tax Reform.
Christy Mihos: Cap property tax; increase local aid.
Christy Mihos: Roll back state income tax from 5.3% to 5%.
Chris Gabrieli: Supports responsibly rolling taxes back to 5.0%.
Grace Ross: Make taxes progressive.
Christy Mihos: Constant property taxes until property is sold.
Kerry Healey: Immediately roll back the state income tax to 5%.
Haley Barbour: I am against raising anybodys taxes.
Tim Kaine: Proven record of cutting taxes.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Californians are overtaxed; find a better way.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Fight any attempt to roll back Proposition 13.
Arianna Huffington: Big business should carry fair share of the tax burden.
Arianna Huffington: Full assessment of commercial property; more corporate tax.
Bill Richardson: Reduce income tax; create Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
John Sanchez: Cut income tax & capital gains taxes.
Tim Shallenburger: Lower corporate tax to be more business-friendly.
Stormy Dean: New Tax Cabinet for long-term tax relief.
Bill Curry: Cut property taxes by $1B.
Sonny Perdue: Amendment: all surplus pays debt or cuts taxes.
Brad Henry: Maintain income tax.
Bob McDonnell: Make Wallops Island the top commercial Spaceport in America.
Chris Daggett: Expand mass transit; fix crumbling highways and bridges.
Bruce Lunsford: Invest in basic infrastructure, plus broadband.
War & Peace
Grace Ross: Bring Massachusetts troops home.
Welfare & Poverty
Bob McDonnell: Supports welfare-to-work & eliminate fraud.
Chris Christie: Urban Fund and NJ Enterprise Zones don't work.
Christy Mihos: Double the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Trust fund.
The above quotations are from Survey of Gubernatorial campaign websites, 2001-2009.
Autobiographies and Biographies of Governors:
- American Crisis, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D,NY)
- What A Party!, by gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D, VA)
- The Last Line of Defense, by gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli (R, VA)
- Chris Christie: The Inside Story of His Rise to Power, by Bob Ingle and Michael Symons
- Can`t is Not an Option, by Gov. Nikki Haley, April 2012
- Governor`s Travels, by Gov. Angus King, Oct. 2010
- The Governator, by Ian Halperin (about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-CA), Aug. 2011
- A Governor`s Story, by Jennifer Granholm (D-MI), Oct, 2005
- The Agenda for America, by Gov. Haley Barbour (R, MS), April 1996
- Blue Man in a Red State, by Greg Lemon, (about Gov. Brian Schweitzer, D, MT), June 2008
- Scorpions for Breakfast, by Gov. Jan Brewer (R, AZ), Nov. 2011
- Crossroads: The Future of American Politics, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D, NY), Oct. 2003
- A Reason to Believe, by Gov. Deval Patrick (D, MA), April 2011
- Against the Tide, by Gov. Lincoln Chafee (I, RI), April 2008
- Teachers Under Attack, by Mike Spina, about Gov. Chris Christie (R, NJ), Feb. 2011
Press Releases etc. from Governors, Mayors, and Justices:
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2019-2021
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2016-2019
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2019
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2018
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2017
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2016
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2011
- Gubernatorial State of the State speeches, 2010
- Mayorial State of the City speeches, 2007-2011
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2020
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2016-2019
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2011-2015
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2010
- Gubernatorial Press Releases, 2001-2009
- Gubernatorial Ad-Watch, 2018-2020
- Gubernatorial Ad-Watch, 2014-2017
- Mayoral Press Releases, 2011
- Senatorial Press Releases, 2020
- Senatorial Press Releases, 2020
- Senatorial Press Releases, 2010's
- Mayoral Campaign websites, 2011-2019
- Gubernatorial Campaign websites, 2010-2019
- Gubernatorial Campaign websites, 2010
- Gubernatorial Campaign websites, 2001-2009
- My Grandfather's Son, by Justice Clarence Thomas, Oct. 2008
Page last edited: Dec 02, 2018