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George W. Bush on Government Reform

President of the United States, Former Republican Governor (TX)

FactCheck: Kerry authored 7 bills, not 5 that Bush claims

FACT CHECK: When Bush said Kerry "passed five" bills, he was counting five bills Kerry authored that passed the Senate, the House, were signed by the president, and became law. That's technically accurate but omits six other pieces of Kerry legislation that have become law. The Bush campaign's backup lists five bills, which we verified:
Source: Analysis of Third Bush-Kerry debate ( Oct 15, 2004

Loves government, but keep it restricted

The Ronald Reagan revolution railed against government and proposed large tax cuts and controls on spending (outside of defense). Then came the Gingrich revolution-tax cuts as well as a radical reduction in the size and scope of the federal government. Bush seems to have studied his predecessors. It is often pointed out that he is the anti-Gingrich-soft, cuddly and, well, compassionate.

But Bush is also the anti-Reagan. Ronald Reagan railed against government in theory but loved it in fact. His budgets proposed virtually no reductions in spending. Bush, in contrast, cant stop talking about his love of government. He speaks fondly of its role in education, housing, health care and Social Security. But while praising government in theory, he wants to restrain it in fact. His budget requires that government spending-outside of Social Security and Medicare-rise by no more than 4%. (It rose by almost 9% last year.) Most cabinet agencies would see their budgets actually fall.

Source: Fareed Zakaria, NEWSWEEK Mar 5, 2001

Big government cannot be compassionate

Bush warned against too much reliance on the government to provide direct services to the needy, saying, My concern about the role of the federal government is that an intrusive government, a government that says, Dont worry, we will solve your problems is a government that tends to crowd compassion out of the marketplace
Source: Alison Mitchell, NY Times Nov 1, 2000

Regulatory style: like Reagan, get government out of the way

The next president wont just command the armed forces; he also will lead an army of bureaucrats. As Top Regulator, Bush or Gore would take fundamentally different approaches: It is an area that strongly reflects their basic dispute about the role of government.

Bush, a frequent critic of heavy-handedness in government, would take a less-is-better stance through his appointees, stressing flexibility and voluntary actions by industry and the states. Gore, while touting the importance of a smaller, smarter government, would push for more muscular regulation.

Critics worry that each man, in his own way, would go too far. Bushs notion that government should get out of the way is the Ronald Reagan mantra, says one analyst, referring to Reagans aggressively antiregulatory stance. For his part, Gore shows an instinct to intervene in the marketplace, says another economist, who insists such intervention only makes problems worse.

Source: Laurie Mcginley, The Wall Street Journal Oct 31, 2000

We believe in people; they believe in government

The people of Wisconsin, they respect limited government. I thought last night it was one of the most telling moments in the debate when my opponent looked America in the eye and said hes absolutely against big government. Now theres a man whos prone to exaggeration. He wants to grow the size of the federal government. He believes in Washington. We believe in people. Were of the people and by the people and for the people. Thats the motto of our campaign. Hes of the government. Hes for government. He loves Washington, D.C. Now theres a role for our government, but its not to tell the average folks how to live their lives.

If youre sick and tired of Washington, D.C., the attitude, the finger-pointing, the name calling, if you want a fresh start after this season of cynicism, join this campaign.

Source: Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin Oct 18, 2000

Make govt citizen-centered, results-oriented & market-based

    I have set forth policies that capture my vision of government reform. They are guided by three principles: government should be citizen-centered, results-oriented, and, wherever possible, market-based.
  1. The idea here is to clear away the layers between the citizen and the decision-maker. I will expand the use of the Internet to empower citizens.
  2. Second, government should be guided not by process but guided by performance. Under my proposal, over the next five years, a majority of the service contracts offered throughout the federal government will be performance-based. With a system of rewards and accountability, we can promote a culture of achievement throughout the federal government.
  3. Finally, government should be market-based - we should not be afraid of competition, innovation, and choice. What matters in the end is not just making promises, but making good on promises.
Source: Speech: Getting Results, in Renewing Americas Purpose Jun 9, 2000

Restore cooperation with Congress, to accomplish more

There is too much argument in Washington and not enough shared accomplishment. I am proposing today specific reforms relating to the budget process, pork-barrel spending, and nominations. I propose that the federal budget be passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president into law. I support putting the entire budget and appropriations process on a biennial basis. I support the establishment of a bipartisan commission to eliminate pork throughout the federal government. Further, to bring fiscal discipline to the budget, I will ask Congress to pass line-item veto legislation. The president must be prompt in submitting his nominations, and the Senate prompt in acting upon them. As president, I will set a new tone in Washington. I will do everything I can to restore civility to our national politics.
Source: Speech: A New Approach, in Renewing Americas Purpose Jun 8, 2000

Pay for tax cuts with cash, not corporate loopholes

McCAIN [to Bush]: Last November there was an incredible bill passed full of earmarked pork barrel spending. They spent the then $14 billion surplus that was supposed to be there for this year. And you said you supported that bill. I voted against it; said as president I would veto it and saw it as one of the most egregious practices. Tell me, what corporate loopholes would you close and what spending cuts would you make?

BUSH: If Im the president and youre a Senator, you can come in my office and you can outline all the different corporate loopholes you think are wrong. And we can pick and choose. But what Im doing, John, is Im selling my tax cut plan without claiming Im going to close some kind of corporate loophole. Your plan uses so-called corporate loopholes to pay for it. I used cash to pay for it. And if the money stays in Washington -- my problem with your plan is that its going to be spent on bigger government.

Source: (X-ref from McCain) GOP Debate in Manchester NH Jan 26, 2000

Meet basic priorities, & return leftovers to taxpayers

Bush: Its important for government to do a few things and do them well, and when theres money left over like there is today, instead of creating more government, we must cut the taxes. I intend to pass it back to the taxpayers. My plan meets our basic priorities.
Narrator: Reduces income tax rates; eliminates death tax; doubles child credit; reduces marriage penalty.
Bush: It cuts the taxes. [But] mark my words, under President Bush there will be a sound Social Security system.
Source: Television advertisement in NH Jan 13, 2000

No legislating from the bench-judges should just interpret

Q: Would you have appointed David Souter to the Supreme Court?

BAUER: President Bush made a colossal mistake by putting a justice on the court that is a reliable vote for Clinton. We can never afford to make another mistake like that.

BUSH: Im the only one on the stage whos appointed judges. And my judges strictly interpret the Constitution. And thats what I hope all of us would do. The bench [is not a] place from which to legislate. My dad can defend himself.

Source: Republican Debate in Durham, NH Jan 6, 2000

Term limits for state representatives and governors

Gov. Bush stated that he would support amending the Texas Constitution to limit the number of terms of State Senators and Representatives as well as the Governor.
Source: Vote Smart NPAT 1998 Jul 2, 1998

Reform the court system to serve people, not lawyers

From people across America, I am hearing that out legal system needs reform. That our courts arent serving the people, they are serving the lawyers. That frivolous lawsuits are hurting people. Some think this special interest group is too powerful to take on. That money determines everything. This is not an argument; it is an excuse. This cause is not hopeless. But it requires leadership to get results.
Source: Civil Justice Reform, in Renewing Americas Purpose Feb 9, 2000

Favors Tort Reform to make it harder to sue corporations

The big law firms in Texas divide into corporate defense firms, which represent the states wealthier interests, and plaintiff firms, which make their money by suing big corporate interests. When Bush ran for governor in 1994, one of his four campaign platform issues was tort reform, which is a legalistic way of saying that he thought the laws in Texas were too favorable to the plaintiffs. In his first term as governor, Bush successfully pushed tort reform through the Texas legislature.
Source: Boston Sunday Globe, p. A30 Oct 3, 1999

No lawsuits on good-faith acts

Source: 1999 Texas Legislative Record Jun 25, 1999

George W. Bush on Campaign Finance Reform

Private soft money OK, with full & prompt disclosure

Source: Letter to Senator Trent Lott Mar 15, 2001

Ban soft money, but no public financing of elections

GORE [to Bush]: If Im president, the first bill I will send to Congress is the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. And the reasons its that important is that all of the issues like prescription drugs for seniors that is opposed by the drug companies, will be easier to pass if we limit the influence of special interests.

BUSH: I am not going to lay down my arms in the middle of a campaign for somebody who has got no credibility on the issue. I would support an effort to ban corporate soft money & labor union soft money. I believe there needs to be instant disclosure on the Internet as to whos given to whom.

GORE: You have attacked my character and credibility and I am not going to respond in kind. One serious problem is that our system of government is being undermined by too much influence coming from special interest money.

BUSH: I want people to hear what he just said. He is for full public financing of congressional elections. Im absolutely, adamantly opposed to that.

Source: Presidential debate, Boston MA Oct 3, 2000

Ban some soft money; fewer restrictions on individuals

Bush has no interest in changing campaign finance rules. He has raised a record amount of money, more than $100M (though only a small part of that is soft money, $83M of it coming from individual donations). He also accepted $500,000 in the 1999 Texas legislative session from polluters he had exempted from mandatory cleanup rules. But he, like Gore, has responded to McCains challenge by devising a reform plan. It would:
  • Ban soft money from unions and corporations, but not from individuals
  • Raise the limit on individual donations from $1,000 to $3,400 in each election
  • Introduce paycheck protection, by which union members would have to give approval for their dues to be spent on political activities
  • Introduce weekly Internet disclosure of all contributions
  • Reformers say the soft-money ban is undermined by the exemption for individuals. They detect (not surprisingly) an anti-union bias. And they know his heart is not in it.
    Source: The Economist, Issues 2000 special Sep 30, 2000

    No government takeover of campaign finance

    Bush called Gores endowment proposal a government takeover that replaces individual spending decisions with decisions made by an unelected government committee. He said the plan echoed Clintons 1993 failed health care legislation. In a statement, Bush described his campaign finance overhaul proposal as superior because it abolishes corporate and union soft money without creating taxpayer-financed elections. Gores plan is nothing more than welfare for politicians, Bushs spokesman said.
    Source: AllPolitics Mar 27, 2000

    Full disclosure and no giving limits

    Q: Do you disagree with the recent Supreme Court decision that upheld limits on campaign contributions?
    A: In my state thats the way it is. People can give any amount they want to give so long as theres disclosure. That Supreme Court case was [too] liberal an interpretation of the Constitution. I believe in freedom of speech. I understand theres going to be limits and Ill live with them. But I believe the best policy is to say individuals can give and then have instant disclosure on the Internet.
    Source: GOP debate in Los Angeles Mar 2, 2000

    No corporate or union soft money.

    Q: Where do you stand on campaign finance reform? A: We ought to ban corporate soft money, and we ought to ban labor union soft money. We ought to make sure that labor bosses cannot spend union members money without their permission. Thirdly, we should not allow federal candidates to take money from one campaign and roll it over into another campaign. And members of the United States Congress should not be allowed to raise money from federal lobbyists during a session.
    Source: GOP Debate on the Larry King Show Feb 15, 2000

    Supports tweaking campaign finance rules

    Bush proposes lifting the $1,000 limit on individual contributions and requiring full disclosure of contributors.
    Source: Time Magazine, p. 37, col. 2 Jul 5, 1999

    Other candidates on Government Reform: George W. Bush on other issues:
    George W. Bush
    Dick Cheney
    John Edwards
    John Kerry

    Third Party Candidates:
    Michael Baradnik
    Peter Camejo
    David Cobb
    Ralph Nader
    Michael Peroutka

    Democratic Primaries:
    Carol Moseley Braun
    Wesley Clark
    Howard Dean
    Dick Gephardt
    Bob Graham
    Dennis Kucinich
    Joe Lieberman
    Al Sharpton
    Civil Rights
    Foreign Policy
    Free Trade
    Govt. Reform
    Gun Control
    Health Care
    Homeland Security
    Social Security
    Tax Reform
    Adv: Avi Green for State Rep Middlesex 26, Somerville & Cambridge Massachusetts

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