Healthy, universal and free meals for every student
I'm calling for healthy, universal and free meals for every student in New Mexico, along with an additional $20 million investment in school kitchens so they can offer the fresh and nutritious foods our kids need to thrive. We're calling the program
Kids' Kitchens, and wherever kids are, there ought to be a kitchen working to keep them healthy, strong and ready to learn. With this program, New Mexico is literally providing food for thought.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the N.M. legislature
, Jan 19, 2023
Create New Mexi-Care to support family caregivers
I propose a dramatic expansion of the state program that directly supports caregivers; what that means is we are going to pay families who are doing the work of taking care of their elderly loved ones, regardless of Medicaid eligibility. Let's call it
New Mexi-Care, and let's make it a model program for the rest of the country. Let's invest in the dignity of our elders, and of their families, by helping caregivers and those they care for stay in their homes with the financial support they need.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Mexico legislature
, Jan 18, 2022
Create fund for early childhood education and care
HB83: House Bill 83 creates the early childhood education and care fund, a funding source that would create a long-term, revenue producing asset for early childhood and care services and programs.
Summary by Sante Fe New Mexican:
In its first years, the fund is expected to provide an estimated $20 million annually for services such as home visiting for new parents, day care and prekindergarten.
Within a decade, as the fund grows, it could distribute as much as $50 million per year, the governor said.
Legislative Outcome:
Passed House 51-14-5 on Feb/10/2020; Passed Senate 37-1-4 on Feb/14/2020; Signed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham on Feb/18/2020
In 2004, Michelle was asked to head the New Mexico Department of Health, where she managed over 3,800 employees and a $440 million budget. During her tenure, she fought to require public health facilities to meet the same high
standards as private sector facilities. She led the fight to ban the sale of junk food in schools and she pushed to make sure every child in New Mexico had access to primary health care.
Source: on 2018 New Mexico Gubernatorial incumbents
, Nov 1, 2018
More funding & services for victims of domestic violence.
Lujan Grisham co-sponsored Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
Introduction by co-sponsor Sen. Kay Hagan (D,NC): We have a serious responsibility to ensure that women and families are protected. The rates of violence and abuse in our country are astounding and totally unacceptable: domestic violence affects more than 12 million people each year. In my home state, 73 women and children are killed on average every year because of domestic violence.
Since 1994, the STOP Program has provided grants for services, training, officers, and prosecutors, and has transformed our criminal justice system and victim support services. And this bill includes the bipartisan SAFER Act, which helps fund audits of untested DNA evidence and reduces this backlog of rape kits. I ask you: What other victims in America have to identify the attacker before authorities will take action? None.Introduction by Sen. Chuck Grassley(R,IA): I urge my Republican colleagues, as I will do, to support the motion to proceed.
There has long been bipartisan support for the Violence Against Women Act. Too many women are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. There is overwhelming bipartisan support for 98% of what is contained in S. 47. [Since our negative vote last session], controversial provisions have been removed. The key stumbling block to enacting a bill at this time is the provision concerning Indian tribal courts. Negotiations are continuing, and compromises would allow the bill to pass with overwhelming bipartisan support. Introduction by Sen. Pat Leahy (D,VT): Our bill will allow services to get to those in the LGBT community who have had trouble accessing services in the past. The rates of domestic and sexual violence in these communities are equal to or greater than those of the general population. We also have key improvements for immigrant victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Sponsored recognition of National Foster Care Month.
Lujan Grisham signed Recognizing National Foster Care Month
RESOLUTION recognizing National Foster Care Month as an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges of children in the foster care system, and encouraging Congress to implement policy to improve the lives of children in the foster care system.
Whereas there are approximately 400,000 children living in foster care;
Whereas foster care is intended to be a temporary placement, but children remain in the foster care system for an average of 2 years;
Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
encourages Congress to implement policy to minimize the number of children entering the foster care system, to improve the lives of children in the foster care system, and to maximize the number of children exiting foster care to the protection of safe, loving, and permanent families;
acknowledges the unique needs of children in the foster-care system;
recognizes foster youth throughout the US for their ongoing tenacity, courage, and resilience while facing life
acknowledges the exceptional alumni of the foster-care system who serve as advocates and role models for youth who remain in care;
honors the commitment and dedication of the individuals who work tirelessly to provide assistance and services to children in the foster-care system; and
reaffirms the need to continue working to improve the outcomes of all children in the foster-care system through parts B and E of title IV of the Social Security Act and other programs designed to
support vulnerable families;
invest in prevention and reunification services;
promote guardianship, adoption, and other permanent placement opportunities in cases where reunification is not in the best interests of the child;
adequately serve those children brought into the foster-care system; and
facilitate the successful transition into adulthood for children that `age-out` of the foster-care system.
Source: H.Res.577/S.Res.442 14_HRes577 on May 8, 2014