As I reread proposals set forth in six previous State of the State speeches, I was amazed to see how much we have accomplished together. We have:
Increased--by tens of billions--support for our public schools and universities.
Provided health insurance to over five million more Californians.
Raised the minimum wage.
Reduced prison overcrowding and reformed our system of crime and punishment.
Made California a world leader in the fight against climate change.
Passed a water bond.
Built up a rainy day fund.
And closed a huge $27 billion deficit.
And during the last seven years, California has reduced the unemployment rate from 12.1 percent to 5.2 percent and created almost 2.5 million jobs. And that's not all.
Brown has expressed concerns that tens of thousands of Californians without jobs could soon lose their unemployment benefits, under a new bipartisan budget deal reached in Washington.
The governor sent a letter to congressional leaders late last week urging them to extend benefits for those who have been unable to find work. "These workers will suffer irreparable harm if these federal benefits are allowed to expire,"
Brown wrote, noting that more than 214,000 Californians could see their benefits expire.
Brown also noted the "severe federal underfunding" of the state's unemployment insurance program, which the governor blamed for delays in workers receiving their unemployment checks.
Recover from Great Recession: GoBiz and Jobs Hiring Credit
California lost 1.3 million jobs in the Great Recession but we are coming back at a faster pace than the national average. The new Office of Business and Economic Development-- GoBiz--directly assisted more than 5,000 companies this past year.
This year, we should change both the Enterprise Zone Program and the Jobs Hiring Credit. They aren't working. We also need to streamline our regulatory procedures, particularly the California Environmental Quality Ac, based more on consistent standards.
Source: 2013 State of the State address to California Legislature
, Jan 24, 2013
Strip away regulations that prevent job creation
At a time when more than 2 million Californians are out of work, we must search out and strip away any accumulated burdens or unreasonable regulations that stand in the way of investment and job creation. But let's not forget that Job #1--make no mistake
about it--is fixing our state budget and getting our spending in line with our revenue. Once we do that, the rest will be easy--at least easier because we will have learned to work together and earned back the respect and trust of the people we serve.
Source: 2011 California State of the State Address
, Jan 31, 2011