Plenty of evidence Ukraine meddled in 2016 election
Kennedy said that there is "plenty of evidence that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election, specifically President [Petro] Poroshenko." "Why is this important?" asked Kennedy. "Because my Democratic friends want to prevent the president from offering
any evidence that Ukraine is organically and historically corrupt and that he was concerned about corruption. "I hope [Ukrainian] President Zelensky does better, but their government in the past has been corrupt."
Source: Fox News Sunday 2019 interview on Mueller Report
, Nov 26, 2019
September 11, 2001 reminded Americans and Louisianans of who we are. It fully opened our eyes to the threat of violent, radical Islamic fundamentalists. We face extremists who advocate for the destruction of America and despise the core values for which
we stand. Today we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, central fronts in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism, but the threat is global. Our enemy does not think in terms of borders and pursues a fanatical quest to destroy America and our allies
and suppress the world under a radical Islamic government.
However, our broken leadership in Washington has not come together to face this threat. Congress has played politics with our national security. John Kennedy believes we need a new approach
that can unite America and its allies and use all our tools and innovative approaches to protect and defend America. As State Treasurer, John called for the divestment of public money from U.S. or foreign businesses with links to terrorists.
Support Israel, our only true friend in the Middle East
As your representative in the United States Senate I will vote to support Israel. Israel is our only true friend in the Middle East. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
We must maintain Israel�s military superiority, both for the sake of Israel and for the sake of America.
$5M in Israel bonds is a win-win for Israel and Louisiana
For the first time in the state�s history, the Louisiana Treasury has purchased $5 million in Israel bonds to diversify investments and develop economic ties between the State of Louisiana & the State of Israel. �This is a win-win situation for Louisiana
and Israel,� said Treasurer Kennedy. �Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. It is America�s only true friend in the Middle East, and it is one of our staunchest allies. I am pleased that we could take this first step in forging a meaningful,
economic relationship between Israel and Louisiana.�
Act 654 of the 2004 Legislative Session enables investing up to 5% of some portfolios in bonds from other countries. The state�s $5 million investment in Israel bonds is the first step in this
process. Said Kennedy, �Purchasing these bonds helps Israel obtain much-needed funding to move forward with growth and development projects. This investment also benefits Louisiana because it is a secure way of diversifying our trust fund portfolios.�
Source: Treasurer�s press release, �State of Israel Bonds�
, Oct 14, 2004
Neely Kennedy opposes the AFA survey question on Islamic threats
The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Islamic law (Sharia) does not pose a threat to the United States and its Constitution.'
American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.
Source: American Family Association survey 16AFA_Q17B on Nov 8, 2016
Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank.
Neely Kennedy signed two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank
Congressional Summary: S.Res.6/H.Res.11 objects to U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, which characterizes Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as illegal and demands cessation of settlement activities.
Calls for such resolution to be repealed or fundamentally altered and allows all final status issues toward a two-state solution to be resolved through direct bilateral negotiations between the parties.
Notes that granting membership and statehood standing to the Palestinians at the UN, its specialized agencies, and other international institutions outside of the context of a bilateral peace agreement with Israel would cause severe harm to the peace process.
Urges upholding the U.S. practice of vetoing all Security Council resolutions that recognize unilateral Palestinian actions or dictate terms and a time line for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to seek a sustainable, just, and secure two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Opposing argument: (Cato Institute, Dec. 19, 2003): In principle, separation seems the best answer to stop the killing. For this reason, a security fence makes sense--if it actually separates Jew from Arab. Unfortunately, to protect a number of disparate Israeli settlements erected in the midst of Palestinian communities, Israel currently is mixing Jew and Arab and separating Arab from Arab. Thus are sown the seeds for conflict. After 36 years of occupation, the land remains almost exclusively Arab. The limited Jewish presence is the result of conscious colonization. The settlements require a pervasive Israeli military occupation, imposing a de facto system of apartheid. Separation offers the only hope, but separation requires dismantling Israeli settlements.
Source: S.Res.6 & H.Res.11 17-SRes6 on Jan 3, 2017