Supplement poverty aid via religious organizations
Indicate which principles you support regarding poverty and the welfare system.
Provide homeless families with apartment vouchers they can use to supplement the cost of an apartment.
Continue to give local governments responsibility for welfare
programs through TANF block grants.
Maintain current welfare-to-work requirements in order for states to qualify for block grants.
Corzine adds, �Supplement federal poverty aid through religious community based or other non-profit organizations.�
Source: 2000 Congressional National Political Awareness Test
, Nov 1, 2000
Opposes allowing churches to provide welfare services
We must bring new capital, and with it new businesses and new jobs, to places like Newark and Jersey City, which have been underserved by the existing private market. The Inner City Investment banks would work with companies needing venture capital
of less than $250,000. A public-private network would be established during the first five years. [and] tax incentives and investment tools should be provided to make it more attractive for corporate America to invest directly in inner cities.
Source: Web site, �public-private network�
, Sep 19, 2000
Focus on social injustice in distributing prosperity
Sustained growth and prosperity has not put an end to economic and social injustice in America. Too many Americans have been left behind. No role of government is more fundamental than assuring that the benefits of our great nation are not just for some,
but for all Americans.
The Corzine Plan:
Create Inner City Investment Banks
End Racial Profiling
Support Affirmative Action
Zero Tolerance for Discrimination
Protect the Rights of Workers
Auto Insurance Standards
Source: Web site
, Sep 12, 2000
Establish a National Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Corzine co-sponsored the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act
Establishes the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund in the Treasury to promote the development of affordable low-income housing through grants to States and local jurisdictions.
Source: Bill sponsored by 22 Senators 03-S1411 on Jul 15, 2003
Tax credits to promote home ownership in distressed areas.
Corzine co-sponsored the Community Development Homeownership Tax Credit Act
Amends the Internal Revenue Code to permit a community homeownership tax credit based upon an applicable percentage of each qualified residence's eligible basis. Makes such credit available to residences (including factory built homes) located:
in a census tract with a median gross income not exceeding 80 percent of the greater area or statewide median gross income;
in a rural area;
on an Indian reservation; or
in an area of chronic economic distress.
Prohibits a buyer's income from exceeding 80 percent (70 percent for families of less than three) of the area gross median income and requires owner occupancy.
Source: Bill sponsored by 45 Senators 03-S875 on Apr 10, 2003
Fully fund AmeriCorps.
Corzine signed a letter from 43 Senators to the President
To: President George W. Bush
Dear President Bush:
We write to express our strong support for AmeriCorps and recognize the leadership you have shown on this issue over the years. We know you agree that AmeriCorps is an outstanding program which has proven successful in addressing our homeland security needs, leveraging volunteers, and improving the quality of services available to a broad range of Americans.
Unfortunately, as you know, the Corporation for National Service officially announced yesterday unprecedented and drastic funding cuts, from 50 to 95 percent in every state. These cuts mean that under the State Competitive funding stream the Corporation will only fund 2,036 volunteers, compared with 11,236 last year. Many states will see their volunteer allocations under the competitive stream drop by as much as 90 percent and 16 states are shut out completely.
In your 2002 State of the Union address, you called for every American to dedicate 4,000 hours to community service throughout their lives. In your 2004 budget request, you proposed increasing the number of AmeriCorps volunteers from 50,000 to 75,000. Unfortunately, due to serious errors made by the Corporation, fewer than half this number of Americans will be allowed to serve their country through service.
We should support, not oppose, efforts to encourage more Americans to enter public service. We should do everything in our power to reward the American men and women who have chosen to serve the country and their communities in the hope of meeting the nation's critical education, safety, health, and homeland security needs.
We urge you to request additional funding in the supplemental appropriations bill to ensure that AmeriCorps remains a strong and vital program today and in the future.
Source: Letter from 43 Senators to the President 03-SEN5 on Jun 17, 2003