Constitution State should call for Constitutional Convention
The time has come for the states to call for a Constitutional Convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution in regard to fiscal, election and states rights matters. As the "Constitution State",
Connecticut should be a leader rather than a laggard in making such a Convention a reality. It's also time for Connecticut to convene a state Constitutional convention to propose selected fiscal and election reforms to the state constitution.
Lifetime ban from government if guilty of public corruption
Connecticut needs to raise the bar in connection with public corruption, conflict of interest, and financial disclosure at both the state and municipal levels. For example, public officials who are guilty of public corruption should be banned for life
from holding any government position and municipal employees should not be able to serve on local legislative bodies. In addition, recall provisions should be allowed in circumstances where public officials engage in illegal or unethical activities.
Support local non-profits to take over social services
Privatization: The State of Connecticut has too many state owned and controlled social service entities.
It's time to streamline state government and support local non-profit entities to improve both the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of delivering essential services to the public.
Eliminate egregious loopholes in state campaign finance law
Public Financing: Recent changes to our state's public financing law [campaign state matching funds for candidates] that were pushed by the Governor and the legislature have served to undercut the fundamental purpose of public financing.
Therefore, the law needs to either be reformed to eliminate the egregious loopholes or repealed. I prefer that it be reformed.
Constitutional Amendment to limit campaign finance
Q: Do you support stricter limits on political campaign funds?
A: Yes, as well as additional transparency in connection with Super PACs and other types of organizations. I'm for Constitutional Amendment on campaign finance reform--the system is
absolutely out of control. The only way is a Constitutional Amendment given the Supreme Court decision. I'm for an Amendment to rationalize the current political campaign system.
Q: You're referring to
Citizens United, which allowed unlimited donations to PACs?
A: Yes, it was a mistake. I understand corporations are "persons" for contract purposes--but the definition of "person" for campaigns should be "persons who can vote."
Corporations and unions cannot vote. And we need more transparency over 501(c)(4) SuperPACs. More campaign contributions with total transparency is good--more so than limits with loopholes--but what we have now it the worst of all worlds.