Endorsed Endorsed by Log Cabin Republicans; supports gay rights.
Reichert is endorsed by by the Log Cabin Republicans:
Log Cabin Republicans is the nation�s largest gay and lesbian Republican organization. Log Cabin was founded to battle the nation�s first anti-gay ballot measure -- California�s Proposition 6 in 1978. We enlisted Ronald Reagan to publicly oppose the measure, which was then defeated. Since then, Log Cabin Republicans has grown and expanded to become a leading voice on the national stage on behalf of the mainstream concerns of the gay and lesbian community.
We care deeply about equality and we hold Republican views on crime, fiscal responsibility, and foreign policy. We believe in individual rights rather than group rights. We believe in limited government rather than big government. We believe that free markets lead to free people and that all Americans should be able to participate fully in the political process.
We represent the next generation for the gay and lesbian community. No longer will we be told where we must live, how we must dress, and how we must vote.
Now there is a political alternative. We know that we will move ahead only when gay people are honest about who they really are. And as the far right continues its drive to dominate our Party, Log Cabin Republicans joins other mainstream Republicans on the front lines of the battle for the Republican Party�s future.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Log Cabin Republicans is to work within the Republican Party for the equal rights of all Americans, including gay men and women. The mission of the Log Cabin Republicans derives from our firm belief in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, individual responsibility, free markets and a strong national defense. We emphasize that these principles and the moral values that underlie them are consistent with the pursuit of equal treatment under the law for gay men and women. We believe these same core principles also best serve the best interests of the gay community.
Source: Log Cabin Republicans web site 00-LCR0 on Nov 7, 2000
Member of moderate GOP caucus, the Tuesday Group.
Reichert is a member of the Tuesday Group:
The Tuesday Group is an informal caucus of approximately 50 moderate Republican members of the House of Representatives in the 114th Congress (2015-2017). It was originally founded in 1994 in the wake of the Republican takeover of the House. The Republican House caucus was dominated by conservative Republicans and the Tuesday Group was founded to counterbalance that conservative trend. There were approximately 40 members when it was founded. In 2007 the Tuesday Group founded its own political action committee (PAC).
One co-chair describes the Tuesday Group as `thoughtful and pragmatic-minded Republicans in the House of Representatives who are focused on problem solving. The group wields significant influence to advance bipartisan solutions to some of our nation`s most pressing issues. The members of Tuesday Group understand that compromise is not a dirty word and are committed to putting people ahead of politics.`
Source: Tuesday Group press release from Rep. Charlie Dent 2015_Tues on Dec 31, 2015