Having the ability to choose to start a family when one is ready has social, economic, educational and health benefits for women and their families. Having access to contraception increases access to financial stability, higher education and career
The Affordable Care Act included access to all forms of birth control as part of basic preventative health care, and without a copay. Even before the Affordable Care Act, Colorado passed legislation that prevents insurers from charging
women more for the health coverage, and required insurers to cover contraception and maternity care. Women with private insurance are also now able to pick up a year of birth control at once. We can increase access by ensuring that all women
have this opportunity, regardless of what type of insurance they have.
We must fight back. That is why I support policies that make sense, will help more people, and support access to sexual and reproductive health care for everyone.
Family adopted sister via faith-based organization
Cary's mother, a social worker, served hundreds of Denver's most vulnerable children and families, and taught Cary the importance of supporting the members of their community in times of need. Raised with three brothers and sisters who joined
her family through the foster care program and a sister who joined her family through a faith-based organization, Cary saw the power of giving children the opportunity to succeed--inspiring her exceptional career of service.
Source: Emily's List press release: 2018 Colorado gubernatorial race
, Mar 6, 2018
Help at-risk low-income kids with nurse home visits
Cary developed School Readiness legislation that brought additional federal funding to Colorado which helped child care providers serving low-income children improve their quality and serve more children.
While serving as State Treasurer Cary helped
secure sustainable funding for a program that provides nurse home visits for low-income at-risk moms throughout Colorado. The program helps first-time moms have healthy pregnancies and gain the knowledge needed to become the best parents.
Supports foster care via faith-based organizations
I grew up in a family that was committed to service, to reaching out and helping others.
That's what inspired me to work in public service. I grew up in a family with three brothers and sisters who joined my family through the foster care program, and I also have a sister who joined my family through a faith-based organization.
So I grew up with kids who didn't have the same opportunities I had, and I saw firsthand how important it is that we provide opportunities for people--and to most of those kids growing up here in Colorado, the only opportunities they get is through
our public schools. It's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about making sure that every child in Colorado and every school in our state provides opportunities that give them the foundation for lifelong success.