No measurable global warming in the last 15 or 20 years
Q: Consider climate change a serious threat? Should government limit levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
Tony Evers (D): Yes. "This is a real, serious threat." Challenges deniers to find another issue "where political leaders in nearly every
single country" recognize this "& have been able to work together & find compromise." Early Paris Climate Accord supporter, & supports emissions regulations.
Scott Walker (R): No. "There has not been any measurable warming in the last
15 or 20 years." Sued Obama administration over emission regulations, calling them "a buzz saw to the nation's economy." Also cut budget of state scientists researching areas related to climate change.
Q: Support government subsidies for
renewable energy?
Tony Evers (D): Yes. Strong supporter including state incentives.
Scott Walker (R): No. Slashed budget for major renewable energy research center.
This is an issue where, we're talking about my state, thousands of manufacturing jobs [are at risk].
Thousands of manufacturing jobs for a rule the Obama administration's own EPA has said will have a marginal impact on climate change.
Lawsuit against new energy regulations: save jobs & rates
Top-down regulations and mandates from the federal government get in the way of innovation and growth in Wisconsin and states like ours. Therefore, I am working with our new Attorney General to prepare a lawsuit challenging the newly
proposed federal energy regulations. These proposals could have a devastating impact on Wisconsin because we are so heavily dependent on manufacturing.
According to recent reports, we could lose tens of thousands of jobs in our region, and ratepayers could see an increase of up to 29 percent. We will fight to protect Wisconsin's hard-working families.
Instead of fighting with states like Wisconsin, the federal government should work with us to find reasonable alternatives. We can be both environmentally and economically sustainable.
It's inexcusable that at the same time high taxes are driving jobs and people from our state, Governor Doyle and Mayor
Barrett are championing global warming legislation that would mandate billions of dollars in new spending to produce the exact same energy we use today. Wisconsin families will pay a steep price for these costly new regulations in higher utility bills.
No Climate Tax Pledge: "I pledge to the taxpayers of my state, and to the American people, that I will oppose any legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue."
Sponsoring organizations: Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEU); National Taxpayers Union (NTU); Institute for Liberty Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans.