Signed "heartbeat bill": abortion ban after 15 weeks
In March, Gov. Phil Bryant signed the "heartbeat bill" into law, banning abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can come as early as six weeks into pregnancy. The law does not allow exceptions for rape or incest.
The law is being
challenged in federal court by the Center for Reproductive Rights. Mississippi has been in a similar position before. Last year, Bryant signed a 15-week abortion ban into law. After an emergency hearing, the law was ruled unconstitutional and blocked
from taking effect.
Of the legislation, Bryant previously said, "We think this is showing the profound respect and desire of Mississippians to protect the sanctity of that unborn life whenever possible. It also protects, we believe, the physical and
mental health of the mother. We here in Mississippi believe in protecting and defending the whole life of that child."
No abortion after 15 weeks of gestation, with no exceptions
[2019 Gubernatorial candidate Robert] Foster, who is Baptist, touts his status as a "strong Christian and balanced conservative voice," and his record of supporting anti-abortion legislation is sure to endear him to evangelicals. In March, Foster was
one of the co-authors who introduced House Bill 1510, the Gestational Age Act, which prohibits abortions after 15 weeks even in the cases of rape and incest. Gov. Phil Bryant signed it into law in March, but a federal court struck it down on Nov. 20.
Source: Jackson Free Press on Mississippi voting record: HB1510
, Dec 10, 2018
Make Mississippi safest place in America for an unborn child
After a heated floor debate, the Senate passed a bill 35-14�to ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, bringing the state one step closer to enacting the most restrictive abortion ban in the country. In a statement Gov. Bryant reiterated his support
for the measure.
"I have repeatedly said, I want Mississippi to be the safest place in America for an unborn child," Bryant said. "House Bill 1510 will help us achieve that goal, and I encourage the House to pass it and look forward to signing it.
Source: Clarion Ledger on Mississippi voting record: HB 1510
, Mar 6, 2018
Supports the Personhood Initiative: protect the unborn
Phil is a vocal supporter for protecting the rights of the unborn through his efforts to help the Personhood Initiative, as well as defending Mississippi's right to opt out of federally funded abortions under the Obama healthcare bill.
It should be our goal to end abortion in Mississippi. The Personhood Amendment will be a turning point for protecting the unborn in our state. I commit to doing everything I can legally do as Governor to support the rights of the unborn.
Source: MS Governor campaign 2011 website, "Vision"
, May 3, 2011