Teaching creationism blurs the line between church & state
I am a strong supporter of affirmative action and equal rights for all Americans. Increasingly the federal government is intruding into our private lives and blurring the bright line between church and state:
attempts to limit marriage, stem cell research, teaching creationism in the science classroom, and the Terri Schiavo case come to mind. On questions of individual conscience, it is time for the government to get out of the way.
I teach in a 50-year-old inner city public school, and I know that quality public education is our best hope for providing every child the best opportunity in life-and the key to the competitive future of our country.
The answer is neither more
standardized tests nor vouchers. We need to support universal pre-school to give kids a head start and offer their parents the best chance at providing for the household. We need trained, talented, and motivated teachers.
Source: 2006 Senate campaign website, www.NedLamont.com
, May 2, 2006
Increase funding for a 21st century education system
I would increase funding for a 21st century education system which really leaves no child behind, and equips each one to compete in a world economy. I'd propose a serious, long-range infrastructure plan to upgrade our schools,
public transportation, highways, our sewage treatment, and our levees in below sea-level areas.
Vouchers distract from strong community public school system
Q: What about education in this country? Sen. Lieberman is for a voucher plan. What is your perspective?
A: One of the things I've enjoyed doing over the last couple of years is teaching a course up at an inner city high school in Bridgeport,
on how to start your own business. We get successful entrepreneurs, mentors, folks from the community involved in the school and it gives kids something to dream about, something to inspire them, something to believe that they can learn again. I get a
couple of messages out of that. One, I believe in a strong community public school system. Anything that distracts from that is a step in the wrong direction and does a disservice to our kids. And two, we've got to get the community involved in our
schools. We need more parents, we need more coaches, we need more drama students, more drama instructors to help these kids, get them back into the classroom, to get them to believe that they can do it. We really are not doing that right now for our kids
Source: Sam Seder interview on "The Randi Rhodes Show"
, Mar 10, 2006