Recruit & train nurses without need to go overseas
Bill de Blasio is committed to ensuring that our own trained workers are filling nursing job openings without the need to go overseas, and he will work to create comprehensive career paths in the health sector. Given the importance and demand for
new employees in the health sector, de Blasio will ensure that the city recruits and trains New Yorkers for these jobs and creates opportunities for current health workers to upgrade their skills and take higher-paying jobs
Source: 2013 Mayoral campaign website,
, Oct 22, 2013
Enroll 600,000 more New Yorkers in ObamaCare by 2018
While an estimated 500,000 additional NYC residents will gain coverage under the Affordable Care Act, nearly a million more will still lack coverage.
However, since 67% of those uninsured are projected to be eligible for but not enrolled in ACA
programs, a full-scale campaign mobilizing all city agencies and supporting community-based organizations to do outreach will not only increase coverage for New Yorkers, but increase federal dollars flowing to the city that can help free up resources for
other health care initiatives for the remaining uninsured. The city's health department has created a detailed outline of ways to create a comprehensive "navigator" program that will supplement state efforts to enroll the uninsured.
Bill de Blasio will
commit every financial and human resource needed--which will be repaid through the new federal dollars flowing to the city-- to enroll 600,000 more New Yorkers in ACA-covered health insurance programs by 2018.
Train New Yorkers to fill 16,000 nursing positions
Fill the Nursing Shortage With Health Care Workers Trained Here in New York City: Health care is one of the fastest-growing parts of our economy, and the expansion of coverage in coming years will just increase the need for health care workers.
While there are tremendous opportunities for those with the right skills, right now New York hospitals and health facilities need to recruit abroad to fill 16,000 nursing positions, because too few New Yorkers have the necessary skills.
By investing in training programs in our high schools and at the City University of New York,
Bill de Blasio will ensure New York City graduates have the skills needed to fill health care positions created in coming years and deliver care to those who need