Q: 194 countries have signed the Paris climate agreement. Only three nations are not signatories to it, the United States, Nicaragua, which thought the emissions standards were not tough enough, and Syria. So on the one issue that unites the world,
essentially, the US is now isolated, the proverbial skunk at the garden party.
HALEY: Well, I don't think we're the skunk at the party. I think that we watched out for our country. When I was a governor in South Carolina, I know how tough those
regulations President Obama put on us, because of the Paris agreement, were on our businesses and on our industries. It directly hit our jobs. We're going to make sure we're looking out for the U.S. first. We will always be a leader in the environment.
That's what we do, that's who we are. But we're going to make sure that we're not hurting our companies in the process. And there is a balance. There is clearly a difference between us and Nicaragua, and us and Syria. The world knows that.
Open the Savannah River Site nuclear reactor fuel project
Two of the Democrats seeking to challenge Sen. Tim Scott pledged to work toward completing & keeping open a multibillion-dollar nuclear reactor fuel project at Savannah River Site, saying they wouldn't support the Obama administration's plans to shutter
the facility.
That stance is the same as one taken by many Republicans in South Carolina, including Gov. Haley. Earlier this year, Haley mounted a lawsuit against the federal government after the administration said it planned to halt construction
on the facility, citing escalating costs and delays. South Carolina ultimately dropped its challenge after the government said it would continue to fund the program through the end of the current fiscal year.
Part of a US-Russia nonproliferation
agreement to dispose of weapons-grade plutonium, the plant has been slow to attract customers for the commercial reactor fuel it will produce. It is more than three years behind its 2016 completion deadline and is billions of dollars over budget.
I will not--not now, not ever--support raising the gas tax. The answer to our infrastructure problems is not to tax our people more, it's to spend their money smarter. Why would we raise the gas tax to improve infrastructure when all the gas tax dollars
we currently collect don't go to improving our infrastructure?
Millions of dollars each year in gas tax revenue are being diverted away from our bridges and our highways. Let's invest more of the money we already have into this vital area.
Source: 2013 State of the State address to S. C. Legislature
, Jan 16, 2013
Supports off-shore drilling near South Carolina coast
South Carolina Republican gubernatorial hopeful Nikki Haley said she would support oil drilling off her state's coast as governor. "But before we go forward
I think we need to be very careful going forward that we know exactly what we're walking into and how we're going to do that."
Source: Political Ticker, CNN, "Off'shore drilling"
, Jun 21, 2010