Congress has not been accountable; checks & balances failing
I believe we need to take our country in a new direction--a new direction based on the core Idaho values of independence, accountability, & responsibility. Too many Idahoans today have no voice in Washington, and nobody is looking out for their interests
I will give you a voice. I will champion your interests.
My philosophy of public service has always been �do right, risk consequences.� I will always put doing what I know is right ahead of my political aspirations.
For far too long, our government i
Washington has not been accountable--to anybody. Huge budget deficits, lack of oversight, and the failure to solve problems all show that, for far too long, Congress has failed to provide the checks and balances that our sacred Constitution requires.
Idahoans deserve better. We need to unlock the partisan gridlock in Washington and work across party lines for all Idahoans. It�s time to return balance, accountability, and oversight to Washington, D.C.
For far too long, our government in Washington has not been accountable--to anybody. Huge budget deficits, lack of oversight, and the failure to solve problems all show that, for far too long, Congress has failed to provide the checks and balances that
our sacred Constitution requires. Idahoans deserve better. We need to unlock the partisan gridlock in Washington and work across party lines for all Idahoans. It�s time to return balance, accountability, and oversight to Washington DC.