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State of Michigan Archives: on Health Care

Mike Parson: Will expand Medicaid but be vigilant against fraud and waste

Like I have said many times, I will always uphold the will of the voters, and we will move forward with expanding Medicaid coverage to approximately 275,000 Missourians. However, it is important to remember that the costs of this expansion will be significant--hundreds of millions of dollars, in fact. This will have a major impact on other areas of our budget, and we must plan accordingly which means staying vigilant in maintaining the program's integrity by protecting against fraud and waste.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Michigan legislature Jan 27, 2021

Gary Peters: Against voucher system & raising Medicare eligibility age

Peters: I have consistently opposed efforts to cut Medicare or put benefits at risk, including proposals to create a voucher system or raise the eligibility age. During my first term in Congress, I helped pass Medicaid expansion as part of the ACA, and I have fought to defend it ever since. With over 750,000 individuals relying on Michigan's Medicaid expansion plan, it is an essential program for many Michiganders, particularly children, seniors and people with disabilities.
Source: AARP Survey on 2020 Michigan Senate race Oct 9, 2020

Gary Peters: Prevent companies from keeping generic drugs off the market

Q: Your Medicare policy?

Peters: I've advanced legislation that would lower the cost of drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. This would increase transparency, keep drug companies accountable and lower drug prices. I introduced a bill that would require manufacturers to pay rebates to Medicare when prices for Part B drugs rise higher than inflation. I support legislation to prevent brand-name drug companies from keeping generic drugs off of the market by creating a monopoly.

Source: AARP Survey on 2020 Michigan Senate race Oct 9, 2020

Gary Peters: COVID: $20 billion to states, nursing homes, care facilities

Q: Your COVID policy?

A: As ranking member on the Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee, I introduced a bill to provide $20 billion to help states, nursing homes and intermediate care facilities contain the spread of the coronavirus. I also released a report on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on residents and workers in nursing homes. I will do all I can to protect our seniors and those who work tirelessly to keep them safe, both now & when we make it through these challenging times.

Source: AARP Survey on 2020 Michigan Senate race Oct 9, 2020

John James: Fix the parts that give too many decisions to the government

I want to reform the parts of the Affordable Care Act that increase the cost of healthcare. We need to fix the parts that give too many decisions to the government and offer patients too few options. Michiganders have a right to own their own healthcare. We need to have a market-based, patient-centered approach that must cover people with preexisting conditions. Whatever plan I support must include tort and regulatory reform in a manner that lowers cost while increasing quality of care.
Source: AARP Survey on 2020 Michigan Senate race Oct 9, 2020

John James: Politicians stuff their pockets with drug company money

Q: Your prescription drug policy?

James: I will hold drug companies accountable for their prices. I won't just deliver the tough talk. I will deliver results for Michigan families that need prescription drugs and suffer because most D.C. politicians are more concerned with stuffing their pockets and their bank accounts with profits from drug companies.

Source: AARP Survey on 2020 Michigan Senate race Oct 9, 2020

John James: Medicare for All terrible; barely paying for Medicare now

On healthcare: "Medicare for All is a terrible idea. We can barely pay for Medicare for some." He warns about how a government takeover would rattle the lives of Michigan's union workers: "They have probably the best health care in the world, duly negotiated--and making private health care illegal would take that away."
Source: National Review on 2020 Michigan Senate race May 14, 2020

Gretchen Whitmer: Fund Planned Parenthood, improve rural access to care

Restoring funding to Planned Parenthood so that women and men in low income and rural areas have access to preventative care like screenings and checkups, contraception, and maternity care.

Access to care in rural Michigan by enlisting technology, bringing people together, and harnessing the incredible talent of our state to find solutions to the challenges faced by rural hospitals and care providers.

Source: 2022 Michigan Gubernatorial website Mar 24, 2020

Bill Schuette: Replace ObamaCare with private insurance

Q: Support or Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? Accept Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants?

Bill Schuette (R): Repeal ACA. Replace with private insurance. "ACA violated the very first principal of medicine: Do no harm." Has called to cut state's Medicaid expansion, now says settled law. Calls Medicaid work requirements "the welfare reform of the 21st century."

Gretchen Whitmer (D): Supports ACA. Opposes work requirements for Medicaid; "we should be expanding."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Michigan Governor race Oct 9, 2018

Gretchen Whitmer: No work requirements for Medicaid; expand it instead

Q: Support or Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? Accept Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants? Require people to work to receive Medicaid?

Bill Schuette (R): Repeal ACA. Replace with private insurance. Calls work requirements "the welfare reform of the 21st century."

Gretchen Whitmer (D): Supports ACA. Held "Save Healthcare" rallies and led state Senate negotiations for Medicaid expansion. Opposes work requirements, which remove coverage "when we should be expanding."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Michigan Governor race Oct 9, 2018

John James: Remove the monstrosity of ObamaCare

Q: Healthcare: Support or Repeal Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as ObamaCare? Let Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion healthcare?

John James (R): Repeal. Will work to "remove this monstrosity [ACA]." Also "supports efforts to defund abortion providers like Planned Parenthood."

Debbie Stabenow (D): Supports ACA but with improvements.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Michigan Senate race Oct 9, 2018

Bill Schuette: End Medicaid expansion and put in work requirement

[MR]: You want to roll back the Medicaid expansion. So for the hundreds of thousands who managed to get themselves health insurance, what would you do for them?

[BS]: "The fact is the federal funds were not indefinite. Mike Shirkey and I are working together on putting a requirement in of a work requirement for Medicaid. It's an important cultural requirement that you further reinforce the significance of work. And it would be a more efficient government and save the state and taxpayers money.

Source: on 2018 Michigan gubernatorial race May 24, 2018

Abdul El-Sayed: Supports universal healthcare

Our state must ensure that Michiganders have access to healthcare without worries--about premiums, coverage, or the GOP's latest antics. Creating a viable public healthcare program for Michigan is crucial to ensuring that we can care for our families. That is why my administration would fight for public insurance to provide affordable healthcare access to every Michigander.
Source: 2018 Michigan Gubernatorial website Nov 1, 2017

Gretchen Whitmer: Support Medicaid expansion

I led negotiations to expand access to healthcare to more than 630,000 Michiganders through the state's Medicaid expansion. We must keep fighting to address the cost of health care and lower the cost of prescription drugs until everyone has access to an affordable health plan and can afford their treatment.
Source: 2018 Michigan Gubernatorial website Nov 1, 2017

Bob Young: ObamaCare destroys jobs

ObamaCare has been a disaster, and it is a job destroying machine that imposes huge costs on consumers, eats in to family incomes and kills American small businesses. We need to repeal ObamaCare with market driven solutions that drive down costs by empowering Americans to make their own health care choices. Let the marketplace function by permitting competition among insurers, allowing people to have medical care savings accounts and select the kind of coverage they want.
Source: 2018 Michigan Senatorial website Oct 1, 2017

Bob Young: ObamaCare should be repealed to increase competition

Q: What is your health care policy?

A: My view is you go back to the marketplace. For example why do we prevent competition of insurers across state lines. That's absurd. I want as much competition because we know one thing: When you have competition you have downward price pressure.

Source: Michigan's Big Show on 2018 Michigan Senate race Jul 19, 2017

Marcia Squier: Expand ObamaCare towards universal health care

Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand ObamaCare"?

A: Support--if this means universal health care, which I strongly support over health insurance laws requiring people to have policies.

Source: OnTheIssues interview on 2018 Michigan Senate race Jul 19, 2017

Bob Young: The federal government broke our health care system

"Our founders created a limited federal government because they understood that unchecked government deprived the people of their liberty," Young said. "Ordinary people understand that our federal government is bloated and out of control. It broke our health care system. It lets our veterans die and it spends our money recklessly and attempts to regulate our every, acting decision. Debbie is the chief offender of this and its chief cheerleader."
Source: Midland Daily News on 2018 Michigan Senate race Jun 19, 2017

Marcia Squier: Universal single-payer healthcare is the way to go

Q: What do you think about healthcare?

A: I really feel the move for single pay, in other words universal healthcare, Medicare for all, public option, all of those are the same thing and I think those are the way to go.

Source: YouTube video "Within Reason": 2018 Michigan Senate race Mar 19, 2017

Abdul El-Sayed: Public health suffers when you run government as a business

El-Sayed said his background as the former director of the Detroit Department of Health and Wellness Promotion will have a large impact on his candidacy, as it gave him a more intimate and open look into public health. He said his unconventional background will help Michigan stray from "politics as usual," which he believes is a mindset that hasn't been working. "It's not just public health that suffers when you run government as a business," he added. "It's also things like public education."
Source: MI Daily Staff on 2018 Michigan Gubernatorial race Mar 13, 2017

Jack Bergman: Number one priority is to repeal ObamaCare

The number one priority of the next Congress must be to repeal ObamaCare. We need real and effective healthcare reform that empowers citizens to make their own healthcare decisions, not bureaucrats and politicians. Health insurance must be more personal and affordable. Specifically, we should allow for insurance to be purchased across state lines; and promote personalized health savings accounts, which will put you in charge of your healthcare. I believe we can create access to quality healthcare without killing our jobs or shrinking our paychecks.

Congress must also pass the REINS Act, which grants Congress the power to vote down major cost-inducing regulations and end harmful government bureaucracies that are strangling the economy of Upper Michigan.

Source: 2016 Michigan House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Brenda Lawrence: ObamaCare is sound policy, but deal with consequences

Q: Do you think ObamaCare should be augmented or replaced? How would you change it?

Brenda Lawrence: I support ObamaCare and think it is sound policy. I do believe that there are amendments that could be made to resolve some of the unintended consequences, particularly for small business owners. However, the republicans do not want do discuss improving ObamaCare, they continue to attempt to repeal it.

Marcia Squier (Green Party): I think the Affordable Care Act should be repealed. I would instead extend the age requirement for Medicare to include all ages of people, from cradle to grave. I would include full coverage for all, with income-based deductibles for care and prescriptions. I would also include dental, vision, mental health, and chiropractic care because we all need and deserve to be healthy and no one else should die because of a lack of health insurance.

Source: VotersGuide on 2016 Michigan House race Nov 1, 2016

Marcia Squier: Repeal ObamaCare & replace with full coverage for all

Q: Do you think ObamaCare should be augmented or replaced? How would you change it? What would you replace it with?

Marcia Squier: I think the Affordable Care Act, ObamaCare, should be repealed. I would instead extend the age requirement for Medicare to include all ages of people, from cradle to grave. I would include full coverage for all, with income-based deductibles for care and prescriptions. I would also include dental, vision, mental health, and chiropractic care because we all need and deserve to be healthy and no one else should die because of a lack of health insurance.

Rep. Brenda Lawrence (Dem.): I support ObamaCare and think it is sound policy. I do believe that there are amendments that could be made to resolve some of the unintended consequences, particularly for small business owners. However, the republicans do not want do discuss improving ObamaCare, they continue to attempt to repeal it.

Source: VotersGuide on 2016 Michigan House race Nov 1, 2016

Dave Trott: Repeal & replace the onerous ObamaCare law

As a business owner that transcends different sectors, Dave has firsthand knowledge of how ObamaCare has and will continue to negatively affect families, businesses, and taxpayers. Dave is committed to repealing and replacing the onerous health care law to remove suffocating financial burdens and excessive paperwork that denies Americans the right to pick their doctor, plan of choice and the United States' spot as the global leader in health care.
Source: 2014 Michigan House campaign website, Nov 4, 2014

Mike Bishop: Fought against ObamaCare from the start

Repeal ObamaCare: Mike Bishop has fought against ObamaCare from the start. Mike Bishop will vigorously fight against ObamaCare.
Source: 2014 Michigan House campaign website, Nov 4, 2014

Mike Bishop: Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered reforms

Q: Is it the government's responsibility to be sure everyone has health care?

Bishop: Strongly Disagree.

Q: Should ObamaCare be repealed by Congress?

Bishop: Strongly Agree. The number one concern on the minds of families and businesses in the district is the rising cost of healthcare. We need to work on reforms that will make healthcare affordable and accessible, and not by mandating a government-managed marketplace. We need to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with patient-centered reforms.

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Michigan Senate race Sep 30, 2014

Terri Lynn Land: Pre-tax health savings accounts & cross-states insurers

After relentlessly criticizing Democrat Gary Peters for his support of the federal health care law, Republican Terri Lynn Land is outlining her own ideas about health care while also embracing some elements of the four-year-old law. Land said patients should have more control over their medical spending and decisions with pre-tax health savings accounts. She got behind permitting insurers to sell policies across state lines, an idea backed by Republicans to expand access and contain costs.

The former Michigan secretary of state said she opposes forcing people to have insurance under the law but also supports parts of the measure such as keeping intact protections for people with pre-existing conditions and requiring hospitals to publish a list of their standard charges. "There has to be a better way," Land said in a statement released in conjunction with putting the proposed principles for "real healthcare reform" on her campaign website. "I favor a different approach."

Source: Detroit Free Press on 2014 Michigan Senate race Mar 10, 2014

Terri Lynn Land: Fix ObamaCare so Michiganders can keep insurance as promised

Land backed off her previous calls to defund ObamaCare, insisting the law be "fixed" instead of repealed. "After you pass bills, you have to go back and do fixes," she said. "That's not unusual. That's something I've done in the past, and that's something we need to do here."

Asked directly whether she no longer supported repealing ObamaCare, Land responded that her previous support for defunding ObamaCare "was a way to get the conversation going."

"We're past this now," she said. "We need to now fix this," referring to the Upton bill. "I supported defunding the ObamaCare law when that was an option. President Obama and Congressman Peters promised that Michiganders could keep their insurance and their promise has been broken. I support the Upton bill to fix ObamaCare in the short term if that is what it takes to stop 225,000 people in Michigan from losing their insurance. Washington is broken and we need leaders who are ready to make the tough decisions."

Source: National Journal on 2014 Michigan Senate race Nov 18, 2013

Gary Peters: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare

Rep. Gary Peters is among 11 Democrats targeted by the Republican National Committee for their support of ObamaCare. The RNC is using robocalls and posting on Facebook to urge people to call their representatives and ask "why they supported President Obama's lie that people could keep their healthcare plans under ObamaCare."

The targets besides Peters are Rep. Bruce Braley (IA), Sens. Mark Warner (VA), Mark Begich (AK), Dick Durbin (IL), Kay Hagan (NC), Mary Landrieu (LA), Jeff Merkley (OR), Mark Pryor (AR), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), and Mark Udall (CO). The robocall script reads:

"President Obama and the Democrats said you could keep your healthcare plan under ObamaCare. Now we know [SENATOR] actually VOTED to make it more difficult. Call [SENATOR] at (XXX)-XXX-XXX & ask why [he/she] lied."

The robocalls are a response to Democrats launching the "GOP Shutdown Watch" campaign, highlighting Republican senate candidates who supported the partial federal government shutdown.

Source: MI Daily Tribune AdWatch: 2014 Michigan Senate debate Nov 5, 2013

Terri Lynn Land: Embrace threat of federal shutdown to defund ObamaCare

Nearly every Republican candidate running for Senate in 2014 backs the GOP's push to use the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare--a sign of how popular they believe the plan is with conservative primary voters. Those supporting the GOP strategy include North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis (R), the GOP frontrunner to face Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), who said he supported the GOP's brinkmanship because ObamaCare is a "mortal threat to our economy."

Others to embrace the plan include former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel (R), former Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land (R), who is the likely Republican nominee to run for retiring Sen. Carl Levin's (R-Mich.) seat, and Alaska Tea Party candidate Joe Miller (R).

GOP operatives say there's little downside for candidates to embrace the "defund" movement--especially those who are facing primary opponents. For Senate candidates who aren't already in Congress, especially, there's little political danger.

Source: The Hill on 2014 Michigan Senate debate Sep 22, 2013

Rick Snyder: Get communities more involved in mental health courts;

On Mental Health: We need to do better. We started investing in that and we've done some good work with mental health courts. But, the issue is, we should be doing more to help people before they show up before a judge. So what I am saying, we need to work together in partnership. We'll put additional budget resources towards, but we need to partner on coming up with great demonstration budgets on how to engage mental health issues more effectively. And get communities more involved creating more public/private partnerships and take care of people that deserve better attention that will benefit all of us. So, let's work on mental health.
Source: 2013 State of the State Speech to Michigan Legislature Jan 16, 2013

Gretchen Whitmer: Require insurers to treat autism like other conditions

Legislative Summary:Insurers and HMOs shall provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Insurers and HMOs shall not do any of the following:

Legislative Outcome:Sen. Whitmer voted YEA; passed Senate 29-9-0, March 13; passed House 91-19-0, March 29; became law without governor's signature, April 19.

Source: Michigan Legislative voting records on SB415 Apr 13, 2012

John Moolenaar: Don't require insurers to treat autism like other conditions

Legislative Summary:Insurers and HMOs shall provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Insurers and HMOs shall not do any of the following:

Legislative Outcome:Sen. Moolenaar voted NAY; passed Senate 29-9-0, March 13; passed House 91-19-0, March 29; became law without governor's signature, April 19.

Source: Michigan Legislative voting records on SB415 Apr 13, 2012

Rashida Tlaib: Require insurers to treat autism like other conditions

Legislative Summary:Insurers and HMOs shall provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Insurers and HMOs shall not do any of the following:

Legislative Outcome:Rep. Tlaib voted YEA; passed Senate 29-9-0, March 13; passed House 91-19-0, March 29; became law without governor's signature, April 19.

Source: Michigan Legislative voting records on SB415 Mar 29, 2012

Rick Snyder: Improve cost, quality and access with wellness & prevention

We will vigorously pursue improvements in our health care system in terms of cost, quality and access. We must emphasize wellness and preventative care. All of our citizens need access to preventative care from primary care providers. It's critical to prevent routine ailments from becoming severe conditions requiring emergency room treatments. We will look to build a system that encourages all of us to have an annual physical to reduce obesity and encourage a healthier, active lifestyle in our state.
Source: 2011 Michigan State of the State Address Jan 19, 2011

Rocky Raczkowski: Repeal ObamaCare

Gary Peters and his opponent, Rocky Raczkowski, are like two bad sports talk radio partners: they simply disagree on everything. (Except immigration, a hot button issue in which pandering to either side can seriously jeopardize your campaign.)

The two candidates have become cartoon caricatures of their respective parties. Peters gets painted as a flaming liberal who kowtows to the "socialist" liberal agenda and Raczkowski is deemed a tin-foil hat wearing ultra right-wing lunatic. Case in point: this Freep summation of their positions on the only other 3 issues in this election:

Source: Michigan Lawyers Weekly on 2010 Michigan House race Sep 10, 2010

John McCain: Control health costs so manufacturers stay competitive

Q: Pres. Bush said that GM & Ford need to produce a product thats relevant rather than looking to Washington for help. Do you agree?

A: I agree with that, but I think we in Washington have an absolute requirement to bring health care costs down. The differential between Toyota and General Motors [due to healthcare costs affects each cars cost by] $1,700. Its our responsibility to stop the cost aspects of health care, which is endangering the profitability and the competitiveness of our Detroit workers. So of course they have to do it on their own. But it is our job to create a climate where we have both a safe and secure Social Security system but also health care costs under control so that they can be competitive with foreign products. By the way, there are automobile manufacturers moving in the southern part of this country, as you know, that are doing very well because American workers are the most productive in the world.

Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan Oct 9, 2007

Mike Huckabee: Individually-controlled insurance, not government SCHIP

Q: President Bush last week vetoed the SCHIP plan to expand health coverage for millions of lower-income children. Would you?

A: The president was caught in a tough political battle. Unfortunately, the issue wasnt about children; the issue was about political posture. Many of the kids who would be covered under the expanded SCHIP are people who already have insurance. If I were president, I would never let that get to the point where thats the only option you have.

Q: But if it got there, would you have vetoed the bill?

A: Im not absolutely certain that thats going to be the right way. Theres a real problem in the health care issue where Democrats say they want the government to control it. Some Republicans say, we want private insurance or businesses to control it. The real answer is: let individuals control their own, and let them own it. Thats the real need, because I dont trust government and I dont trust the insurance companies. I trust me with my health care.

Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan Oct 9, 2007

Mitt Romney: Same tax treatment if people buy insurance without employers

Our health care system right now really penalizes individuals that might want to buy their own insurance, as opposed to buying it through their company. And thats why I propose that people should be able to get their insurance individually, and it should be--and get the same tax treatment as to whether the company buys it for them, or they buy it for themselves. And all medical expenses would be tax deductible.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan Oct 9, 2007

Mitt Romney: Get everybody insured with state-based market dynamics

The way we improve something is not by putting more government into it. In my view, instead, the right way for us to go is to bring in place the kind of market dynamics that make the rest of the economy so successful. So my plan gets everybody in America insured, takes the burden of free riders off of our auto companies and everybody else, and says lets get everybody in the system.
  1. Were going to have states create their own plans. We did it in our state, and its working. Were not going to have the federal government tell them how to do it.
  2. Were not going to spend more money. Hillary Clintons plan costs $110 billion. Mine says, lets use the money were already spending a little more wisely.
  3. Instead of having the federal government give you government insurance, Medicare and federal employee insurance, lets have private insurance.
Get everybody insured, but not in a government takeover, but by using the dynamics that have always made our other markets so successful.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan Oct 9, 2007

Debbie Stabenow: Health coverage needs to be a right, not a privilege

Q: Polls indicate support for universal healthcare coverage - do you support it?

STABENOW: Healthcare coverage needs to be a right, not a privilege. Ive been laser focused on working with auto industry to more adequately and effectively to lower costs of prescription drugs. Ive worked bi-partisan to allow you to bring prescription drugs back from Canada legally.

BOUCHARD: I do not support universal healthcare that the government. But we can and should do many things - such as tort reform.

Source: 2006 Michigan Senate Debate in Grand Rapids Oct 15, 2006

Mike Bouchard: No government-run universal healthcare

Q: Polls indicate support for universal healthcare coverage - do you support it?

STABENOW: Healthcare coverage needs to be a right, not a privilege. Ive been laser focused on working with auto industry to more adequately and effectively to lower costs of prescription drugs. Ive worked bi-partisan to allow you to bring prescription drugs back from Canada legally.

BOUCHARD: I do not support universal healthcare that the government. But we can and should do many things - such as tort reform.

Source: 2006 Michigan Senate Debate in Grand Rapids, x-ref Stabenow Oct 15, 2006

Mike Bouchard: Supports Health Savings Accounts to empower individuals

We need to empower patients to control more of their health care. Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, are one way of doing this. With an HSA, patients are able to put tax-exempt earnings into their HSA, sometimes with an employer match. Medical costs are paid directly from a patients HSA rather than an insurance company. As a result, the patient and his or her doctor can decide whether a certain procedure is worth the cost, rather than allowing health insurance companies to decide whether the treatment is really necessary, or telling a patient that their chosen health care provider is out of network and therefore cant treat the patient. Although critics claim that HSAs only help the young and healthy, in fact, studies show that HSAs are very popular among lower income families, which view them as an affordable way of protecting themselves from bankruptcy should they experience catastrophic health care costs.
Source: Campaign booklet, Renewing Michigans Economy Sep 14, 2006

John Engler: No assisted suicide; but End of Life Care & more pain relief

Michigan voters wisely rejected assisted suicide, but every Michigan family still faces the difficult realities of death and dying. I established the Commission on End of Life Care to help families receive compassionate care for their loved ones confronting death.

Today, modern medicine can relieve even the most severe physical pain. Tonight, I propose that we increase access to effective pain management throughout Michigan. I will work with this legislature to remove barriers to pain relief so that the end of life can be dignified, and the physical and emotional suffering can be eased.

I also urge all Michigan citizens to engage in a caring conversation with their family and loved ones concerning their wants and wishes for end of life care. Each and every one of us deserve to have our wishes known and honored.

Source: 2001 State of the State Address to Michigan legislature Jan 31, 2001

Mike Bishop: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility

Source: 2000 Michigan National Political Awareness Test Nov 1, 2000

Alan Keyes: AIDS is a moral crisis based on licentious behavior

On spending US funds to fight AIDS: The spread of that disease is rooted in what? Is rooted in a moral crisis. Is rooted in a pattern of behavior that spreads that death because of a kind of licentiousness, right here in our own country and around the world. This whole discussion is based on a premise that reveals the corruption of our thought. Money cannot solve every problem. Sometimes we need to look at the moral root of that problem and have the guts to deal with it.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan Jan 10, 2000

Steve Forbes: Fight AIDS by changing peoples personal behavior

On AIDS in Africa: I think we should encourage groups here in America and in Africa that are working to tackle this disease to get the information out there on peoples personal behavior. In many of these countries people arent getting the word on how they can behave to help stop this epidemic because the government wont do it. Private groups, religious groups are willing to. We should urge them to do so.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan Jan 10, 2000

  • The above quotations are from State of Michigan Politicians: Archives.
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2020 Presidential contenders on Health Care:
  Democrats running for President:
Sen.Michael Bennet (D-CO)
V.P.Joe Biden (D-DE)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-NYC)
Gov.Steve Bullock (D-MT)
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN)
Sen.Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Secy.Julian Castro (D-TX)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
Rep.John Delaney (D-MD)
Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Gov.Deval Patrick (D-MA)
Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
CEO Tom Steyer (D-CA)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
CEO Andrew Yang (D-NY)

2020 Third Party Candidates:
Rep.Justin Amash (L-MI)
CEO Don Blankenship (C-WV)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
Howie Hawkins (G-NY)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Howard Schultz(I-WA)
Gov.Jesse Ventura (I-MN)
Republicans running for President:
Sen.Ted Cruz(R-TX)
Gov.Larry Hogan (R-MD)
Gov.John Kasich(R-OH)
V.P.Mike Pence(R-IN)
Gov.Mark Sanford (R-SC)
Pres.Donald Trump(R-NY)
Rep.Joe Walsh (R-IL)
Gov.Bill Weld(R-MA & L-NY)

2020 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
Sen.Stacey Abrams (D-GA)
Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC)
Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Sen.Mike Gravel (D-AK)
Sen.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
Gov.John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Gov.Jay Inslee (D-WA)
Mayor Wayne Messam (D-FL)
Rep.Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Rep.Beto O`Rourke (D-TX)
Rep.Tim Ryan (D-CA)
Adm.Joe Sestak (D-PA)
Rep.Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
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