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State of Illinois Archives: on Corporations

Mark Curran: Cut red tape and regulations for private business

Cut red tape and allow for private industry to foster innovation. What happens is congress creates an Administrative agency. The Administrative agency then creates its own regulations and other people within the agency have the role of enforcing the laws and making judicial decisions. These agencies are often run by career government employees that have little accountability and virtually no oversight. The climate in some of these agencies is extremely hostile toward business.
Source: on 2020 Illinois Senate race Nov 3, 2020

Mark Curran: Oversight of government agencies hostile to business

I have spent a significant part of my career as a lawyer working for and representing people against Administrative agencies. These agencies are often run by career government employees that have little accountability and virtually no oversight. The climate in some of these agencies is extremely hostile toward business. I would work towards increased independent oversight of these agencies as well as assessing whether or not they have exceeded the limits for which they were created.
Source: on 2020 Illinois Senate race Nov 3, 2020

Mark Curran: Cut red tape and regulations for private business

Cut red tape and allow for private industry to foster innovation. What happens is congress creates an Administrative agency. The Administrative agency then creates its own regulations and other people within the agency have the role of enforcing the laws and making judicial decisions. These agencies are often run by career government employees that have little accountability and virtually no oversight. The climate in some of these agencies is extremely hostile toward business.
Source: on 2020 Illinois Senate race Nov 3, 2020

J.B. Pritzker: Phasing out corporate franchise tax helped small business

Working across the aisle, we brought tax relief for 300,000 small businesses through the phase out of the corporate franchise tax. And we laid the groundwork for new high-paying tech jobs by opening new business incubators, by incentivizing the building of new data centers, and by investing $100 million in a University of Illinois and University of Chicago partnership that will make Illinois the quantum computing capital of the world.
Source: 2020 Illinois State of the State address Jan 29, 2020

J.B. Pritzker: State can foster & encourage business in poorer areas

I want downstate Republicans and Democrats to work together with me on a Downstate Revitalization Plan to encourage the creation of new businesses and jobs and foster the growth of existing ones in struggling communities so they can thrive.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to the Illinois legislature Feb 20, 2019

Daniel Biss: The rich have set up a system that benefits them

It's about us. People across Illinois are hurting, and it's time to be honest about why. For too long, the rich, special interests and political insiders have made decisions about us, without us. They have set up a system that benefits them, and the rest of us are paying the price.

Daniel isn't a millionaire or part of any political machine. As a math professor and legislator, Daniel has spent his career finding solutions to complex problems.

The challenges facing Illinois are serious, but they are not unsolvable. This election is a chance to take control of our future. By being bolder than what's come before, and by giving everyone a seat at the table, we can honor our commitments and make real investments in our people and our neighborhoods.

The only thing more powerful than money and the machine is people, ready to take their state back. That's what this campaign is about--it's about us. Join us.

Source: 2018 Illinois gubernatorial campaign website May 2, 2017

J.B. Pritzker: Raise corporate tax for education

[On corporate tax rates]: "We have only four states in the United States that have a flat tax system and Illinois is one of the four," Pritzker said. "We have to change the system so the people and corporations who can afford it, pay a fair share of our education budget so we can raise school funding for these kids. We've really starved our schools and it's not fair to the kids or to the future of the state."
Source: The Chicago Citizen on 2018 Illinois gubernatorial race Apr 27, 2017

Chris Kennedy: Celebrate family businesses, not consolidation & conformity

Family businesses are under a lot of pressure these days. Consolidation has probably been the single most important economic trend of the last two decades. Half of the entire United States fast food industry is controlled by just six companies. Consolidation is affecting financial institutions, and it is affecting retail, manufacturing, and large-scale corporate mergers and acquisitions as well. But the real estate and construction industries are the bulwark against these massive trends of consolidation and conformity. You are the spearhead of individuality and one of the only things keeping our cities and our country from subsuming to the effects of robotic leadership and generic branding offered by big-box retailers or the oppressive limitations in our choices, forced upon us by enormous corporate entities.

The challenges we face from consolidation make it even more imperative that we pause to celebrate the successes of family businesses that keep our city so unique."

Source: 2018 Gubernatorial campaign website, Jan 31, 2017

Raja Krishnamoorthi: Shift tax breaks for wealthy financiers to small businesses

Raja would shift billions of dollars in tax breaks for wealthy financiers toward boosting thousands of new small businesses and the jobs they create. "By repealing the carried-interest tax break for wealthy Wall Street financiers, and redirecting those funds to entrepreneurs starting new small businesses across the country, we can create thousands of new jobs and strengthen our economy for the long-term," said Raja.

"We know that small businesses create the most new jobs in America. Changing our tax policies to support small business growth should be a no-brainer," he added. As president of a successful local small business, and as the former Deputy Illinois Treasurer, Raja has a unique perspective on how government can help or hinder small business growth and development. "My plan would build on the Small Business Act of 2010, which provided tax relief and provided capital for thousands of small businesses," Raja said.

Source: 2016 Illinois House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Raja Krishnamoorthi: $15B for small business creation incentives

Raja's four-point plan to boost small business creation includes:Raja estimated the cost of his proposal at $15 billion over the next ten years.
Source: 2016 Illinois House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Jim Oberweis: Corporations go overseas when taxes & governments bully them

Sen. Dick Durbin says the middle class needs help. He supports stopping major corporations from reincorporating overseas to reduce their taxes.

Oberweis has accused Durbin of "bullying" the corporations that consider moving their headquarters overseas for tax purposes. He chides Durbin for not preventing the exodus with a rewrite of the tax code.

Oberweis is an investment manager and dairy owner known for the ice cream parlors that carry his name. He touts his private-sector success and derides Durbin as a "career politician." Oberweis said, "I freely admit that I'm not as good a politician as I am a job creator. Dick Durbin has never created a private-sector job in his entire life." Oberweis believes lower taxes and fewer federal regulations would help improve workers' fortunes.

Libertarian Sharon Hansen is aligned more closely with Oberweis on inversions, saying: "We need to lower their taxes so they don't want to go someplace else."

Source: Chicago Tribune on 2014 Illinois Senate debate Oct 13, 2014

Sharon Hansen: Lower corporate tax rates prevent companies going overseas

Sen. Dick Durbin says the middle class needs help. He supports stopping major corporations from reincorporating overseas to reduce their taxes.

Republican Jim Oberweis has accused Sen. Durbin of "bullying" the corporations that consider moving their headquarters overseas for tax purposes. He chides Durbin for not preventing the exodus with a rewrite of the tax code. Oberweis believes lower taxes and fewer federal regulations would help improve workers' fortunes.

Libertarian Sharon Hansen said the IRS should be abolished and current tax provisions replaced with a flat sales tax, though she did not specify the rate. Hansen is aligned more closely with Oberweis on inversions, saying: "We need to lower their taxes so they don't want to go someplace else."

Source: Chicago Tribune on 2014 Illinois Senate debate Oct 13, 2014

Pat Quinn: Reduce LLC fee from $500 to $39, the lowest in the nation

Three out of every four Illinois employers are small businesses. And in the last five years, we've helped them. Through our Advantage Illinois program, we've provided loans and investments to help small businesses grow.

We should do more to support our small businesses, especially as they get started. In Illinois, new businesses have long paid a $500 LLC fee when they open up shop. Let's reduce this fee to $39--the lowest in the nation--and provide a boost to our innovators. This small but important step will encourage entrepreneurs to start their business and put more people to work.

And we won't stop there. Today I'm issuing an Executive Order to establish a Small Business Advocate whose sole focus will be to examine policies and proposals through the lens of how they impact Illinois small businesses. Let's make life easier for our small businesses--and make sure small business always means big business in Illinois.

Source: 2014 State of the State speech to Illinois legislature Jan 29, 2014

Pat Quinn: Advantage Illinois: microloans to MWOB minority firms

Business requires capital. Four years ago, capital was hard to find as all of Illinois suffered from the Great Recession. So we invested in our small businesses, providing $23 million in federal funding to scores of companies through Advantage Illinois. We've awarded micro-loans to hundreds of businesses, primarily to minority- and women-owned small businesses in high-need communities. In the past 4 years, we've increased the participation of minority- and women-owned firms in state contracts.
Source: 2013 State of the State speech to Illinois Legislature Feb 6, 2013

Alexi Giannoulias: Rein in financial institutions & stimulate small businesses

Despite talk of an economic recovery, more of our neighbors are losing their jobs & home foreclosures are increasing. The large banks that caused the near-collapse of the global financial system were bailed out by taxpayers and have used the money on bonuses for their executives. Meanwhile, America's small businesses have been unable to access the credit they need to invest and grow.
    Alexi's Future Works America agenda addresses four key goals:
  1. Put people back to work and stimulate the economy by cutting taxes for working Americans and small businesses, not wealthy corporations.
  2. Rein in unfair, deceptive and dangerous practices of corporations, financial institutions and mortgage brokers.
  3. Restore fiscal sanity to the US budget and begin closing the deficit, a tax on our children and grandchildren.
  4. Keep our children competitive in the global economy and help people move to more secure jobs by investing in education and access to universities and community colleges.
    Source: 2010 Senate campaign website,, "Issues" Dec 25, 2009

    Richard Durbin: Patriot employers: reward companies that supply U.S. jobs

    I have introduced legislation designed to encourage "patriot employers," which would provide tax credits as a reward to the companies that supply American jobs, pay decent wages, offer good benefits including health insurance and retirement plans, and support their employees when they are called to military duty.

    The manufacturing sector of our economy is in crisis. The United States has lost 2.6 million manufacturing jobs since January 2001. This is more than 85 percent of our total private sector job losses during that time even though manufacturing jobs account for less than 14 percent of our private sector economy.

    Manufacturing is the engine of economic growth for Illinois and the United States. Workers with basic skills who find employment in the manufacturing sector can earn a middle-class income. Senator Durbin is committed to addressing our nation's manufacturing crisis and protecting U.S. companies and workers from unfair trade practices.

    Source: on 2020 Illinois Senate race Apr 3, 2008

    Alan Keyes: Protect workers pensions when companies declare bankruptcy

    Q: A Southern Illinois coal company filed bankruptcy and abandoned retired coal workers - would Keyes support federal legislation to protect retirees in this situation?

    A: Absolutely yes. I have heard about this and think it is totally unfair. Instead of putting workers, who have invested a good part of their lives in that work, at the end of the line they should be taken care of first. You have to make sure that they are an essential component and that the contribution they have made is respected.

    Source: Q&A with Southern Illinoisan reporter Sep 13, 2004

    Barack Obama: Tax incentives for corporate responsibility

      Obamas REAL USA Corporations Plan (Responsible, Accountable, Loyal USA Corporations) will reward companies that create quality jobs in America with tax incentives. Companies will be required to:
    1. locate in the United States 90% of its production and employment for the sales of goods and services that are consumed here;
    2. invest at least 50% of its R&D budget here in the U.S;
    3. make sure their workers have access to affordable health care by providing a standardized and portable health insurance plan and pay at least 70% of the cost;
    4. make sure their workers have retirement security by contributing at least 5% of payroll to a portable, multi-employer pension fund and operating a profit-sharing plan for all full time employees; and
    5. limit management compensation to 50 times the lowest-paid full-time worker.
    Source: 2004 Senate campaign website, Jun 25, 2004

    Barack Obama: Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad

    Obama will change the tax code by closing loopholes that give companies incentives to move jobs abroad, including denying tax benefits to former American companies that reincorporate offshore to avoid paying taxes.
    Source: 2004 Senate campaign website, Jun 25, 2004

    • The above quotations are from State of Illinois Politicians: Archives.
    • Click here for definitions & background information on Corporations.
    • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
    2020 Presidential contenders on Corporations:
      Democrats running for President:
    Sen.Michael Bennet (D-CO)
    V.P.Joe Biden (D-DE)
    Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-NYC)
    Gov.Steve Bullock (D-MT)
    Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN)
    Sen.Cory Booker (D-NJ)
    Secy.Julian Castro (D-TX)
    Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
    Rep.John Delaney (D-MD)
    Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
    Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
    Gov.Deval Patrick (D-MA)
    Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
    CEO Tom Steyer (D-CA)
    Sen.Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
    Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
    CEO Andrew Yang (D-NY)

    2020 Third Party Candidates:
    Rep.Justin Amash (L-MI)
    CEO Don Blankenship (C-WV)
    Gov.Lincoln Chafee (L-RI)
    Howie Hawkins (G-NY)
    Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
    Howard Schultz(I-WA)
    Gov.Jesse Ventura (I-MN)
    Republicans running for President:
    Sen.Ted Cruz(R-TX)
    Gov.Larry Hogan (R-MD)
    Gov.John Kasich(R-OH)
    V.P.Mike Pence(R-IN)
    Gov.Mark Sanford (R-SC)
    Pres.Donald Trump(R-NY)
    Rep.Joe Walsh (R-IL)
    Gov.Bill Weld(R-MA & L-NY)

    2020 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
    Sen.Stacey Abrams (D-GA)
    Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC)
    Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
    Sen.Mike Gravel (D-AK)
    Sen.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
    Gov.John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
    Gov.Jay Inslee (D-WA)
    Mayor Wayne Messam (D-FL)
    Rep.Seth Moulton (D-MA)
    Rep.Beto O`Rourke (D-TX)
    Rep.Tim Ryan (D-CA)
    Adm.Joe Sestak (D-PA)
    Rep.Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
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    Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021
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