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State of Idaho Archives: on Principles & Values

Brad Little: Hard work, freedom, self-reliance, family and faith

Q: How do you define "Idaho values"?

A: "Idahoans value the strength of our communities and the vitality of our land. Fiercely independent, we derive power and dignity from our own self-reliance. We want high quality education for our children and we believe that compassion and ethical responsibility are the essential principles of being a good neighbor. We understand the importance of protecting the natural world. We believe in fundamental fairness. We believe in hard work and we believe in taking care of one another."

Little: "Hard work, freedom, self-reliance, family and faith are Idaho values. As a lifelong Idahoan, I have lived these values."

U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador: "Idahoans are an optimistic people of high moral character who are defined by their love for family and community, faith in God, and rugged independence.

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial debate Feb 25, 2018

Brad Little: I support the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Q: Where do you stand on enacting legislation protecting citizens from civil action for exercising their religious beliefs?

The issue: Across the country, some businesses, doctors and other service providers have been sued for refusing to provide services to gay people, women seeking birth control and others because it goes against their religious beliefs. And there's been the reverse: In 2016, when same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho, a Coeur d'Alene church challenged the city's anti-discrimination ordinance in federal court, fearing officials would come after it for not performing same-sex marriages. The city said the church is exempt from the ordinance.

Little: "I support protecting Idahoans' rights of expression and exercise of their religious beliefs. Idaho enacted a Religious Freedom Restoration Act and I support that law. I would consider legislation that further protects Idahoans' religious freedoms without violating the First Amendment freedoms of others."

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial debate Feb 25, 2018

Brad Little: Our statehouse demonstrates openness of political process

The dark events at the U.S. Capitol last week disturbed us. In Idaho, we'll celebrate the centennial of our statehouse this year, a building known as "the Capitol of Light." What an appropriate time to let the light of democracy shine--today and for one hundred more years and beyond. The openness of our political process in Idaho is demonstrated in the openness of this building. Let's keep it that way.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 11, 2021

Butch Otter: Put aside partisanship & ambition in public interest

The kind of conservative, sustainable policies I [propose] are the best way to protect our traditional values while strengthening the foundation of our future. They are the product of tested, proven leadership that both honors and reflects our confidence in the people we serve. Our path is as straightforward but as challenging as living within our means. It is as simple but as complex as making government better without growing it bigger. It will require us to put aside partisanship and personal ambition in the public interest. And in this even-numbered year it will demand of us a willingness to look beyond the next election to Idaho's next generation.

Here in Idaho, let us work together to make our State government more about building partnerships for growth and less about imposing limits on opportunity. That's my hope and my goal as your Governor, for this session and beyond. More importantly, it is our shared charge and our sworn responsibility as public servants.

Source: 2014 Idaho State of the State speech Jan 6, 2014

Ed Humphreys: America is the greatest nation on Earth

You must know that the terror of socialism and communism was burned into my psyche from a tender age. My mother, brother, and aunt came to America from Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia). They lived under and fled from communism. Growing up, I listened to stories of how people in other parts of the world lived and I was taught why America is the greatest nation on Earth.
Source: 2021 ID Gubernatorial campaign website Oct 4, 2021

Ed Humphreys: I will protect and promote our God-given rights

I make these 5 solemn promises to you:
  1. I will work for Idaho families and NOT for special interests.
  2. I will protect and promote our God-given rights.
  3. I will enact winning free-market policies that have been proven to boost wages and profits.
  4. I will doggedly expose and fight corruption, cronyism, and waste in government.
  5. I will not back down to socialist/communist activists or compromise with their demands.
Source: 2021 ID Gubernatorial campaign website Oct 4, 2021

Ed Humphreys: Idaho is the last foxhole for freedom and family values

America was founded and built by ordinary people who did the extraordinary. Idaho is the last foxhole for freedom and family values. I humbly ask for you to partner with me on this journey to elevate and insulate Idaho. This is a time for Patriots to take a stand. We need a Governor who is committed to the U.S. and Idaho Constitution, will fight federal overreach, and will give everything to empower Idaho families.
Source: 2021 ID Gubernatorial campaign website Oct 4, 2021

Janice McGeachin: Inspired by Trump, joins him in "Draining the Swamp"

It was Donald Trump's campaign in 2016 that inspired me to get back into politics. His powerful message of restoring the voice of the forgotten man and challenging a rigged system inspired conservatives across the country to run for office--including me. In 2018, I ran for Lieutenant Governor of Idaho. We (the people) won on the promise of Draining the Swamp--both with President Trump in Washington, D.C. and with Lt. Jan in Idaho.

We are at a pivotal moment in history--not just for Idaho but for our nation. Everything that Makes America Great is under assault, and with radical leftists now controlling Congress and the White House, your Governor must be on the front lines every day defending our individual rights, state sovereignty, and our traditional conservative values.

Source: 2021 ID Senate campaign website Aug 25, 2021

Janice McGeachin: God has created each of us in His image

Here in Idaho, we believe in God-given, unalienable rights. Last year, the Governor declared that some of your businesses and your employees were not essential. This proved to be very divisive and destructive and created widespread unemployment. I am here to tell you that every life is essential and every job is essential. God has created each of us in His image and we each have a unique place in life.
Source: 2021 ID Senate campaign website Aug 25, 2021

Janice McGeachin: Thank Trump for putting America first & keeping it great

McGeachin met with former President Donald Trump. The meeting was centered around "the radical left's attempts to indoctrinate America's schoolchildren with some of the most toxic and anti-American theories ever conceived," a news release from McGeachin's campaign for governor said. "It was an honor to meet with Trump and in turn thank him for his unwavering leadership and commitment to put America first and keep America great," McGeachin, who has long supported Trump, said in a statement.
Source: Idaho Statesman on 2022 idaho Senate race Jun 23, 2021

Janice McGeachin: We are literally in the fight for our lives

[On current-day politics]: "I need freedom fighters all over this country that are willing to stand up and fight for the protection of our freedoms and our liberties," McGeachin says in the video. "Even when that means fighting amongst our own ranks because there are too many Republicans who do not exhibit the courage that is needed today for us to fight and protect our freedoms and our liberties. We are literally in the fight for our lives."
Source: KTVB on 2022 Idaho Gubernatorial race Feb 28, 2022

Jerry Sturgill: LDS missionary in French Canada; then NYC financial lawyer

Jerry is an Idaho native, the oldest of six children raised in Twin Falls. After a summer working for the US Department of Agriculture, he attended Brigham Young University. He studied English, Economics and French and was an Idaho Rhodes Scholar Following his undergraduate studies, Jerry attended and graduated with honors from BYU Law School with a Juris Doctorate. During law school, he served as executive editor of the BYU Law Review and after law school, clerked for one year for Judge Eugene Wright of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Following his clerkship, he joined the law firm Latham & Watkins, where he spent the greater part of his legal career in the firm's New York City banking and finance practice.
Source: 2016 Idaho Senate campaign website, Aug 8, 2016

Kim Reynolds: Changed mind on Bible in classrooms

Asked about Gov. Butch Otter's veto of a bill to reinforce the use of the Bible as a teaching tool in schools, Little said it became clear to him that it would have failed in court and may have taken Idaho's existing liberty to use the Bible in schools down with it. He said this only became clear to him recently, and that he would have supported the bill at the time it came to vote.
Source: Idaho County Free Press on 2018 Idaho gubernatorial race Aug 28, 2017

Marvin Pro-Life Richardson: Better if Ten Commandments were in our Constitution

We wish our nation had been founded on Christianity, then we would have some or all of the Ten Commandments in our Constitution, and we would not have began as a slave-holding nation justified by deceived Christians. On the positive side, the Founders tried to prevent the States from establishing religious tests for holding office; this is wise.

Christianity was corrupted in the first and second century and has never recovered, and at present, is really failing. When is the last time you have seen Christians out in the streets protesting preborn baby murder, murder via unjust war, adultery, fornication, pornography, theft by socialism, and theft by fiat currency? Why do Christians promote selfish, fascist corporatism and ignore the consequential loss of economic and political freedom? Jesus taught that selfishness was the prime sin, but Christians do not want their churches to challenge their motives for serving Christ.

Source: 2016 Idaho Senate campaign website Mar 15, 2016

Marvin Pro-Life Richardson: Member of IAP party, but follows Constitution Party platform

We are members of the Independent American Party. The members of this party serve their fellowmen for the sake of love. IAP members are taught to serve without motive of personal gain, or reward, in this life, or Eternity.

I use the Constitution Party platform because it is detailed on almost all issues and a voter can see how I stand and vote. We agree with this Platform nearly 100%. A couple of things we do not agree with is nuclear power, and that our nation was founded on Christianity.

Source: 2016 Idaho Senate campaign website Mar 15, 2016

Michael Crapo: Attending Town Hall meetings in all 200 Idaho cities

Since October, Sen. Mike Crapo has spent much of the time when he isn't in Washington touring the Gem State's farthest-flung nooks and crannies, where he has met with small crowds in small rooms to discuss big issues. And, with a re-election bid coming next year, he's casting himself as a fighter ready to do what it takes to roll back policies that have infuriated conservatives throughout the years of the Obama administration.

The idea for the tour popped into CrapO`s head last year in a staff meeting: a town hall meeting in every incorporated city in the state. That 200-long list includes some very small places, such as the city of Clayton, population 7. Crapo was there Thursday.

Crapo comes to each meeting armed with charts tracking the projected growth of debt, deficits and interest payments, as well as how many pages of new federal regulations are being contemplated. "I think it's perhaps the biggest threat our nation faces today," Crapo said of the $19 trillion debt.

Source: Magic Valley Times-News on 2016 Idaho Senate race Sep 9, 2015

Michael Crapo: Town meetings in all 200 incorporated towns across Idaho

From Aberdeen to Worley, from Bonners Ferry to Blackfoot, Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo has visited every incorporated Idaho city over the past two years--all 200 of them.

His aim was to hold hour-long, town hall-style meetings in each city, but some of the towns didn't have any halls. In those cases, the meetings took place in parks and once, in Placerville, under a picnic shelter. "We fit people in under there and just had a great town meeting," Crapo recalled.

Crapo finished his marathon of town meetings this past week in Wardner; 37 people crowded into the tiny City Hall to talk about the federal reserve, mining regulations and internet service in the Silver Valley, among other things.

The first meeting was in Moyie Springs in October 2014. The largest have drawn as many as 200 people; the smallest, as few as two. Most had at least a dozen. The smallest city was Warm River, which officially has a population of just three. "There were nine people there," Crapo said with a grin.

Source: The Spokesman-Review on 2016 Idaho Senate race Sep 2, 2016

Nancy Harris: I am a fourth generation Idahoan, and an entrepreneur

We deserve representative in DC that will fight for these things that we value.

I am a fourth generation Idahoan, an Entrepreneur with strong leadership skills, and a proven record of success. I will bring a woman's point of view and a lifetime of integrity to Washington D.C.

Source: Candidate Connection: 2020 Idaho Senate race Sep 9, 2019

Nancy Harris: If we're not running, we're not defending democracy

It leaves ordinary people such as Harris -- a 70-year-old mother of four and grandmother of seven, to carry the torch for Democrats. "We cannot have a democracy without fielding candidates. If we are not fielding candidates, then we are not defending democracy." she said. "I may get chewed up and spit out, but when it's done, I will be the same person I am today. I may fall flat on my face, but that's still progress."
Source: Idaho State Journal on 2020 Idaho Senate race Sep 12, 2019

Natalie Fleming: Natalie has been through the literal fires of hell

The Lord dished out plenty of adversity of endless varieties for Natalie to face and support her children through. Her children asked for privacy so we don't get to share all of Natalie's juicy stories. Natalie has been through the literal fires of hell and kept her soul through it all. Know this, Natalie gets it. Natalie learned to be kind, fierce, loving, devoted, strong, faithful, ingenious, creative, determined, heartfelt, tender-hearted, God-fearing, face the dragons stand up woman.
Source: 2022 Idaho Senate campaign website Jun 28, 2022

Nels Mitchell: Never been within 150 miles of Harry Reid; not hand-picked

Only hours after Democrat Nels Mitchell announced his candidacy, the Risch campaign fired off a statement trying to link Mitchell with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and a "big spending liberal legislative agenda."

"I don't think I've ever been within 150 miles of Harry Reid," Mitchell said of Risch's accusation that he was handpicked. He fired back that Risch has spent his term in Washington serving the interests of himself and hardcore conservatives.

Both camps hope to define the other as "extreme." Mitchell's campaign is focused on labeling Risch a "fringe" tea party conservative. The campaign's message aims to isolate Risch from at least two of his peers in the Idaho Congressional delegation. Mitchell said, if elected, he would team up with Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, and champion federal protection of the Boulder-White Clouds tract through legislation. He also said he would have partnered with Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, and co-sponsored VAWA.

Source: Magic Valley Times-News on 2014 Idaho Senate race Jan 15, 2014

Nels Mitchell: Middle-of-the-road Democrat; I'll team up with Republicans

Mitchell's narrative targets moderate Republicans who might be unhappy with Risch's conservatism. "I'm a moderate Democrat," said the 60 year-old Boise native. "A lot of us are middle-of-the-road Democrats."

Mitchell said, if elected, he would team up with Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, and champion federal protection of the Boulder-White Clouds tract through legislation. He also said he would have partnered with Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, and co-sponsored VAWA.

Source: Magic Valley Times-News on 2014 Idaho Senate race Jan 15, 2014

Nels Mitchell: Idaho needs Senator who gets to work, not "Senator No"

Nels Mitchell said today he's not surprised Jim Risch is touting his dubious achievement as the most obstructionist senator in Washington. Mitchell said, "Risch has turned into 'Senator No,' and his negativism is hurting Idaho. When he votes against funding for INL, against protecting women from violence, against payments to Idaho's rural counties, he's voting against Idahoans."

"Jim Risch wants to run as the anti-everything candidate because he has a dismal record of working for Idaho," Mitchell said. "It's no wonder he says it doesn't matter if he's on the job or not, because when you vote the way he does, it really doesn't."

"It's easy to vote 'no' when you're on the extreme fringe and your vote doesn't count," he said. "What's harder is to roll up your sleeves and get to work for Idaho. That's what I'll do."

"Instead of bragging about how far right he is, Jim Risch should apologize to the people of Idaho for doing little but promoting gridlock and dysfunction," Mitchell said.

Source: Kuna Melba News on 2014 Idaho Senate race Feb 13, 2014

Nels Mitchell: Most conservative voting record in Senate in 2013

It was Risch--not Sens. Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Marco Rubio--who compiled the Senate's most conservative record, according to National Journal's newly released 2013 vote ratings. And he did so for the 2nd straight year and 3rd time overall since he took office in 2009.

Risch stands in contrast to his Republican Senate colleagues, not so much because he's more conservative but because he doesn't seek the spotlight like some, including three possible presidential candidates. Risch cedes the point. "I'm not running for president, and I don't have a book that I'm selling," he said. "So given that, there's a lot more work to be done right in this room than there is to walking over to the rotunda and getting on Fox or what have you."

Those who know him say he's a strict constitutionalist, a believer in small government and states' rights. His voting record is more conservative than those of Minority Leader McConnell (#25) and tea-party stars Cruz (#4), Paul (#19) and Rubio (#17).

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2014 Idaho Senate race Feb 10, 2014

Nels Mitchell: Served in state Senate and as Lt. Governor, then governor

Risch came to the Senate in 2009 after Larry Craig, charged with soliciting sex from an undercover cop, decided not to run again. Risch spent nearly three decades in state government, including a yearlong stint as governor (he filled a vacant term), two terms as lieutenant governor and two decades in the state Senate, much of the time as majority leader.
Source: Idaho Statesman on 2014 Idaho Senate race Feb 10, 2014

Paulette Jordan: Hard work, compassion and fairness are backbone to values

Q: How do you define "Idaho values"?

A: "Idahoans value the strength of our communities and the vitality of our land. Fiercely independent, we derive power and dignity from our own self-reliance. We want high quality education for our children and we believe that compassion and ethical responsibility are the essential principles of being a good neighbor. We understand the importance of protecting the natural world. We believe in fundamental fairness. We believe in hard work and we believe in taking care of one another."

Lt. Gov. Brad Little: "Hard work, freedom, self-reliance, family and faith are Idaho values. As a lifelong Idahoan, I have lived these values."

U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador: "Idahoans are an optimistic people of high moral character who are defined by their love for family and community, faith in God, and rugged independence.

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial debate Feb 25, 2018

Paulette Jordan: Religious freedom is no excuse for bigotry

Q: Where do you stand on enacting legislation protecting citizens from civil action for exercising their religious beliefs?

The issue: In 2016, when same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho, a Coeur d'Alene church challenged the city's anti-discrimination ordinance in federal court, fearing officials would come after it for not performing same-sex marriages. The city said the church is exempt from the ordinance.

Jordan: "I believe in the right to religious freedom, but I do not support religion as an excuse for bigotry. LGBTQ folks are entitled to the same legal protections against discrimination that women, people of color, people with disabilities, and religious minorities have fought for and won over the past century. Religious freedom laws should not permit businesses or individuals to unlawfully discriminate against their fellow taxpaying Idahoans on the basis of sexual orientation."

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial debate Feb 25, 2018

Paulette Jordan: Will stay awake and work on country's business

We all watched as Senator Jim Risch, embarrassed our state by falling asleep on the job during one of our nation's most historic events [President Trump's impeachment trial]. If Idahoans fell asleep at work, we would lose our jobs. This isn't nap time. It's time to get to work. I will work to re-engineer our government to prioritize fiscal conservatism, American prosperity and to ensure everyone has clean water to drink, adequate healthcare, and world-class, affordable education.
Source: 2020 Idaho Senate campaign website Mar 5, 2020

Paulette Jordan: We need a complete shift to people-first policymaking

When I talk about people-first policymaking, what I mean is that we need a complete shift to creating policy for the people. Our focus should not be on budget proposals that explode the federal deficit. We need to focus on people first. We need policy which focuses on the reasons our government was created: to create a society where we have safe roads, infrastructure, transportation, commerce, industry, energy and protection of our natural resources.
Source: 2020 Idaho Senate campaign website Jun 29, 2020

Paulette Jordan: Youngest person elected to the Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council

A proud member of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, Paulette was raised to fight for her community and to protect the earth's priceless natural resources. Growing up on a north Idaho farm and learning from her elders about land cultivation and preservation, she developed a strong connection to Idaho's land and people. In 2008, after graduating from the University of Washington, Paulette returned home to Idaho and became the youngest person elected to the Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council.
Source: 2020 Idaho Senate campaign website Jun 29, 2020

Ron DeSantis: We have made Florida the freest state in these United States

Together we have made Florida the freest state in these United States. While so many around the country have consigned the people's rights to the graveyard, Florida has stood as freedom's vanguard. Florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian, arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 11, 2022

Russ Fulcher: Motorcycle accident in middle of congressional campaign

Republican congressional candidate Russ Fulcher suffered broken ribs and minor scrapes after losing control of his motorcycle. Fulcher is expected to make a full recovery.

In a campaign press release, officials say Fulcher was riding his brother's motorcycle on a trip to visit his wife's family in Melba. He slipped on gravel and laid the motorcycle down. He was wearing full body protective gear and a helmet at the time of the accident.

"I am thankful for the Lord's hand of protection this weekend," Fulcher said in a statement. "Remember, ALWAYS wear a helmet!"

Last week, Fulcher won his party's nomination after a bruising, seven-way Republican primary to succeed Congressman Raul Labrador in Idaho's 1st Congressional District.

His team says they expects he'll be back on the campaign trail soon. [Fulcher ran for governor but withdrew in 2017 to run for Congress and endorsed Raul Labrador].

Source: Boise State Public Radio on 2018 Idaho gubernatorial race May 21, 2018

Tommy Ahlquist: Protect religious freedom from assault on people of faith

Q: Where do you stand on enacting legislation protecting citizens from civil action for exercising their religious beliefs?

The issue: Across the country, some businesses, doctors and other service providers have been sued for refusing to provide services to gay people, women seeking birth control and others because it goes against their religious beliefs. And there's been the reverse: In 2016, when same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho, a Coeur d'Alene church challenged the city's anti-discrimination ordinance in federal court, fearing officials would come after it for not performing same-sex marriages. The city said the church is exempt from the ordinance.

Ahlquist: "As a former lay minister in my faith, I understand and have witnessed firsthand the assault across the nation on people of all faiths. As governor, I'll do everything I can to protect religious freedom."

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial debate Feb 25, 2018

Brad Little: Supreme Court should throw out 2020 election results

Incumbent Idaho Gov. Brad Little endorsed the Texas lawsuit in December 2020 that attempted to get the Supreme Court to toss out the election results in four states won by Biden.

[In preparing the CNN analysis of 2020 election deniers], Little's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Source: CNN on 2020 Election Denial in 2022 Idaho Governor race Sep 9, 2022

  • The above quotations are from State of Idaho Politicians: Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Principles & Values.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Principles & Values:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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