Ann Kirkpatrick:
Arizona is changing; voters are ready for a choice
A three-term U.S. representative from Flagstaff hopes to do what Arizona Democrats have been unable for do since 1982: Sideline John McCain. In announcing her bid Tuesday for the Senate, Ann Kirkpatrick hammered on her local rural roots as a lifelong
Arizona resident. Her video included pictures of her with her family and small business.
But it's the boots she bought with her waitressing tips that are likely to take center stage in the race. Those same boots became a symbol in her last campaign as
Republicans sought to portray her as some sort of high-heeled Washington liberal.
Kirkpatrick, 65, was careful not to blast the 78-year-old McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, who was first elected to the House in 1982 and to the
U.S. Senate four years later. Instead, she said, it's about giving voters what she thinks they want now. "The state's changing," she said. "I hear from Arizona voters who are ready for a choice in the next election.'
Source: Camp Verde Bugle coverage of 2016 Arizona Senate race
May 28, 2015
Blake Masters:
Runs program paying people to quit college & start companies
Blake runs Thiel Capital, a multi-billion dollar firm that invests in new technology companies, and the Thiel Foundation, a nonprofit foundation that promotes science and innovation. The Foundation's Thiel Fellowship Program
has paid 225 young people to drop out of college and instead create new companies, which are together now worth more than $45 billion. In 2014, Blake co-authored the #1 New York Times bestseller Zero to One, which sold more than three million copies.
Blake Masters:
Being a conventional politician is sort of overrated
[Campaign announcement]: "There's a youthfulness and a freshness, fresh perspective that we really badly need, and that's what I bring to the table," he told The Arizona Republic. "Experience matters, and doing stuff in the real world matters, and
I think at 34 years old I've done a lot and have succeeded in a lot of various things. Being a conventional politician and being in office forever is sort of overrated."
Source: The Arizona Republic on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Jul 12, 2021
Blake Masters:
For patriotic education, mourns loss of American optimism
In a video Masters mourned the loss of American optimism and affirmed his support for patriotic education, immigration enforcement, and "an economy where you can afford to raise a family on one single income." In his elegant campaign video,
Masters presents himself as a dutiful son, loving father, and devoted citizen. It's not clear whether those virtues will be good enough for the MAGA base.
Source: The Week magazine on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Jul 15, 2021
Blake Masters:
Describes himself as an American first conservative
[On worldview]: "I fear that we are losing the country," Masters told The Associated Press. "I want my kids to grow up in an America that works like the one I grew up in.
I want them to grow up in a country that I still recognize." He described himself ideologically as "an America first conservative," using the phrase that Trump popularized with much of the GOP base.
Source: FOX 10 Phoenix on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Jul 13, 2021
Blake Masters:
America is still the best nation in the world
America is still the best nation in the world. We still have the best governance model. We have the most talented and hardworking people. But these institutions need to be revitalized generation to generation. I'm very optimistic, we just need
a change and we need people who are actually willing to dismantle the systems that have been put in place. We need a new class of leadership that is competent and will lead people to a good future.
Source: The Stanford Review on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Sep 28, 2021
Deedra Abboud:
Keep church and state separate
[Asked about "religious freedom," Abboud said], "In their infinite wisdom, the Founding Fathers decreed that this nation would separate church and state, and in doing so protect both institutions.
Government would be free from religious overreach, and religion would be free from government interference."
Source: The Arizona Republic on 2018 Arizona gubernatorial race
Jul 18, 2017
Deedra Abboud:
Keep God out of government
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Keep God in the public sphere"?
A: Strongly Oppose
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Arizona Senate candidate
Mar 5, 2018
Doug Marks:
Keep God in public, but not in government
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Keep God in the public sphere"?
A: Sure but not in gov't. This is a 1st Amendment issue, GOD can be wherever folks want it outside of gov't.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Arizona Senate candidate
Mar 5, 2018
Doug Ducey:
Condemns violence & destructive rioting at US Capitol
I had the pleasure of meeting with all four legislative leaders for a serious and cordial exchange. Our meeting was in stark contrast to the violent and destructive rioting at our nation's Capitol. It was a sickening day in Washington D.C., that no
American will ever forget. In the United States of America, violence and vandalism have no place in the people's House. Perpetrators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Let us condemn it and resolve that it never happens again.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature
Jan 11, 2021
Doug Ducey:
Certified Biden victory in AZ; then named GOP Governor chair
It would be a battle for the ages: Gov. Doug Ducey versus state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward fighting to the (political) death for the right to take on Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly in 2022.
Oh, Kelli Ward will run. Ward has been snapping at Ducey for
following the law and certifying the election and spouting all manner of claims of the many nefarious ways in which Joe Biden stole the election from Donald Trump. It doesn't matter that she hasn't prevailed even once in court because really, it's not
about the 2020 election anymore. It's about 2022.
[But the Ward-Ducey fight is] one of the great matchups that will never happen. For now, Ducey's days of running for elective office in Arizona appear over. The surest sign came this week when he was
named chairman of the Republican Governors Association. Not only was it a poke in the nose to Trump, who is furious that Ducey didn't deliver Arizona, it's a chance for Ducey to build a national profile and gain entree to the party's biggest donors.
Source: Arizona Republic on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Dec 11, 2020
Doug Ducey:
Entrepreneur and "conservative ice cream guy"
Republican Doug Ducey Is the self-professed "conservative ice cream guy." As governor, Ducey has largely conformed to that description, especially when it comes to state spending and taxes, but he has also avoided confrontation on some social issues.
After graduating with a degree in finance in 1986, Ducey joined up with the founder of Cold Stone Creamery And helped turn a shop into a global brand with more than 1,400 stores. He eventually became CEO. In 2007, at the age of 43, Ducey helped engineer
a merger with another Arizona franchising heavyweight, Kahala Corp. He got very rich in the process, but that corporate marriage didn't work out, an experience Ducey described to Bloomberg Business as "incredibly frustrating and disappointing, but
equally liberating all at once". Ducey took some time off, refocused, and became the lead investor and chairman of the board of iMemories, a friend's technology start up in Scottsdale, which helps people digitize their home movies and share them online.
Source: Almanac of American Politics on 2022 Arizona Governor race
Oct 5, 2015
J.D. Hayworth:
McCain has been reduced to a political shape-shifter
McCain hammered Hayworth for his work as a registered lobbyist & infomercial pitchman after losing his re-election bid in 2006. Hayworth has stumbled since video surfaced of his appearance in a 2007 infomercial hawking free government money on behalf of
Florida company accused of charging thousands of dollars for information that was readily available online or at a public library.
"These are the facts," McCain said. "J.D. Hayworth was a lobbyist. He was in late-night infomercials. He said he didn't d
due diligence. My God man, didn't you know that this was a group that was taking people's money to say it could give them free government money."
Hayworth said, "It's really sad to see John McCain, who should be revered as a statesman, basically reduce
to a political shape-shifter," he said, then turned to his opponent. "John, you've changed positions so much in this campaign maybe we'll have to set up an extra podium for you depending on which John McCain is going to answer which question."
Source: AP coverage of 2010 Arizona Senate Republican Primary Debate
Jul 17, 2010
J.D. Hayworth:
Twice informally ranked among dumbest members of Congress
[In a primary debate] McCain ripped into his principal challenger, the former Arizona congressman J. D. Hayworth--dismissing him by saying that "after he was voted out by his constituents, he became a lobbyist, and after that a talk-show host, and then
after that an infomercial and late-night star."
But it fell to Hayworth, a glib galoot who was twice informally ranked among the dumbest members of Congress during his 12 years in the House, to deliver the dead-on zinger that summed up where
McCain has found himself in this strange and angry political season, struggling not to win the presidency but simply to hold on to the job which defines him, and which is all he has left. "It's really sad to see John McCain, who should be revered
as a statesman, basically reduced to a political shape-shifter," Hayworth said.
So it is. McCain would go on to trounce Hayworth in the August primary, by 24 points, but not before turning himself into an almost unrecognizable political creature.
Source: Vanity Fair on 2010 Arizona Senate Republican Primary Debate
Nov 1, 2010
Jan Brewer:
Add "competition" to copper; cattle; cotton; citrus; climate
We have just celebrated all of the achievements of Arizona's first 100 years, and we were reminded of Arizona's "Five C's": copper; cattle; cotton; citrus; and climate. I am here to tell you that our second century will hinge on another "C": Competition
That is the clear answer when I reflect upon what I have learned these past four years, and what has changed across the three decades since I first sat in this chamber.
Today, Arizona must COMPETE for the most desirable jobs for our citizens--the finest teachers in our schools--the most talented students and faculty in our universities.
And each of our citizens must likewise compete to earn a living, build
a future and raise a family in a safe and healthy environment. They face threats that once did not exist. And we at this capitol had better make sure we are helping them--not hurting them--in their efforts.
Source: 2013 State of the State Address to Arizona Legislature
Jan 14, 2013
Jeff Flake:
Vowed not to serve more than 3 terms in Congress; broke vow
Flake was idealistic early on and vowed not to serve more than three terms in Congress. He bailed on that promise and admitted it was a mistake to self-limit.
That aside, he has been a loud opponent of earmarks and has a history of kicking his own party in the shins by not voting with them on some issues.
Source: The Sahuarita Sun on 2012 Arizona Senate debates
May 29, 2012
Jim Lamon:
AdWatch: shootout with Biden, Pelosi, Kelly
Lamon's latest campaign ad takes on "the D.C. Gang," telling them, "The good people of Arizona have had enough of you." Actors play President Biden (labeled in the ad as "Old Joe"), Senator Mark Kelly ("Shifty Kelly") and Speaker of the House Nancy
Pelosi ("Crazyface Pelosi"). The clip shows Lamon shooting at the three, knocking their guns or knives out of their hands as people in the background cheer and the "D.C. Gang" runs away.
The ad is being widely criticized. Sen. Kelly is the husband of
former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Giffords was seriously wounded during a mass shooting in Tucson in 2011 when six people were killed. Mark Kelly's Senate campaign declined comment.
ABC15 is hearing from viewers who have seen the ad and want us to
stop running it. Federal law requires broadcasters to accept candidates' political ads regardless of the content; television stations are not allowed to reject or censor them.
Source: ABC15 News AdWatch on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Feb 14, 2022
Jim Lamon:
Our rights don't come from government, they come from God
The idea of America rests on the principles that we are free from government and not because of government. Meaning our rights cannot be taken by the government because they do not come from government. Instead, they come from God. As your next U.S.
Senator, I will lead by these principles. I will stand against any attempts to encroach upon our freedoms with firm resolve.
Jim Pederson:
I'm unhappy with Washington today; Kyl's OK with it
I'm very unhappy with the way things are going in Washington today.
The mess in Iraq.
Broken borders we can't seem to fix.
Special deals for special interests.
An unfair tax policy.
No bid contracts - what's that all
Corruption and immoral behavior at the highest levels.
But most important, this administration doesn't know how to keep America safe.
The frustrating thing is that my opponent seems ok with this. He's ok with where we are and
maintaining the status quo. He rubber-stamps this misguided administration. It's time for a change. Not the status quo, and not a rubber stamp. My opponent's been back in Washington for 20 years. That city's broken.
It's time to fix things. I've proven in my career that I'm pretty good at fixing things. Send me back there to fix it. And remember, you can't change Washington until you change the people you send there.
Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO in Phoenix
Oct 15, 2006
Joe Arpaio:
America's Toughest Sheriff in nation's third largest Office
You probably know him as "America's Toughest Sheriff," a name given to him years ago by the media. It's a name he certainly has earned as head of the nation's third largest Sheriff's Office which employs over 3400 people. But even before he
became Sheriff in 1993, Joe Arpaio was one tough lawman. After serving in the U.S. Army from 1950 to 1953, Arpaio went on to be a Washington, D.C., and Las Vegas, NV, police officer for almost five years.
Source: 2018 Arizona Senate campaign website
Aug 26, 2016
Joe Arpaio:
Joe Arpaio Action Fund: help conservatives win office
Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio is soliciting funds for his new "Joe Arpaio Action Fund". He has set it up as a social welfare organization under Section 501 [instead of a political PAC under Section 527]. He says he is forming the JAAF to "build an
organization that promotes a conservative agenda, helps conservative ideas become law, and help those conservatives win office." The IRS defines "social welfare" as "promoting in some way the common good & general welfare of the people of the community".
Source: Arizona's Politics on 2018 Arizona Senate race
Mar 14, 2017
Jon Kyl:
My opponent is out of mainstream on judges & terrorism
My opponent says we need a new direction, but for Arizona that's the wrong direction. Take three issues: judges, immigration, terrorism.
He's running an ad that criticizes me for voting to confirm Sam Alito and John Roberts. That shows just how
far out of the mainstream he is.
On immigration, he thinks illegal immigrants should get US citizenship. He flip-flops on the border fence. He opposes IDs at the polls.
On terrorism, he should tell us not how to leave, but how to win.
Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO in Phoenix
Oct 15, 2006
Justin Olson:
Committed to confirming conservative justices
While radical Democrats like Mark Kelly and Joe Biden seek to appoint activist judges to legislate from the bench,
Justin is committed to confirming conservative justices to our legal system to defend our constitutional rights and interpret our laws as they are written.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website
Mar 16, 2022
Justin Olson:
My faith is critical to me and a big part of who I am
[The moderator asked] "How is your faith going to guide you?"
"My faith is critical to me and a big part of who I am," replied state Rep. Justin Olson, R-Mesa, who is Mormon. "If there is anything that I think is the wrong policy, and somebody is
encouraging me to support the wrong policy for wrong reasons, then I will stand up to that pressure." Olson said laws need to be strengthened to allow people to petition courts for relief from government regulations based on deeply held beliefs.
Source: The Arizona Republic on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Jun 25, 2016
Kari Lake:
Cancel culture is meant to keep people from speaking out
[On free speech]: "That's exactly what that ugliness and cancel culture and name-calling is meant to do: keep people from speaking out, getting involved & doing the right thing. If we all cower when the media, social media trolls and hateful people try
to hurt us, we will never accomplish great things," said Lake. "I am running because I care too deeply about this state and the wonderful people who live here to sit on the sidelines and watch us adopt the same policies that left California in shambles."
Source: The Western Journal on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race
Jun 2, 2021
Karrin Taylor Robson:
All rights flow from God, not the government
All rights flow from God, not the government. Karrin will fight any attempts by the radical
Left to infringe on our Constitutional rights, including free speech and freedom of religion.
Source: 2022 Arizona Governor campaign website
Jun 24, 2022
Katie Hobbs:
Never seen nation so divided; seen it up close in Arizona
I've never seen our nation so divided, and I've seen it up close here in Arizona. It's time to roll up our sleeves and start healing--physically healing from the COVID crisis, healing our economy from a year of shutdown,
and bringing our state back together after the incendiary and divisive politics of the last few years. I'm ready. I hope you'll join me.
Source: 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial campaign website
Dec 20, 2021
Kelli Ward:
Pro-life; pro-family; pro-freedom
I believe that traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger. And looking at my three beautiful kids,
I know it's time to step up and do something. I believe that traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger.
Kelli Ward:
Urged anti-closure protestors to dress as health workers
The chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party Dr. Kelli Ward, a former state senator and primary care physician, tweeted that people participating in protests to end the government-imposed closures of regular business should wear scrubs and masks.
"Planning protest to #ReOpenAmerica? EVERYONE wear scrubs & masks--the media doesn't care if you are really in healthcare or not--it's the 'message' that matters," she wrote.
Ward's comments come a few days after she questioned the authenticity of a small group of health care workers in Colorado who counterprotested against people calling for the state to reopen.
"EVEN IF these 'spontaneously' appearing ppl at
protests against govt overreach (sporting the same outfits, postures, & facial expressions) ARE involved in healthcare - when they appeared at rallies, they were actors playing parts #Propaganda #FakeOutrage," Ward tweeted last week.
Kelli Ward:
Filed lawsuits to overturn Biden victory over Trump in AZ
Oh, Kelli Ward will run, no doubt hoping the third time's the charm. Ward has been on fire of late--snapping at Republican Gov. Doug Ducey for following the law and certifying the election--and spouting all manner of claims of the many nefarious ways in
which Joe Biden stole the election from Donald Trump. It doesn't matter that she hasn't prevailed even once in court because really, it's not about the 2020 election anymore. It's about 2022. It's about keeping Republicans riled up in their absolute
belief that "patriots" were robbed of the White House by those cheating Democrats.
She may not have evidence but she has a killer platform on which to launch yet another run for the Republican nomination. And so she puts out a daily videos, railing
about fraud. And so she files lawsuit after lawsuit, hoping her righteous indignation will make up the lack of evidence. And so she keeps the party faithful riled, roiled and ready to repel the traitors who stand in her way.
Source: Arizona Republic on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Dec 11, 2020
Kyrsten Sinema:
Took oath of office on Constitution, not Bible
Even as they ran negative ads, [Sinema and her opponent] each promised to be the more bipartisan lawmaker. The Arizona Republic endorsed Sinema, saying that her nonpartisan style was a better fit. "For Sinema, it's always about the issue, not the
personalities," the newspaper wrote.
In the House, Sinema took the oath of office on a copy on the Constitution, not the Bible. She said that she was not affiliated with a religion.
She has joined the organizations of moderate Democrats,
occasionally has criticized Obama, and has worked across the aisle with House Republicans. She co-founded the United States Caucus, a bipartisan group of house freshmen working on solutions for both parties, "I'm just doing my thing," she told Roll Call
in February 2015. "I know my thing's a little bit different than other people, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. And you know what? I don't mind if some people like it or don't like it. That's OK."
Source: Almanac of American Politics on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Oct 5, 2015
Marco Lopez:
Parents taught moral obligation to give back to community
Both of Marco's parents are Mexican immigrants. His mom, grandma, and great grandma were all small business owners. His dad is a plumber, who worked his way up to eventually own a general contracting business. Marco joined his dad on the job, learning
about how to solder copper pipes and thread galvanized steel gas lines. His parents taught Marco at an early age the "moral obligation to give back a piece of themselves to the community." This lesson stuck with Marco and shaped who he is today.
Source: 2021 Arizona Gubernatorial campaign website
May 11, 2021
Mark Brnovich:
Immigrant parents fled Communist Yugoslavia
Brnovich is the son of immigrants who fled communism in the former Yugoslavia in search of freedom. Like many immigrants, they believed that with hard work, they might enjoy a better life in America and secure opportunities for their children.
Brnovich respects the Constitution as a document of guaranteeing the most precious rights his parents fled communism to enjoy.
Mark Brnovich:
Freedom is what makes us Americans, makes us special
Freedom is what makes us Americans. It's what makes us special. It's why my parents fled communism to come here. But our leaders have continued to break trust with that promise. The threats to our most basic freedoms keep coming.
I'll fight back as your U.S. Senator. To defend the First and Second Amendment, life, property rights, churches, and personal autonomy.
Mark Brnovich:
Church attendance is clearly an "essential activity"
Released a legal opinion during COVID-19 clarifying that church attendance is clearly an "essential activity" under the Governor's Executive Order.
Led a 13-state effort on behalf of a football coach who lost his job after he knelt and said a quiet prayer at midfield after football game. The case is still being litigated.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website
Jan 5, 2022
Mark Kelly:
Wife, Rep. Gabby Giffords, survived assassination attempt
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is the only patient from Saturday's shooting who remains in critical condition, although she was responsive to commands this morning. In a detailed press conference, hospital officials said that Giffords is sedated and
is being awakened periodically so doctors can see how she is progressing.
Officials said she is fortunate because the single bullet that struck her during the shooting rampage at a supermarket north of Tucson did not pass through both hemispheres.
The bullet entered through the back of her skull on her left side and exited through the front. The gravest danger now is swelling of her brain. Doctors have removed about half of her skull on the left side to alleviate the pressure.
Doctors said while Giffords' progress is promising, they don't know what future deficits might result from being shot in the head.
Her husband, veteran astronaut Mark Kelly, is at her side. Some family friends have been allowed in to visit.
Source: Tucson Citizen on 2020 Arizona Senate race
Jan 9, 2011
Martha McSally:
It "pisses me off" when Trump attacks John McCain
McSally deflected repeated questions about whether she's proud to support Trump or would have been proud to serve under him during her Air Force career. But she did offer a rare criticism of the president for his repeated comments critical of the late
Sen. John McCain, the beloved Arizona Republican who died in 2018. "I publicly and privately, repeatedly talked to President Trump and asked him to stop attacking John McCain," McSally said. "Quite frankly, it pisses me of when he does it."
Source: Associated Press on 2020 Arizona Senate debate
Oct 8, 2020
Matt Salmon:
Democrat values scare the heck out of me
[On the 2022 Arizona election] "I just really worry that if we're not on our toes, Democrats are going to take the whole trifecta--both U. S. Senate seats and the governorship--and we will turn into a blue state,"
Salmon told KTAR News. "If those values that the Biden administration is espousing on behalf of the Democrat Party is what the future for Arizona is, it scares the heck out of me and I'm not going to sit by and watch that happen."
Source: KTAR Glendale 92.3-FM on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race
Jun 17, 2021
Matt Salmon:
Can't let liberal politicians turn Arizona into California
Today, the Arizona values we cherish, they're under attack from Washington, from liberals here at home. Open borders and closed classrooms. Crushing tax hikes and socialism.
Censorship. Cancel culture. Radical Democrats are pushing the most far-left agenda in our lifetime. We can't allow liberal politicians to turn Arizona into California.
Source: Arizona Republic on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race
Jun 16, 2021
Mick McGuire:
America is the greatest country in the history of the world
Advance American Exceptionalism: Since its Founding, our country has been committed to freedom, opportunity and overcoming adversity. It's time we stand up and remind everyone why the
United States of America is still the greatest country in the history of the world. I will always stand up for our values and fight to keep this country great.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website
Dec 28, 2021
Mick McGuire:
Will always oppose infringement of our constitutional rights
We are a nation of laws, and the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. As a constitutional conservative, I believe in our system of checks and balances and know that the
Constitution leaves power for the people and the states, not the federal government. I will always stand up against infringement of our constitutional rights.
Source: 2022 Arizona Senate campaign website
Dec 28, 2021
Mick McGuire:
The radical left is tearing this country apart
The recently retired adjutant general of the Arizona National Guard proceeded to blast the left-wing policies of the administration and called for Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley to resign. "It's what the radical left is doing. They are tearing
this country apart. Your lead-in talked about the border. I'm in Arizona. We are getting invaded down here and the flood of people crossing the border that we're not catching could include many of these people," he said.
Source: Fox News "Fox & Friends" on 2022 Arizona Senate race
Oct 14, 2021
Mitt Romney:
My job was to ask Congress for earmarks for Olympics
Q: [to Santorum]: You criticized the money that went to Romney for security at the Olympics as a bad earmark?
SANTORUM: I didn't suggest it was a bad earmark. I voted for it. But Gov. Romney asked for that earmark. His TV ads right now, unfortunately,
attack me for saying that I'm this great earmarker, when he not only asked for earmarks for the Salt Lake Olympics, but also did as the governor of Massachusetts, $300 million. He said, "I would be foolish if I didn't try to get federal dollars."
ROMNEY: I would put a ban on earmarks. He mentioned coming to the Congress, asking for support. No question about it. That's the nature of leading an organization or a state. You come to Congress and you say, these are the things we need.
In the history of the Olympic movement, the federal government has always provided the transportation and security. I was fighting for those things. But while I was fighting to save the Olympics, Santorum was fighting to save the "Bridge to Nowhere."
Source: CNN's 2012 GOP Debate on eve of Arizona Primary
Feb 22, 2012
Orrin Hatch:
23 years of experience fighting for you
I have more experience in fighting for you than [any other candidates]. I have a record of accomplishment that I don't think can be matched. I have a reputation for bringing those diverse elements together in Washington and getting things done. Look, I
wasn't born to wealth. We were dirt poor. I understand you. I've been fighting for you for 23 solid years. And I'm not just talking about it. I've done it. I want to serve you and if you'll give me the chance, I guarantee I won't let you down.
Source: Phoenix Arizona GOP Debate
Dec 7, 1999
Richard Carmona:
1999: shot and mortally wounded a deranged murderer
One fall day in 1999, on a busy street in Tucson, Arizona, Dr. Richard Carmona shot and mortally wounded Jean Lafitte, a mentally disturbed man who had just stabbed his own father to death.
Carmona, a Tucson trauma M.D., had been on his way to a
football game when he stopped to deliver first aid at what appeared to be a traffic accident. When he got closer to the scene, bystanders told him Lafitte was armed. Carmona returned to his car, retrieved his Pima County Sheriff Deputy badge and gun,
identified himself repeatedly and warned Lafitte to drop his weapon, news accounts say. Instead, the gunman blasted away at Carmona--one bullet grazed Carmona's head.
Carmona returned fire, mortally wounding Lafitte. Next, he triaged the wounded man. And later, he was credited with saving the lives of bystanders and Lafitte's girlfriend, whom Lafitte was going to kill next.
Source: coverage of 2012 Arizona Senate debate
May 19, 2012
Richard Carmona:
Classified as disabled veteran from Vietnam wounds
The former U.S. surgeon general downplays the wounds he sustained as a Special Forces medic in Vietnam. (He still wears his medic medal; it dangles from a gold neck chain.) "I am classified as a disabled veteran," he told The Daily Beast recently. "The
reason I'm disabled is because I have wounds and injuries that I got while on active duty--from parachute jumping to combat to gunshot wounds, all that stuff," he said. "I've gotten shot in the head. These injuries are almost all impact & trauma
& blast injuries. When you put your body through all of this stuff over 35 or 40 years in the military or police you pay the price, that's all."
In 1992, he rappeled from a helicopter to deliver medical help to victims of a helicopter crash in the
snowy Arizona mountains. Carting an injured person, he was hauled up to the hovering helicopter. His life seems adrenaline-charged, and he self-identifies both as a law-enforcement officer and a doctor.
Source: coverage of 2012 Arizona Senate debate
May 19, 2012
Richard Carmona:
Of Puerto Rican descent; grew up poor in Harlem
A Latino of Puerto Rican descent, he grew up poor in Harlem, dropped out of school, joined the Army, got his GED, became a Special Forces medic in Vietnam, then attended medical school in California. After a stint at the National Institutes of Health,
he was recruited to open a trauma center in Arizona, and moved to Tucson with his wife and four kids. He's been a Pima County deputy for years, working part time, of course, and is a trauma physician who teaches at the University of
Arizona medical school. He works for a high-end destination spa company that has a foundation that delivers health help to underserved communities. His narrative draws veterans, women, Latinos, and,
Democrats hope, moderates in sufficient numbers to turn Arizona blue.
'I am not a Hispanic candidate,' Carmona told The Daily Beast. 'I am an American candidate who happens to be of Hispanic heritage.'
Source: coverage of 2012 Arizona Senate debate
May 19, 2012
Richard Carmona:
Seeks to earn the respect of disenfranchised populations
: Democrats think that Latino turnout in Arizona will be higher than average this year.
A: This is my first rodeo, okay? So I'm not an expert. But I think that there's good reason to believe that I have earned the trust and respect of the Hispanic
community--not just because I'm Hispanic--because I was always there when they needed me as a professor, as a doctor, & as a trauma director here in town. And I've earned the respect all of our Native American brothers and sisters because of my actions.
So I think there's every reason to believe that these populations which are normally disenfranchised--and they don't want to participate because they don't feel anybody really understands them--in me, they have somebody who not only understands, but
who's somebody who's lived their life and has experienced the American dream. And I think that they will entrust me with being their senator because they know that I will always do what is best for them."
Source: Washington Post "Ten Questions" 2012 Arizona Senate debate
May 2, 2012
Rodney Glassman:
McCain missed key votes when running for President
Glassman challenged McCain's effectiveness at addressing Arizona's big problems, from wide-scale unemployment and foreclosures to a lack of focus on energy independence and investment in education.
He dogged McCain for missing Senate votes while he was running for president and for shifting positions on key policy matters.
The senior senator dismissed the remarks as "biased."
Source: Arizona Daily Star coverage of 2010 Arizona Senate debate
Sep 27, 2010
Rodney Glassman:
Cooperation instead of partisan battering ram
Glassman picked at McCain for his notoriously short fuse, saying he finds it difficult to believe McCain has the diplomacy for contemporary challenges when he has an image of "our short-tempered U.S. senator being rude to
Janet Napolitano just the other day."
Glassman said his own campaign "is about having someone who will work with everyone to find solutions--not just serve as a partisan battering ram trying to accomplish nothing except
self-aggrandizement and furthering their political future."
McCain, with few exceptions, ignored Glassman's attempts at eye contact as well as his verbal jabs, even when the
Democrat directly challenged him to more debates, saying it was "disrespectful" to voters to limit his appearance to 60 minutes in exchange for a six-year term.
Source: Arizona Daily Star coverage of 2010 Arizona Senate debate
Sep 27, 2010
Ruben Gallego:
Child of Hispanic immigrants; speaks Spanish
I'm the child of Hispanic immigrants. I was raised by a single mother on the South Side of Chicago and had to work to help the family, including my time at a meatpacking plant where I received an extra dollar an hour because I spoke English and Spanish.
I got my shot at the American Dream through education and military service. I studied hard and was the first in my family to go to college, getting into Harvard. I struggled to fit in at Harvard; I felt more at home when I joined the Marine Corps.
Source: 2014 Arizona House campaign website,
May 31, 2014
Steve Gaynor:
Would occupy highest office held by Jewish person in AZ
For five years the Gaynors have been members of the same synagogue in Scottsdale, the Scottsdale-based Jewish News has reported.
If elected, Gaynor would occupy the highest statewide office ever held by a Jewish person in Arizona.
Source: Phoenix New Times on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race
Nov 4, 2018
Blake Masters:
The 2020 election wasn't free or fair: I think Trump won
Arizona Republican nominee Blake Masters has been explicit in declaring that "the 2020 election wasn't free or fair." In an ad Masters released in November 2021, early in the Republican primary, he said, wrongly, "I think Trump won in 2020." The rest
of the ad was more subjective; Masters argued that Trump would have won in a "fair fight" without supposed anti-Trump media bias, "big tech" suppression of a late-election story about Biden's family, and some states having changed their rules to allow
for easier mail-in voting. But Masters' ad-opening claim that Trump actually did win is plain false.
At the end of the Republican primary in early August, Masters' campaign website claimed that "if we had had a free and fair election, President Trump
would be sitting in the Oval Office today." After Masters won the primary, CNN's KFile team reported, that language was removed from the site and replaced with this vague declaration: "We need to get serious about election integrity."
Kari Lake:
I'm working hard to earn your vote; she's avoiding a debate
SPOT TITLE: "Debate"
ADVERTISER: Yuma County Republican Party/Lake for AZ Governor
Kari Lake is answering the tough questions and working hard to earn your vote. [Graphic: "Earning Your Vote" with background scene "Arizona Kari Lake, Nov. 22"
appearing like a car license plate on podium with Lake speaking in a full-color video]. But Katie Hobbs is too timid to debate or defend her liberal record: [Graphic: "Katie Hobbs Running Away From a Debate", Arizona Republic Columnist Laurie Roberts,
10/12/22, headline and byline with background scene of Katie Hobbs in a still B&W photo]: crisis at the border; skyrocketing inflation; a looming recession. Arizonans want answers and solutions, and they deserve a gubernatorial debate. If Katie Hobbs
is too afraid to debate, how can we trust her to make the tough choices? Katie Hobbs is too weak to lead Arizona. [Graphic: another Katie Hobbs B&W still photo with caption "Paid for by Yuma County Republican Central Committee; Authorized by Kari Lake."
Source: AdWatch on 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race
Oct 17, 2022
Kari Lake:
2020 resulted in illegitimate fool in the White House
Arizona Republican nominee Kari Lake has put false claims about the 2020 election at the center of her campaign--repeatedly and falsely declaring the election "stolen" and even calling it "disqualifying" and "sickening" that her top rival in the party
primary wouldn't say the same. In early August, Lake said of Biden: "Deep down, I think we all know this illegitimate fool in the White House--I feel sorry for him--didn't win."
Lake has said she would not have certified Biden's victory in
Arizona if she had been governor. She has continued, even in 2022, to demand the decertification of the Biden-won states of Arizona and Wisconsin, though that is a legal impossibility.
Lake has made numerous false claims about the 2020 election.
She has falsely claimed Biden didn't receive 81 million votes he indeed received, falsely claimed Trump won Arizona, though he actually lost by more than 10,000 votes, and promoted baseless conspiracy theories about the vote count.
Source: CNN on 2020 Election Denial in 2022 Arizona Governor race
Sep 9, 2022
Katie Hobbs:
Let's work together, not chase conspiracy theories
If you're ready to make real progress on the issues that matter most to the people of this state, then my door will always be open. However, chasing conspiracy theories, pushing agendas for special interests, attacking the rights of your fellow
Arizonans or seeking to further undermine our democracy will lead nowhere. Instead, I would like to extend an invitation. Let's work together to make a significant impact in the lives of the families and communities of this state.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature
Jan 9, 2023
The above quotations are from State of Arizona Politicians: Archives.
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