James Lankford:
Promise of green energy is for the distant future
America has enough energy to meet the needs of our country and be independent, but our current energy and environmental policy discourages energy exploration in the United States.
Wind, geothermal, solar, and hydroelectric
all show great promise for the distant future, but right now all of them combined can provide only a tiny fraction of our energy needs. We must explore, develop and transport all forms of American energy in a safe and efficient way for all Americans.
Source: 2021 Oklahoma Senate campaign website JamesLankford.com
Jun 21, 2021
Kevin Stitt:
Protect oil and gas industry from radical liberals
We'll support our oil and gas industry and protect it
from radical liberals in Washington.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Oklahoma legislature
Feb 1, 2021
Abby Broyles:
Reverse climate change while protecting jobs & way of life
Abby believes we should direct our efforts toward concrete steps to reverse climate change while protecting our jobs and our way of life. These steps include increasing the ability to use electric vehicles by investing in more EV charging stations
which could remove 11 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050, promoting smart thermostats and LED lighting for homes and offices to reduce greenhouse gases, and encouraging landscape designers to plant coverage on unusable land to reduce atmospheric CO2.
Mick Cornett:
Move away from the oil and gas industry
Cornett discussed the importance of moving away from the oil and gas industry to provide revenue for the state. Stitt noted he would strive to create a level playing field for competition.
Cornett is expected to gain support from the independent oil industry, while Stitt would be backed by Chamber of Commerce members and the largest oil producers.
Source: Ballotpedia.org on 2018 Oklahoma gubernatorial race
Aug 28, 2018
Drew Edmondson:
Applauds oil and gas reps for backing up restoring GPT to 7%
Edmondson said Oklahoma should invest in its future by working to reduce its dependence on unstable income sources like the gross production tax and creating a capital improvement fund. Edmondson has also voiced his support for restoring GPT to 7% and
pledged to take the issue to a vote of the people should the legislature fail to make this necessary adjustment. He applauded a group of oil and gas professionals who have picked up that banner and are working on a ballot initiative to achieve that goal.
Source: 2018 gubernatorial campaign website DrewForOklahoma.com
Jun 23, 2018
Chris Powell:
All energy production should treated equally before the law
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Prioritize green energy"?
A: Neither - All energy production should treated equally before the law.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Oklahoma Governor candidate
May 15, 2018
Joe Maldonado:
Freer market will allow energy that is greener
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Prioritize green energy"?
A: No.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Oklahoma Governor candidate
May 15, 2018
Mike Workman:
Support alternative energy to fight climate change
ENVIRONMENT: Fight results of global climate change.
Support alternative energy development and programs.
Source: 2016 OK Senate campaign website facebook/Workman-4-Oklahoma
Aug 8, 2016
James Inhofe:
No subsidies for wind and solar
Question topic: Governments should pay to develop wind and solar energy solutions when these are not economically feasible.
Matt Silverstein:
Lead on new energy as well as old, including in-state coal
Hard work, entrepreneurialism, and free markets are the pillars of Oklahoma--that is why our energy industry has thrived. It's not because of government, or any politician, it's despite government.
Oklahoma has an abundance of natural gas as well as solar and wind resources, which Jim Inhofe has fought against.
Our approach to energy must put Oklahoma first.
Matt won't allow special interests to guide his energy policy and he won't promote out of state resources over Oklahoma's own resources.
Matt believes the free market should guide our energy policy.
Oklahoma is in a unique position to lead on new energy as well as old and that is what we should be doing in a 21st Century economy. Oklahoma energy can and will lead our nation towards energy independence and away from the grasp of OPEC.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website, MattForOklahoma.com, "Issues"
Nov 11, 2013
T.W. Shannon:
Tax credit for converting motor vehicles to clean fuel
Shannon voted YEA on May 6, 2013 on HB 2005: Extending tax credits for converting gas-powered vehicles to alternative energy sources (Concurrence vote passed House, 63-29).
OnTheIssues Synopsis:
For tax years until 2020, there shall be allowed a
one-time credit against the income tax for investments in qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property placed in service after December 31, 1990.
"Qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property" means:
Equipment installed to modify a
motor vehicle which is propelled by gasoline or diesel fuel so that the vehicle may be propelled by a hydrogen fuel cell, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas.
The equipment covered by this paragraph must be new,
not previously used to modify or retrofit any vehicle propelled by gasoline or diesel fuel and be installed by an alternative fuels equipment technician who is certified in accordance with the Alternative Fuels Technician Certification Act.
Source: OnTheIssues synopsis of Oklahoma Legislature voting records
May 6, 2013
Mary Fallin:
20% reduction in energy use among state agencies by 2020
Significant waste reduction can be pursued through energy efficiency. Two years ago I introduced the state's first comprehensive energy plan--a plan to both support the production of Oklahoma energy while also laying the groundwork for energy
efficiency initiatives in state government.
As part of that plan, we passed legislation requiring a 20 percent reduction in energy use among state agencies by 2020.
I'm proud to report that we are on track to meet that goal, and to achieve a savings of over $300 million over the next eight years.
We're also working to convert the state's automobile fleets from traditional gasoline powered vehicles to compressed
natural gas vehicles (CNG). Using CNG cars and trucks will save taxpayers millions of dollars in fuel costs, support energy jobs, grow our state's revenue, and solidify Oklahoma's position as the national leader in CNG fueling stations per capita.
Source: 2013 State of the State to Oklahoma Legislature
Feb 4, 2013
Jim Bridenstine:
No credible evidence that CO2 affects global climate
Q: Do you believe that human activity is contributing to climate change?
A: No. The Earth's climate has always varied substantially as demonstrated by pre-industrial human records and natural evidence.
There is no doubt that human activity can change local conditions, but on a global scale natural processes including variations in solar output and ocean currents control climatic conditions.
There is no credible scientific evidence that greenhouse gas atmospheric concentrations, including carbon dioxide, affect global climate.
I oppose regulating greenhouse gases. Doing so will significantly increase energy prices and keep more people in poverty.
Source: Oklahoma Congressional 2012 Political Courage Test
Oct 30, 2012
Mick Cornett:
Recognizes energy's role in workforce, sees future in wind
We feel like energy is a significant part of our workforce. It's a significant market sector that we need to continue to grow. And we're not tied just to fossil fuel-type energy. Our goal is for Oklahoma City to be one of the energy capitals of the
United States and the world, and we need to be viable in all of those categories, especially wind. As the Pickens Plan points out, this part of the country is rich in wind resources, and we need to be taking advantage of that in Oklahoma.
Source: PickensPlan.com on 2018 Oklahoma gubernatorial race
Dec 17, 2008
Andrew Rice:
Opposes a windfall-profits tax
Rice said he supports certain tax cuts and opposes a windfall-profits tax. Rice said he would focus on energy and health care as well as redeploying troops out of Iraq and into Afghanistan during his first 100 days in Washington.
Inhofe�s plan also includes making the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, relaxing limits on individual retirement account contributions and temporarily eliminating the capital gains tax.
Source: 2008 Oklahoma Senate Debate reported in The Oklahoman
Oct 15, 2008
Andrew Rice:
Invest in switchgrass and natural gas resources
Many in Oklahoma have already invested in future energy policy. Plans for construction of our state�s third biodiesel refinery were recently announced in Guymon. The Sam Noble Foundation in southern Oklahoma is conducting groundbreaking
research in technology to extract ethanol-producing sugar from switchgrass, a weed that thrives in Oklahoma. And, due to our state�s vast natural gas resources, promoting expanded use of this clean-burning fuel helps Oklahoma�s economy.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website andrewforoklahoma.com �Details�
May 21, 2008
Andrew Rice:
Advocate for reduced carbon emissions
Oklahoma�s farmers and sportsmen are firsthand witnesses to the impact of global warming on their crops and wildlife habitat. Andrew Rice believes Oklahoma is in a unique position to lead the way in research and development of alternative fuels
and in promotion of clean-burning energy. Rather than standing as a stubborn obstacle to change, Oklahoma�s US Senator should advocate for reduced carbon emissions and development of alternative, clean-burning energy technology.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website andrewforoklahoma.com �Issues�
Mar 30, 2008
The above quotations are from State of Oklahoma Politicians: Archives.
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