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State of California secondary Archives: on Civil Rights

Alex Padilla: Authored state law against from genetic discrimination

Harnessing technology and innovation: Educated as an engineer, he fought for the ethical advancement of science and technology. He authored legislation to protect Californians from discrimination based on their genetic information and wrote the bill mandating the deployment of a statewide Earthquake Early Warning System.
Source: 2021 CA Senate campaign website Oct 5, 2021

Barbara Boxer: Full equality only with same-sex marriage

Fiorina said she opposes same-sex marriage, and supports civil unions and the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Boxer, who also favors the repeal of the strictures against gays and lesbians in the military, said homosexual couples would gain full equality only when same-sex marriage was recognized. "The only way to get the rights that married couples have is to go for marriage equality," she said. "I'm glad to say I believe people are coming around to see it."

Source: Los Angeles Times coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Sep 2, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Marriage is between a man and a woman; but civil unions ok

FIORINA: I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, but also have been consistent and clear that I support civil unions for gay and lesbian couples. The Defense of Marriage Act had broad bipartisan support. And actually, the position I've consistently espoused is consistent with that of our President and a vast majority of senators in the U.S. Senate.
Source: Huffington Post coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Sep 2, 2010

Carly Fiorina: No same-sex marriage; yes civil unions; repeal DADT

Fiorina said she opposes same-sex marriage, and supports civil unions and the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." But she declined to answer when asked if the government should recognize civil unions for purposes such as Social Security benefits.

Boxer said homosexual couples would gain full equality only when same-sex marriage was recognized. "The only way to get the rights that married couples have is to go for marriage equality," she said. "I believe people are coming around to see it."

Source: Los Angeles Times coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Sep 2, 2010

David Hadley: Recognize same-sex marriages, with religious exemptions

Because he supports state recognition of same-sex marriages, David Hadley voted against Proposition 8 in 2008--but, he also backs the rights of individuals, religious organizations, businesses and non-profits to follow their own beliefs. And, he voted for end-of-life options for the terminally ill that included strong safeguards against abuse.
Source: 2018 CA gubernatorial campaign website May 2, 2017

David Hadley: Merit, not racial quotas, for college admissions

David Hadley believes race has no place in determining how our students are evaluated for the purpose of college admissions. Therefore, those young people who worked hard to enroll in higher education institutions should be judged on their merits and not denied their opportunity because they didn't meet certain racial quotas.

Hadley was strongly against SCA 5 that attempted to inject racial politics into public education by favoring some college applicants over more qualified students.

Source: 2018 CA gubernatorial campaign website May 2, 2017

Delaine Eastin: Commissioned first State Dept. of Education LGBT Task Force

Eastin fought for increased parental involvement, better teacher training and worked to create an overall safe and healthy school environment for every child regardless of race, gender or orientation. She commissioned the first State Department of Education LGBT Task Force to foster safer and more welcoming school environments for LGBT students at all grade levels.
Source: 2018 CA Governor campaign website May 2, 2017

Jimmy Gomez: Defend LGBTQIA rights, including seniors

Jimmy is endorsed by Equality California and the Stonewall Democratic Club. In the Assembly, he successfully sponsored bills signed into law, which required senior care facilities to undergo training on serving LGBTQIA seniors, and another to change birth certificates for same gender couples. As Assembly Appropriations Chair, he helped to pass many other bills including Assembly Bill 959 to require the state to collect information based on sexual orientation in the course of demographic collection efforts. In Congress, Jimmy will oppose any effort to advance so-called "religious liberty" bills which are attempts to legitimize discrimination against LGBT individuals and families and maintain advances made by the Obama Administration to protect LGBT rights, protections and services.
Source: 2017 CA House campaign website, Jun 6, 2017

Jimmy Gomez: Retrofit facilities for Americans with Disabilities Act

In the Assembly, Jimmy sponsored legislation to help small businesses retrofit existing facilities to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will take that approach to Washington to expand resources to help small businesses succeed and to invest in the infrastructure, education and transportation resources to expand opportunities for all Californians.
Source: 2017 CA House campaign website, Jun 6, 2017

Jimmy Gomez: Protect Social Security from GOP restructuring

Jimmy will protect Medicare and Social Security from GOP "restructuring" and oppose cuts to safety net programs like Meals on Wheels and heating assistance. He supports Windfall Elimination Provision reform and expanding Social Security to strengthen the program in the long term.
Source: 2017 CA House campaign website, Jun 6, 2017

Jimmy Panetta: So much more needs to be done for LGBT equality

Congress has a responsibility to lead America in fighting for greater equality and fairness. The key to success in America is that everyone has the opportunity to succeed based on their capabilities--not their gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Marriage equality has brought new hope to the LGBT community, but so much more needs to be done to strip discriminatory laws from the federal, state, and local levels.

Source: 2016 CA House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Jimmy Panetta: Close loopholes in the Equal Pay Act

Despite more opportunities in the workplace, women still make only 79 cents on the dollar that men make. That's not right--we can and must do better beginning with passing the Paycheck Fairness Act which would close loopholes in the Equal Pay Act, giving women more tools to force employers to provide equal pay for equal work. Jimmy's goal is to help lead the charge in Congress to tackle income inequality and discriminatory laws which threaten the fabric of our society.
Source: 2016 CA House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

John Melendez: Ensure equal rights regardless of sexual orientation

I know the pain of being victimized and bullied for being different. Nothing saddens me more than to hear about someone being ridiculed for being themselves. I will fight to ensure equal rights for all citizens, regardless of religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation.
Source: 2018 CA Senate campaign website Aug 1, 2017

Kevin Faulconer: Called on Congress to adopt LGBTQ rights legislation

He has been described as the strongest San Diego mayor on LGBTQ issues and was one of the rare Republican elected officials to publicly support same-sex marriage. He called on Congress to adopt sweeping federal LGBTQ rights legislation and backed campaigns to honor LGBTQ luminaries with their own postage stamps.
Source: Bay Area Reporter on 2021 CA recall race Feb 17, 2021

Kevin Faulconer: Keep treatment of LGBTQ young adults as sex offenders

Faulconer's stance within the LGBTQ community has taken several hits in recent months, such as when he revealed that he voted to reelect former President Donald Trump in November. And last fall, when he attacked Newsom for signing into law a bill that ended the discriminatory treatment of LGBTQ young adults faced with registering as sex offenders.
Source: Bay Area Reporter on 2021 CA recall race Feb 17, 2021

Nanette Barragan: One of America's greatest injustices is gender pay inequity

Although the year is 2015, many of our nation's policies reflect outdated times. One of America's greatest injustices is the pay inequity between men and women in our country: For every $1 a man makes, a woman makes just 77 cents. For women of color, it's even less. In today's world, with so many parents struggling to make ends meet, and so many moms working long hours at multiple jobs and still struggling to put food on the table, this is simply unacceptable.
Source: 2016 CA House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

  • The above quotations are from State of California Politicians: secondary Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Civil Rights.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Civil Rights:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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